DECEMBER 22 1897
BY Laura Frost Wright


E.O. STONE, of Monticello, visited our merchants last week.
Mrs. IDA  TRIPLETT of Columbia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. ACRES
Mrs. E.S. FALKENBURG is on the sick list.
Miss. EMMA PERRYMAN, of Creelsboro, is visiting Mrs. O.B. VAUGHAN
CHAS. HEYMAN, representing W.B. Belkap & Co. paid our merchants a flying
visit last Friday.
BERRY BUSTER, of Creelsboro, was in town Thursday on business.
Mrs. O.B. VAUGHAN, who has been quite sick for several days is thought
to be improving.
Miss ELLA PAYNE, of Denmark, visited friends here last week.
Miss WILLIE WARREN. visited in Glenville last week.
Miss NONA WINFREY is visiting her sister, Mrs. JAMES WOLFORD
S.A. SIMPSON and wife, of Kimble were in town Tuesday.
SOL STONE, who has been quite feeble for several days, is thought to be
some better.
WILLIS ACRES was in Columbia last week on business.
JUDGE WILLIS and ESTUS BARGER, alias "RASTUS , of Monticello, passed
through this place Monday enroute to Columbia.
Prof. N.W. MILLER pricipal of Columbia M. and F. High School was in town
Monday last in the interest of his school.
J.F. MONTGOMERY and MARSHALL MARKHAM, Columbia, were in town Monday.
J.W.WARREN sold his home to JUDGE FALKENBURG, and has bought a farm of
J.H. BARGER, about two miles from town. which he will move on to
Our intr school will be taught by Prof. SHELBY ROWE, of hart County. He
comes highly recommened and we hope to have a good school.
Prof. HUFFAKER will move his family to Adair in the near future.
Judge A. P. SIMPSON and wife spent Saturday and Sunday with their son ,
S.J. SIMPSON at Kimble
Miss AMANDA STONE, of Liberty passed through here Friday en route to

A Merry Xmas to the News and its readers,
J.V. LAPSLEY, of Russell County, visited in this community the first of
the week.
T.P. DUNBAR and wife were to see the sick at A. C. JEFFRIE"S Sunday. We
are very sorry to say that two of the children are very sick yet.
Aunt CHARLOTTE EPPERSON is on the sick list this week.
Rev. LESLIE BOTTOM preached at Shilo last Sunday.
Rev. GRIDER preached at Freedom Sunday. The meeting will be continued by
Rev. CAVE and others.



Uncle WILLIAM HARVEY , who has been in poor health for a year or more,
died at the residence of Mr. JAMES G. YATES, on Burns Creek, this
county, last Thursday morning in the 85th year of his age, he being the
last one of that geberation of HARVEY"S

Mrs. W.C. LOY, who has been dangerously ill with throat tropuble is
J.S. CHAPMAN, who has been in Louisville for several days past ,
returned home Wednesday.
We are expecting some marriages during the holidays.
BASIL CHAPMAN returned Saturday from Louisville, where he had been on


The dwelling and smoke houses of ISSAC HURT with their contents were
burned to the ground on the night of December 16.
Mrs. T.A. ROWE is visiting her brother , ROBERT BLAIR, of Glenville who
at this writing is very low with consumption.
The school at Antioch will close on Dec. 24, instead of the 23, as was
stated in the last issue of the News.


Not seeing a letter from this place, I will give a few brief notes.
The news is indeed a welcome visitor in our locality and read by many.
Our school at this place taught by V. B. BEARD closed last friday night
with a great entertainment. Every one present pronounced it a success.
Miss MARY SMYTHE of Columbia, was visiting Miss SALLIE BEARD Saturday
and Sunday.
Eld. Z.T. WILLIAMS will fill his regular appointment at this church
saturday night and Sunday during Xmas.
Miss MARY MCWHORTER has returned from a plesant visit to her sister ,
Mrs. J.B. HOOD of Mannsville.
Prof. J.M. WOLFORD is teaching a class in vocal music, in the Catholic
neighborhood. He is an up to date teacher , and has good success in his


