If you would like to be listed as an Adair County researcher, send me your surnames and I will add you to the right page! 

Charles S. Paul Manuscript

An enormous amount of Adair and Russell Co. History, plus many Surnames mentioned! Photos too...

The Surname pages have been reorganized. To see "A" Surnames & their researchers, click on the letter below.


- A -

Abell, Absher, Acree, Adkins, Adkinson, Allen, Allison, Alton, Anderson, Antle, Ashworth, Atkinson/Attkisson


- B -

Badger, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Ballenger, Banks, Bardin, Barger, Barlow, Beard, Beasley, Bell, Bennett, Benningfield, Berry, Blankenship, Bomar, Booher, Bottom, Bottoms, Bowyer, Boyd, Bragg, Branham, Bricken, Brown, Bryant/Briant/Bryans, Brockman, Brummett, Bunch, Burton, Busby, Butler


- C -

Cabell, Caffee, Caldwell, Callison, Campbell, Carter, Cawthorn, Cheshire, Childers/Childress, Chowning, Cochran, Coffey, Cole, Collins, Combs, Compton, Conley, Conover, Cook, Cooley, Coomer, Cooper, Corbin, Cowan, Craig, Crawthorn, Creel, Crenshaw, Crossley, Cundiff, Creel


- D -

Dalton, Daugherty, Dawson, DeHart, Delaney,  Demunbrun, Denson, Dodson, Dooley, Doolin, Dorsey, Downey, Drake, Dudley, Dunn, Durrett


- E -

Ealey, East, Edwards, Elliott, Ellis, England, Estes, Evans


- F -

Fair, Feese, Feland, Ferrell, Ferry, Field/Fields, Findley/Finley, Finn, Fisher, Fitzpatrick, Flatt, Ford, Fox, Franklin, Frankum, Frey, Frost, Fudge, Fuqua


- G -

Garrett, Gasper, Gibson, Gill, Gilpin, Goldman, Goode, Goodin, Gowen, Grant, Graves, Green, Grider, Griffith, Groves , Gunter


- H -

Hadley, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hancock, Handy, Hardin/Harden, Hardwick, Harmon, Harness, Harper, Hart, Harvey, Hatfield, Hawkins, Hayes/Hayse/Hays, Helms, Hendrickson, Henson, Hindman, Hiter, Holladay, Holt, Hopkin, Hopkins, Hopper, Hovious, Hudson, Hughes, Humphress, Hurt


- I & J -

Ingram, Jackson, Janes, Jessee/Jessie, Johnson, Jones, Judd


- K -

Karnes, Kelso, Keltner, Kemp, Kerns, Kimbler, Kinnaird


- L -

Lacy, Lane, Lapsley, Lawhorn, Leach, Lester, Light, Lightfoot, Link, Loveall, Loving, Loy


- M -

Malone, Martin, Mauk, McAlister, McClister, McClure, McGaha, McGinnis, McGlasson, McKinney, Mears, Medaris, Miller, Mills, Monroe, Montgomery, Moran, Moore, Morrison, Mosby, Moss, Murrell, Musser


- N -

Naylor, Neat, Nell, Nelson


- O, P & Q -

O'Bannion, O'Bannon, Oldacre, Ollinger, Orme, Ownby

Pace, Page, Parrish, Patteson, Patterson, Paxton, Peary, Peek/Peak, Pelly/Pelley, Pelsston, Pemberton, Pendleton, Perryman, Petree, Phellps/Phelps, Philips, Phillips, Philpot, Pike, Pollard, Polston, Powell, Prentice, Price, Prock, Pugh


- R -

Rayburn, Redmon, Reed, Rexroat/Rexroad, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rigney, Rippetoe, Roach, Roberts, Robertson, Rodgers/Rogers, Rooks, Rose, Ross, Rowe, Rubarts/Ruberts, Rupe, Rush, Russell


- S -

Sanders, Scott, Selby, Sexton, Scott, Sharp, Shelton, Shepherd/Sheppard, Shirley, Silvey, Simpson, Sinclair, Singleton, Skaggs, Slavey/Slavy, Smith, Sneed, Spalding, Sparks, Stapp, Stephens, Stillwell, Stilts, Stokes, Stone, Stotts, Stovall, Strange, Street, Swanson, Sweeney


- T, U & V -

Tabor, Tarter, Taylor, Terry, Thomas, Tinsley, Todd, Townsend, Traylor, Triplette, Truax, Tupman, Turner, Tweedy

Van Hook, Vaughan, Vaughn


- W, X, Y & Z -

Waggener, Walker, Warf, Watson, Waterman, Wethington, Wheat, Wheeler, White, Wilcox, Wilcuts, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wimsatt, Winfrey, Womack, Wooldridge, Wooten, Wright

Yates, Young



There's a new Surname Registry for the
South Central Kentucky area.  While the original intent was for it to be for
Allen, Barren, Clinton, Cumberland, Edmonson, Green, Hardin, Hart, Logan,
Metcalfe and Monroe, it's expanded outside that area a little, to include
Wayne, Russell, Adair and Simpson.  The URL of the registry is and the link to add new names is




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