BAILS, Gordeu C., male, born 12 Apr 1911, mother Orrey Ashinghurst.
BAITEY, Betsy V., born 13 Nov 1918, mother Fetna Evans.

BAKER, Wilsie, born 10 Sep 1917, mother Collie Baker.

BALDOCK, Martha P., female, born 30 Jul 1911, mother Julia Dicken.*
BALDOCK, Martha P., female, born 30 Jul 1911, mother Julie Dickens.*
BALES, Juanita B., female, born 7 Jul 1913, mother Eula Bales.
BALLENGER, Mary G., female, born 20 Apr 1919, mother Charlott Stitley.
BALLENGER, Siddie L., female, born 9 Jul 1918, mother Sue Goodman.
BALLENYER, James N., male, born 7 May 1912, mother Della Parrigin.
BALLEW, Bessie M., female, born 28 Jan 1913, mother Laura Thurman.
BALLEW, Jason, male, born 25 Oct 1916, mother Alpha Williams.
BALLINGER, Letha E., female, born 13 Apr 1914, mother Maggie Stailey.
BALLINGER, Luther Christie "Crit", male, born 7 May 1919, Sarah mother Bertha Males.
BALLINGER, Mamie Stella, born 10 Mar 1913, mother Sarah Bertha Males.
BALLINGER, Otis H., born 30 Nov 1909, mother Minnie Moles.
BALLINGER, Thelma Elizabeth, female, born 27 Jan 1916, mother Sarah Bertha Moles.
BALUE, Bessie M., female, born 28 Jan 1913, mother Lara Shurman.

BANDY, Alma L., female, born 31 Aug 1920, mother Mary Graham.
BANDY, Casher, born 16 Oct 1914, mother Mary Graham.
BANDY, Velma M., female, born 11 Sep 1919, mother Samaria Breant.
BANDY, Walker M., male, born 12 Nov 1916, mother Mary Graham.

BARBER, Hubert E., male, born 21 May 1920, mother Eura Sloan.
BARBER, Herlin, b. 20 May 1897.
BARBER, Ovid, b. 15 Apr 1892.
BARBER, Lester L., male, born 9 Jan 1920, mother Grace Stockton.
BARBER, Thelma A., female, born 5 Aug 1913, mother Mary Jones.
BARNES, Marion, male, born 24 Feb 1856, mother Martha Barnes.
BARNETT, Thelmon, born 19 Mar 1915, mother Belle Sells.
BARNETT, Welby A., male, born 23 Aug 1913, mother Mary Sells.

BASHER, S. 2, born 23 Dec 1916, mother Montu Guffey.
BASS, Laura J., female, born 9 Jun 1912, mother Hayne Bullard.

BEARD, Ann Eliza, female, born 30 Jan 1856, father S. W. Beard, mother Mary Ford.
BEARD, Andrew, male, born 20 Apr 1915, mother Willie Bandy.
BEARD, Estle F., male, born 21 Feb 1912, mother Mary Ferguson.
BEARD, Georgia, female, born 27 May 1917, mother Willie Bandy.
BEATY, Spencer, male, born 17 Mar 1903, mother Florence
BEATTY, William 1, male, born 9 Mar 1915, mother Antha Buster.
BEATY, Annie J., female, born 2 Jan 1915, mother Mary Campbell.
BEATY, Cecil, male, born 12 Nov 1918, mother Fethey Evans.
BEATY, Clamanza, female, born 8 Jul 1856, father G. G. Beaty, mother Martha Crockett.
BEATY, David, male, born 9 Jun 1919, mother Etta Pierce.
BEATY, David Crockett, b. 2 Feb 1859.
BEATY, Delmer A., male, born 25 Sep 1915, mother Mary Koger.
BEATY, Era, born 14 Feb 1916, mother Mary Campbell.
BEATY, Ermon W., born 19 Nov 1917, mother Mollie Flowers.
BEATY, Euthel A., born 9 Oct 1918, mother Myrtie Crockett.
BEATY, Glen H., male, born 24 Sep 1914, mother Ada Stockton.
BEATY, James R., male, born 28 Aug 1915, mother Hattie Felkins.
BEATY, Kendrick P., male, born 31 Oct 1917, mother Ada Stockton.
BEATY, Lena, female, born 9 Dec 1911, mother Mollie Flowers.
BEATY, Lilly I., female, born 11 Jun 1919, mother Anthe Buster.
BEATY, Lula M., female, born 24 Sep 1915, mother Nannie Moles.
BEATY, Mona, female, born 14 Jan 1915, mother Mollie Flowers.
BEATY, Myrtle V., female, born 15 Dec 1918, mother Mary Campbell.
BEATY, Nora, female, born 7 Feb 1918, mother Mary Koger.
BEATY, Paul M., male, born 5 Feb 1912, mother Ada Stockton.
BEATY, Pauline, female, born 3 Oct 1914, mother Fetney Evans.
BEATY, Porter H., male, born 19 Nov 1920, mother Minnie Koger.
BEATY, Reba H., female, born 25 May 1913, mother Mary Koger.
BEATY, Reed G., male, born 28 Feb 1912, mother Mary Beaty.
BEATY, Roscoe A., male, born 19 Jul 1918, mother Sallie White.
BEATY, Ruth V., female, born 24 Apr 1913, mother Myrtie Crockett.
BEATY, Walter E., male, born 6 Jun 1918, mother Osha Stockton.
BEATY, Willard F., male, born 27 Dec 1911, mother Mary Campbell.
BEATY, Willie G., born 11 Feb 1917, mother Sallie White.
BEATY, Willie R., born 29 Oct 1920, mother Ochy Stocton.**
BEATY, Willie W., born 29 Oct 1920, mother Ocie Stockton.**
BEATY, Wilma L., female, born 16 Aug 1920, mother Sallie White.

