SAMMONS, Roe, male, born 24 Mar 1919, mother Vena Liverandgy.

SAVAGE, Elissie, female, born 14 Jun 1920, mother Ethel Davis.
SAVAGE, Hanah, female, born 13 Jan 1914, mother Nancy Reece.
SAVAGE, James H., male, born 8 Dec 1917, mother Ollie McIver.
SAVAGE, Pearl C., female, born 26 Apr 1911, mother Nannie Reese.
SAVAGE, Sterley, b. 8 Dec 1902.
SAVAGE, Willie E., born 13 Mar 1919, mother Ollie McIver.

SAWERS, J.M., male (Twin), born 1878 (date illegible), father F. H. Sawers, father's place of birth Washington Co., (Via?), mother Sarah MacKey, mother's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky.
SAWERS, J.S., male (Twin), born 1878 (date illegible), father F. H. Sawers, father's place of birth Washington Co., (Via?), mother Sarah MacKey, mother's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky.
SAWYER, Gladys B., female, born 24 Mar 1915, mother Lena Mills.
SAWYER, Leto O., born 24 Aug 1912, mother Nora Sawyer.
SAWYER, Reba B., female, born 19 Oct 1917, mother Lena Mills.
SAWYERS, Everett R., male, born 12 Jul 1896, mother Mary
SAWYERS, James Alexander Garfield, born 21 April 1882, father Frederick Hartwell Sawyers, mother Sarah Mackey.
SAWYERS, John T., male, born 15 May 1917, mother Minnie Hay.
SAWYERS, Kimble G., born 1 Sep 1911, mother Rebeca Huddleston.
SAWYERS, Marie R., female, born 1 Sep 1904, mother Nancy

SCHECKLES, James V., male, born 18 Mar 1916, mother Arminda Smith.

SCOT, Rosey M., female, born 5 Jan 1914, mother Magie Scot.
SCOTT, Allen, male, born 7 Oct 1920, mother Stella Riddle.
SCOTT, Arthur P., male, born 16 Feb 1916, mother Mattie Cummings.
SCOTT, Elsie R., female, born 14 Jun 1916, mother Feriba Bow.
SCOTT, Ernest E., male, born 18 Jul 1911, mother Feriba Bow.
SCOTT, Floyd, male, born 26 Jan 1920, mother Mattie Cumings.
SCOTT, Jewell E., female, born 19 Mar 1919, mother Feriba Bow.
SCOTT, Johnie M., male, born 21 Sep 1913, mother Nannie Groce.
SCOTT, Lena O., female, born 17 Jul 1913, mother Mattie Cummens.
SCOTT, Mary, female, born 4 Jun 1916, mother Ferba Bow.
SCOTT, Mattie A., female, born 5 Apr 1915, mother Nannie Grace.*
SCOTT, Mattie O., female, born 5 Apr 1915, mother Nannie Groce.*
SCOTT, Noxie C., female, born 29 Jul 1913, mother Feriba Bow.
SCOTT, Octavia, female, born 15 Jan 1917, mother Nann Groce.
SCOTT, Ora B., born 7 Jan 1918, mother Eva Riddle.
SCOTT, Robert F., male, born 26 Feb 1911, mother Mattie Cummings.
SCOTT, Vinnie M., born 28 Sep 1911, mother Nannie Groce.
SCOTT, William, male, born 4 Jul 1913, mother Julia Long.
SCOTT, William R., male, born 28 Aug 1912, mother S. Hicks.

SEDWELL, Willie T., born 22 Oct 1918, mother Relsey Agee.

