Important Announcement... Please Read
On January 16, 1998, many of the KyGenWeb counties converted to the NEW and IMPROVED KyGenWeb Query system. Elliott county is one of the counties that did so. New queries, surname registrations, and registering of home page URLs will no longer be posted on this page.
I invite you to visit the new Elliott County Query Forum and post a new query. If you want your queries that have been posted here to be included in the new system, feel free to repost it.
When you submit a query it is posted immediately and you will see it immediately... no more waiting for me to find time to upload it. And best of all, it is completely searchable.
You can set it to send you an email notification if anyone responds to your query on the forum [Actually, this is the default setting.] You can also subscribe to the forum mail list to be notified anytime a Elliott County query is posted or responded to. Later, if you decide you don't want to get the notice when new queries or responses are posted you can easily unsub yourself.
Register your surnames and your home page URLs yourself on the new board, and see them immediately.
Need a lookup? Ask for it on the board. I will routinely be looking at the queries and answering those that I can. Can you answer a query or do a lookup in one of your books? Respond on the query board so everyone can benefit from the info.
I hope you enjoy the new query system as much as I think you will.
For questions about this page contact
Charles A. Barker / Ashland, KY /