Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Muhlenberg map

Deed Records

Deed Index, Grantors: Short

Year Grantor Grantee Book / Page Description
Short & Matthews Cobb, P. 12/475 relinquishment
Short & Matthews Lowe, Absolem 13/336 release of mortgage
Short, Agnes & hs. Cobb, Joseph 37/324 5 acres on Cypress Creek
1907 Short, Arthur Gregory, Jesse R. & wf. 73/437 1 lot in Cleaton
Short, Ben Short, W.T. 13/454 chattel mortgage
Short, C.L. Batsel, R.W. 42/302 180 acres
Short, C.L. Batsel, R.W. 43/132 162 acres on Pond Creek
1906 Short, C.L. et al. Batsel, Rufus W. 66/313 deed of release
Short, C.W. & wf. Matthews, Nathaniel 32/121 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Eble, Andrew 32/143 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Bell, Wilson 32/242 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Kahn, Isaac J. 32/279 __ lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Landes, Lucy W. 35/337 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Martin, Samuel R. 35/432 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Wickliffe, Henry 36/524 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Terry, Azel M. 36/570 52¾ acres near Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Rhoads, Haws 37/128 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. DeWitt, W.H. 37/152 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Wickliffe, Burrell 37/234 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Dempsey, Samuel M. 37/276 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Martin, C.Y. 37/572 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Martin, D.F. 37/572 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Bohannon, J.G. 37/600 1 lot near Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Short, Susan 38/482 1 house & lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Martin, Rufus 39/313 58½ acres on Sand Lick Creek & 6 lots near Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Yonts, Sarah A.M. 40/396 1 lot in Greenville
Short, C.W. & wf. Reno, Lewis 41/316 1 lot in Greenville
1889 Short, C.W. & wf. Bell, Mahala 43/154 1 lot near Greenville
Short, Carrie E. Stokes, L.A. 32/40 1 lot in South Carrollton
Short, Carrie E. & hs. Frazier, D.L. 36/356 1 lot & houses in Central City
Short, Carrie E. & hs. Frazier, D.L. 36/376 property in Central City
Short, Carrie E. & hs. Jones, Simon 37/232 2 lots in Central City
1910 Short, Charles & wf. Austin, W.G. 84/102 1 tract of 4½ acres
1904 Short, Charley & wf. Everly, George L. 57/228 1 lot in Cleaton
Short, D.E. & wf. Short, C.L. 39/118 Interest in 162 acres
1908 Short, D.R. & wf. et al. Larkins, Carroll & wf. 75/487 deed of divison, estate of Isaac Bard decd.
Short, D.T. Short, Jacob M. 29/352 105 acres
Short, D.T. & wf. Irvin, William 26/229 1 lot near Greenville
Short, D.W. Phillips, John A. 26/335 61 acres on Briar Creek
Short, D.W. Whitmer, George W. 29/44 16 acres on Briar Creek
1909 Short, Daniel & wf. Jackson, T.W. 82/183 1 tract of 30 acres
1907 Short, Dave & wf. Berwald, P.M. 72/27 Oil & gas lease on tract in Penrod Precinct
Short, David __ 10/312 release of mortgage
Short, David M.E. Church, trustees 11/1 __ acres on __
Short, David Wing, C.F. 11/183 dismissal of suit
Short, David Dossett, Henry 12/212 50 acres
Short, David Morgan, Daniel 12/238 2 tracts
Short, David Morgan, Charles 12/238 2 tracts
Short, David Morgan, James 12/238 2 tracts
Short, David Morgan, John 12/238 2 tracts
Short, David Morgan, Thomas 12/238 2 tracts
Short, David Morgan, William 12/238 2 tracts
Short, David Trustees, Salem Church 12/269 3 acres
Short, David Eaves, Sanders & wf. 12/307 100 acres on Pond River
Short, David Hendricks, Esram 13/294 216 acres on Log Creek
Short, David Worthington, William 13/486 110 acres on Pond River
Short, David & wf. Landes, Daniel 8/64 210 acres on Big Creek
Short, David & wf. Kirkindall, George 9/87 180 acres on Big Creek
Short, David & wf. Short, David T. 12/262 130 acres on Pond River
Short, David & wf. Stringer, Gray 12/509 150 acres
Short, David & wf. Whitson, J.W. 41/427 80 acres on Clifty Creek
Short, David T. Gish, James 15/102 237 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, David T. Millard, J.B. 15/154 108 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, David T. & wf. Duffin, Selden & Co. 25/633 60-540 acres on Green River
Short, David T. & wf. Whitmer, William G. 28/22 5 acres
Short, David T. & wf. Wilkins, James L. 28/73 45 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, David T. & wf. Whitmer, W.G. 30/54 2½ acres on Pond River
Short, David T. & wf. Short, J.F. 30/256 1000 acres on Pond River
Short, E.F. Batsel, R.W. 42/302 180 acres
Short, E.F. Batsel, R.W. 43/132 162 acres on Pond Creek
1903 Short, Emma Short, J.F. 63/342 1000 acres on Pond River
Short, Ephraim Jago, Benjamin 18/496 200 acres on Pond River
1908 Short, Ephraim Miller, R.M. 76/90 deed of release
1908 Short, Ephraim Miller, Sarah I. 76/90 deed of release
1907 Short, Ephraim & wf. Browning, A.J. 69/473 75 acres on Pond River
1910 Short, Ephraim & wf. Merril, T.B. 83/186 15 acres on Big Creek
Short, G.W. Baker, P.H. 9/451 1 lot in Greenville
Short, G.W. Lewis, M.R. 13/538 50 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, G.W. Matthews, T.R. & Co. 14/155 1 house & lot in Greenville
Short, G.W. Hendrie, Alexander 16/504 1 lot near Greenville
Short, G.W. Jenkins, F.M. 17/179 112 acres on Clifty Creek
Short, G.W. Bodine, Robert W. 17/199 1 lot in South Carrollton
Short, G.W. Wickliffe, W.B. 17/199 1 lot in South Carrollton
Short, G.W. Baker, P.H. 17/575 1 lot in Greenville
Short, G.W. Lewis, L.H. 18/351 75 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, G.W. Vandover, Elizabeth 19/219 100 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, G.W. Forehand, James 19/279 164 acres
