DECEMBER 1, 1897
BY Laura Frost Wright
April 14 2000


Miss MINTA CHANDLER to be married this evening----
other items of interest

Mrs. JOHNS, mother of the JOHNS brothers, farmers and mill men, died at
her home about four miles Southeast of this place the latter part of
last week, and interrned at the home place , the Col. TOM JOHNSTON farm,
Rev. KING, pastor of the methodist Church at this place, conducting the
funeral services.

CHANDLER, both deceased, is to be married this evening(Wednesday) to Mr.
SILER, of Williamsburg , Ky.., at the baptist Church in this city. She
is an estimable and excellent young lady, none better or more beloved in
the community than she, and a young teacher to whom the pupils are
devoted. Williamsburg will gain and Campbellsville lose by this marriage
a delightful member of society and a valuble citizen. She is devoted to
Church and educational affairs. The best wishes of this community go
with her to her new home and in her new sphere.

L.T. SHERRILL has been appointed by County Judge CALDWELL collector of
state and county revenue in Taylor county, vice J.S. HANCOCK, lately

Messrs. MOORE, of Parkersburg and BAKER of Dixon, Ky accompanied VANCE
PUYEAR, of this place, to his home here for a Thanksgiving visit and
recreation. The young men are students of Centre College, Danville, Ky
where VANCE graduates in the Law Department this session.

The medical books, medicines, Yale surgical and dental chair and office
fixture"s of the "late" Dr. McCANDLASS, under attachment for debt, will
be sold here in about ten days.


A couple of young ladies dressed in the height of fashion, and looking
exquisitely handsome, called at the news office yesterday afternoon and
asked for Mr. HARRIS, and upon learning that he was not in they rushed
frantically from the building without telling their mission. They
evidently had a piece of information that would have ben interesting to
the public, but seeing SAM WHITE they became flustrated--almost
speechless--cast a shy look or tow and were gone in the twinkling of an
eye. If there are persons who would like to know who the mysterious were
we refer to them as Misses MONT WALFORD and PAULINE CABELL


Rev. Z.T. WILLIAMS preached last Sunday night at the Christian Church.
He will preach every evening this week.
There will be preaching next Sunday at the Methodist Church by the
Pastor, Rev. S. J. THOMPSON
Rev. J.S. CRANDAll preached last Sunday at Clear Spring. He will preach
next Sunday at Glenville.
Rev. T.F. WALTON will preach next Sunday at Ebenezer, Green County
Rev. J. L. MURRELL, Presiding Elder, will preach next Sunday at Pine
grove, Clinton County.

Mr. and Mrs. S.J. THOMPSON take this method of thanking the following
named people of the Pleasant Grove neighborhood, for a nice donation
given them at the parsonage last Wednesday. Mrs. ALFORD MURRELL, Mrs.


The following deeds were recorded in the Adair County Clerk"s office
during the month of November 1897

S.G. BANKS et. al, one town lot in Cane Valley to J.S. CHAPMAN.
Consideration, $126.05
C. R. WILLIAMS and wife to W.R. WILLIAMS 200 acres lying on Russell"s
Creek, consideration $2,500
C.C. CHRISTIE and wife to S.G. BANKS, one tract of land near Cane
valley. Consideration $200.
S.G. BANKS and wife, to J.A. CHAPMAN all of a certain tract, near Cane
valley. Consideration $210.
A.F. GRANT and wife to ELI GRANT, three tracts of land lying on Crocus
creek. Consideration, $500
G.T. SIMPSON  and wife to ELIZABETH PILE, two lots in the town of
Columbia. Consideration $1200.
J.L. GRISSOM and wife to Hughes & Coffey, one town lot in Columbia.
Consideration $800.
J.A. CHAPMAN and wife to J.C. BROWNING and wife, 220 acres.
Consideration , $3,100
J.P. TODD and wife one acre to JAS.T. PAGE. Consideration $30.
G.N. PRATT and wife to J.W. SPARKS, 55 acres. Consideration $100.
G.R. SQUIRES and wife to GEO, NELL 24 acres. Consideration $200.
GEO. NELL and wife 24 acres, to Columbia Mill Co. Consideration $200.