BECKMAN, James, male, born Oct 1856, father John Beckman, mother Lucinda Cross.
BECKMAN, Margaret R., female, born 27 Jan 1856, father E. C. Beckman, mother Rachael Woody.
BECKNEAL, George, male, born Mar 1856, father R. T. Beckneal, mother Elizabeth Johnson.

BELL, Bonnie, female, born 24 Mar 1916, mother Jennie Riddle.
BELL, Carlie, b. 10 Apr 1893.
BELL, Chisstmaso G., born 25 Dec 1916, mother Sarah Goodman.
BELL, Clarence L., male, born 9 Jun 1879.
BELL, Corrie E., born 21 Aug 1885.
BELL, male child
of Elmer, born 12 Jun 1915, mother Lucy Hall.
BELL, Edna E., female, born 21 Feb 1914, mother Rena Blankinship.
BELL, Ednie H., born 30 Sep 1887.
BELL, Elmer, male, born 11 Jan 1914, mother Lucy Hall.
BELL, Ettie, born 22 Sep 1900, mother Nettie Guffey.
BELL, Freda S., female, born 21 Aug 1917, mother Bertha Guffey.
BELL, Hattie T., female, born 2 Sep 1911, mother Neva Bell.
BELL, Hobert F., male, born 3 Mar 1920, mother Willie Neathery.
BELL, Martha J., female, born 15 Feb 1856, father J. M. Bell, mother Mary Ann Dickson.
BELL, Mary, female, born 14 Mar 1918, mother Neva Thurston.
BELL, Menferd, born 23 Jul 1920, mother Myrtle Burchett.***
BELL, Mentford H., born 23 Jul 1920, mother Myrtle Burchett.***
BELL, Mollie Edith, female, born 20 Feb 1886, father John S. Bell, mother Margaret Jane Guthrie.
BELL, Murrell W., born 26 Jan 1917, mother Minnie Starnes.
BELL, Opal F., female, born 22 Nov 1916, mother Lucy Bell.
BELL, Ora M., born 23 Sep 1913, mother Julia Neal.
BELL, Pearl J., female, born 11 Feb 1911, mother Dora York.
BELL, Robert J., male, born 9 Jun 1906, mother Dora York.
BELL, Rolen A., born 9 Sep 1911, mother Willet Snow.
BELL, Rosie L., female, born 11 Jan 1916, mother Sara Yovrl.
BELL, Roxie O., female, born 18 Nov 1911, mother Caroline Rigney.
BELL, Sally O., female, born 29 Apr 1919, mother Eliza Bertram.
BELL, Vela E., born 14 Dec 1914, mother Illa Bell.
BELL, Vida P., female, born 21 Aug 1913, mother Liza Bertrum.
BELL, W.A., male, born 3 Sep 1856, father J. A. Bell, mother Malvina Harvey.
BELL, Wade, male, born 28 Mar 1878.
BELL, Walter L., male, born 27 Jan 1897.
BELL, William P., male, born 20 Aug 1882.
BELL, Willie, born 29 Jan 1916, mother Eliza Bertram.

BENNETT, Edith, female, born 15 Apr 1911, mother Mary Brooten.

