DECEMBER 15, 1897
Laura Frost Wright

ROWENA OS BOWMAN, of Liberty, visited his sister, Mrs. ANN WARRINER, last week.

Miss VIOLA BAUGH has returned home, after a pleasant visit to her
sister, Mrs. A.D. RHOTEN, at Georgetown.
Miss CORA BALLEW will teach a winter school at this place.
STANLEY BAUGH, one of our prosperous young men, is almost blind.
BEN HAM was in this community buying hogs last week.
Dr. BAUGH, of this place, will move to Jamestown about christmas.
JAMES WARRINER, of Seventy-six, Ky was here last Saturday. There is a
prospect of us losing one of our fair maidens before long, and JIMMIE is
presumed to know something about it.
OLA TAYLOR, of Glen"s Fork, was here last week seeking a location for a
winter school.
J.R. BROOK"S school closed last Friday.
Prof. DUDLEY is now teaching a singing school at Smith"s bottom.


JOHN DIDDLE is buying sheep.
TOM FLOWERS is ostensibly bird hunting these days.
H.C. WALKER has gone to Columbia
R.L. CALDWELL has quit fishing, especially in Metcalf County.
W.L. GRADY and JOHN A. COFFEY are in the law suit business.
W.C. YATES would like to go into the toll-gate business on a good pike
near some town.
C.O. MOSS has gone to see about his flowers.
GEO. H. NELL is buying calves.
GEORGE FLOWERS is wearing mourning--his sweetheart has gotten married.
A.B. WILMORE is going to try to make another trip to Milltown soon.
GARFIELD FLOWERS is running the barber shop
LUTHER GENTLE is taking orders for tailor made clothing.
ROBERT and JIM WILL WALKER are attending Prof. BLSS, School
CHAS. S. HARRIS, who has been for the past thirty days in counties below
here, delivering fruit trees, passed through here a few days ago, en
route home. He reports business not as flourishing as he expected.
CHAS. HYMAN, representing W.B. BELKNAP & CO. was in our town a few days
since, soliciting orders.
J. W. KELTNER has been sick for the last few days with lagrippe.

Born, to the wife of H.A. WALKER, the 10th, a son, --HENRY ALVIN

STRONG HILL and R.L. CALDWELL were in Greensburg Friday.
The popular hat man, J. CAGER YATES, passed through here a few days ago
enroute to Nashville.
The well-known singing man, Prof. P.C. McCAFFREE, is teaching a class at
Hiseville this week. The professor understands his business.
C.C. YATES, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. NELL, attended services at
Buckeye church last week. The meeting was conducted by Rev. GRANVILLE
Corn is selling from $1.50 to $2.00 per barrell here, and our merchants
and doctors are buying any where from 10 to 40 barrels per day. The old
citizens claim there has not been such a yeild of corn for years.
WILL ROWE, the well-known hardware man, formerly of Jamestown, but now
located in the scale business, New York City, was here recently, en
route for Red Lick. He says the American Computing Scale will be ready
for market in the near future.


I.C. HARMON, who has been sick for several weeks, is no better.
Mrs. WM CORNEAL, who has been confined to her bed for over 2 months is
very much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES OVERSTREET and their little son, GROVER, and ROWE
COFFEY, of Casey county were visiting their nephew, J.M. CAMPBELL, this
place, the first of the week.
Miss PEARL LEMMON has returned home, after an extended visit to
relatives in Taylr county.
Misses SUE PELLY and CORA SWIGGETT attended the exhibition at the close
of VIRGEL BEARD"S school at casey"s Creek Friday.
Capt. ED PELLY, of Dunnville, was here the other day.


