Submitted by:  Rick Featherston

I live in Tyler, TX and am in possession of a good bit of old family documents and letters from and to my gg grandfather, James Coltharp, 
who was originally from Monroe County, TN before moving to Carroll Co., GA, before ending up in Van Zandt Co., TX. 

I have an original letter from a man who, in 1850, sent a letter from Hustonville, Lincoln Co., KY to James Coltharp.  His name is Henry O. Hynson
 and I am sending you a scanned copy of this letter in order for you to post it in the Genealogical files of Lincoln County if you would like.  It is a very well preserved letter.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rick Featherston,

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tyler, Texas



Henry O. Hynson to James Coltharp



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