CLARENCE SPURLING and Miss LENA WILLIAMSON, of mannsville, visited the
family of L.R. CHELF this week.
Miss NANNIE HOVIOUS and ELLA HUMPHRESS attended the teachers association
at cane valley last week.
Elder R.A, HOVIOUS of this place, and Rev. J.R. WOODRUM of Egypt , are
hoding a protractd meeting at Merrimac this week.
The pound supper given at the hall by the young ladies Thursday night
was a decided success.
Miss MARY SMITH will commence her school here shortly. It will be well
attended, as she is one of the best instructors in the county.
The debating society meets every Thursday night at the hall. WYATT
MONTGOMERY and STEPHEN H. KNIFLEY seems to be the crack arators.
FOREST BRADSHAW, who teaches school near here, is an up to date young
man. He is the son of the assessor-elect, and pointed out BRADSHAWISM to
lots of them during the last election.
WYATT MONTGOMERY is a candidate for matrimoney, subject to the action of
the INGRAM party. We wish him success in getting the nomination.
We have been backward so far, but look out for Knifley every week


CHAPMAN DOHONEY returned last week from McKinney, Tex last week.
CHAPMAN MURRELL returned home from Illinois last week.
Miss MINTIA THOMAS, the pretty little daughter of JO THOMAS, of
Milltown, is visiting Miss PEARL HENDRICKSON this week.
Miss RUSSELL BORDERS, of Campbellsville, is visiting the family of JAMES
R.B. WILSON, who has been clerking in S.G. BANKS & SONS dry goods store
here for the past three years, moved to campbellsville last week and
will clerk in JAKE ODEWALT"S drug store.
The teacher"s association held here last Saturday was a grand success.
Several young lady teachers from Columbia attended the association.


W.H. COFFER, of Colburg, left last Tuesday for Louisville in search of a
wife. We do not know whether or not he will b e successful, but he is
bent on marrying. This will be his third wife.
R.H. and J.F. CAMPBELL, of Burdick, were here Saturday on business.
WALTER BURRIS, of Finley, Ky called a few days ago to see his best girl.

An unknown man presented a forged order for $1.50 signed WILL BIGGS, to
Turner Bros. recently. The merchants filled the order and now offer a
reward for the apprehension of the rogue.
BRAXTON MASSIE"S family, of Campbellsville, are visiting relatives near
B.F. CHEWNING has a hog eight months old that weighs over 300 pounds.
Cupid is not going to shoot many darts here this time. The young ladies
will have to be patient, as the era of promised prosperity has not
touched the pocket-books of the young men.
WILLIAM CHEWING"S disease puzzeled three of the best doctors in the
State. The doctors held a post mortem examination and found that the
cause of death was an affection of the spleen.


County Court next Monday
Miss LULA ALLEN'S school closed last Friday.
It is only twenty four days till Christmas
It is said that the pork market will open at 4 cents
Born, to the wife of FELIX FRAZER, November 29th, a son
Arbuckles roasted coffey, 12 1/2c. per pound at W.L. WALKERS
The rain last Friday was very beneficial to the growing wheat crop.
Mr. H.O. SMITH and family will remove to Greensburg next Monday.
Quite a number of hogs were slaughtered in the vicinity of town last
Letters for publication should be mailed so as to reach this office
Monday night.

A daughter of Mrs. HARDIN SMITH, who lives a few miles from Columbia
died Saturday night.

Mr. IKE CURRY will cultivate SCOTT MONTGOMERY"S farm next year. He
removed to it last Friday.
Mr. OSCAR PILE has removed to the RHORER residence , the property he
purchased of Dr. G.T. SIMPSON
Mr. A.G. TODD who recently purchased the WINFREY property will remove to
it the last of the week.
WILLIAMS killed 221 quail near Montpelier last week.
The spirit of improvement has struck Columbia, and quite a number of
business houses and dwellings will go up soon.
Judge W.W. JONES is getting up plans for the business houses that are to
be erected on the south-west side of the public square.

The mother and daughter of ARMSTRONG HILL, who lives at Knifley, this
county, were bitten by a mad dog at Mannsville, Taylor county, Monday.

The Bank of Columbia is having a fine run of business. Deposits are over
one hundred thousand dollars, and there is a brisk demand for money.