SELL, Albert E., male, born 6 Apr 1911, mother Allice Smith.
SELL, Cecelia E., female, born 6 Sep 1918, mother Belle Jones.
SELL, Cora E., female, born 5 Mar 1916, mother Nannie Jones.
SELL, Ernest, male, born 2 Oct 1915, mother Myrtie Jarvis.
SELL, Eva L., female, born 21 Jan 1914, mother Alice Smith.
SELL, Everett L., male, born 16 Oct 1911, mother Myrtie Jarvis.
SELL, James R., male, born 23 Mar 1914, mother Nannie Jones.
SELL, John M., male, born 29 Feb 1912, mother Nancy Jones.
SELL, Lizzie E., female, born 12 Aug 1916, mother Cora Bruton.
SELL, Marvin W., male, born 30 Oct 1919, mother Eunice Wright.
SELL, Nora E., female, born 23 Oct 1918, mother Flora Bruton.
SELL, Noxie J., born 24 Jul 1912, mother E. Wright.
SELL, Warren C., male, born 24 Dec 1920, mother Bell Jones.
SELLS, Ada M., female, born 11 Mar 1913, mother Gertie Shipley.
SELLS, Arthur L., male, born 10 May 1909, mother Gertrude
SELLS, Bennie B., born 7 Dec 1911, mother Cora Bruton.
SELLS, Delmer, male, born 29 Mar 1915, mother Girtie Shipley.
SELLS, Elmer, male, born 29 Mar 1915, mother Girta Shipley.
SELLS, Everet, male, born 19 Nov 1916, mother Gertie Shipley.
SELLS, Gus R., male, born 11 Jun 1911, mother Girtie Shipley.
SELLS, Hall, born 15 Apr 1912, mother Laura Tompkins.
SELLS, Hay 2, born 15 Feb 1914, mother Mary Brown.
SELLS, Howard, male, born 12 Jul 1919, mother Girtie Shipley.
SELLS, Nell D., female, born 18 Jul 1917, mother Laura Tompkins.
SELLS, Nora U., female, born 23 Oct 1918, mother Cora Bruton.
SELLS, Paul G., male, born 28 Oct 1914, mother Laura Tompkins.
SELLS, Ronald A., male, born 27 Sep 1915, mother Flora Bruton.
SELLS, Sallie M., female, born 4 Aug 1920, mother Laura Tompkins.
SELSE, Virda, born 11 Aug 1916, mother Cora Bruiton.
SELVIDGE, Ernie P., male, born 16 Nov 1919, mother Ethel Bertham.
SELVIDGE, Robert W., male, born 1 Jul 1918, mother Ethel Bertram.

SEVERE, L.E., female, born 26 Mar 1878, father Jesse Severe, father's place of birth East Tennessee, mother M. A. Daniel, mother's place of birth Cumberland Co., Ky.

SHECKELS, Jesse, born 21 May 1912, mother Minnie Smith.
SHECKELS, Odel, male, born 3 May 1920, mother Armmda Smith.
SHECKELS, Sarah E., female, born 7 Apr 1914, mother Arminda Smith.
SHEFFIELD, James P., male, born 15 Sep 1920, mother Laura Garrett.
SHEFFIELD, Marvin, male, b. 15 Jul 1895.
SHEFFIELD, Minnie, female, b. 25 Aug 1891.
SHEFFIELD, Willie E., male, born 12 Oct 1908, mother
Emma Dalton.
SHEFFIELD, Willie R., male, born 23 Sep 1918, mother Dicie Smith.
SHELL, Bertha M., female, born 7 Apr 1907, mother Martha
SHELLER, Irene M., female, born 2 Oct 1915, mother Lori Collins.
SHELLEY, Aubrey E., born 4 Apr 1917, mother Lucy Cross.
SHELLEY, Eulalia M., female, born 12 Nov 1918, mother Mae Cross.
SHELLEY, James C., male, born 17 Dec 1918, mother Fannie Smith.
SHELLEY, James M., male, born 14 Jun 1912, mother Dora Collins.
SHELLEY, James Otis, male, born 27 Oct 1920, mother Lucy Cross.
SHELLEY, Jessie J., female, born 11 Jul 1918, mother Edith Groce.
SHELLEY, male child of Leonard, born 25 Mar 1916, mother Artie Polson.
SHELLEY, Mary A., female, born 5 Jun 1918, mother Artie Polston.
SHELLEY, Otis G., male, born 12 Sep 1918, mother Bertha Jarvis.
SHELLEY, Robert D., male, born 30 Nov 1854, father L.B. Shelley, mother Manervy Neathery.
SHELLEY, Robbie J., male, born 12 Sep 1918, mother Bertha Jarvis.
SHELLEY, Roxie G., female, born 1 Aug 1917, mother Edna Cummings.
SHELLEY, Sarah J., female, born 3 Jan 1852, father L.W. Shelley mother Minerva Nethery.
SHELLY, D.J., female, born 2 Oct 1856, father T. P. Shelly, mother E. F. Frogg.
SHELTON, Aurereth, born 19 Dec 1919, mother Cara Shelton.
SHELTON, Desry D., born 5 Sep 1913, mother Martha Jones.
SHELTON, Earl B., male, born 6 Jan 1917, mother Sarah Denvy.
SHELTON, Elmer T., male, born 4 Jan 1907, mother Lucy
SHELTON, Fred, male, born 4 Oct 1914, mother Sarah Denny.
SHELTON, George H., male, born 27 Jun 1902, mother Sarah
SHELTON, Henry L., male, born 16 Jul 1912, mother Tilda Shelton.
SHELTON, Ida P., female, born 24 May 1913, mother Lucy Conner.
SHELTON, J.H., male, born 31 Oct 1878, father J. M. Shelton, father's place of birth Washington Co., (? Via), mother T. Smith, mother's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky.
SHELTON, John F., male, born 15 Jul 1908, mother Maudie
SHELTON, Mary Francis, female, born 31 Jan 1909, mother
Matilda E. Clark.
SHELTON, Matilda F., female, born 30 Jun 1911, mother Pamela Crage.
SHELTON, Odie Maye, female, born 12 Apr 1920, mother Eunis Kennedy.
SHELTON, Roy, male, born 4 Oct 1914, mother Sarah Dennis.
SHELTON, Sam 1, male, born 20 Feb 1912, mother Myrtie Ceicle.
SHELTON, Sarah A., female, born 28 Mar 1911, mother Mary Shelton.
SHERFIELD, Martha, b. 22 Jun 1900.
SHERFIELD, Willie, b. 23 Sep 1901.