BERTRAIN, Mabel D., female, born 18 Feb 1917, mother Amelia Huddleston.
BERTRAM, Artie M., born 13 Mar 1912, mother Jennie Bertram.
BERTRAM, Aubrey M., born 12 Dec 1915, mother Eva Gist.
BERTRAM, Bethel M., born 13 Nov 1919, mother Belva Bertram.
BERTRAM, Cletis R., male, born 31 Oct 1912, mother Amelia Huddleston.
BERTRAM, Curtis L., male, born 14 Mar 1914, mother Parsodie Flowers.
BERTRAM, Dorithy G., female, born 5 Jun 1911, mother Parigadie Flowers.
BERTRAM, Earl T., male, born 29 Jan 1914, mother Eva Gess.
BERTRAM, Edith, female, born 19 Sep 1920, mother Eva Gist.
BERTRAM, Frone G., born 4 May 1917, mother Dona Groce.
BERTRAM, Hazel M., female, born 4 Nov 1914, mother Amelia Huddleston.
BERTRAM, Hobert D., male, born 27 Apr 1918, mother Sodie Bertram.
BERTRAM, Ina J., female, born 20 Nov 1911, mother Laura Cash.
BERTRAM, Joe 1, male, born 12 Mar 1913, mother Lena Parrigin.
BERTRAM, Joseph J., male, born 22 Mar 1916, mother Maggie Ballinger.
BERTRAM, Kimble L., born 10 Jan 1919, mother Etna Gest.
BERTRAM, Lane, born 25 May 1911, mother Amelia Huddleston.
BERTRAM, Martha F., female, born 25 Dec 1913, mother Bessie Andrew.
BERTRAM, Minnie, female, born 6 Dec 1912, mother Lenora Maupin.
BERTRAM, Murl W., born 25 Aug 1912, mother Ava Guist.
BERTRAM, Norma G., female, born 21 Nov 1916, mother Alta Crockett.
BERTRAM, Opal E., female, born 24 Jul 1916, mother Flora McWherke.
BERTRAM, Otto C., male, born 20 Aug 1912, mother Loreta Brown.
BERTRAM, Porter R., male, born 18 Oct 1916, mother Curtis Russell.
BERTRAM, Randal B., male, born 31 Dec 1912, mother Maggie Ballinger.
BERTRAM, Samuel C., male, born 12 Jan 1920, mother Zona Beaty.
BERTRAM, Sue Y., female, born 5 Jan 1917, mother Mary Car.
BERTRAM, Thomas E., male, born 2 Apr 1915, mother Jennie Bertram.
BERTRAM, Vance H., male, born 16 Dec 1917, mother Bessie Andrew.
BERTRAM, William C., male, born 21 Feb 1918, mother Jennie Bertram.
BERTRAM, Willie D., born 10 Feb 1920, mother Lou Grose.
BERTRAM, Wilma C., female, born 7 Sep 1914, mother Cora McWhorter.
BERTRAW, Herbert R., male, born 20 Sep 1911, mother Alta Crockett.
BERTRAW, Willard W., male, born 13 Aug 1911, mother Caroline Carr.

BIDDLE, Elzie, born 13 Feb 1911, mother Flourence Albertson.

BILBERY, Arkley M., born 6 Apr 1917, mother Chlora Clayborn.
BILBERY, Niner, born 24 Feb 1915, mother Cloa Clayborn.
BILBREY, Hansferd S., born 24 Feb 1915, mother Cloa Clayborn.

BLACKBURN, Glen N., male, born 26 Jan 1918, mother Laura York.
BLACKBURN, Paul W., male, born 29 Jan 1920, mother Eilise York.
BLACKBURN, Samuel, male, born 13 Dec 1914, mother Laura York.
BLANKENSHIP, Frank H., male, born 29 Oct 1904, mother
Nannie Polston.

BLAIR, Schyuler Ray, male, burn 24 Nov 1916, mother Samantha Cash, father Rev. Vernor Blair.
BLAIR, Verner 1, male, born 24 Nov 1915, mother Samathia Cash.

BLEDSOE, Mary J., female, born 31 Jul 1920, mother Allie Morgan.
BLEDSOE, Ruby C., female, born 16 Oct 1917, mother Allie Morgan.

BOILS, James, male, born 11 Jun 1915, mother Ona Assinghurst.
BOILS, Sallie L., female, born 2 Feb 1905, mother Clara
BOILS, Robert E., male, born 10 Apr 1911, mother Clara Riddle.

BOLES, Elmer B., male, born 26 Dec 1918;, mother Nannie Koger.
BOLES, Fletcher M., male, born 6 Jun 1913, mother Minnie Boles.
BOLES, Otha G., male, born 1 Jun 1913, mother Minni Miller.
BOLES, Paris B., born 17 Aug 1916, mother Nannie Koger.
BOLIN, Bruce S., male, born 30 Mar 1912, mother Lizzie Brummett.

BOND, Elzia, male, born 6 May 1839.
BONNETT, Mattie B., female, born 25 Sep 1917, mother Mary Cell.

BOOHER, male child of Jess, born 3 Sep 1915, mother Gertrude Lora
Bottoms, mother's place of birth, Russell County, father Jesse Harrison
Booher, father's place of birth Clinton County.
BOOHER, Elma I., female, born 4 Mar 1918, mother Margaret Coten.
BOOHER, James C., male, born 4 Aug 1918, mother Gertrude Lora
Bottoms, mother's place of birth, Russell County, father Jesse Harrison
Booher, father's place of birth Clinton County.
BOOHER, Mabel I., female, born 8 Sep 1916, mother Martha Higginbotham.
BOOHER, Marvin P., male, born 5 Oct 1911, mother Freely Shoat.
BOOHER, Mary, female, born 27 Dec 1919, mother Elma Guffey.
BOOHER, Ruby N., female, born 22 Nov 1913, mother Elma Guffey.
BOOHER, Willie H., (William), male, born 25 Aug 1913, mother Gertrude Lora Bottoms, mother's place of birth, Russell County, father Jesse Harrison Booher, father's place of birth Clinton County.
BOOKER, Beatrice E., female, born 23 Dec 1916, mother Elma Guffey.
BOOKER, John P., male, born 20 Apr 1911, mother Bee Ooten.
BOOKER, Kenneth C., male, born 24 Jan 1916, mother Margaret Ooten.
BOOKER, Mada E., born 3 Nov 1918, mother Helen Higginbotham.
BOOKER, Nancy O., female, born 1 Dec 1917, mother Martha Harden.
BOOKER, Okla B., born 10 Jul 1913, mother Bee Doten.
BOOKER, Porter 1, male, born 23 Feb 1912, mother Elma Guffery.
BOOKOUT, Ambras B., born 8 Dec 1911, mother Florence Bullard.