Eld. Z.T. WILLIAMS commenced a series of meetings at the Chrisitian
church Sunday night The meetings will continue through the week.
The Adair county medical Society will meet in Columbia the second
Wednesday in December. All the physicians are requested to be present.
Columbia Lodge, No 96 F&A.M. will meet in regular convocation next
saturday night. Work in the third degree, and all Master masons in good
standing are invited. By order of the master.

JIMMIE GRANT, of Louisville, a grand son of Mr. LEWIS TRIPLETT, caught
two fine bass Friday. They were about 20 inches long each. JIMMIE had a
number of offers for them but he declined all bids.

Thanksgiving was observed in Columbia. Religious services were held in
the Presbyterian , Rev. T.F. WALTON delivering a very able sermon. The
business houses were closed from 11 A.M. until 1 P.M.

JOHN HENRY RICE, of color, was arrested by MONT YARBERRY Sunday and
lodged in jail. The charge against him is not providing for his family,
and the warrant was sworn out by his wife. His trial is set for
Thursday. He is quite a dandy with the colored girls, and his clothes
are entirely too nice to work in.

Mr. GEORGE MOODY, who is in the revenue service, and who has been
located at Columbia for the last three months, was assigned to a
Louisville distillery last week and left for that point yesterday
morning. Mr. MOODY is a fine business man and a first class gentleman.
and has many friends in Columbia.

Some one tossed a rock through a window of the public room of the hotel
last Friday night between 11 and 12 o"clock. Glass flew all over the
room, excititng the two or three occupants. BEN TURK  who is the porter,
grabbed his pistol, ran out the door, and fired three shots at a fleeing
man. It was very dark, and he did not recognise the individual.

EDWIN CRAVENS, a four year old son of mr. MONT CRAVENS, has already
fired one Chrisitmas gun. His father left a carbine at his dwelling,
forgetting to withdraw the load. EDWIN came across it, pulled the
trigger, and the report was almost deafening. A hole in the ceiling the
size of a man"s hat was the only damage. EDWIN, when approached about
it, laughs and says he was not scared, and that his Papa did not whip


The following deeds were recorded in the Adair County Clerk"s office
during the month of November 1897

S.G. BANKS et. al, one town lot in Cane Valley to J.S. CHAPMAN.
Consideration, $126.05
C. R. WILLIAMS and wife to W.R. WILLIAMS 200 acres lying on Russell"s
Creek, consideration $2,500
C.C. CHRISTIE and wife to S.G. BANKS, one tract of land near Cane
valley. Consideration $200.
S.G. BANKS and wife, to J.A. CHAPMAN all of a certain tract, near Cane
valley. Consideration $210.
A.F. GRANT and wife to ELI GRANT, three tracts of land lying on Crocus
creek. Consideration, $500
G.T. SIMPSON  and wife to ELIZABETH PILE, two lots in the town of
Columbia. Consideration $1200.
J.L. GRISSOM and wife to Hughes & Coffey, one town lot in Columbia.
Consideration $800.
J.A. CHAPMAN and wife to J.C. BROWNING and wife, 220 acres.
Consideration , $3,100
J.P. TODD and wife one acre to JAS.T. PAGE. Consideration $30.
G.N. PRATT and wife to J.W. SPARKS, 55 acres. Consideration $100.
G.R. SQUIRES and wife to GEO, NELL 24 acres. Consideration $200.
GEO. NELL and wife 24 acres, to Columbia Mill Co. Consideration $200.