Farmers are gathering corn.
Several children have whooping cough in this community.
TOM DILLION of Elroy visited JOHN YOUNG"S family last Saturday and
E.E. CABELL, wife and three children, who have been visiting relatives
and friends in this community recently returned to their home in Miami
Station, Mo last week.
Rev. E. W. BARNETT delivered an excellent sermon at Zion last Sunday. he
also makes the prayer meetings every Wednesday night very interesting.
L.C. CABELL"S school closed at Clear Spring last Monday.
Trade at this place is quite brisk.
ED MURRELL and daughter of Esto, visited L. C MURRELL"S family last
Misses VINA and VIOLA ROYSE have closed their schools and returned home.

Several members of the family of A.C. JEFFRIES are still confined to
their beds with fever.
Mrs. G.A. BRADSHAW, of Montpelier, visited her parents, T.P. JEFFRIES
this week.
Miss MAY EPPERSON is on the sick list.
W.H. McCAFFREY, of Gradyville, visited the family of H.P.WILLIS Saturday
and Sunday.
ALPHONSO SALLEE was here this week on business.
Miss MARY PENDLETON, of Montpelier visited her sister, Mrs. HUDSON
TOMMIE, son of ADAIR MONTGOMERY is on the sick list.
Miss ZILPHA DUNBAR visited in this vicinity last week.
Miss NONA JEFFERIES visited friends and relatives in Russell County last
Misses VERA KENNETTE and LILLIE MORGAN of Dunnville, visited Miss
JOHN ANDERSON and ERASTUS HOLLADAY left Monday morning for the southern
market with two car loads of mules.


Born to the wife of ROBERT YATES on the 10th a son.
Rev. JOHN STANTON is now a citizen of our town.
Rev. A.C. GENTLE filled the pulpit at the Methodist church last Sunday.
We have a very interesting Sunday School, which meets at the Baptist
Church. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at the methodist Church.
A.WALKER is buying a few aged mules, preparatory to shipment to the
Southern market.
JO HUNTER bought of J.D. WALKER & son, a few days ago, 15 or 20 head of
two and three year old steers.
Messrs. SPARKS and KINNAIRD, of Red lick, were in this community the
latter part of the week buying up hogs. The price ranged from 21/2 to 2
3/4 cents per pound.
SAM LEWIS was here Friday buying eggs and feathers and sampling green
sick list this week.
ARMSTRONG HILL and wife are in Louisville this week buying furniture.
Mr. HILL has recently completed the largest and nicest dwelling in
Messrs. JOHN LOWE, JOE McCARGO and LEE TANDY, popular traveling men were
in our midst last week.
Mr. PLESS, special pension examiner, was here a few days last week.
Mesdames CHAS YATES, G.H. NELL and BEN HUNTER, accompanied by GEO H NELL
and J.A. DIDDLE, are enjoying the hospitality of Mr. BERT BOSTON and
family Sulpher Well, this week. The gentlemen of the party went down on
a hunting expedition and, as they are both good shots, we are expecting
them to bag a thousand quail, more or less.


FRED PERDUE, of Albany, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J.A. BECK
Miss DOLLIE MCFARLAND is visiting in Liberty this week.
On last Saturday night at the residence of Mr. and mrs. MACK MCFARLAND a
social was given to the young people of this place in honor of Miss
J.A. BECK, of this place, moved to Smith"s Bottom this week.
J.M. STEPHENSON and wife visited relatives in Clinton County last week.
The Literary Society closed at this place last week. We thank Miss PEARL
BAUGH for the kindness she showed by reading out little paper " The
Rowena News"
A.C. SNOW and wife are visiting relatives in Albany this week.
Bro. HOGART, of Albany, will preach at the Methodist Church  next
TOM MORRISON was in this community last week.
EVERETT LESTER is wearing mourning because his girl has left this
Miss TINA HAYNES, of Denmark, is visiting the Misses LESTERS
We have our telephone almost completed. It will be a great benefit to
our merchants.