Short, G.W. Udaley, Henry B. 19/308 1 house & 1 lot in Greenville
Short, G.W. Short, Jonathan 19/471 400 acres on Green River
Short, G.W. Smith, Elizabeth S. 20/251 59 acres
Short, G.W. Prowse, George O. 20/333 82 acres on Pond River
Short, G.W. Adkins, S.M. 20/427 1 tract
Short, G.W. McLean, A. 20/513 3 parts of lots in Greenville
Short, G.W. McLean, C.W. 20/513 3 parts of lots in Greenville
Short, G.W. Ferguson, A.G. 21/469 1 tract on Green River near South Carrollton
Short, G.W. Baker, P.H. 23/194 1 lot in Greenville
Short, G.W. & wf. Gordon, W.H. Jr. 41/18 90 acres on Clifty Creek
Short, G.W. & wf. School Dist. #3 42/120 ¼ acre
1895 Short, G.W. & wf. Whitmer, John M. 46/222 43 acres on Briar Creek
1897 Short, G.W. & wf. Miller, P.S. 52/128 40 acres on Log Creek
1906 Short, G.W. & wf. Madisonville, Hartford & Eastern Railroad Company 66/471 right of way
Short, George & wf. Phillips, A.J. 35/151 119 acres on Log Creek
Short, George & wf. Short, Jacob M. 35/155 10 acres on Log Creek
1906 Short, George N. & wf. Phillips, Marshall C. 75/175 1 tract of 20 acres
Short, George W. 11/627 certificate as owner of enslaved person
Short, George W. Wickliffe, Rachel 14/13 conveyance of 1 enslaved person
1896 Short, George W. Donohoo, W.H. 45/81 47 acres on Log Creek
1909 Short, George W. et al. Martin, Charles E., extr. 76/153 90 acres, part of estate of Samuel Short decd.
1903 Short, George W. & wf. Short, Ephraim 54/254 92 acres on Long Creek
1903 Short, George W. & wf. Short, John W. 54/254 92 acres on Long Creek
1910 Short, George W. & wf. Wheeler, M.M. 78/255 3 tracts
1906 Short, Hamp Hurt, Milton 72/125 1 tract near Greenville
1899 Short, Hamp & wf. Bennett, William 69/615 1 lot in Greenville
1901 Short, Harry & wf. Austin, Govie 51/320 1 lot in Bevier
1901 Short, Harry & wf. Browning, John 54/288 1 lot in Bevier
1904 Short, Harry & wf. Drake, D.E.F. 56/535 1 lot & house in Cleaton
1904 Short, Harry & wf. Fortney, Vollie 56/535 1 lot & house in Cleaton
1909 Short, Harry & wf. Wells, C.W. 76/173 1 lot & house in Cleaton
1909 Short, Harry & wf. Creel, B.F. 76/386 1 lot
1896 Short, Hutson Martin, Joseph R. 43/412 1 lot in Greenville
Short, J. Short, D.T. 25/589 24 acres near Greenville
Short, J. Short, D.T. 25/591 109 acres
Short, J. Short, D.T. 25/593
Short, J. Norton, G.W. 25/601 2 tracts
Short, J. Norton, W.F. 25/601 2 tracts
Short, J. Norton, G.W. 25/603 572 acres
Short, J. Norton, W.F. 25/603 572 acres
Short, J. Jackson & Moore 26/22 185 acres on Hazel Creek
Short, J. Stone, Thomas 26/24 125 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, J. Lewis, W.W. 26/74 75 acres
Short, J. Love, Jane 26/96 1 lot in Greenville
Short, J. Reno, Lewis 26/198 1 lot in Greenville
Short, J. Chatham, S.D. 26/279 100 acres
Short, J. Short, D.T. 26/284 90 acres on Log Creek
Short, J. Penrod, Lott 26/358 61 acres on Clifty Creek
Short, J. Reno, J.H. 26/444 2 tracts
Short, J. Paxton, S.M. 26/480 149¾ acres
1908 Short, J.F. Phillips, A.J. 75/406 deed of release
1909 Short, J.F. Nicholls, J.T. 75/407 deed of release
Short, J.F. & wf. Ashby, Julia A. 32/250 2 acres
Short, J.F. & wf. Underwood, S.J. 35/585 __ acres on Log Creek
1894 Short, J.F. & wf. Nicholls, J.T. 44/140 1 tract of 100 acres
1894 Short, J.F. & wf. Ashby, Julia A. 48/85 1 tract of 5 acres
1894 Short, J.F. & wf. Ashby, Louis 63/228 5 acres on Pond Creek
1894 Short, J.F. & wf. Ashby, Louis 86/266 5 acres on Pond Creek
1895 Short, J.F. & wf. Phillips, Alfred J. 43/481 1 tract of 57 acres