BOUHER, Byron K., male, born 29 Mar 1920, mother Beatrice Oaten.

BOW, Arnetta S., female, born 21 Mar 1904, mother Remember
BOWELS, Listie, female, born 2 Oct 1913, mother Onie Ashenhurst.
BOWEN, Anna, female, born 1 Mar 1918, mother Janey Sidwell.****
BOWEN, Annie M., female, born 1 Mar 1918, mother Janie Sedwell.****
BOWEN, Georgia M., female, born 16 Jul 1915, mother Janie Sidwell.
BOWEN, Gertrude V., female, born 30 Nov 1918, mother Vena Bowen.
BOWLIN, John T., male, b. 21 Jul 1890.
BOWLIN, Minta E., female, b. 9 Aug 1892.

BRADBURY, Howard M., male, born 3 Jan 1912, mother Ethel Brown.
BRADWELL, Artha G., born 14 Oct 1917, mother Eliza Parmley.
BRADWELL, Rosa B., female, born 15 Jan 1918, mother Roxie Madison.

BRANHAM, Clarence, male, born 30 Nov 1916, mother Flora Gibbons.
BRANHAM, Eula M., female, born 10 Apr 1916, mother Marth Gibson.
BRANHAM, George L., male, born 15 Dec 1903, mother
Sallie Thrasher.
BRANHAM, Lola C., female, born 30 Jun 1919, mother Sarah Thrasher.
BRANHAM, Mary M., female, born 21 Oct 1916, mother Lillie Rexroad.
BRANHAM, Ova E., female, born 11 Jul 1908, mother Loutisha
BRANHAM, Paul R., male, born 8 Aug 1904, mother Laura
BRANHAM, Pearl M., female, born 12 Feb 1919, mother Lillie Rexroat.
BRANNAHM, Ramon I., male, born 1 Jul 1913, mother Sallie Thrasher.
BRANHAM, Vinnie P., born 7 Aug 1908, mother Sarah Thrasher.

BRASWELL, Cartha, born 4 Nov 1904, mother Eliza Parmley.
BRASWELL, Clarance B., male, born 10 May 1916, mother Neffie Wright.
BRASWELL, Geo, male, born 30 Jan 1918, mother Nervie Byrd.
BRASWELL, George, male, born 21 May 1920, mother Nervie Braswell.
BRASWELL, Gilbert, male, born 26 Nov 1914, mother ELiza Parmley.
BRASWELL, Ruth Y., female, born 14 Jun 1916, mother Myra Huddleston.

BRENTS, Annie F., female, born 10 Jun 1916, mother Annie Long.
BRENTS, John Allen, male, born 15 Aug 1833.
BRENTS, Katie, female, born 13 Oct 1914, mother Stella Sewell.
BRENTS, Martha M., female, born 19 Jan 1913, mother Annie Long.
BRENTS, Reba, female, born 10 Aug 1914, mother Fetna Maupin.
BRENTS, Walker Allen, male, born 25 Dec 1896.
BRENTS, Wilmor M., born 27 Aug 1911, mother Ada Maupin.
BREWER, Garvin L, male, born 9 Feb 1911, mother Lesley Davis.

BRISTOW, Sarah E., female, Apr 1856, father F. Bristow, mother Nancy Reeves.

