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On this 4th day
of November, 1887, at Seventy
Six, County of Clinton,
State of Kentucky, before me, W. H. Egleton a Special Examiner
of the Pension Office, personally appeared William H. Williams,~
who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded
to him during
this Special Examination of aforesaid Pension Claim, deposes and says: his
age is 67, P. O. Creelsboro, Russell Co. Ky., Occupation - Farming.
Was Private of Co. H 13th Ky. Cavalry.
I knew Eli Brown for about 40 years before the last war. And from
his appearance I though he was a Tolerably stout man. In the winter
of 1864 at Columbia, Ky.
said Eli Brown had a bad cough and I thought it came from lying out and taking
I don’t recollect whether he got over that cough in the summer or not but
I don’t think he did.
The last of 1864 or first of 1865 at Camp Nelson, Ky. he had a powerful
bad cough, finally he said he was going to the hospital. I don’t know whether he went
or not but he said he was going and it was afterwards said that he was gone.
And I do not remember of seeing him any more while in the service after it was
said that he was gone to the hospital. I think it was reported that he had taken
cold and the same had settled on his
47 lungs and for said reason he was sent
to the hospital. And I know I thought his lungs were
I think he did not come home from the service at the same time
I did but I think he came home in about 3 weeks afterwards.
From the time of his return from the
Army up to within a short time of his death, he was able to do a might smart
of work but I think he had a cough all the time.
I think he worked on the Rail Road off and on for a year but
could not tell what year that was.
While he was working there he was on one of the boxcars when
the train run off the track, but whether the train was ditched
or not I don’t know. I don’t
know how badly he was hurt and I don’t know that he was hurt at all.
But I understood that it shook him up pretty bad running across the ties and
the blood ran from his mouth quite freely.
I saw him in about 2 or 3 weeks after this accident occurred.
But I don’t
of seeing that he was bruised up any.
I don’t know the date of his death, I don’t know the day of the month – the
month – or the year it was that he died. But at the time he did die I understood
that he died from consumption.
I don’t know the date of birth of any of the client’s children, date
of death of the client’s former husband or the date of Eli Brown’s
first wife’s death.
I am not related to client and I am not interested or biased
in the case.
I have testified in the case before and J. S. Warriner swore
me to the affidavit.
~ Please explain discrepancies~
At the time I made that affidavit and told them I did not
know the date of Eli Brown’s death but at that same time somebody did say that he died about
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certain time.
I could not say who it was that said that he died a certain
time but it may have been Sarah Brown.
She was present
at the time. I could not say positively it
was Mrs. Sarah Brown who stated the date of his death, but I think it was.
Q: Have you understood the questions asked you and are your
answers to them correctly recorded in this deposition?
A; Yes Sir.
Attests: } W. H. Egleton
J.A. Story
Mark (X) William H. Williams
Deponent |
Sworn to and
subscribed before me this 4th day of November 1887,
and I certify that
the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
W. H.Egleton
Special Examiner.