SHIPLEY, Gloria W., female, born 11 Sep 1910, mother
Geneva Guffey.
SHIPLEY, John N., male, born 24 Jul 1916, mother Tene Bolen.
SHIPLEY, Juanita M., female, born 14 Mar 1915, mother Rebecca Hatcher.
SHIPLEY, Lena, female, born 18 Oct 1902, mother Mary
SHIPLEY, Okla, born 7 Jan 1904, mother Clemontine Boles.
SHIPLEY, Pearl V., female, born 23 Feb 1919, mother Tine Boles.
SHIPLEY, Ray M., born 22 Mar 1917, mother Rebecca Hatcher.
SHIPLEY, Ruby, female, born 26 Dec 1913, mother Tine Boles.

SHOATMAN, Bailey, male, born 21 Feb 1913, mother Ida Johnson.
SHOATMAN, Tount, born 9 Jul 1911, mother Flora McGill.

SHOCKEY, Roxie E., female, born 9 Jun 1915, mother Amanda Hicks.

SHOOPMAN, Earnest G., male, born 26 May 1920, mother Lizzie Carr.
SHOOPMAN, Eddie M., male, born 1 Jun 1910, mother Stacey
SHOOPMAN, Edna B., female, born 18 Jun 1913, mother Mary Stone.
SHOOPMAN, Fount E., male, born 25 Jun 1911, mother Flora McKee.
SHOOPMAN, Granville C., male, born 29 May 1916, mother Mary Stone.
SHOOPMAN, Margaret L., female, born 26 Oct 1916, mother Flora McGill.
SHOOPMAN, Samuel 1, male, born 12 Nov 1913, mother Effie Norris.
SHOOPMAN, Stella M., female, born 5 Aug 1918, mother Arlena Brown.
SHOOPMAN, Thelma C., female, born 24 Mar 1912, mother Arlena Brown.
SHOOPMAN, Verlie L., born 3 Mar 1918, mother Lela Morris.
SHOOPMAN, Willard S., male, born 17 Sep 1905, mother
Emiline Dickerson.
SHOOPMAN, William A., male, born 3 Nov 1913, mother Stacey Johnson.
SHOOPMAN, Winfrey, born 3 Apr 1915, mother Lida Harris.
SHOOTMAN, Alford 2, born 21 Feb 1913, mother Ida Johnson.
SHOOTMAN, Beulah, female, born 20 Sep 1910, mother Emmaline
SHOOTMAN, Laura J., female, born 20 Jul 1914, mother Ida Johnson.
SHOOTMAN, Sadie A., female, born 9 Feb 1919, mother Ida Johnson.
SHOOTMAN, Sena, female, born 4 Apr 1914, mother Flora McGill.

SIDWELL, Abraham, male, born 2 Feb 1914, mother Wils Baker.
SIDWELL, Eula P., female, born 7 Sep 1917, mother Callie Sidwell.
SIDWELL, Herman C., male, born 2 Mar 1919, mother Amanda Willson.
SIDWELL, John, male, born 11 Mar 1856, mother M. J. Sidwell.
SIDWELL, Lizzie J., female, born 9 Aug 1916, mother Relza Agee.
SIDWELL, Lucy, female, born 23 May 1917, mother Jona Stephansan.
SIDWELL, Lucy A., female, born 14 Aug 1917, mother Mary Pennycuff.
SIDWELL, Nellie J., female, born 15 Aug 1903, mother
Amanda Baker.
SIDWELL, Opal, female, born 2 May 1916, mother Wilce Baker.
SIDWELL, Sarrah E., female, born 25 Apr 1915, mother Marry Peuticuff.
SIDWELL, Willena, female, born 25 Oct 1918, mother Florence Mason.
SIDWELL, William T., male, born 24 Oct 1918, mother Relsie Agee.