JOHN LEE WALKER of Gradyville visited this place a few days ago.
The series of meetings at East Fork Church, conducted By Revs. DOCKERY
and ENGLAND have closed.
Dr. E.F. TAYLOR is trading in Geese, having shipped about fifty the past
R.S. MAUPIN has removed to his farm on Big Creek.
Misses CORA and LEVIA STEPHENS and SAMUEL VANCE, Easrt Fork, were
visiting CLAUDIA and BESSIE WALKER and RUFUS PULLIAM last week.
F.M. STAPP is preparing to return to Texas after the holidays.
P.R. and JAMES GOSSER are at work on D.W. KINNARD"S house.
JEFF TAYLOR ROSS has returned from Illinois.


W.L. WALKER, Sr. is at Nell on business.
GEORGE COFFEY was in Campbellsville Saturday.
T.C. DAVIDSON is on a business trip to Glasgow.
J.C. STRANGE was visiting in Greensburg Sunday.
JNO. COMBEST, of Camp Knox, was in town Monday.
Miss IDA KINNARD is visiting her parents this week.
JAMES and F.M. HALE, of Kimble were in town Monday.
Mrs. LOU B. TAYLOR has been quite sick for the past week.
Judge JAMES GARNETT and S.L. POWELL were in Campbellsville last week.
J.W. SWEENEY, of Lancaster was in Columbia on business last Saturday.
OWEN BANKS, of Cane valley, was doing business in Columbia the first of
the week.
M.H. MARCUM and J.F. MONTGOMERY were in Jamestown on business last week.
Mr. C.F. SHORT and wife , of Indian Springs, Tenn are stopping at the
Smith Hotel.
J.G. STAPLES and R.Y. HINDMAN students in Center College, are at home
for the holidays.
M.J. LOVETT, of the news force, will spend the holidays at his home in
Bowling green, Ky
Mr. J. F. LUCAS and J.B. PENCE, of Somerset, were in this city last week
and report collections, "out of sight"
Mr. and Mrs. ED BUTLER have been called to Green county on account of
the dangerous illness of the latter"s brother.
Eld. LAWRENCE WILLIAMS is in Burksville. He will likely preach for the
Christian church in that city the ensuing year.
Dr. L.E. WILLIAMS and Mr. F.A. TAYLOR, Galsgow, are visiting in this
community. The latter is manager of the Glasgow republican.
Mr. J.O. RUSSELL was in Big Stone Gap, Va a few days ago--the city that
was and is not He found his valuble lots gone. He brought tidings of no
great joy to many of us.
" Uncle JIMMIE INGRAM, who is now in his 83rd year, and who has been
identified with the Democratic party since the death of the Whig
organization , called at the News office Monday.
Miss CARRIE HATCHER will arrive home Wednesday night from Harrodsburg,
where she has been attending the Beaumont Female College. After spending
the holidays she will return to school for the spring term.

MINISTERS COLUMNRev. T.F. WALTON preached at Ebenezer last Sunday.
Rev. JNO. S. CRANDALL will preach next Sunday at Clear Spring.
Rev. S.J. THOMPSON will preach next Sunday at Milltown.
Rev. J.L. MURRELL will preach next Sunday at Union Chapel.
Rev. E.W. BARNETT preached last Sunday morning to a large congregation
at the baptist church. Subject: " Ye are the light of the world, " and
in the evening his subject was: " The Great Invitation"
The many friends of Rev. GEORGE NEEDHAM, former presiding Elder of this
district, will be glad to know he is doing well in his new work in the
city of Louisville. In a letter to a friend here he sends love to all
his friends in the district.

