State of Kentucky, County of Clinton

In the matter of Pension Claim No. __________ of Sarah Brown widow of Eli Brown Co. H, 13th Regiment Ky. Cavalry Vols. On this 31 day of December 1884, personally came Joseph Agee aged 39 years a citizen of Forest Cottage, Ky. who being duly sworn according to law declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

I was a private of Co. H, 13th Regiment Ky. Cavalry Vols. And was personally present with the said Eli Brown at Camp Nelson, Ky. about the last of December 1864 and first of January 1865 when he contracted lung disease from exposure in the service. About the last of December 1864 I worked and assisted Eli Brown in digging out a place in the ground and fixing his tent over it to protect him from the cold and disagreeable weather. He was in the feeblest kind of health and suffering from a very bad cough and lung disease. I staid in the tent with him and cooked for him and waited upon him while he was so low and the weather most severe. When we were discharged about the 10th day of January 1865 he had been sent to the hospital at Camp Nelson and we left him there when we left Camp Nelson. I was quite sure he could not get well of said disease because he was so very low. The said Eli Brown lived in the same neighborhood and vicinity with me after his discharge till he died about May 1869. And I know from having seen him soon after returned home in 1865 that he suffered continuously with said disease and I believe he died of same. I have no interest in this claim.


Attests } Robert Higginbottom
}Edwin Littrell
His Mark (X) Joseph Agee

Sworn and subscribed before me this day by the above named affiant, Joseph Agee, and I hereby certify that the foregoing affidavit was read over and fully explained to the affiant before he executed same. I further certify the affiant is personally known to me to be a reliable and credible witness. And I have no interest whatever in the prosecution in this claim. Given under my hand this 31 day of December 1884.

C.B. Parrigin Clerk

Clinton County Court, Ky.

By, C.L. Holsapple D.C


Claim No. of Original Widow 253.142

Sarah Brown widow of Eli Brown

Co. H, 13 Ky. Cav.

Affidavit of soldiers Comrade

Joseph Agee


W.A. Smith

Nov. 14, 1884

Origin -


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