Six of A.C. JEFFRIES family are confined to their beds with fever, RUBY,
his second daughter is very sick.
GUS JEFFRIES returned home last week from a five week trip, delivering
fruit trees, for the Knoxville nursery.
Prosperity has hit our farmers on the wrong side. Corn is selling at
$1.50 per bbl, hogs 2 to 21/2 ctc per lb. good cotton mules $ 32.50 to

About 10 O'Clock Sunday morning H.O. BRYANT and Miss MARY FLOYD,
accompanied by quite a number of young folks, drove to White oak Church
and Rev. BARNES walked out to the buggy and said to Mr. BRYANT and Miss
FLOYD, " that by the authority I hold in my possession, I pronounce you
man and wife. So they went on their way rejoicing.

WALKER BRYANT and Miss HATTIE BLAIR were married the 9th, at the
residence of JNO BLAIR.

The protracted meeting at liberty Church is progressing fine. There were
30 professions up to last saturday.


WYATT MONTGOMERY, who is teaching near this place, is giving good
satisfaction. WYATT was reared in Adair county. He is a fine young man
of fine ability.
T. R. STULTS and GEORGE COFFEY were here last week bird hunting. As they
are both good shots they had splendid success.
Miss ADA BOTTOMS who has been visiting her brother at Watson returned
home last week.
WM HOVIOUS is visiting relatives at Stanford this week.
WM BRYANT is on the sick list.
Mrs. ELLA COFFEY closed her school here last Friday.
JOE B. YOUNG went to Hustonville with some cattle last week.
Dame Rumor announces that several young men in this community will
celebrate Xmas by taking unto themselves a partner.
SAM HUMPHRESS has a novel way of catching fish. It consists of a fiddle
string in a loop, with a white button on the string to locate it, and
this attached to a short line on a pole, he rakes them out of the waters
of Casey creek.
Miss NANNIE HOVIOUS is visiting relatives in Middleburg.
JAS W. JONES and daughter went to Campbellsville last week.

JAMES JONES of this place, is the largest man in the county. He is
fifty-five years old, stands six feet, and weighs 350 pounds. He went
through the late war, and can call the roll of his company today like
his sergant did in 1861.


Eld. Z.T. WILLIAMS is at home this week.
Eld. COOK, of Clinton County, will preach at Pleasant hill next Sunday.
Eld. J.W. McGARVEY, Jr. of lexington, will deliver a lecture accompanied
with steryoptician scenes at Pleasant Hill on Friday night, December, 31
One half of the proceeds will go to the Smith"s chapel Church. This will
be a rare opportunity. We should not miss it.
A meeting has been in progress at liberty church, near this place,
conducted by Bros. CAVE and GIVENS. Much good is being done.
last week.
The exercises at the close of Miss VENA ROYSE school was quite a
success. Miss VENA is an excellent teacher and has given perfect
WHEAT & WILLIAMS have sold their store-house at Glensfork to OTIS
WILBURN, E.B. KELSEY and C.A. WALKUP We understand it will be used for a
school building.


Miss NANNIE REYNOLDS, of JUNCTION CITY, who has been visiting Miss ROSE
DUVALL for the past two weeks returned home last saturday.
Mrs. J.E. RICE made a trip to Campbellsville last Friday on her wheel.
JNO. CHAPMAN has moved into his new residence.
W. E. EUBANK is building him a new grocery store on the lot he purchased
of C. R. DUDGEON opposite the Roller Mill.

On last Wednesday night at the residence of Mr. and mrs. A.T. BARTLETT
an oyster supper was given the young people of this place, in honor of
Dr. E ATKINSON, a popular young gentleman, who came here from barren
county last year, and has made many warm friends during his short stay.
He was suffering at the time with a bruised hand, but he seemed to enjoy
himself all the same.