SLOAN, Addie L., female, born 6 Jan 1917, mother Ruth Hancock.
SLOAN, Autha, born 18 Aug 1911, mother Sallie Percy.
SLOAN, Coin, b. 24 Jan 1897.
SLOAN, Dan L., male, born 19 May 1911, mother Cora Pierce.
SLOAN, Dorothy, female, born 28 Dec 1914, mother Juda Garrett.
SLOAN, Dudley 1, male, born 5 Sep 1914, mother Cora Peirce.
SLOAN, Eunice, b. 28 Nov 1902.
SLOAN, Eury M., b. 30 Apr 1895.
SLOAN, Eva N., female, born 4 Jul 1919, mother Sallie Piercey.
SLOAN, Flonnie E., born 9 Apr 1918, mother Lillian Ferguson.
SLOAN, Grace, female, born 18 Aug 1912, mother Sallie Piercey.
SLOAN, Homer W., male, born 10 Dec 1916, mother Sallie Piercry.
SLOAN, Howard G., male, born 22 Jul 1914, mother Sallie Piercey.
SLOAN, Jerry B., male, born 27 Dec 1918, mother Montie Cross.
SLOAN, Kendrick L., male, born 4 Jul 1919, mother Sallie Piercy.
SLOAN, Reuben, b. 31 May 1900.
SLOAN, Roscoe, b. 5 Mar 1892.
SLOAN, Sue, female, born 23 Oct 1920, mother Fralie Cowan.
SLOAN, William L., male, born 26 Aug 1919, mother Ruth Havcock.
SLOON, Thomas A., male, born 27 Jan 1917, mother Montie Cross.

SMALLWOOD, Joe, born 26 Mar 1917, mother Laura Wheeler, father MC Smallwood.
SMALLWOOD, Nora A., female, born 18 Aug 1913, mother Sophia Davidson.
SMALLWOOD, Tya M., born 3 Aug 1913, mother Mary Smallwood.