BASIL CHAPMAN of Fairplay, this county, will travel for grindstaff and
Co. wholesale grocers, Louisville, Ky. Mr. CHAPMAN is a trustworthy
young man who has excellent business qualifications, and being
universally popular , he will doubtless build up a fine trade for his


W.T. DOHONEY and W.H. FLOWERS will start next Friday to Union Springs
Ala, with a car-load of cotton mules.
Mr. A.R. FEESE, of Cane valley, slaughtered a hog last week that weighed
530 pounds net.
"An evening in Jerusalem" an illistrated lecture by Eld. J.W. McGARVEY,
Jr. at the Chrisitian church Saturday night. Eld. McGARVEY will also
render several beautiful songs. admission 25c
J.T. BARBEE Jr. killed 28 squirrels in one little hunt last week. No
ammunition is wasted when Tom does the shooting.
We hope the various churches in this place will see that every child in
Columbia receives a present this Christmas.
Look over the town, and if there are children whose parents are not able
to purchase small gifts, see that the little ones are not neglected.

All persons having claims against the estate of OLEVIA S. BUTLER or
ELIZA J. SMITH are requested to present the same properly proven at the
office of J.F. MONTGOMERY at Columbia , Ky on or before the 1st day of

We understand that Dr. O. S. DUNBAR, of Casey"s Creek, will remove to
Columbia at an early day. He will open an office and practice his

There will be four or five weddings in the vicinity of Cane valley this
week. The following couples to be joined in wedlock have been reported
to this office. W.J. CONOVER and Miss ELIZA BIGGS, IRVINE THOMAS and

" BULLDUCK" MILLER is the Tom Sawyer, of Columbia, among the colored
boys. We contract with him weekly to turn the press. he never fails to
bring less than four boys with him. They watch him turn the big wheel
and it looks so easy they volunteer to help him, and when the edition is
off"BULLDUCK" has done but little work and receives all the pay. When he
walks out of the office the boys follow him, wanting a piece, but the
only response from "BULLDUCK" is " I am Shifty and I tell you that"

A.W.C.T.U. organization was perfected here one evening last week. Mrs.
GEORGIA SHELTON was chosen president, Mrs. JAMES GARNETT, Sr. Vice
president, Miss MINNIE KEMP, Recording Secretary, Mrs. A.A. STRANGE,
Treasurer. We understand that the organization has secured quarters in
the Isenburg building, and will have regular meetings. The Womans
Chrisitian Temperance Union has a national reputation and it is
accomplishing much good throughout the United States.


Hog killing is in full blast
J.S. CHAPMAN was in Louisville last week on business.
BETTIE LOY, the little daughter of W.T. LOY, is very sick with remitting
Z.T. SAMUEL and family have been quite sick for several days, but are
now on the mend.
The farmers are using their two horse turning plows rapidly in this
J.F. GADBERRY is very low with typhoid fever. His brother, JAMES, who
has been very low, is convalescent.
O.H. McCLISTER, Jr. found near his home a butter weed which measured
twenty feetin length and four and a half feet in circumference.
The Walnut Grove school which was taught by Miss LEONA McCLISTER, closed
last Wednesday a week. Everyone is well pleased with her teaching.

Mr. ROY BENNETT and Miss ELIZABETH SPARKS were united in mariage last
Sunday, December 12, at the home of the bride in Cumberland County. ROY
is the son of Mr. EDWARD BENNETT, a well known citizen of this
community, while Miss LIZZIE is the daughter of Mr. J.W. SPARKS,
formerly a citizen of this county. Our best wishes are extended to the
happy couple.

Bro. CRANDALL preached a very interesting discourse at Concord church on
the second Sunday.

BASIL CHAPMAN, who has been in the dry goods business at cane valley for
some time past, has now retired from business and is now residing with
us at his old fairplay home.


HECK SMITH and family took possesion of the MOORE property recently.
The county school superintendent-elect, B.K. PULLIAM, has purchased
property from ALECK PENICK and moved into it last Saturday.

The infant child of J.L. HOWELL is seriously ill with scarlet fever. We
have quite a number of cases of that disease this fall, but they have
all been of a mild form.

The ordinance of baptism was administered to eighteen converts at
Sarden"s ford in Green River Sunday afternoon, as a result of a series
of meetings held at Cox"s bend by Rev. GREEN, pastor of the baptist
church at this place.


