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On this 5th day
November, 1887, at Seventy Six, County of Clinton,
State of Kentucky, before
me, W. H. Egleton a Special Examiner
of the Pension Office, personally appeared Sarah Brown, the client ~,
who being by me first
duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during
this Special Examination of aforesaid Pension Claim, deposes and says:
in addition to her statement of October 30th 1887, as follows:
Q: Do you remember when it was that your husband “Eli Brown” came
out of the Army?
A: No Sir, I could not tell.
Q: Do you remember when it was that you were married to him “Eli Brown”?
A: About June 9th 1850. I just remember it was about that time, for
I have no record to go by. I have not set it down anywhere and I
have nothing
to refer to that would show me the date.
Q: When did your first husband die?
A: I think it was in 1846, and in October but I can’t tell the day
of the month. I was sick at the time he was, and he died when I was sick.
Q: When did Eli Brown’s first wife die?
A: I don’t know, I did not see her after she was a little girl.
Q: How many children did you have by Eli Brown?
A: Four, and their names and the dates of their births I gave you
the other day.
Q: How did you arrive at the dates of their births?
A: At the time I made my application.
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for pension, I was at
Mrs Warriner’s and Claiborne Brown
was present and he had children about the same age as mine and from them I
fixed the dates of my children’s births and so gave them to Mrs. Warriner
and she set them down on a piece of paper and gave the same to me and from
that paper I gave you the dates of their birth the other day.
Q: When did Eli Brown die?
A: May 24th 1869.
Q: How did you arrive at all these dates this morning so much better
than you did October 30th 1887. Have you been talking to anybody or anybody
talking to you about it?
A: No Sir, but I have been studying about it and I remember it better.
It is all given to you from memory. I have no record or anything
else to refer to, to give me the dates, except the date of birth of
my children
and them
I have set down as I told you.
Eli Brown contracted lung disease and cough while in the Army but
the time or place he contracted the same I could not tell you
but I suppose
it was just before
he came out of the Army for he came home sick.
When he came home he was complaining of his breast
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hurting him and he had a bad cough and was spitting up some phlegm.
At times he would get better and then he would get worse again. He did work
on the Rail Road some but not very much, for he was not able.
Yes, he was on the car when they run off the track but he did not get
hurt at
all he did not ever get bruised. I don’t know who was with him at the time
but I know that nobody got killed. I can’t tell you when it was that this
accident occurred. ~ All the time after he came out of the Army up till the time
he died he coughed, complained of his breasts and spit up a powerful sight of
Dr. Asa Payne was the only Dr. that ever treated him or came to see
him. And he did not come to see him but once and that was a short
time before he died.
Dr. Payne does not
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know the date of birth of any of
my children, but he “also his wife” and
Frank Irvin know the date of my marriage to Eli Brown.
William Taylor, G. H. Piercey, John Petty and John Andrews know all
about my
husband’s “Eli Brown’s” condition from the time he came
out of the Army until he died. Cynthia Stearns, Mrs. Temperance Marlow and Sarah
Mogg are the only persons that I knew of who could tell anything about the dates
of births of my children. Cynthia Stearns is the only person that knows when
my first husband died, “that is James Agee”. John Stockton is the
only one I know of that could tell you when Eli Brown’s 1st wife died.
I think John Petty and Taylor Polston could tell when Eli Brown died. I am satisfied
with this examination, and do not want to leave my home here to hear any more
of the testimony. And I don’t want an attorney to go either.
Q: Have you understood the questions asked you and are your answers
to them correctly recorded in this deposition?
A: Yes Sir.
Attests: } W. H. Egleton
} G. C. Perdue
Mark (X) Sarah
Deponent |
Sworn to and
subscribed before me this 5th day of November 1887,
and I certify that
the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
W. H.Egleton
Special Examiner.