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On this 5th day
of November, 1887, at Seventy Six, County
of Clinton,
State of Kentucky, before me, W. H. Egleton a Special Examiner
of the Pension Office, personally appeared Sarah Brown,~
the applicant in the aforesaid pension claim, who says:
Q: If it should become necessary to further examine your claim, by
taking the testimony of witnesses elsewhere, do you desire to be present
in person or be
represented by an attorney, or both, at such further examination? If so, you
will be notified as to the place and time when it is to be made.
A: No Sir.
Q: Should you change your mind and desire to be present, or be represented
by an attorney during any further examination of your case, will you at
once address
a letter to the “Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D. C.,” giving
the name and the number of your claim, informing him that you have so changed
your mind, and desire to be notified when your claim is to be further examined?
A: Yes Sir.
State the name of person or persons and their post-office addresses,
instrumental in the prosecution of your claim for pension.
A: George E. Lemon, Washington D. C. and E. S. Higginbottom, Euclid,
Clinton Co. Ky. and J. A. Story, Ablany, Clinton Co. Ky have been
local attorneys.
Q: State what contract or contracts you have made with such person
or persons for their services in prosecuting your claim for pension,
whether such
contract or contracts were written or verbal.
J. C. Warriner of Albany, Clinton Co. Ky. was the man that first
me and I
was to give him 1/3 or 1/2 of my pension
when I got it. Then Higginbottom took it and I was to give him about
the same. This was a few years ago, just how long I don’t know,
I made no other arrangement with anybody else.
Q: State the amount of fees paid by you or at your instance,
to whom paid, and all the circumstances connected with the
A: Nothing whatsoever to anybody.
Q: Please give me the names of all witnesses that you desire
examined elsewhere, with their post-office addresses, and
also state what you expect to prove by
each witness.
A: None.
Q: Have you any complaint to make as to the conduct, manner,
or fairness of the examination of your claim? If so, please
state specifically what
it is.
A: No Sir.
Q: Do you wish to introduce any more testimony before me?
A: No.
Attests: } W. H. Egleton
G.C. Perdue
Mark (X) Sarah Brown
Deponent |
Sworn to and
subscribed before me this 5th day of November 1887,
and I certify that
the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
W. H.Egleton
Special Examiner. |