December 11, 1897
Mr. Editor: This evening finds me in Edmonton , the county seat of
metcalf county, where I have been for the last three weeks attending
upon my son, who has been very low with what seems to be a combination
of typhoid and bilious fevers, and I am sorry to say that after four
weeks of severe illness, there are little, if any, indications for the
Edmonton has a population of about 250. It has 3 dry goods stores, 3
drug stores, 2 blacksmith shops, 2 hotels, 3 doctors, 5 lawyers, 1
church, and a banking house, two stories high and 66 feet wide, now
about completed, and I am told that the bank will be in operation about
the first of January, 1898. It also has a steam saw mill and a
respectable court house and jail, and some as kind of people as can be
found anywhere.
I learn that a free-for-all fight occurred last evening at Lafayette,
this county, in which SAM WELLS was stabbed fatally by ED HAYS. HAYS was
brought here and put in jail about 5 O"Clock this morning and his
brother HENRY, is under guard awaiting trial, which will come off some
time this week. Further paticulars not known at this writing.
I am not acquainted with both the hotel keepers at this place, neither
do I wish to write an advertisement for either, but permit me to say
that Mr. W.T. ENGLAND, the proprietor of the hotel where I am stopping,
is an Adair county man, and his wife is one of Adair"s best women, and
that the people of Adair county can do no better than to patronize the
ENGLAND HOTEL when stopping at this place.
If this finds not its way to the waste basket, I may write again. M.T.


Mrs. LAVINA COFFEY gave a social at her home Saturday night in honor of
Miss LULA McLEAN and quite a number of her friends, the evening was
delightfully spent, Miss McLEAN with the assistance of the hostess made
everything pleasant and happy. Near the hour of midnight all departed,
only regretting that the evening was so short. May we have another
social of the same kind soon is the wish of many.


Mr. JOHN N. CONOVER, the liveryman, has perhaps the most intelligent dog
in all this county. he is a shepard, and is valued very highley by his
owner. Mr. GEORGE COFFEY went out home with Mr. CONOVER a few days ago,
and upon his return related the following to a representative of the
" Well , sir, JOHN CONOVER has got the smartest dog I ever saw, and if
he was mine I wouldn"t take a hundred dollars for him. I was out at
JOHN"S today, and it was raining. The dog was lying by the stove and
JOHN said to him calling him by name, " this fire is about out, go and
get a stick of wood. The dog sprang up, went hastily to the wood-house
and returned with a stick of wood in his mouth. Mr. CONOVER then
remarked , go upstairs and get my old hat. The summons was obeyed, and
in two minutes Mr. CONOVER was presented with his hat, but it was not
the one he wanted, so he told the dog to take it back and bring another
one, describing it, and this time no mistake was made. He then said to
the dog " it is raining, go and see that the cattle are in the field
convenient to the barn. The dog started with a yelp, and it was not long
untill he came in, satisfying his master that his orders had been
GEORGE COFFEY is up on dogs and is the owner of several good ones, but
says this one of CONOVER"S simply takes the cake.


On November 18, 1897, the angel of death visited the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J.S. ROYSE and claimed for its victim their son, JOHN GRUNDY. He
was born February 4th, 1893, and although his earthly stay was hardly
five years, his bright face and merry voice had shed their light and joy
in the home, and his childest love had entwined itself around the hearts
of his parents so closely, that when snatched away by the relentless
hand of death it cast a gloom over their home , to never be forgotten.
How lonely life without the joy and light his little life shed around
the home of his childhood, earth is poorer, but Heaven is richer, and
the light that went out on earth shines brighter in heaven, and with its
attractive rays is drawing the home circle onward to glory.

Beleiving in the old adage that all work and no play makes Jack a dull
boy, we will therefore omit the publication of the News next week and
join the merry Christmas parties. Wishing all a Merry Christmas, and
that the troubles and vexations of life may be forgotten, that all
strife and malice may be smothered by merry greeting, and that each and
every one may be happy.


End of Adair County News December 1897
Submitted BY Laura Frost Wright


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