State of Kentucky, County of Clinton, ss:

In the matter of Pension Claim No. 253.142, of Sarah Brown widow of Eli Brown Co. H, 13th Regiment Kentucky, Cavalry Volunteers. On this 8 day of December 1884 personally came before me this day, John Collins aged 61 years, a citizen of Forest Cottage, Clinton Co. Ky. Who being duly sworn according to law, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows: I was a member of Co. H, 13th KY. Cavalry Volunteers, and was well and personally acquainted with Eli Brown, the soldier above named, before he entered the service. And I served with him through the late war. Said soldier appeared to be a sound able-bodied man when he entered the service and free of any disease. If he was diseased in any way I never heard of or knew anything about it. I believe he was a sound able-bodied man able-bodied man and free from disease when he entered the service. During December 1864 and January 1865 the claimant was sick at Camp Nelson, Ky. And I visited him every day in Camp and was well acquainted with his sickness and condition. He was treated by Dr. Joseph Harper. He stayed for some time in a place he had dug out in the ground and had his tent stretched over it. He kept fire in the place and had a warm place to stay in. He was in feeblest kind of health. He had a severe and disturbing cough. We could hear him coughing at all times of the night. I was staisfied he could never get well of said cough. At the time of discharge he had the said cough and was in a very feeble condition. I was well acquainted with said soldier after his discharge on until he died about May 1869. And I know he continued to suffer from said disease. And am perfectly satisfied he died of same disease and its results which he contracted in the United States Service.

I have no interest the prosecution this claim.

His Mark (X) John Collins
Sergeant Co. H, 13th Ky. Cavalry

Attests } E.S. Higginbottom
}Millard Brown

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day by above named affiant, John Collins. And I hereby certify I read said affidavit over to said affiant and acquainted him with its contents before he executed same. I further certify affiant is personally known to me and he is a credible person and so refuted in the community in which he resides. I further certify I have no interest in the prosecution in this claim and am not concerned in it any way. Given under my hand this 8th day of December 1884.

C.B. Perrigin, Clerk
Clinton County Court, Kentucky
By Samuel Mackey D.C.


No. 253.142 Sarah Brown, Widow of Eli Brown Co. H. 13th Ky. Calvary.

Affidavit of comrade, John Collins, Sergeant Co. H, 13th KY Calvary.

December 1864 / January 1865

Camp Nelson, Ky.


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