MONT WHITE was in Lebanon last Friday.
J.E. GARNETT returned home Saturday night.
TODD WILLIAMS was in town the first of the week.
J.T. RICE, of Cane Valley, was in town Sunday.
OTHO MOSS, Gradyville, is in Louisville this week.
Miss NANNIE TRIPLETT is visiting in Campbellsville.
Eld E.S. BLEDSO, of Esto, was in town last Saturday.
V.M. GOWDY, of Campbellsville, was in town Sunday.
J.O. RUSSELL was in Campbellsville on business Monday.
S.BROCKMAN, of santo was here the first of the week.
J.N. COFFEY, of gradyville, is in Louisville buying goods.
SCOTT MONTGOMERY is in Louisville on business this week.
J.C. DURHAM, of cane Valley was here on business Monday.
W.G. FARNUM, of Owensboro, was in Columbia the first of the week.
CHARLES HERRIFORD, of Burksville, was in Columbia a few days ago.
Dr. C. M. RUSSELL was in Louisville, visiting his mother , several days
of last week.
Judge GARNETT visited several points in the third Apellate district last
S.H. MITCHELL and wife spent Thanksgiving at Knob Lick, Metcalf County.
H.C. WALKER and wife , of gradyville, were in Columbia shopping Monday.
Mrs. TINIE WELL, of Kimble, is visiting the family of Hon. J.F.
Mrs. E.G. ATKINS and mrs. KIZZIE MURRELL visited the news office a few
days since.
Miss RUSSELL BORDERS, of Campbellsville, was visiting Miss MONT WALFORD
last Sunday.
Hon F. R. WINFREY and Mr. J. HECK JUDD left on a business trip to
Louisville yesterday.
Dr. J.N. PAGE, wife and daughter, are in Louisville this week purchasing
Holiday goods.
ROBT M. MORGAN and R. E. NEWBY, of Cumberland County, were in Columbia ,
Miss SALLIE MILLER, of crocus, was visiting Miss EFFIE BRADSHAW last
Saturday and sunday.
G.A. BRADSHAW and Miss MARY PENDLETON, of montpelier, were in Columbia
Monday, shopping
ABNER JONES and his sister Miss MAGGIE, of jamestown, were in Columbia
the first of the week.
T.A. BAKER accompanied Miss EDNA RAMSEY as far as Jamestown on her
return trip to Monticello.
Miss LANY NELL, who has been teaching school in this county, returned to
her home in Frankfort Saturday.
Misses BIRDIE POWELL and LILLIE STULTS attended the Teacher"s
Association at Cane valley last saturday.
Mrs. J. V. WHITE and daughter, Miss LULA, were visiitng friends at Cane
valley, last saturday and sunday.
Dr. BOOKER, Messrs. BEN HERR and W.T. BROOKS, Lexington, are visiting
Eld. LAWRENCE WILLIAMS, at Montpelier.
Mrs. POLLY PAGE returned from Campbellsville last week, accompanied by
Mrs. BRACK MASSIE and her two daughters.
Misses MYRTLE and EDNA STAPLES schools closed last Friday. They have
been teaching in the gradyville neighborhood.
JOHN MEDARIS, who has been confined to his bed for about nine weeks, is
very much improved and is on a fair way to recover his health.
JAMES C. DUNBAR, a prominent wholesale shoe salesman of nashville passed
through Columbia Sunday enroute for his old home in Russell County.
W.L. BAKER, cashier of the Monticello Bank, accompanied by his wife and
sister-in-law, Miss EDNA RAMSEY, were visiting the family of Hon. H,C.
BAKER last week.
Z.M. STAPLES and daughter, Miss EDNA, will visit Louisville this week,
and on Saturday will witness the football game between Centre College
and the virginaia University teams. They play for the championship of
the south.


Miss LULA ALLEN"S school closed at this place last Friday. She taught a
splendid school, and was very much liked by both pupils and patrons.
ELI BURTON"S mill, located a few miles from here, is doing a very good
Quite a number of farmers have slaughtered their hogs.
There have been some fine fish caught out of the river lately.
There are more shingles made in the vicinity of Purdy than any other
point in Adair county. There is a rwady market for them at from $1.75 to
$2.00 per thousand.
Cut-up wood brings in quite a revenue during the fall, hundreds of loads
being sold in Columbia every year.

"Aunt" SALLY JUDD, who has been administering to the sick for many
years, is in fine health and bids fair to live many more years. She is
now about 83.


We are having a " Hog killing" time here this week.
The wheat crops of this section are looking well.
TOMMY CAETER, of Lincoln County, is visiting relatives at this place
this week.
W. B. PATTESON and wife, were visiting relatives at this place last

Miss MAUD McKINLEY, died last friday the 26inst, of typhoid fever. She
was a bright young chrisitian girl, and had many friends, and will be
sadly missed in the community.

Dr. B.T. WOOD and J.C. WOOD, of perryville, and W. B. PATTESON, JEROME
HURT and GEO COFFEY, of Columbia were here last week shootong Quail.
With the help of LAWRENCE WILLIAMS and your pencil pusher, we succeeded
in bagging 250. Some crack shots were made by Dr. WOOD and GEO. COFFEY
while W.B. PATTESON, JEROME HURT and myself fired six shots in a covey
picked up six quail as a result. While this is thinning out quail
considerably yet there are some left.