1905 Short, J.F. & wf. Terhune, J. 62/417 1 tract on Pond River
1908 Short, J.F. & wf. Miller, R.M. 75/403 1 tract of 109½ acres
1908 Short, J.F. & wf. Miller, Sarah I. 75/403 1 tract of 109½ acres
Short, J.H. & wf. Gish, John L. 32/55 1 lot in South Carrollton
Short, J.H. & wf. Gish, Samuel C. 32/55 1 lot in South Carrollton
Short, J.H. & wf. Ford, N.H. 34/449 Commercial Hotel in Central City
Short, J.H. & wf. Short, D.E. & Co. 38/505 162 acres on Pond River
1910 Short, J.W. & wf. Wheeler, M.M. 77/567 1 tract of 47 acres
Short, Jacob Short, David 6/435 200 acres on Pond River
Short, Jacob Black, C.G. 9/404 release on mortgage
Short, Jacob Whitmer, Samuel 11/135 100 acres on Log Creek
Short, Jacob Short, Samuel 13/200 100 acres on Pond River
Short, Jacob Short, Samuel 16/588 112 acres on Pond River
Short, Jacob Gibson, George 18/46 36 acres
Short, Jacob Short, William 19/67 360 acres on Log Creek
1909 Short, Jacob & wf. Creel, B.F. 76/545 1 house & lot near depot in Cleaton
Short, Jacob L. Clark, Taylor R. 14/305 1 lot in or near South Carrollton
Short, Jacob L. Henry, James 17/453 1 lot in or near South Carrollton
Short, Jacob L. Rothrock, H.D. 22/596 1 lot in or near South Carrollton
Short, Jacob L. Rothrock, H.D. 22/637 1 lot in South Carrollton
Short, Jacob L. Kittinger, John 23/223 100 acres on Cypress Swamp
Short, Jacob M. & wf. Moore, Susan 36/140 105 acres on Briar Creek
Short, James P. Harbin, Susan A. 24/15 150 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, James P. Short, David T. 24/27 1066 acres on Pond River & Log Creek
Short, James P. Gish, D.W. 26/147 61 acres on Briar Creek
1908 Short, John W. Miller, R.M. 76/90 deed of release
1908 Short, John W. Miller, Sarah I. 76/90 deed of release
1903 Short, John W. & wf. et al. Short, George W. 56/206 90 acres on Pond River
1904 Short, John W. & wf. et al. Miller, Sarah I. 64/188 deed of release
Short, Jonathan Stewart, Bayless 19/52 70 acres on Pond River
Short, Jonathan Bennett, Isaac N. 19/485 89 acres on Pond River
Short, Jonathan Stewart, Bayless 21/206 Deed of correction
Short, Jonathan Tucker, Henry 22/86 100 acres on Hazel Creek
Short, Jonathan Brown, W.T. 22/131 197 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, Jonathan Rice, Moses M. 22/266 38 acres
Short, Jonathan Whitmer, Jacob 23/218 26½ acres on Briar Creek
Short, Jonathan Hancock, Reno & Hay 25/209 deed of trust
Short, Jonathan Baker, P.H. 25/502 426 acres on Clifty Creek
Short, Jonathan Hay, M.C. 25/502 426 acres on Clifty Creek
Short, Jonathan Hay, M.C. 25/504 lot in Greenville
Short, Jonathan Hodge, Henderson 27/66 111 acres on Pond Creek
Short, Jonathan, assignee Reno, John R. 27/257 105 acres known as Fuller Tract
Short, Jonathan, assignee Johnston, A.A. 27/315 lots in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Eades, William C. 14/168 178 acres on Pond River
Short, Jonathan & wf. Ford, Eli 16/292 175 acres on Pond River
Short, Jonathan & wf. Ford, Pinkney H. 17/509 155 acres on Pond River
Short, Jonathan & wf. Stobaugh, James A. 18/117 66 acres on Pond River
Short, Jonathan & wf. Smith, Elizabeth S. 20/251 59 acres
Short, Jonathan & wf. Shank, John 20/493 149 acres on Pond River
Short, Jonathan & wf. Forehand, James 20/497 130 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Bell, Anderson E. 20/528 73 acres on Pond River
Short, Jonathan & wf. Jenkins, Henry 20/549 92 acres
Short, Jonathan & wf. Morgan, W.K. 21/91 77 acres
