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On this 7th day
of November, 1887, at Albany, County
of Clinton,
State of Kentucky, before me, W. H. Egleton a Special Examiner
of the Pension Office, personally appeared David Stockton, ~
who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded
to his during this Special Examination of aforesaid Pension Claim, deposes
and says: his age is 62, P. O. as above, Occupation - Farming, No service.
I knew Eli Brown from the time I was about 15 years of age.
When his wife, Millie, died I was living about 1 ½ miles from him. I think
she died in 1847 or 1848.
I was married in 1850 and she, “Millie Brown”, died 2 or 3 years
before said marriage took place.
I could say positively what year it was and as to the month I have
not the slightest recollection.
I don’t know when Eli Brown married “Sarah”, his 2nd wife.
After the war I lived about 10 miles from Eli Brown and I knew very
little about him. I could not say what his condition was when he
died or the
cause of his
I am not related to the client and am not interested or biased in
If I have testified in the case before I have forgotten
Q: Have you understood the questions asked you and have you
answered to them correctly recorded in this deposition?
A: Yes Sir.
Attests: } W. H. Egleton
G.C. Perdue
Mark (X) David Stockton
Deponent |
Sworn to and
subscribed before me this 7th day of November 1887,
and I certify that
the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
W. H.Egleton
Special Examiner. |