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On this 4th day
of November, 1887, at Seventy
Six, County of Clinton,
State of Kentucky, before me, W. H. Egleton a Special Examiner
of the Pension Office, personally appeared G.H. Piercey,~
who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded
to him during
this Special Examination of aforesaid Pension Claim, deposes and says: his
age is 40, P. O. as above, Occupation – Farmer.
I knew Eli Brown from about my earliest recollection.
As well as I can remember him before he went into the Army he was
a stout healthy man. About December 1864 at Camp Nelson, Ky. said
Eli Brown had a severe cough
and was put in the hospital at that place.
I was bunking with him at the time and from the cough he had I judged
he had lung trouble. He coughed a good deal at night and spit
up quite a good
of matter.
If I remember rightly we left him in the hospital at the time of
our M. O.
The cause of the cough and lung trouble I don’t know. I don’t remember
that he had any sickness before he was sick at Camp Nelson, Ky. in December 1864.
As I said when we were M. O. he was left in the
51 hospital and he was still sick.
I do not remember how long after our M.O. it was before he came
home, but I guess it was a month.
I saw him after his return he was better than we left
him at Camp Nelson, but he was not well and he was suffering from a cough
and looked weakly.
He died, I suppose along about May 1869, but I could not
say the day of the month. At the time of his death I
was West. Of my own knowledge I could say
that he
died in 1869, but the day of the month or the month it was I could not
say. But some years back I heard some of the relatives say what
month it was.
From the time of his return from the service up to within a short
time of his death I lived from 1 mile to 12 miles from him.
But during all
the time I saw
him frequently. During all this time he had a cough and he at times complained
to me of pain in his breast and side.
I left here in Feb. 1869 and in 2 or 3 months I heard from
my people
that said Eli Brown was dead. And my understanding was that he died
from Consumption.
could not give the date of birth of any of clients children, the
date of her marriage to Eli Brown, date of death of her
former husband,
nor the date of death
of Eli Brown’s former wife.
I have testified in the case before and the signature is genuine.
I am not related to client and am not interested or biased in
the case.
Q: Have you understood the questions asked you and are your answers
to them correctly recorded in this deposition?
A: Yes Sir.
Explain ”
I guess when I made that former affidavit someone then told me
date of his death. Mrs. Brown may then have told me of it for
she was present
made the affidavit.
I could not say positively who it was that told me the exact
date but it was someone who was present when I made the affidavit.
I have not the letter I received from home at the time of Mr.
And I have nothing to refer to that would give me the date of his death.
Attests: } W. H. Egleton
J.A. Story
Deponent |
Sworn to and
subscribed before me this 4th day of November 1887,
and I certify that
the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
W. H.Egleton
Special Examiner.