SMTH, Addie O., female, born 7 Jan 1908, mother Bessie
SMITH, Amanda, female, born 25 Jan 1856, father Lewis E. Smith, mother Malvina Miller.
SMITH, Anna O., female, born 4 Sep 1914, mother Mary Cowan.
SMITH, Annie M., female, born 19 Sep 1916, mother Sallie Campbell.
SMITH, Arthur L., male, born 4 Jul 1913, mother Bertie Stockton.
SMITH, Ausney T., born 25 Sep 1916, mother Dora Cummings.
SMITH, Beecher G., male, born 7 Dec 1917, mother Lula Graham.
SMITH, Bercie L., born 4 Apr 1917, mother Susie Willes.**
SMITH, Bill, male, born 10 Feb 1911, mother Minnie Rigney.
SMITH, Bud J., male, born 3 Jun 1911, mother Mary Polson.
SMITH, Burcie I., female, born 28 Feb 1904, mother Leona
SMITH, Burcie L., born 4 Apr 1917, mother Susa Willen.**
SMITH, Clara, b. 30 Aug 1901.
SMITH, Corda Valene, female, born 28 Nov 1915, mother Maggie Rigney.
SMITH, D. 1, male, born 28 Jul 1912, mother Emma Guthrie.
SMITH, Delaney 2, female, born 19 Dec 1916, mother Flossy Rayborn.
SMITH, Dock 1, male, born 24 Oct 1914, mother Emma GUthrie.
SMITH, Donna R., female, born 17 Nov 1906, mother Rena
SMITH, Dorothy D., female, born 3 Mar 1909, mother Matilda
SMITH, Earl, male, born 11 Jan 1915, mother Lula Graham.
SMITH, Edd G., male, born 27 May 1012, mother Nettie Huff.
SMITH, Elmer H., male, born 26 Mar 1919, mother Mary Gibson.
SMITH, Eunice, female, born 5 Nov 1911, mother Remember Shelley.
SMITH, Evangeline N., female, born 9 Feb 1915, mother Alzora Conner.
SMITH, Everett 1, male, born 6 Nov 1917, mother Nettie Huff.
SMITH, Frank C., male, born 11 Mar 1911, mother Mary Caram.
SMITH, Fred, male, born 27 Jul 1912, mother Ema Guthri.
SMITH, Fred E., male, born 2 Nov 1918, mother Ida Duvall.
SMITH, Frisba 1, male, born 2 Feb 1913, mother Leler Craig.
SMITH, Frisby 1, female (twin), born 11 Jul 1915, mother Lela Craig.
SMITH, Frisby 2, female (twin), born 11 Jul 1915, mother Lela Craig.
SMITH, George Carl, male, born 30 Aug 1865, mother Malvina Miller, father Lewis E. Smith.
SMITH, Gladys P., female, born 22 Nov 1919, mother Mary Rigney.
SMITH, Granville R., male, born 19 Jan 1913, mother Ginia Cross.
SMITH, Hazle B., female, born 27 Nov 1913, mother Ethel Mackey.
SMITH, Hoile W., born 7 Jul 1914, mother Lille Wilbom.
SMITH, Ina Pearl, female, born 6 Nov 1919, mother Minnie Rigney.
SMITH, J.G., born 14 Dec 1916, mother Alzora Conner.
SMITH, J.P., male, born 19 Aug 1856, father Jesse Smith, mother Mary Ann Dickson.
SMITH, J.S., born 6 Nov 1918, mother Bessie Sloan.
SMITH, James 1, male, born 21 Jul 1914, mother Lillie Wilborn.
SMITH, James 2, female, born 14 Aug 1911, mother Ida Duvall.
SMITH, James F., male, born 19 Feb 1920, mother Rubie Campbell.
SMITH, James W., male, 13 Aug 1854, mother Malvina Miller, father Lewis E. Smith.
SMITH, Jimmie O., born 9 Dec 1916, mother Lilly Wilson.
SMITH, John B., male, born 22 Dec 1914, mother Bertie Stockton.
SMITH, John B., male, born 9 Aug 1920, mother Susie Willen.
SMITH, John W., male, born 4 Jun 1914, mother Nettie Huff.***
SMITH, Johnie E., male, born 19 Jan 1919, mother Lillie Wilborn.
SMITH, Johny W., born 5 Jun 1914, mother Nettie Huff.***
SMITH, Juanita, female, born 2 Aug 1912, mother ALzora Conner.
SMITH, Leander M., born 25 May 1911, mother Lutishia Campbell.
SMITH, Lena W., female, born 17 Nov 1906, mother Mary
SMITH, Letha E., female, born 30 Dec 1914, mother Susia Wellen.
SMITH, Lewis O., male, born 1860, mother Malvina Miller, father Lewis E. Smith.
SMITH, Lizzie I., female, born 18 Oct 1909, mother Minnie
SMITH, Loid C., male, born 8 May 1918, mother Pearl Rayburn.
SMITH, Lucy L., female, born 11 May 1914, mother Ida Duvall.
SMITH, M.L., female, born Mar 1856, mother Cynthia Smith.
SMITH, Mable F., female, born 25 Jun 1920, mother Lula Graham.
SMITH, Malvina Emmaline, female, born 14 Mar 1858, mother Malvina Miller, father Lewis E. Smith.
SMITH, Margaret Ann "Maggie", female, born 15 Apr 1863, mother Malvina Miller, father Lewis E. Smith.
SMITH, Martha, female, born 30 Dec 1915, mother Susie Willen.
SMITH, Martin Miller, male, born 6 July 1857, mother Malvina Miller, father Lewis E. Smith.
SMITH, Marvin C., male, born 2 May 1911, mother Susie Willen.
SMITH, Mary E., female, born 1862, mother Malvina Miller, father Lewis E. Smith.
SMITH, Mary E., female, born 6 Mar 1856, father T. Smith, mother Susannah Beckett.
SMITH, Mary I., female, born 15 Jun 1909, mother Remember
SMITH, Mary R., female, born 23 May 1913, mother Bessie Sloan.
SMITH, Mary R., female, born 27 Aug 1917, mother Cora Dalton.
SMITH, Melva D., female, born 8 May 1912, mother Maggie Leslie.
SMITH, Millard, male, born 5 May 1914, mother Winnie Anderson.****
SMITH, Millard A., male, born 5 May 1914, mother Winnie Anderson.****
SMITH, Myre P., born 3 May 1912, mother Lilley Wilburn.
SMITH, Nellie E., female, born 20 Dec 1917, mother Minnie Rigney.
SMITH, Nettie, female, born 26 Sep 1913, mother Maggie Leslie.
SMITH, Oplis, born 7 Sep 1918, mother Bertie Stockton.
SMITH, Otis 2, female, born 6 May 1920, mother Dora Cummings.
SMITH, Ovelline, born 8 May 1915, mother Maggie Lesley.
SMITH, Pleasy, b. 29 Jul 1898.
SMITH, Robert 1, male, born 2 Jun 1911, mother Mary Polson.
SMITH, Robert C., male, born 22 Nov 1915, mother Emma Guthrie.*****
SMITH, Robert C., male, born 22 Nov 1915, mother Emma Guthrie.*****
SMITH, Robert P., male, born 2 Feb 1913, mother Leler Craig.
SMITH, Roxie F., female, born 21 Mar 1916, mother Bertie Stockton.
SMITH, Roy L., male, born 25 Feb 1912, mother Nannie Smith.
SMITH, Ruben M., male, born 11 Dec 1913, mother Maggie Rigney.
SMITH, Ruby Elise, female, born 26 Dec 1915, mother Vernetta Huff.
SMITH, Ruby H., female, born 6 May 1920, mother Dora Cummings.
SMITH, Ruth E., female, born 17 Nov 1916, mother Minnie Smith.
SMITH, Sally, female, born 3 Dec 1917, mother Lucy Smith.
SMITH, Samuel, male, born 9 Aug 1920, mother Susie Willen.
SMITH, Stephen, male, born 21 Jul 1856, father James Smith, mother P. M. Mackey.
SMITH, Thelma A., female, born 31 May 1911, mother Maggie Leslie.
SMITH, Trumon L., male, born 14 Mar 1916, mother Pearl Gamblin.
SMITH, Velma G., female, born 28 Mar 1913, mother Flossie Gyers.
SMITH, Vergie E., born 1 Nov 1916, mother Dora Cummings.
SMITH, Virgie E., female, born 3 Dec 1917, mother Dora Cummings.
SMITH, W.E., male, born Jul 1856, father James Smith, mother Susan Sell.
SMITH, Wanda L., female, born 21 Apr 1920, mother Sallie Duvall.
SMITH, Will R., male, born 26 Apr 1917, mother Bessie Loan.
SMITH, William D., male, born 11 May 1914, mother Ida Duvall.
SMITH, Willie C., male, born 14 Sep 1920, mother Berty Stockton.******
SMITH, WIllie C., male, born 14 Sep 1920, mother Bertie Stockton.******
SMITH, Zac J., male, born 31 Jan 1856, mother Louisa Smith.