The sawmill operated by WOOTEN, near here is doing a good business.
BARTLETT"S ax handle factory near here. He is receiving plenty of
hickory timber and likely to remain a considerable length of time.
The school taught by J. H. HOLLADAY is giving entire satisfaction, and
will close on the 23rd of December.
EZEKIEL ROWE is said to be improving in health.
The merchant SAM MYERS, of this place has closed out his stock of goods,
and will soon move to the place formerly occupied by JOHN A. BREEDING of


Miss EMMA CAMPBELL has returned home from Rowena.
Miss NANNIE HOLT was visiting her sister, Mrs. ALLEN, of Lawson"s Bottom
last Saturday and Sunday.
Eld. E.S. BLEDSOE will preach here next Saturday and sunday.
Dr. H.C. JACKMAN and master CLYDE IRWIN are on the sick list.
Misses ANNIE GRIDER and EMMA BURCHETT, of Smith"s bottom were visiting
here last week.
Capt. LOUIS RAMSEY has returned to Burnside.
BERRY BUSTER was visiting RANIE McKINNEY, of Well"s Bottom last Sunday
instead of the family. BERRY in that private chat did he tell you yes or
Rev. BELL preached a very interesting and able discourse here Sunday
night, Bro. BELL you had some nice compliments given you by the ladies.


The ancient greeks beleived that the penates were the gods who attended
to the welfare and prosperity of the family home. They were worshipped
as household gods in every home. The household god of today is Dr. Kings
new discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all affections of
the throat, chest , and lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried for a
quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure or money back. No
household should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and
a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Free trial bottles at paull
Bros. Columbia, Ky Regular size 50c and $1.00


The meeting held at the courthouse last Friday night to take steps to
better the moral condition of the town was very well attended. There
were scores of ladies present, showing that they were very much
interested in the movement.
The meeting was called to order by Rev. T.F. WALTON, who opened the
exercises by reading a Scriptural lesson and offering prayer.
After prayer Rev. WALTON was elected permanent chairman and Rev. E. W.
BARNETT  secretary. The published program was then carried out, the
following gentlemen making pointed speeches. Hon H.C. BAKER, Revs. Z.T.
The songs led by Elder Z.T. WILLIAMS were beautiful and appropriate.

The funeral of Mrs. NANCY ALLISON McKINLEY, mother of President McKINLEY
will take place this afternoon (Tuesday) from the First M.E. Church,
Canton, Ohio. Nearly all members of the cabinet will be present.