BROADDUS, Alma, female, born 18 Nov 1915, mother Vela Graham.
BROADDUS, Lillian B., female, born 4 Jan 1919, mother Velar Graham.
BROOKS, Maggie V., female, born 20 Feb 1911, mother Lesta Wright.
BROWN, (no name given), male, born 29 Sep 1856, father ? Brown, mother Anne Brown.
BROWN, Alma F., female, born 18 Jul 1913, mother Francis Murphey.
BROWN, Arthur, male, born 2 May 1916, mother Minnie Malone.
BROWN, Arval R., male, born 16 May 1913, mother Francis Craig.
BROWN, B. E., born 19 Nov 1915, mother Elisabeth Brown.
BROWN, Bonnie M., female, born 1 Jun 1917, mother Nancy Brown.
BROWN, Charlie, male, born 26 Mar 1911, mother Alice Brown.
BROWN, Charlie E., male, born 10 Apr 1912, mother Minnie Summers.
BROWN, Chester B., male, born 1 Sep 1909, mother Minnie
BROWN, Chlora V., b. 18 Oct 1897.
BROWN, Cinda, female, born 18 Mar 1913, mother Maggie Byne.
BROWN, Clara E., female, born 4 Nov 1918, mother Serina Winningham.
BROWN, Clementine, female, born14 Jul 1917, mother Annie Polson.
BROWN, Corda E., born 10 Oct 1912, mother Pearl Brown.
BROWN, Cyricy G., born 11 Feb 1912, mother Lillie Brown.
BROWN, Della M., female, born 15 Jul 1902, mother Bertha
BROWN, Dewey, male, born 6 May 1905, mother Fannie
BROWN, Dora C., female, born 21 Aug 1919, mother Ida Mathews.
BROWN, Dora M., female, born 1 May 1914, mother Venie Brown.
BROWN, Dorine E., female, born 11 Dec 1915, mother Maggie Mercer.
BROWN, Dorothy E., female, born 15 Feb 1914, mother Mary Brown.
BROWN, Edith P., female, born 14 Sep 1911, mother Ida Crabtree.
BROWN, Edna, female, born 19 Mar 1919, mother Mattie Mathews.
BROWN, Edna, female, born 26 Jul 1918, mother Carrie Compton.
BROWN, Edward L., male, born 17 Jul 1914, mother Jane Brown.
BROWN, Edwin M., male, born 4 Nov 1919, mother Minnie Bird.
BROWN, Elmer, male, born 3 Mar 1913, mother Fannie York.
BROWN, Elmon, born 25 Feb 1914, mother Martha Brown.
BROWN, Erma F., female, born 10 Feb 1919, mother Vaila Catron.
BROWN, Estel L., born 28 Apr 1913, mother Anna Palson.
BROWN, Ethel, female, born 8 Jan 1918, mother Ida Crabtree.
BROWN, Ethel, female, born 1 Jan 1916, mother Ida Crabtree.
BROWN, Eula, female, born 13 Sep 1912, mother Bertie Smith.
BROWN, Eunis, female, born 21 Aug 1919, mother Eathle Mathews.
BROWN, Eva O., female, born 4 Apr 1911, mother Frances Craige.
BROWN, Flonnie L., female, born 25 Feb 1914, mother Ollie Denney.
BROWN, Frank E., male, born 5 Dec 1919, mother Maudy Raines.
BROWN, Frank H., male, born 7 Jan 1914, mother Bina Gibson.
BROWN, Garvin G., male, born 16 May 1914, mother Allie Burris.
BROWN, Georgia L., female, born 16 Mar 1920, mother Vina Gibson.
BROWN, Gracie, female, born 11 Feb 1910, mother Lillie
BROWN, Herbert, male, born 5 Oct 1916, mother Maggie Byrd.
BROWN, Herman, male, born 1 Sep 1916, mother Birtie Smith.
BROWN, Ira E., born 21 Aug 1911, mother Maud Smith.
BROWN, Irene L., female, born 20 Sep 1914, mother Berta Smith.
BROWN, James I., male, born 26 Oct 1916, mother Mattie Mathews.
BROWN, James R., male, born 10 Apr 1912, mother Binnie Gibson.
BROWN, James T., male, born 10 Apr 1856, father James Ashinhust(?), mother Sarah Ashinhust.
BROWN, James W., male, born 4 May 1918, mother Minnie Booher.
BROWN, Jappie J., born 10 Apr 1917, mother Maria Catron.
BROWN, Jessie, born 4 Aug 1917, mother Minnie Byrd.
BROWN, Jim, male, born 13 Feb 1912, mother Alice Brown.
BROWN, Joe O., male, b. 5 Mar 1902.
BROWN, John, male, born 2 Jun 1917, mother Attie Lee.
BROWN, John 1, male, born 11 May 1911, mother Annie Polson.
BROWN, Kineth J., male, born 18 May 1920, mother Louise Smith.
BROWN, Laura, female, born 8 Mar 1917, mother Vie Fuston.
BROWN, Lewis S., male, born 3 Jun 1911, mother Maritta Brown.
BROWN, Lillie Francis, female, born 1 Feb 1919, mother Litha Guffey.
BROWN, Lucie M., female, born 12 Feb 1916, mother Ida Crabtree.
BROWN, Lucy, female, born 12 Feb 1914, mother Ida Crabtree.
BROWN, Lucy M., female, born 17 Apr 1911, mother Telitha Guffey.
BROWN, Luther M., male, born 10 Sep 1917, mother Mary Neal.
BROWN, Luthur F., male, born 30 Dec 1916, mother Serena Brown.
BROWN, M. 1, born 15 Nov 1915, mother Birdia Bolding.
BROWN, Marila, female, born 2 Jan 1918, mother Jancy Starnes.
BROWN, Marjorie J., female, born 19 Oct 1912, mother Mariah Catron.
BROWN, Marlan C., born 9 Feb 1911, mother Leetht Davis.
BROWN, Mart, born 11 May 1918, mother Fanny York.
BROWN, Mary L., female, born 9 Jan 1918, mother Bertie Wright.
BROWN, Mattie L., female, born 12 Jan 1913, mother Martha Stinson.
BROWN, Maud, female, born 25 Sep 1919, mother Alta Lee.
BROWN, Maude L., female, born 28 Sep 1908, mother Pearl
BROWN, Miron, male, born 11 May 1911, mother Bertha Bolin.
BROWN, Murl M., born 13 Sep 1913, mother Bertie Smith.
BROWN, Nancy 2, female, born 14 Mar 1912, mother Nancy Brown.
BROWN, Nannie E., female, born 19 Mar 1919, mother Mattie Mathews.
BROWN, Nina, female, born 27 Jun 1918, mother Allice Brown.
BROWN, Norman K., male, born 9 Sep 1918, mother Maggie Mercer.
BROWN, Orel, born 8 Apr 1912, mother Lorraine Brown.
BROWN, Oretta, female, born 13 Nov 1913, mother Minnie Brown.
BROWN, Oscar 2, male, born 30 Sep 1914, mother Bertie Smith.
BROWN, Otto C., male, born 24 Jan 1917, mother Vaelie Catren.
BROWN, Paul W., male, born 11 Aug 1911, mother Haly Groce.
BROWN, Pearl, female, b. 6 Apr 1903.
BROWN, Pearl, female, born 19 May 1915, mother Annie Polson.
BROWN, Prentice R., male, born 12 Jan 1911, mother Lizzie PBrown.
BROWN, Ray, born 31 Mar 1920, mother Bertie Smith.
BROWN, Richard, male, born 2 Feb 1914, mother Maggie Mercer.
BROWN, Robert, male, born 26 Feb 1912, mother Minnie Byrd.
BROWN, Rosa, female, born 18 Dec 1917, mother Laura Thurman.
BROWN, Ruben J., male, born 24 Nov 1911, mother Lou Catron.
BROWN, Sutton Hunter, male, born 7 Jun 1878, father John P. Brown, father's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky, mother Sarah Bell, mother's place of birth Wayne Co., Ky.
BROWN, Sally L., female, born 25 Mar 1916, mother Royettie Lee.
BROWN, Sally M., female, born 22 Jul 1913, mother Sarah Henniger.
BROWN, Samuel 1, male, born 25 Jan 1913, mother Sarah Henninger.
BROWN, Samuel 1, male, born 25 May 1912, mother Sallie Heniger.
BROWN, Samuel P., male, born 18 Aug 1918, mother Eller Ferguson.
BROWN, Sarah E., female, born 26 Mar 1912, mother Carrie Compton.
BROWN, Sarrah K., female, born 23 Dec 1915, mother Minnie Booher.
BROWN, Stanley V., male, born 1 Sep 1914, mother Vadie Catron.
BROWN, Susie F., female, born 22 May 1910, mother Effie
BROWN, Sutton Hunter, male, born 7 June 1878, mother Sarah Bell, father John P. Brown.
BROWN, Theo H., male, born 23 Jul 1919, mother Rozetta Tompkins.
BROWN, Vela R., female, born 21 Aug 1911, mother Odaline Barris.
BROWN, Verner H., born 12 Jan 1905, mother Minnie Summers.
BROWN, Vernon L., male, b. 15 Feb 1894.
BROWN, Vestie, born 30 Mar 1919, mother Maggie Byrd.
BROWN, Victor C., male, born 30 Jun 1919, mother Pearl Brown.
BROWN, Virgel 2, male, born 18 Aug 1918, mother Ellen Ferguson.
BROWN, Virgie, female, born 8 Nov 1914, mother Minnie Byrd.
BROWN, Walter M., male, born 30 Nov 1912, mother Ollie Denney.
BROWN, Warren, male, born 11 Dec 1919, mother Mary Brown.
BROWN, Will O., male, born 14 Sep 1912, mother Tilia Brown.
BROWN, William, male, born 15 Sep 1914, mother Ettie Lee.
BROWN, William 1, male, born 1 Sep 1914, mother Vadie Catron.
BROWN, William L., male, born 28 Feb 1913, mother Minnie Muncy.
BROWN, Willie A., male, born 28 Apr 1920, mother Laura Thurman.
BROWN, Willie C., male, born 10 Aug 1903, mother Martha
BROWN, Windell G., male, born 13 Dec 1919, mother Ellen Ferguson.
BROWN, Zolie E., b. 29 Sep 1899.