SNOW, Jim Printas, male, born 28 Aug 1913, mother Tinnie Rowe.
SNOW, John R., male, born 8 Jan 1856, father F. G. Snow, mother Martha J. Ryan.
SNOW, Rever R., born 17 May 1915, mother Tina Rowe.

SOUTHERLAND, F.M., male, born 13 Oct 1856, father J. C. Southerland, mother R. A. Young.

SPECK, Elizabeth A., female, born 29 Oct 1915, mother Willie Dabney.
SPECK, James D., male, born 9 Feb 1918, mother Willie Dabney.
SPERMAN, Earl, male, born 3 Nov 1911, mother Laura Gibson.

STAILEY, Audrey D., female, born 10 Sep 1918, mother Bell Gibson.
STAILEY, Clara B., female, born 28 Sep 1905, mother Mary
STAILEY, Elizabeth, female, born 31 Dec 1913, mother Nettie Cole.
STAILEY, Etta Permelia, female, born 1 Aug 1877, parents Jerry & Nancy Stailey.
STAILEY, Mary C., female, born 17 Mar 1911, mother Mary Cole.
STALEY, Thelma I., female, born 17 Apr 1916, motehr Bellzora Gibson.
STAMS, Willrard, male, born 30 Aug 1916, mother Cavira Stames.
STARLEY, Jesse P., born 25 Apr 1911, other Belle Gibson.
STARNES, male, born 11 Mar 1919, mothe Gertie Guffey.
STARNS, Charley, born 9 May 1914, mother Mary Seat.
STARNS, Floyd Ray, male, born 16 Aug 1919, mother Mary Scott.
STARNS, General W., male, born 19 Aug 1919, mother Mahaley Brooks.
STARNS, Marion, born 16 May 1919, mother Maurice Marley.
STATON, Lula, female, born 14 Aug 1912, mother Parthena Irvin.

STEARNS, Cecil F., male, born 27 Jan 1914, mother Julie Brumley.
STEARNS, Delmer L., male, born 4 Aug 1911, mother Martha McWhorter.
STEARNS, Earl, male, born 12 Mar 1917, mother Laura McWhorter.
STEARNS, Esber, born 15 Oct 1920, mother Nova Agee.
STEARNS, Estelle E., female, born 24 Dec 1919, mother Violette Bell.
STEARNS, Isaac Shelby, male, b. 14 Oct 1851, father Dane Stearns.
STEARNS, Jackson, male, b. 28 Nov 1873, father Gideon Stearns, mother Sarah Shelton.
STEARNS, Margie L., female, born 1 May 1910, mother Lizzie
STEARNS, Marshall C., male, born 19 Dec 1912, mother Lizzie Adley.
STEARNS, Virgie, female, born 4 Dec 1904, mother Sarah
Frances Yates.
STEARNS, William V., male, born 12 May 1903, mother Mattie
STEARNS, Willie C., male, born 6 Jun 1919, mother Julie Brumley.
STEPHENSON, Esther E., female, born 4 Oct 1912, motehr Julia Janes.
STEPHENSON, Grace S., female, born 1 May 1911, mother Maude James.
STEPHENSON, Mary P., female, born 14 Sep 1914, mother Julia James.
STERNES, Bertha, female, b. 6 Mar 1891.
STERNES, Jessie P., b. 7 May 1899.
STERNES, Lee V., b. 24 Aug 1894.
STERNES, Luther, male, b. 16 Jul 1895.
STERNES, Marvin, male, b. 30 Nov 1898.
STERNES, Molly, female, b. 11 Feb 1896.
STERNES, Sarah E., female, born 15 Jul 1913, mother Lilly Bell.
STERNES, Verlie M., b. 31 Dec 1900.
STERNES, William B., male, b. 19 Sep 1891.
STERNES, William R., male, born 22 Jul 1913, mother Cary Sternes.
STERNES, William S., male, b. 22 Mar 1892.
STEWART, Effie P., female, born 15 Mar 1906, mother Clara
STEWART, Lewis R., male, born 23 Jun 1918, motehr Della Brown.
STEWART, Lilly L., female born 26 Aug 1912, mother L. Robinson.
STEWART, Mary L., female, born 20 Feb 1914, mother Marie White.
STEWART, Prentis, born 15 Aug 1913,, mother Minnie Brown.

