Inventory of Wm. McClanahan-Will Book D-Pages 377-378
Submitted by Mary Hatton, 6/1/2006
Agreeable to an order of the worshipful Court of Bourbon County, we have proceeded to Inventory and appraise the Estate of William McClanahan deceased as follows:
One young gray horse three years old-$40.00
One young black horse four years old-$35.00
One blade Sack-$4.00
One large large bearshear and Clovir-$8.00
One Clevir 62_? One Augar 50-$1.12 1/2
One hemp sack 50-one old scythe blade 50-$1.00
One scythe and cradle-$3.00, One pole ax $1.50-$4.50
Two pair old swingle trees(?) & pr. Old stretches-$1.50
One old Saddle-$2.00
One old twelve gallon kettle-$2.00
One old horse collar-$0.50
One note on Eli Kennedy bearing date 21st March 1813 and due 21st March 1814-$800.
One note on Eli Kennedy bearing date 21st March 1813 and due 21st March 1814-$500.00
One note James Pullin date 24th June 1813-$27 56
Due per acknowledgement of E Webb-$9.00
Due per acknowledgement of Thos McClanahan-$50.00
One old pole ax-$0.50
Robert Dudley assumsit-$33 51
Cash on hand-$56 12
Total-$1578 56 1/2
We do Certify that the within is the true value of the personal Estate William McClanahan deceased as shown us by the executor. Given under our hands this 29th day of June 1813.
Geo Halloway
Will Ward
Will Magee
I do certify that the foregoing is a true Inventory of the personal estate of William McClanahan deceased. Given under my hand this twenty-ninth day of June 1813.
Thomas McClanahan Junr.
Executor of Wm. McClanahan
Bourbon County, July Court 1813
The inventory and appraisement of the estate of William McClanahan deceased was returned into Court and Ordered to be recorded
Tho P. Smith D.C.B.C.