BRUMET, Mary J., female, born 2 Jul 1918, mother Nora Owens.
BRUMET, Sherman 1, male, born 21 Apr 1918, mother Millie Brumet.
BRUMETT, William 2, male, born 7 Sep 1917, mother Matilda Bowlin.
BRUMLEY, Ezra W., born 19 Apr 1914, mother Molly Bell.
BRUMLEY, John, male, born 29 Jan 1914, mother Sarda Crage.
BRUMLEY, Johnny F., male, born 26 Jun 1909, mother
Mollie Bell.
BRUMLEY, Lucy, female, born 14 Jan 1917, mother Settie Brumley.
BRUMLEY, Myrtie E., female, born 30 Jun 1905, mother
Minnie Stearns.
BRUMLEY, Nancy L., female, born 25 Mar 1912, mother Moley Brumley.
BRUMLEY, Orville, male, born 30 Jan 1914, mother Settie Craig.
BRUMLEY, Robert L., male, born 26 Apr 1908, mother
Minnie Stearns.
BRUMLEY, Sylvia, female, born 3 Mar 1917, mother Nora Bell.
BRUMLEY, Willie A., male, born 1 May 1909, mother Settie
BRUMMETT, James A., male, born 18 Jan 1912, mother Viola Brummett.
BRUMMETT, Thomas, male, born Oct 1856, father Henry Brummett, mother Catherine Brummett.
BRUMMETTE, Nancy E., female, born 28 Jun 1912, mother Sallie Pitman.
BRUNDEY, Beatrice O., female, born 3 Dec 1915, mother Nora Bell.
BRUNLEY, Roy, male, born 7 Oct 1916, mother Mollie Bell.