The farmers of this section have given the hunters fair warning by
posting their farms, and while this looks a little selfish we should
remember they have been imposed on by people from different parts of the
country, and as they do not shoot quail on the wing, they want to wait
untill the snows come and shoot them in the huddle.


TOMMY CARTER, of Lincoln County, was visiting LESLIE WILLIS Sunday.
JOE WILLIAMS, of Montpelier, was visiting the family of WM. CONOVER,
Saturday night.
Miss EFFIE CONOVER, who has been quite sick for some time is improving
MILTON POWELL started to Lincoln county last Thursday to visit his
brother THEODORE, who has been in very poor health for several months.
ED CABBELL"S three children, of Bosworth Mo. who are here with their
parents all have whooping cough.
WILLIS & EPPERSON have received their stock of dry goods, and are about
to begin business.
Joppa, the metropolis of this section, is on a " boom, " and is able to
furnish its customers with the necessaries and luxuries of life.
ELBERT MONTGOMERY has returned home from harvey"s Ridge where he has
been teaching.
C.E. WILLIS' school at Zion will close the 6th, of December and he will
give an entertainment, beginning at 1 O"clock December 7th


TOM CARTER, the hustling drummer was in town Thursday.
MELVIN TRAYLOR"S school closed Friday.
HENRY KINNAIRD, of metcalf county, was through this section Saturday
buying hogs and cattle.
Miss JOSIE DILLION returned Sunday from a two week"s visit in Metcalf
Several cases of fever are reported by the doctors.
WM. PATTON and FRANK FIRQUIN were in Columbia Saturday.
R.G. BREEDING and wife visited Mr. MOSBY"S near Sparksville , Saturday
and Sunday.
FRED SIMPSON has just recovered from a severe case of scarlet fever.
R.P. BREEDING was in Columbia on business one day last week.
Postal cards are  still on the decline.
JOE THURMAN is on the sick list.
Hon. D.G. COLSON sent JAMES ROWE a turnip seed from which he raised a
very fine turnip, but is now very much grieved because some thief has
entered his garden and stolen the prize away.

" Uncle RICH and Aunt MARY BREEDING" have not failed to observe
Thanksgiving for quite a number of years, nor did they fail on last
Thursday. The turkey and all the other good things that one could wish
served in the most pleasing manner.


A Thanksgiving entertainment was given at the Methodist Church Thursday
evening conducted by Mrs. MARY D. CARTER. The exercises consisted of
music, recitations, etc. Those who took part were mostly children and
they acquitted themselves well. The lecture delivered by Prof. BLISS,
priciple of Glenwood school was very entertaining. The music for the
occasion was rendered by Misses MYRTIE and EDNA STAPLES and LENA
W.M. WILMORE is putting a new roof on his store house. He will also make
some other needed improvements.
Dr. S.A. TAYLOR"S new residence is completed with the exception of a
bell, which he will secure in the near future.
G.T. FLOWERS has completed his dwelling and will remove to it. it is a
handsome residence and TOM has furnished it with style.
The most commodious dwelling in Gradyville is the one recently built by
STRONG HILL. It is stlish and the most vluable residence in the town.
BEN HUNTER and wife are expected here soon. Mr. HUNTER sold his farm
near brownwood, Tex for $6,000 and will make his home in the future in
Mr. C.C. YATES has been affected with ulcers on his cripple leg for some
J.B. YATES has been rusticating at home for the past two weeks.

A son of NIMROD ROACH, in the Sparksville country, died Sunday night.


EDGAR ROSS visited W.P. WILLIS Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. FROGG. of Cumberland county, sold his farm near this place, Saturday
J.W. SPARKS of cumberland County, was here last week on business.
Corn gathering is in full headway in this section. The crop is better
than was expected.


Typhoid fever is in several families in this neighborhood. No deaths as

D. H. HAMILTON"S funeral was preached Sunday , the 28th ult. A very
large concourse of people attended. He was killed on th L&N railroad at
portland Tenn, a few weeks ago. He lived at Nell untill about two years
ago , when W.L. WALKER Sr. bought him out. He was killed while crossing
the railroad with a team.

The people are generally done gathering corn, and they report the crop
very good.
We are all for Judge GARNETT for Judge of the Appellate court.


