Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Local History


A man's ghost in an upstairs window

There was a married couple living in an old, two-story house. The woman was left alone during the day while her husband worked. Every day she would hear noises upstairs but when she went up to check, there was never anybody there. She complained to her husband and he also checked it out and found nothing. The wife was getting really scared to live there, and she couldn't convince anybody that the noises weren't her imagination. One day she went shopping and took a cab back home after she was done. She was telling the cab driver about the noises and how everybody thought she was crazy since they had not heard anything and couldn't find anything. As they pulled in the driveway, the cabdriver got a funny expression on his face and said, “Lady, if there in nobody in that house, who's that man staring out the window upstairs?&dquo;

Note: Told by Karen Bartlett to Alice Jackson, Browder, KY. Folklife Archive, KY Library, Western Kentucky University, 1972.

Source: Montell, W.L. “A man's ghost in an upstairs window.” Haunted Houses and Family Ghosts of Kentucky. Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2001, p. 45.

Updated July 13, 2022