BRYSON, John F., male, born 31 Jul 1919, mother Beatrice Williams.

BUCK, Earl T., male, born 30 Aug 1918, mother Flora Johnson.
BUCK, Josephene, female, born 20 Oct 1912, mother Nancy Taylor.
BUCK, Nellie E., female, born 20 Oct 1912, mother Nancy Taylor.
BUCK, Thur 1, male, born 20 Feb 1911, mother Nancy Taylor.

BULLARD, Dora L., female, born 3 Jan 1907, mother Hallie
BULLARD, Dorothy A., female, born 12 Feb 1916, mother Haley Groce.

BUNCH, Arminda, female, born 4 Oct 1856, father Milton Bunch, mother Mary Blankenship.

BURCHETT, Addis F., born 28 Apr 1913, mother Edna Walden.
BURCHETT, Alta, b. 28 Nov 1899.
BURCHETT, Charlie Bramlett "Jack", born 1 Jan 1922, mother Ruby Smith, father Charlie Burchett Sr.
BURCHETT, Clara G., female, born 7 Aug 1907, mother
Ada Grider.
BURCHETT, E., female, born Apr 1878, father Nathan Burchett, father's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky, mother J. Dicken, mother's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky.
BURCHETT, Eva, female, born 5 Dec 1920, mother Edna Grider.
BURCHETT, James W., male, born 29 Dec 1913, mother Bell York.
BURCHETT, Jno B., male, born 28 Feb 1916, mother Cousby Carter.
BURCHETT, John B., male, born 28 Feb 1918, mother Cosby Carter.
BURCHETT, Lena M., female, born 7 Jul 1912, mother Ada Grider.
BURCHETT, Lewis F., male, born 8 Dec 1915, mother Ella Smith.
BURCHETT, Luther, male, born 15 Apr 1919, mother Edna Grider.*****
BURCHETT, Luther, male, born 15 Apr 1919, mother Edna Grider.*****
BURCHETT, Luther 1, male, born 1 Apr 1919, mother Edna Gridor.*****
BURCHETT, Mary, female, b. 17 Dec 1896.
BURCHETT, Mary L., female, born 5 Jan 1906, mother
Ada Grider.
BURCHETT, Mary M., female, born 5 Sep 1913, mother Lou Smith.
BURCHETT, Ovel Kenton, born 2 Jun 1918, mother Edna Waldon.
BURCHETT, Preston, male, born 15 May 1918, mother Helda Burchett.
BURCHETT, Stanly, b. 27 Sep 1902.
BURCHETT, Stella M., female, born 8 May 1907, mother
Emma Lewis.
BURCHETT, Thomas B., born 2 Feb 1855, mother Juda M.
Perdue, father Granville Burchett.
BURCHETTE, Anna M., female, born 18 Jul 1920, mother Lula Bell.
BURCHITT, P.L., female, born 4 Jul 1856, father James Burchitt, mother Mary Bell.
BURNS, Annie T., female, born 21 Oct 1916, mother Mariah Arms.
BURRIS, Annie, female, born 6 May 1905, mother Martha
BURRIS, Earl, male, born 18 Dec 1912, mother Savannah Choat.
BURRIS, Edwin E., male, born 17 May 1912, mother Laura Hicks.
BURRIS, El, born 18 Dec 1912, mother Savannah Choat.
BURRIS, Elwood, male, b. 16 Sep 1897.
BURRIS, Guy T., male, born 27 Nov 1905, mother Lola
BURRIS, Hall W., born 24 Mar 1915, mother Savanah Choate.
BURRIS, Jacob 2, male, born 14 Jul 1911, mother Oro Purcy.
BURRIS, Jacob 2, male, born 16 Jun 1912, mother Ora Piercy.
BURRIS, John A., male, born 18 Apr 1911, mother Lala Chaste.
BURRIS, John Haskell, male, born 19 Nov 1910, mother
Savannah Elizabeth Choate.
BURRIS, Lorcie E., born 1 Feb 1907, mother Exona Mason.
BURRIS, Martha E., female, born 31 Jul 1907, mother
Lola Choate.
BURRIS, Nancy E., female, born 22 oct 1907, mother
Lee Burchett.
BURRIS, Ora, born 12 Apr 1917, mother Sola Choat.******
BURRIS, Ora, born 12 Apr 1917, mother Lola Choate.******
BURRIS, Oren, born 12 Apr 1917, mother Sola Choat.******
BURRIS, Pearl, female, b. 17 Feb 1900.
BURRIS, Ray E., male, born 3 Jul 1915, mother Loly Choat.
BURRIS, Roy P., male, born 5 Feb 1913, mother Lola Burris.
BURRIS, Stanley, male, b. 23 Oct 1899.
BURRIS, Tom 2, male, born 19 Dec 1920, mother Jewell Kennedy.
BURRIS, Zellma, female, b. 29 Nov 1894.
BURTON, Mary P., female, born 9 Sep 1916, mother Minnie Cross.

