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The Grayson Gazette |
1 September 1905 | Grayson County KyGenWeb Site | |||
H. Stuart, Editor |
Subscription Rate - $1.00 per year | Single copy 5 cents | ||
Democratic ticket: State Senator - W. W. Tabb; Representative - Geo. D. Litsey; County Judge - Chas. W. Clagett; County Attorney - R. L. White; County Court Clerk - R. E. Cave; Superintendent of Schools - W. D. Bratcher; Sheriff - A. J. | Layman; Assessor - Jas. H. Craig; Surveyor - Joel C. Wilson; Jailer - Issac T. Layman; Coroner - Dr. J. Morgan Berry; Justice of the Peace - 1st District - A.O. Horn, 2nd W. C. Taylor, 3rd Frank Wilson, 4th Jno. S. Graham, 5th Jerry Witten, 6th J. B. Cubbage; | Constable - 1st District - Thos. Basham, 6th W. C. Peddicord. U. S. Congress - J. S. Wortham
Miss Georgia Rogers is visiting friends in Louisville. * Miss Mabel Bowden spent Thursday in Louisville. * Dr. D. L. Sparks left Tuesday for Pleasureville. * Mr. Charles James has returned from Martinville, Ind. * Mr. R. O. Cannon has returned from French Lick Springs. * Miss Virginia Cave is visiting friends at Summit this week. * Miss Virginia Hill had as her guest Miss Artie Rowe, of Bowling Green. * N. C. Tilford, Real Estate Agent and Solictor of Claims. * Miss Ada Wilmore, of Adair County, is the guest of Mrs. Thos. Downey. * Hon. J. S. Wortham and Judge J. C. Graham spent Thursday at Sonora. * Mr. J. T. Gosnell is spending a month at Mountain Lake for his health. * Miss Ross Hunter has returned from a three weeks’ visit in Hardinsburg. * Miss Ruby Lewis Dockery, of McDaniel’s, is the guest of Miss Grace Hunter. * Mrs. G. H. Gardner and daughter, Miss Lucille, are visiting relatives at Glendale. * Mr. Herbert Lowery spent Sunday in Hardin county, the guest of Miss Hatfield. * Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Edelen have returned from a visit to relatives at Tompkinsville. * Miss Ruba Lowery spent last week at White Mills, the guest of Miss Girtie Hatfield. * Mrs. H. O. Watkins, of Logan county, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jess T. Gosnell. * Miss Mary Rogers, of Trenton, Tenn., is the guest of M. J. Cunningham and family. * John W. Frank, of Duff, was in to see us this week and reports fine crops in his section. * Josh Rogers, of Elkton, spent several days with his mother, Mrs. Jane E. Rogers. * Prof. H. Gorman, of Lexington College, was here Monday on his annual visit to the nursery. * Miss Mary Henninger, of West View, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ross Hunter, at this place. * Miss Mary Willis entertained a number of her friends very pleasantly Friday evening. * H. H. Willis is prepared to take your order for all kinds of monuments and tombstones. * If you wish to collect your money paid for substitute during the War, file your claim with N. C. Tilford. * Miss Ruba Lewis Dockery has returned to her home after a month’s visit to her grandmother, Mrs. H. Hunter. * Mrs. Lon Richardson has returned to her home at Brandenburg after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Fannie Helmstetter. * Mr. W. E. Harrell, of Meredith, was in to see us this week. Corn looks well. Late corn needs rain, but early corn is fully matured. * Misses Mary Bassett and Mary Willis will leave Sunday for Hopkinsville where they will enter school at Bethel Female College. * Mrs. Mary Ryan and Miss Mary Coleman have returned to their home at Nashville after a two weeks’ visit with Mrs. T. Hogan. * Mr. Ed B. Craig, of Short Creek, called to see us this week. Mr. Craig says the crops are good in his section, but late corn is needing rain. * R. M. Parsons, of McDaniels, has for sale O. I. C. and Chester White pigs from two to three months old. Also thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chickens. * St. Joseph’s Altar Society will meet with Mrs. Eugene McCabe Wednesday, September 6. All members who wish to attend meet the conveyance at the Hayes House at 1:30 p.m. * Joe and Will Rahm went with the Hardinsburg band to Andyville, Ky., last week to play for the Catholic picnic. Joe came home last Sunday. Will will remain until next Monday instructing the band. * There are a number of people in Leitchfield who never saw the sun rise. Wednesday before daylight they arose to view the eclipse of the sun. They steadfastly directed their gaze to the western horizon and was disappointed to find too late that the sun rises in the East. * G. N. Wortham raised a pumpkin, that was planted June 10, and it measures in circumference 62 inches. Its weight is unknown. The pumpkin is of a beautiful orange tint and the largest we have seen in years. The pumpkin is still growing on the vine and when it matures will be the mammoth pumpkin of the county.