J. FRANK STRANGE has rented the JIM PAT CONOVER farm and moved to same
last week.
WM. BELL and family have moved to Joppa
Y.E. HURT was in this community last week dehorning cattle.
Mrs. B.F. POWELL and Miss CAPPIE of licoln county, visited the family of
Mr. WM F JEFFRIES the first of the week.
There was no fight at Shiloh last Sunday.


H.A. SELF, of Campbellsville , was here last week.
Miss ANNA HAM was visiting Miss EMMA McKINNEY, of Well"s bottom, last
Saturday and Sunday.
ROLLIN TRIPLETT, of Columbia, was here last week delivering fruit trees.

CLARENCE SELF, who has been on the sick list for some time is reported
J.E. MORGAN and LOGAN MORGAN are in Cincinnati this week with stock.
Mrs. JOSIE HIGGENBOTTOM, accompanied by her two sons, JOHN and GORDON,
visited the family of W.S. STOKES, of Stokes last week.
BEN HAM has rented a farm in Garrard county and will move to it in a few
weeks. CHARLIE TARTER says he is going too.
BEN HAM has gathered one thousand barrels of corn. Several farmers have
a surplus.
Some unknown parties are disturbing the peaceful citizens of this
community by going to their barns at night and cutting up saddles and
harness. Quite a number of saddles have been destroyed in the last few
nights. Recently they went to JOHN MURPHY"S and caught some of his sheep
and sheared them, as they could get a fair price for the wool. Either
McKINLEY prosperity hasn"t struck them or else it is the demand for wool
that the Dingley bill has created. We beleive the former rather than the


Miss ETHEL PATTERSON is some better now, and we hope to see her out agin
Mr. A CARTER of Lincoln county is visiting his uncle J.B. PATTERSON.
Prospects are flatering for him to take one of our girls home with him.
Miss OLGA GANN returned home Sunday, after a pleasant visit to her uncle
Mrs. SIDINE GANN has been sick for a few days, but is some better at
this writing.
Miss WILL WARREN is visiting Miss ELLA PAYNE, of Denmark, for a few days

Miss EFFIE FALKENBURG entertained the young people of Jamestown last
saturday night, and all who were present report a good time.
Miss ISA DOWELL of Smith bottom, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S.A. GANN
this week.
Miss EFFIE FALKENBURG accompanied W.L. DOWELL home last Saturday.
Quite a number of our young people attended the quarterly meeting a
smith"s Bottom last Sunday.
Mrs. G. F. JONES is improving nicely now, and there are hopes of her
ultimate recovery.
There was a social given at the residence of Mr. S.A. GANN last Thursday
night. Although the weather was very bad a large crowd was present and a
good time was had
Mrs. TEXAS ROWE returned home Saturday, after a pleasant visit in Hart
Miss HAIDEE ROWE is still visiting in Adair, and the young people are
getting anxious for her return, at least some of the young men are, You
can guess who , Miss HAIDEE
Miss MAGGIE JONES and brother were in Columbia last Sunday and monday.


Cumberland River is very low. The merchants would be glad to see the
river rise.
Prof. DUDLEY, of Glensfork, is teaching a singing school at beech Grove.

Bro. BELL, the new preacher, will preach at at the methodist church next
People are about through gathering corn.
Quite a large crowd attended Quartely meeting at Lula last Sunday Elder
MURRELL, of Columbia conducted the services.
Miss EFFIE McFARLAND has just returned from bart, Ky where she has been
visiting relatives.
Miss EMMA CAMPBELL, of creelsboro is dressmaking at this place.
Miss PEARL MEADOW"S school will close the 10th of this month, after
which she will pay her sister, Mrs. V.M. LESTER, a visit at Liberty.
Mr. OTHO McFARLAND and wife are visiting relatives in Clinton county
this week.


ORIS BARGER moved into his new residence last week
Mrs. D.B. BARGER moved to her old home last week.
TOM MORRISON was here a few days ago.
E.O. STONE was here last friday.
The school at this place will close next friday.
Mis EMERINE LAPSLEY will teach at this place this winter.
Miss MAUD McKINLEY, a daughter of JAMES McKINLEY died on the 26th inst.
We are very much pleased with the News May she long live and stand upon
its declared principles.

The following marriage licenses were issued from the Adir county Clerk"s
office during the month of november, 1897.



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