Judge JAMES GARNETT returned home Sunday.
Miss Maud THOMAS was in this city Monday.
R.J. LYONS, of Campbellsville, was in town Sunday.
W.J. MURPHY, of Liberty, was in town Monday.
JOHN Q. ALEXANDER, of Campbellsville is in town.
OWEN BANKS, of Cane Valley, was in town yesterday.
W.F.ROWE of Jamestown was in Columbia Friday.
ESTUS BARGER and Judge WILLIS, Monticello are in town.
J. YATES , of Bradfordsville was here a few days ago.
W.R. HOPKINS, of Casey"s Creek was in town last Saturday.
J.W. COY has been suffering with a lame leg for several days.
Miss LIZZIE CLEAVER, of Lebanon, is visiting Miss MARY PRICE
W.I. MEADER, of Campbellsville, was in Columbia last Thursday.
W.R. LYON, of Campbellsville, was in this city last Saturday.
Special pension examiner PLESS was in town the first of the week.
Mrs. J.J. BOOKER, of Camp Knox was shopping in town Monday.
Miss. SALLIE WILLIAMS, of Montpelier, is visiting friends in Columbia.
F.E. NELSON and DUD STEVANS, of Kimble, were in town Saturday.
MACK FRAZER left for Clinton, Mo last Thursday to visit his mother.
Z.M. STAPLES, and his daughter, Miss EDNA, visited Frankfort last week.
Judge W.W. JONES returned from holding his Liberty court Saturday.
Miss MARY HADLEY, of Kimble, was visiting Mrs. W.H. WILSON last week.
Misses IDA KINNAIRD and WILLIE WHITE have paid their respects to the
Mrs. G.R. COFFEY is at home, her school at Knifley having closed last
Miss LOU BELL, of nell, is visiting her grandfather, Mr. W.L. WALKER, of
this city.
CLEL CLEAVER and wife , of Lebanon were visiting the family of R.H.
PRICE last week.
Mrs. VICTORIA GARNETT and Mrs. MARY HOLLADAY visited the news office
last Thursday.
Miss FLORA HARVEY, of Barry, Ill, is visiting the family of MOSES
MEDARIS, this county.
Mrs. KATE R. HARRIS, of Louisville, daughter of T.T. WILSON, is visiting
in this vicinity.
Misses VIA and GERTIE MURRAH, of Montpelier, were in Columbia shopping
last Saturday.
Capt. W.W. BRADSHAW is on a business trip to Western, Kentucky. He will
return home about Christmas.
THOS. J.WEST, wife, and little boy HENRY, of Campbellsville, were
visiting relatives in Columbia last Sunday.
MONT WHITE left for Stanford Monday, and will build a telephone line
from that point to Nicholasville.
J.C. MUNCIE, Commonwealth"s Attorney, was in Columbia Sunday, en route
home from the Liberty court.
JOHN and ANDERSON HOLLADAY and J.C. and TOM DOHONEY left for the
Southern market with mules last Monday.
J.W. RICHARDS, of this city, who has been in Russell County for the past
six months, returned home a few days ago.
C.S. HARRIS, editor of the News, who has been absent from home since the
paper started, returned home last Wednesday.
Mrs. F.R. WINFREY, of this city, and Miss SALLIE MILLER, of Crocus, are
visiting the family of J.G. WINFREY in Evansville, Ind.
ROBERT and JAMES LOGAN, who have been making their homes in Illinois for
several months, returned to Columbia last wednesday night.
Misses ROSA DUVALL and NANNIE REYNOLDS, the former from Cane valley, the
latter from Junction City, were visiting Miss SALLIE RAE MARCUM and the
family of Judge JUNIUS HANCOCK last week.
Mrs. LUCY FOLLIS and her two children and G.R. FOLLIS, who have been in
Illinois for several months, returned to Columbia last Wednesday night.
J.S. DUNBAR, of the firm of MANIER, DUNBAR & CO. wholesale boots and
shoes merchants, Nashville, Tenn who had been visiting in Russell County
for the past ten days, was in Columbia last Thursday, en route home.
Before taking his departure he called and subscribed to the news.

An Apothecary, who has druggist"s license, is the only one under the law
who has the right to sell ardent spirits in Columbia. Those who have no
such license are selling illegally.

The Courier-Journal says that "Col. TOM NEAT will be appointed Deputy
Surveyor of the Port, at Louisville and will resign next fall to run for

R.A. ROBINSON, a wealthy and leading citizen of Louisville died last
thursday night. He was the senior member of the firm of ROBINSON, PETTIT
& Co. wholesale druggist.

Rev. FRED GRIDER is no longer pastor of the Methodist church at
Barboursville. He tendered his resignation last sunday after severly
rebuking his congregation for non-payment of salary. Rev. GRIDER
represented Russell and casey in the last legislature.


Dr. MELVIN RHORER, formerly a citizen of Columbia will start a
sanitarium at Lexington.
T.A. MURRELL has removed from " Pea Ridge" and is now occupying rooms in
Mrs. W.L. WALKER"S residence opposite the Methodist Church.
Wm. CONOVER, of Glensfork, has lost a black spotted sow, white in the
face weighing about 125 pounds.
Miss MATTIE TAYLOR and Mrs. NONA CABELL are training a lot of young
people for an entertainment to be given Christmas eve. It goes without
saying it will be a success.
Mr. T. R. STULTS and GEORGE COFFEY spent a few days last week on Casey"s
creek with guns, and the whistle of the Bob White will be few and far
between next year.
R.F. PAULL has sold his interest in the drug store to his brother, THOS
E. PAULL and the inventory will be taken the first of the year. All
person indebted to this firm are requested to call at once and settle.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give an entertainment during
the Holidays. The exact date will be announced later.
P.V. GRISSOM is handling the yard stick behind the counter of W.L.
WALKER. VIRGE is a good salesman and has numerous friends who delight to
trade with him.

