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Crafts and Activities
Family Apple Tree
Poster Board
Construction Paper (red)
Crayons or Markers
Family Photo's (optional)
1. Using crayons or markers draw a picture on the poster board of a large tree.
2. Color the tree.
3. With the construction paper cut out shapes of apples, one for each member of your family.
4. Family Apples - on each apple you made you can either draw a picture for each person or you
can use photos that you have available and glue them onto the apples.
5. Glue your apples on your tree.
6. Hang your tree up for all to share!
Printable Family Tree
Family Tree: A family tree to
fill in and hang up.
Family Tree, Courtesy of "About Genealogy": This is a beautiful family tree that you can fill in using your browser. (You must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view and use this form. Be sure and ask your parents before downloading.)
Family Scrapbook
Begin a family scrapbook. This is a great place to save all of your families memento's. You can include such things as:
Birth Announcements, for those new arrivals
Newspaper Clippings
Report Cards
Birthday Party Invitations
and much much more!!
The sky's the limit........what ever you want to include will be fine. These memories will be great to go back and review in the coming years!
Once you begin conducting interviews you will learn some great stories about your family. This will be a good time to start a journal. By jotting down all the tidbits you learn, you are preserving this information not only for yourself, but for others as well.
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