Short, Jonathan & wf. Litchford, Thomas G. 21/212 170 acres on Caney Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Jackson, Robert 21/335 45 acres on Jarrels Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Browning, D.C. 21/344 89 acres on Pond Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Reno, J.H. 22/409 38 acres near Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Vincent, N.J. 23/34 89 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Eades, Nathan 23/35 18 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Kinglsey, N.B. 23/336 1 lot in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Adkins, S.M. 23/373 16 acres on Thompsons Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Irvin, William 25/172 1 lot in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Martin, David H. 25/190 2 lots in South Carrollton
Short, Jonathan & wf. Cary, J.C. 25/193 2½ acres in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Bruce, Thomas 25/213 1 lot in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Morgan, T.M. 25/213 1 lot in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Metzker, C.T. 25/442 2 lots in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Short, David T. 25/594 4 tracts on Green River & Briar Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Morton, G.W. 25/605 3 tracts on Pond River
Short, Jonathan & wf. Morton, W.F. 25/605 3 tracts on Pond River
Short, Jonathan & wf. Matthews, Charles 27/163 1 acre near Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Woodburn, John A. 27/522 2:189; acres in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Baker, P.H. 28/72 426 acres on Clifty Creek & 1 lot in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Hay, M.C. 28/72 426 acres on Clifty Creek & 1 lot in Greenville
Short, Jonathan & wf. Capps, Archilles M. 30/607 76 acres on Cypress Creek
Short, Jonathan & wf. Browder, Fannie 31/447 1 lot in Greenville
Short, Lucinda E. Short, Jacob M. 35/193 Interest in lands of Jacob M. Short
Short, Lucy R. Lewis, W.W. 32/28 75 acres
Short, Lucy R. Pannell, Thomas B. 32/29 dower right in 149 acres
Short, Lucy R. Martin, David H. 35/368 1 lot in Greenville
1901 Short, Nannie A. Martin, R. 51/212 125 acres on Log Creek
1901 Short, Nannie A. Wickliffe, W.A. 51/212 125 acres on Log Creek
1898 Short, Reno Landes, Lucy W. 67/399 1 lot on Russellville Street
1896 Short, S.A.J. Miller, Sarah I. 45/44 75 acres on Pond River
Short, Samuel Jones, Littleberry H. 4/80 221 acres in Virginia
1897 Short, Samuel School District #10, trustees 45/218 1 acre
Short, Samuel Short, William 19/58 31½ acres on Log Creek
Short, Samuel Whitmer, Polly 19/637 100 acres on Pond River
Short, Samuel Whitmer, Elisha 22/127 50 acres on Pond River
Short, Samuel & wf. Short, David T. 8/541 130 acres on Big Creek
Short, Susan Bell, Ord & Mildred 38/483 1 house & lot in Greenville
1906 Short, W.T. & wf. Louisville Property Company 66/28 52 acres
Short, William Crumbacker, Jacob 22/129 13 acres on Log Creek
1909 Short, William Dulin, Selectman 77/610 1 lot in Greenville
1907 Short, William Dulin, Selectman 75/417 1 lot in Greenville
Short, William & wf. Earle, Eliza 25/38 1 lot in or near South Carrollton
Short, William & wf. Whitmer, Jonathan 30/87 2 tracts on Log Creek
Short, William T. Blincoe, George H. 16/17 release on mortgage on enslaved person
Short, William T. & wf. Mayo, Catherine C. 17/204 1 lot in Rumsey

Updated March 29, 2024

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