The Fairplay letter will appear next week.

J.E. GARNETT has removed to the property vacated by H.O. SMITH, who is
now located in Greensburg, having removed his family last friday.

H.M BIGGS majority for magistrate in the cane valley precinct was 19
officially, the average vote of the Republican ticket at that voting
place. the News was misinformed and made this statement last week that
his majority was only six.

Judge JUNIUS HANCOCK is getting after whiskey sellers with a sharp
stick. For several days he has kept the officers busy, summoning men
befoe him to testify against those who are selling liquor unlawfully in

JOHN HENRY RICE, of color, who was before Judge HANCOCK last week upon a
warrent for not providing for his family, was held over untill Circuit
court. He gave bond for his appearence.

ISAM SCOTT, of this county, who was convicted and sent to the Indiana
State prison for fraudulently obtaining an increase of his own pension,
will reach home in a few weeks, his time being out about christmas.

LOGAN BOMAR, of color, and WM LANE, a white man , were tried for a
breach of the peace before Judge HANCOCK last Wednesday. They were fined
ten dollars each and cost. LANE was fined twenty dollars and cost for
selling liquor unlawfully.

The temperance lectures to be delivered in this place by evangelist J.B.
LISTER at the Baptist church and court house this week are free and
everybody is invited to attend. He has a fine reputation as a speaker,
and doubtless all who may attend will be entertained.

Mr. GEORGE NELL has sold his interest in the Columbia roller Mill and
steps down and out, after serving two years as manager. Mr. NELL was
always at his post of duty and watched closely the interests of his
company. Mr. Z. M. STAPLES assumes the management of the mill, and we
predict that things will continue to roll. No better man could be found
to fill the position.

We call your attention to those indebted to the Xolumbia Roller Mill.
Its management has changed and we are bound to have money. This call is
made because we need the cash and not for the purpose of pressing
claims. To one and all we insist on a settlement at once. It will save
you cost as we are forced to collect.

The News desires to return thanks to its numerous correspondents who
have so promptly furnished the tidings from their respective localities
since the paper started. A county paper full of local correspondence
makes it interesting to all its readers, as all sections of the county
and adjoining counties are heard from weekly.

LEVI COX, who many years ago was a citizen of this county, living on
Green River, died in Bates County, Mo on the 3rd of December. He was 55
years of age and was an excellant citizen. His wife was Miss LUCILLE
EWING, a daughter of GEORGE W. EWING, who once lived in Columbia, and
who has many relatives in this county. The deceased was a brother of
Mrs. JO TRAYLOR who lives near town.

JAS. J. WILMORE, of New York, J. CAGER YATES, of Marion County, and W.F.
ROWE, of Russell County, who recently purchased a patent for a computing
scale have doubtless struck it rich. The latter named gentlemen have
just returned from new York, having perfected all arrangements for
manufacturing the scale, which will be ready for market by the middle of
january. The company known as " American Computing Scale Company" has
been incorporated with a capitol of $100,000. J.A. WILMORE is President
, J.YAGER YATES, Vice President , and W.F. ROWE, Secretary and

The sneaking midnight pilferer, who makes it his business to replenish
his cupboard with other people"s edibles will receive a warm welcome
sooner or later, which will probaly have a soothing effect upon his
nefarious business. An instance in view where a family, residing near
the public square, awoke one morning recently to find that during the
night some audacious thief had stolen the breakfast meats from their
usual place of keeping. The same thing has happened quite frequently of
late, and be it known that the guilty parties are suspected and when
they make their next noctural visit they had better procedd cautiously.

