Organizational Meeting Minutes
January 14, 1843, McCracken Co., KY
Here is an exact transcription (grammar errors and all) of the
organizational meeting minutes dated January 14, 1843, for Spring Bayou
Baptist Church in McCracken County. The church carried an original name
of Newton's Creek Church until April of 1847 when a site located near Spring
Bayou Creek was found to build the first house of worship. Up until that
time they met in members homes. Thanks!!!
Richard B. Davis
Ballard County, State of Kentucky, January 14, 1843
We whoes names are hereunto subscribed having been Baptised upon
a profession of our faith in Christ Jesus our Lord and having belonged
to Baptist Churches, but in the providence of God we have settled in the
North of Ballard and west of McCracken Counties far from any Church or
so far as not to enjoy the benefits of a Church as often as we desire and
our families can seldom attend on the administration of the word of Life.
Therefore we have made arrangements to form ourselves into a Church having
obtained letters of dismission from our respective Churches and invited
ministering Brethren and others to attend here at the House of Brother
Ferney B. Martin's and on the day Being Saturday the 14th Day of January
1843 all being now present and the Elders and Deacons with us, we therefore
covenant and agree to give ourselves to each other in the fear of the Lord
having given ourselves to God to live together in a church capacity to
act together as members of one body, holding Christ our Lord as our head
in which capacity we agree and promise to live in love endeavouring to
keep the unity of spirit in the bonds of peace we will (by the help of
God) do all we can in our different sphears to promote the cause of our
dear redeemer by watching ours and this admonishing and counselling each
other we promise to support the cause of God by our pecuniary aid in the
upholding a preached word amongst us and the other ordinary expenses of
the Church as the Lord shall give us ability in testimony of which we have
hereunto sett (or caused to sett) our names this day and state above written.
Charter Members:
Ferney Martin
H. S. Edwards
Elyah Edwards
Wilford Edwards
Hawkins C. Pitt
Jonathan D. Martin
Issac B. Edwards
Elbert Werten
Walter W. Lovelace
Michael Robertson
Sarah Y. Edwards
Martha Pitt
Naney Edwards
Marion Edwards
Marian Martin |