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On this 5th day
of November, 1887, at Cumberland City, County
of Clinton,
State of Kentucky, before me, W. H. Egleton a Special Examiner
of the Pension Office, personally appeared William Burchett,~
who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded
to him during
this Special Examination of aforesaid Pension Claim, deposes and says: his
age is 66, P. O. as above, Occupation - Farmer, No Service.
I was not present at the wedding of Eli and Sarah Brown, but I was
at the house a few months after they were married and Mr. Beck
or Davis was the man that married
I cannot remember what year it was that they were married and I cannot
remember the month or day of the month and I have nothing to refer
to that would give
me the date or refresh my memory on the subject.
I was not present when Eli Brown died but I was there the next morning
or next day and helped put the last clothing on him. But I have
forgotten what
or month it was that he died in.
I have forgotten when Eli Brown’s first wife died. And I have forgotten
how long she had been dead when Eli married his last wife.
I am not related to client and am not interested in the
I am not sure whether I made an affidavit in the case or not
but I think I did. Sam Mackey came here in the night to
get me to make one.
Q: Was that affidavit read to you before you made your mark
to the same?
A: I don’t remember. Q: In that affidavit you state Eli and Sarah Brown were married
on or about June 9th 1850. Did you make such a statement
as that?
I don’t know whether I did or not.
Q: Are you in the habit of making your mark to papers and
not know their contents?
A: Not if I know it.
Q: Have you understood the questions asked you and
are your answers to them correctly recorded in
this deposition?
A: Yes Sir that is correct.
Attests: } W. H. Egleton
J.A. Story
Mark (X) William
Deponent |
Sworn to and
subscribed before me this fifth day of November 1887,
and I certify that
the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
W. H.Egleton
Special Examiner.