HENRY PELLY, who is charged with murdering MARK TURNER at Dunnville,
Casey County, a few weeks ago, and who made his escape from the scene of
his crime, was caught in Adair county and is now languishing in the
Liberty jail. We understand that he was indicted last week, but his
trial will not  come up untill the next term of court, four months

JOHN N. CONOVER informs us that he is getting up rock for the foundation
of his new hotel building, and that he will commence structure which
will be the handsomest in Columbia, in the near future. The building
will contain twenty-eight rooms, and will all be hard wood finish.


Rev. T. F. WALTON will preach at Ebenezer next Sunday.
Rev. J.L. MURRELL will preach next Sunday at Republican Cumberland
Rev. S.J. THOMPSON will preach at cane valley next sunday.
Rev. W.S. DUDGEON will preach at Sulpher Springs the third Sunday in
The Union services at the presbyterian Church last sunday night was well
attended. Eld. Z.T. WILLIAMS preached an in teresting service.
Rev. J.S. CRANDALL will preach at Clear Springs next Sunday,
There will be a preaching at the baptist church next sunday by the
pastor Rev. E.W. BARNETT
There will be a preaching at Pollard"s chapel next Saturday morning by
the pastor Rev. S.J. THOMPSON
Rev. J.B. LISTER, of campbellsville will lecture tonight (Tuesday) at
the baptist Church, also Wednesday and Thursday night at the court house
Subject temperance.

Patrolman HUNTER found a 11-year old girl wandering about the Tenth and
broadway streets station last night. The child seemed lost and patrolman
HUNTER asked what the trouble was. She said that her name was MARY BELLE
JOHNSON, and that her home was at campbellsville, Ky. She told the
officer that her mother , in this city, had written her to come to
Louisville but did not meet her at the station, as promised. Patrolman
HUNTER sent her to the home of the Friendless--Louisville dispatch

WILLIAM TAYLOR son of MATTHEW TAYLOR, is dangerously ill at Edmonton.
His mother and father are there with him and at this writing he is not
expected to live.

D.H. BUTLER is always experimenting with garden truck. Some weeks ago he
set a lot of tomatoe slips in his wifes flower pit. They thrived and
last sunday he gathered a number of very fine tomatoes, using them for
dinner. This is out of the ordinary, but dave says it is just as easy to
have this delious vegetable in winter as well as summer if you know how
to grow them.

OTIS WILBURN, who lived at Glenville, this county, gave his wife a check
on the bank of columbia for $500. and left for another climate. His wife
failed to get the check cashed as there was no money in the bank, to his
credit. He had about $90.00 in the bamk when he gave the $500. check,
but when he reached columbia he managed to get that out. His wife had
about $800. in cash when he married her, two years ago, but every dollar
of it has been squandered.

This was taken from
NOVEMBER 24, 1897 Edition



A few days ago we visited the city cemetery, and as we silently passed
over the grounds we noticed many graves that have been sadly neglected.
There are many headstones down and a number of graves sunken far below
the level. It is true, that the bodies lying in these neglected graves
belonged to families who have long since passed over the river or who
are living in distant States, but that is not an excuse why the graves
of the dead should not be kept in order. It would require but little
work, and the expense would be a trifle, hence the municipal board ought
to look after the last resting places of those who, in the long ago,
were our respected citizens. It is a respect due the departed, and
should not longer be neglected.
Does the reader have an idea of the number of our departed citizens
buried in the city cemetery? Go through it, counting the mounds, and you
will find more bodies lying there than there are citizens of Columbia.
The little infant, who never lived to lisp its mothers name, the loving
mother and the indulgent father, affectionate brothers and sisters,
those who gained valor upon the battle fields and whose voices have been
heard in the halls of Congress, are all there awaiting the resurrection
Nearly every town in Kentucky has set apart one day in each year for
memorial services, and we suggest that Columbia follow the example. Some
time in the month of May or June, when flowers are plentiful, would be
suitable , and as work is superintended by ladies, we hope thet will
take the matter in charge and fix a day in the spring or summer for the
services. Lets Keep the graves of our dead green.

Typed as published and submitted
By Laura Frost Wright


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