In Memory of Arthur Taylor. On Thursday evening, August 11th, the white-winged messenger entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Taylor and took from their midst their eldest son, Arthur, aged twenty-two. For three weeks he was a sufferer from the awful typhoid fever, but he bore his suffering with patience and Christian fortitude. It is hard to see one so young snatched from the earth with such a bright future before him. Blessed thought, he was prepared! Parents, is it not consoling to know that he is waiting in the Great Beyond for our coming? Still we know you miss him. Your home that is now dark with sadness was once so bright with his smiles. Among his friends, who were a legion he will be missed forever. His place can never be filled. But little we thought when he last appeared in society, ere a month passed he would sleep beneath the sod of the cruel grave. All that could be done by his friends to keep him here, but alas! We must all submit to the higher power. On August 11th his remains followed by a host of weeping friends and relatives, were taken to Freedom graveyard, and after a short talk by Rev. R. H. Morefield, we took our farewell look and he was lowered to his final resting place, to remain in quite until the great Resurrection. Be still, sad heart, and cease repining; Behind the clouds the sun’s still shining. Thy fate is the common fate of all. Into each life some rain must fall; some days must be dark and dreary. A Friend.
Floated into Bliss. Justice Thomas Liggett, of Metropolis, married two couples on the Dick Fowler last night, on the trip up from Cairo, using one ceremony for the two weddings. The couples were Sidney Powers, an employee of the Paducah Furniture Company, of this city, and Miss Kate Clark, an employee of the basket factory, of Paducah, and James L. Basseur and Miss Dora Bryson, of Palma, Marshall county, Ky.
Black Rock: (Too late for last issue) News is scarce, but as we haven’t seen anything from here lately, we will attempt to give you a few items. * Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bratcher and children were the guests Sunday of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Veston Bratcher. * Miss Beatrice Roberts and her sister, Ollie, and their cousin, Woosley, of Leitchfield, spent Sunday afternoon at Grayson Springs. * Mr. John Jones, of the Sinks, called on Miss Tommie Washer Sunday evening. * Mr. and Mrs. Clagette, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Layman and children spent Sunday with Mr. Ned Bratcher and family. * Mr. James Litsey, of near the Sinks, was the guest of Mr. Purcell Tuesday night. * Vick and Howard Montgomery called on Maude and Ada Purcell Sunday evening. * Mr. John Wortham, Janie and Jakie Green were the pleasant guests of Belle Coyle Sunday afternoon. * Elsie Campbell called on Cora Sunday afternoon. * Tom Netherton is visiting his parents.
Clarkson Letter. By Mrs. Grinnel. (Left over from last week) The G. A. R. reunion is now a thing of the past and this one at Clarkson will go down as one of the most pleasant and satisfactory in its history. The attendance each day was large, especially Friday, when the crowd was estimated between four and five thousand. The order was wonderful for such a concourse of people and J. D. Williamson, J. E. Burke and all concerned are to be very highly commended for their supervision and general management. The meals were first-class. Clarkson captured the reunion again for 1906. The ladies of the Baptist church conducted a successful bazaar during the reunion and the ice cream supper Friday night under the auspices of the Eastern Star was a pronounced success in every particular. We sure have some fine workers. * Miss Dora Purcell has kindly sent me the new Methodist Hymnal for inspection. |
Names found in local advertisements: John W. Edelen, Druggist. A. J. Slaton, Physician and Surgeon. G. W. Armes, Physician and Surgeon. Dr. S. W. Tucker, Osteopathic Physician. John E. Stone, Real Estate Agent. J. E. Taylor and Frank Gardner, Real Estate Agents and Insurance. D. L. Sparks, Dentist. A. T. Arnold, Dentist. J. C. Graham, Attorney. G. D. Litsey, Attorney. R. L. White, Attorney. R. E. Medcalf, salesman for Stark Bros. Nursery. George A. Zimmerman, Mowing Machines. Farmers and Merchants Bank: G. W. Long, President; Dr. G. W. Armes, VP; H. E. James, Cashier; C. H. James, Asst. Cashier; Directors - W. O. Jones, Dr. G. W. Armes, C. H. James, H. E. James, and G. W. Long. A. W. Gibson, teacher of the violin. The T. J. Turley Co., farm supplies and wagons. Leitchfield Deposit Bank: John W. Moorman, Cashier; Directors - G. H. Gardner, J. S. Wortham, and J. C. Graham. Heybach Brothers - Planing mills. C. T. Hunter and Sons - lumber. W. F. Shain - lumber. Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co. - James E. Caldwell, President; Leland Hume, Secretary; and T. D. Webb, Treasurer. | ||||
Available Issues: | ||||
Oct 1890 | Oct 1897 | Nov 1897 | ||
Jul 1898 | Jul 1899 | Oct 1899 | ||
Dec 1899 | Sep 1905 | |||
Charles Leach
has submitted his transcriptions of the Grayson Gazette.
His family had the actual newspaper issues in an old trunk.