State of Kentucky, County of Clinton, as in the matter of Pension Claim No. __________ of Sarah Brown widow of Eli Brown Co. H, 13th Regiment KY. Cavalry Vols. Personally came before me, a county court clerk in and for the aforesaid County and State. G.H. Piercey aged 36 years, and Claborn Brown aged 51 years of Seventy Six, Ky. and William H. Williams aged 64 years of Rowena, Ky. who being duly sworn according to law declare that they were members of Co. H, 13th Regiment Ky. Cavalry Vols. And were personally present with Eli Brown of said company and Regiment at Camp Nelson, Ky. on or about December 1864 when he contracted a lung disease from exposure in service and was placed in General Hospital at said place for treatment for said disease. That they were personally acquainted with said Eli Brown before and at the time he entered said service and they knew him to be a sound ablebodied man and free from cough and any other symptoms of lung disease. That they were personally acquainted with said Eli Brown from the time he contracted said lung disease from said time and place until he died on the 24th day of May 1869 and they know from living near him and from seeing him often that he was never free from said lung disease from the time he contracted same as above stated until he died and they further declare that to their knowledge and belief, said Eli Brown died of said disease on May 24, 1869.

They further declare they have no interest direct nor indirect with this claim.

1. Robert Higginbottom X G.H. Piercey
2. G.H. Piercey Claborn Brown
  His Mark (X)William H. Williams


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