STINSON, Arthur, male, born 13 Mar 1899, mother Sarah
STINSON, Delmer L., male, born 4 Jan 1915, mother Mary Stinson.
STINSON, Ernie O., male, born 1 Feb 1918, mother Mary Burnett.
STINSON, Helen, female, born 28 Jan 1915, mother Ethel Burnett.
STINSON, Leo, male, born 7 Jan 1918, mother Mary Evans.
STINSON, Lloyd, male, born 28 Oct 1920, mother Ethel Burnett.
STINSON, Tillman J., born 3 May 1913, mother Elvira Gray.
STINSON, Will 1, male, born 10 Jun 1917, mother Girtie Gray.*******
STINSON, WIlliam 1, male, born 2 Jun 1917, mother Gertrude Gray.*******

STOCKTON, Anna R., female, born 7 Jun 1920, motehr Dellie Cross.
STOCKTON, Antha P., born 9 Nov 1914, mother Magnola Johnson.
STOCKTON, Bertha E., female, born 9 Oct 1909, mother
Mollie Vaughn.
STOCKTON, Bill Allen, b. 13 Aug 1895.
STOCKTON, Bryant E., born 10 Dec 1920, mother Maggie Johnson.
STOCKTON, Burcie C., born 9 Jul 1917, mother Easter Wade.
STOCKTON, Carline M., female, born 9 Sep 1917, mother Margarett Owens.
STOCKTON, Clara P., female, born 20 Jan 1914, mother Nellie Vaughn.
STOCKTON, Claud, b. 24 Mar 1891.
STOCKTON, Claudie L., born 2 Dec 1911, mother Eliya Moles.
STOCKTON, Delmer L., male, born 18 Nov 1913, mother Eliza Gates.
STOCKTON, Dorothy D., female, born 10 Dec 1915, mother Margaret Owens.
STOCKTON, Dorothy G., female, born 18 Sep 1914, mother Susie Stockton.
STOCKTON, Edgar P., male, born 22 Apr 1912, motehr Easter Wade.
STOCKTON, Edna M., female, born 28 Feb 1915, motehr Lula Thompson.
STOCKTON, Ernest, male, born 3 Jun 1912, mother Rosa Stockton.
STOCKTON, Eva, female, born 9 Feb 1917, mother Mollie Stockton.
STOCKTON, George 2, female, born 6 Apr 1912, mother Manervie Bird.
STOCKTON, Gertie I., female, born 14 Sep 1918, mother Nola Johnson.
STOCKTON, Gladis, female, born 26 Feb 1915, mother Easter Wade.
STOCKTON, Gracie, b. 8 Jun 1897.
STOCKTON, Guisa, b. 3 Dec 1894.
STOCKTON, Henry C., male, born 27 Nov 1917, mother Della Smith.
STOCKTON, Herbert, b. 26 Mar 1890.
STOCKTON, Hershel, b. 10 Jul 1894.
STOCKTON, Imon, b. 8 Aug 1900.
STOCKTON, Isaac, b. 28 Nov 1890.
STOCKTON, J.B., born 5 Nov 1903, mother Mollie Vaughn.
STOCKTON, James C., male, born 24 Nov 1916, mother Nola Johnson.
STOCKTON, James E., male, born 13 Sep 1918, mother Nolia Van.
STOCKTON, James Ivan, male, born 25 May 1916, mother Nannie Woods.
STOCKTON, James L., male, born 18 Dec 1912, mother Susie Huddleston.
STOCKTON, Jesse 1, male, born Bettie Smith.
STOCKTON, Joe B., male, born 31 May 1912, mother Magnola Johnson.
STOCKTON, John A., male, born 5 Nov 1907, mother Mollie
STOCKTON, Johnnie, male, born 4 Sep 1913, mother Lula Tompson.
STOCKTON, Julia, female, born 17 Nov 1914, mother Ava Cowan.
STOCKTON, Kendrick G., male, born 17 Jan 1916, mother Dilla Cross.
STOCKTON, Leah, female, born 24 Jul 1911, mother Nannie Wood.
STOCKTON, Lela F., female, born 27 Feb 1919, mother Georgie Shelton.
STOCKTON, Lena M., female, born 30 Oct 1911, mother Mary Craig.
STOCKTON, Leneadell, born 24 May 1911, mother Mollie Vaughn.
STOCKTON, Letha, female, born 25 Nov 1920, mother Julia Cross.
STOCKTON, Levi, male, born 18 Dec 1912, mother Susie Huddleston.
STOCKTON, Lucelia, female, born 30 Oct 1918, mother Della Cross.
STOCKTON, Lucile E., female, born 20 Oct 1909, mother
Betty Farmer.
STOCKTON, male child, born 14 Dec 1919, mother Lou Thompson,
father Mack Stockton..
STOCKTON, male child, born 7 Mar 1917, mother Lula Thompson,
father Mack Stockton..
STOCKTON, Martin C., male, born 26 Feb 1912, mother Maranda Pennycuff.
STOCKTON, Marvin, b. 1 Dec 1898.
STOCKTON, Marvin E., male, born 11 Jul 1909, mother Easter
STOCKTON, Mary L., female, born 20 Sep 1916, mother Unknown Ballinger.
STOCKTON, McKinley, male, born 6 Oct 1919, mother Maranda Penticuff.
STOCKTON, Mofurt N., born 20 Jul 1914, mother Alma Stockton.
STOCKTON, Montie L., b. 20 Oct 1892.
STOCKTON, Nethie, b. 8 Jun 1903.
STOCKTON, Netha I., born 8 Jun 1904, mother Barbara Polson.
STOCKTON, Oscar, b. 30 Sep 1896.
STOCKTON, Oscar H., male, born 13 May 1919, mother Jula Cowan.
STOCKTON, Radford, male, born 10 Jun 1911, mother Barba Palston.
STOCKTON, Reed, male, born 16 Oct 1919, mother Leslie Owens.
STOCKTON, Robert D., male, born 18 Jul 1899, mother Randa
STOCKTON, Ruby, female, born 18 Mar 1920, mother Easter Waid.
STOCKTON, Sarah O., female, born 25 Dec 1913, mother Mary Craig.
STOCKTON, Sherman, b. 12 Sep 1892.
STOCKTON, Sherman, male, born 18 Dec 1912, mother Susie Huddleston.
STOCKTON, William 1, male, born 14 Jun 1918, mother Maranda Penticuff.
STOCKTON, William T., male, born 17 Oct 1914, mother Maranda Penticuff.
STOCKTON, WIllie, born 13 Sep 1911, mother Lula Thompson.
STOCKTON, Willie F., male, born 28 Jan 1920, mother Dora Anderson.
STOCKTON, Willie P., male, born 30 Aug 1918, mother Permelia Huddleston.
STONE, Anna N., female, born 28 Oct 1919, mother Lee Ferguson.
STONE, Evelyn E., female, born 6 Aug 1896, mother Myrtie
STONE, Laura M., female, born 1 Apr 1913, mother Martha Caralton.
STONE, Mary F., female, born 30 Aug 1920, mother Ellen Carlton.
STONE, Otho C., male, born 10 May 1912, mother Lee Ferguson.
STONE, Robert, male, born 20 Jun 1919, mother Maudie York.
STONE, Robt. E., male, born 6 Jan 1915, mother Lee Ferguson.
STONE, Willie L., male, born 5 Mar 1918, mother Maudie York.
STONE, Zelma, female, born 17 Jul 1915, mother Ellen Carlton.
STORMES, Marshel, male, born 22 Jan 1913, mother Lizzie Hadley.*******
STORMES, Marshel, male, born 30 Jan 1913, mother Lizzie Hadley.*******
STORY, James Buchanan, male, born 12 Dec 1856, father Benj Story, mother Mary E. Macey.
STOVER, Mary A., female, born 20 Jul 1918, mother Emma Thrasher.