BUSTER, Oleta Beatrice, female, born 12 Jul 1920, mother Lillie Cooksey.

BUTLER, Almarine 1, born 29 Sep 1911, mother Bitha Farmer.
BUTLER, Almarine 1, born 24 Sep 1912, mother Bitha Farmer.
BUTLER, Arthur, male, born 20 Mar 1918, mother Birtha Farang.
BUTLER, Audra Frances, female, born 7 Feb 1920, mother Laura Harris.
BUTLER, Brenda I., female, born 16 Apr 1918, mother Laura Harris.
BUTLER, Burcie M., born 19 Jul 1916, mother Susan Farmer.
BUTLER, Charlie R., male, born 14 Apr 1913, mother Mary Carlton.
BUTLER, Delmer, male, born 30 Aug 1911, mother Nannie Beaty.
BUTLER, Effie A., female, born 13 Sep 1910, mother
Mary Carlton.
BUTLER, Elmer, male, born 3 Sep 1914, mother Nannie Beaty.
BUTLER, George L., male, born 19 Feb 1919, mother Katherine York.
BUTLER, Georgie L., born 22 Mar 1916, mother Susie Abston.
BUTLER, Hershell L., male, born 17 Sep 1919, mother Mary Carlton.
BUTLER, Homer, male, born 18 May 1916, mother Nannie Beaty.
BUTLER, Ira J., born 28 Mar 1916, mother Rosa York.
BUTLER, James E., male, born 14 Nov 1913, mother Susie Abston.
BUTLER, James H., male, born 10 Mar 1918, mother Mary Carlton.
BUTLER, Joseph, male, born 16 Feb 1920, mother Mary Brunit.
BUTLER, Kendrick, male, born 26 Apr 1916, mother Estie Brown.
BUTLER, Louis 2, male, born 8 Nov 1912, mother Rosale York.
BUTLER, Marie, female, born 18 Oct 1917, mother Lucinda Brown.
BUTLER, Roxie, female, born 29 May 1918, mother Nannie Beaty.
BUTLER, Sarah S., female, born 14 Sep 1920, mother Sarah Shelley.
BUTLER, Walters E., male, born 22 Mar 1914, mother Rosa York.
BUTLER, Will 1, male, born 8 Aug 1920, mother Mannie Beaty.
BUTLER, Willie M., male, born 7 Nov 1919, mother Rosa York.
BUTRAM, Emmett 2, male, born 14 Jun 1912, mother Minnie Stewart.
BUTRAM, Roxie M., female, born 22 Sep 1914, mother Flora McWhorter.
BUTRAM, Stanley H., male, born 24 May 1912, mother Dora Gross.

BYERS, Evaline, female, born 15 Sep 1917, mother Maggie Reece.
BYERS, Hubert A., male, born 16 Oct 1912, mother Gollie Huff.
BYERS, Johnie, male, born 18 Feb 1920, mother Gernette Valentine.
BYERS, Lizzy, female, born 1 Jan 1914, mother Lizzy Sloane.
BYERS, Theodore N., male, born 5 May 1911, mother Coralie York.
BYRD, Atto, born 16 Aug 1920, mother Tylpha Holbert.
BYRD, Bessie J., female, born 19 Feb 1918, mother Lucinda Zachary.
BYRD, Burcie N., born 5 Jun 1920, mother Lucinda Tachary.
BYRD, Dillard R., male, born 1 Jul 1916, mother Ida Dannel.
BYRD, Donivan K., male, born 26 Apr 1917, mother Pamelia Brown.
BYRD, Elvin P., born 20 Jan 1916, mother Lucinda Zachery.
BYRD, Hiram W., male, born 15 Jul 1919, mother Zelphia Holbert.
BYRD, James R., male, born 5 Dec 1919, mother Izora Danel.
BYRD, Rosie B., female, born 17 Oct 1905, mother Izora

*, **, ***, ****, *****, ****** These two records appear to be the same person, with different spellings in either the child's name and/or mother's name. There were two birth certificates issued, one apparently a correction to the original, incorrect certificate.