These books should be ordered from the authors listed below. Casey County, KY Research Books
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Casey County Kentucky Census 1810-1820-1830-1840
Casey County Kentucky 1870 Census and Mortality
Schedule Mortality Schedules of Casey County Kentucky for
1860-1870-1880 The postage for any combination of two books or all
three books is $3.75. Send to:
Order from: Vital Statistics books by Frances T. Ingmire Add $4.50 shipping per order. Order from: Casey County 1850 Census 298 pages, actual photocopies of the handwritten records, soft-cover, spiral-bound indexed $30. Order From: "THE KENTUCKIANS", ESTES' OF ADAIR, METCALFE AND CASEY COUNTIES OF KENTUCKY, DESCENDANTS OF THE ESTES FAMILY OF VIRGINIA AND THE COUNTY OF KENT IN ENGLAND. The publication will be composed of two volumes with
Volume I now available. This volume follows the paternal lineage of Ruth Mae
Estes Colaw (1911-2001) beginning in County Kent in England and through the
years continuing on to Virginia and Illinois. The book follows 14
generations of the Estes family and 5 generations of the Pigg family. The
book consists of 130 pages with photographs and an ancestral chart showing
the Estes and Pigg paternal ancestors and their families. The book is laser
printed and has a coil binder, a clear vinyl cover and is backed with a
heavy blue cover. The index lists the major ancestors who are followed
throughout the book. Cost is $36.00 which includes postage and handling.
Orders with payment may be sent to Shirley J. Howell, 680 East
Glouchester Drive, Sumter, S.C. 29150-2262. Check should be made out
to Shirley J. Howell, please allow two weeks for delivery. PDF files available on CD through KENNEBEC-PUBLISHERS on Ebay from Mike Denis.