STRILY, Amelia, female, born 17 Apr 1916, mother Belle Gibson.

SUFFEY, Lillie L., female, born 2 Apr 1911, mother Autha Gomer.

SUMMERS, J.H.L., male, born 1 Jun 1856, father J. M. Summers, , mother Rebecca Perkins.
SUMMERS, S.E.V., female, born 6 Jan 1878, father J. H. L. Summers, father's place of birth Clinton Co., Ky, mother M. M. Pierce, mother's place of birth Overton Co., Tenn.
SUMMERS, Virlie, b. 2 Oct 1899.
SUMMERS, Willie, b. 2 Mar 1896.

SUTTON, Debbie, female, born 17 Nov 1916, mother Dellie Rednoum.
SUTTON, Etta, female, born 25 May 1913, mother Rosa Stinson.
SUTTON, Lara E., female, born 15 May 1915, mother Rodie Stinson.
SUTTON, Roxie M., female, born 15 Nov 1910, mother Rosie
SUTTON, Samuel, male, born 19 Apr 1920, mother Della Readnouer.

SYNDUSKY, John P., male, born 14 Jan 1920, mother Ona Byers.

*, **, ***, ****, *****, ******, *******, ******* These two records appear to be for the same individual, with only a slight spelling variation in either the child's name, mother's name, or birthdate. There were two birth certificates issued, apparently a correction to the original, incorrect certificate.