Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Muhlenberg map

News: D

Dempsey, Delia

Mrs. Delia Dempsey's eightieth birthday was honored with a dinner Thursday, March 10, at the Batsel Cafe, given for her by her nephew, Lum Donovan of this city.

Devil Child

Devil Child; Born to a Preacher's Wife in Muhlenberg County.

Central City, Ky., Nov. 29. - According to reports current a genuine simon-pure devil was born to a woman in Muhlenberg county.

The story goes that a preacher died recently and that his widow, being an unbeliever, burned all his religious books, bible and all, and soon after a child or devil was born to her having a full set of teeth, horns, tail, claws and a hideous head and full of talk.

He told the mother that he was the devil and had come to torment her for seven years and then she should die and go to hades. This information being considered by the mother as highly offensive and reprehensible in a son, she tried to smother him, but failing in this she went to a pond and threw him in with the intent to drown him, but he swam out and followed her to the house.

And that is the story that is keeping the telephones ringing all over the county and causing many sleepless nights to the superstitious.

Dewees, C.H.

C.H. Dewees of Los Angeles, is in the city, looking fit and fine, visiting among his old friends. Mr. Dewees was with the Illinois Central railroad in Central City for 48 years, before moving to California to make his home.

Dexter, George M. & Will Hallinan

Shooting On the Street Monday Evening.

About 6.30 o'clock Monday evening Mr. George M. Dexter discharged a shotgun at Will Hallinan, Jr., but Hallinan was not hurt, only two shot striking him, one in the back of the neck and one in the arm. Dexter was on the pavement in front of his place of business, and Hallinan was across the street, in front of the jewelry store of John F. Poag. The shot were of small size, and scattered widely, one or two other persons being slightly injured, and a slight property loss inflicted. Dexter surrenedered and gave bond. The affiar created great excitement, and is regretted by everyone; to those familiar with the conditions it is conceded that there were many aggravating circumstances that caused the act. The examining trial will be held this morning at 9 o'clock.

Dillingham, Mrs. Cliff, Mrs. Louis Dukes &c.

Mrs. Cliff Dillingham, this city, Mrs. Louis Dukes and Kenneth Dillingham spent Monday in Graham with Mrs. Andrew Jackson.

Drake, Martin, Virgil Gregory & Clifford Gregory

Two Muhlenberg County Men Are Shot in Scuffle

Greenville, Ky. - Two men received bullet wounds in a scuffle at 2 a.m. Saturday at the home of Martin Drake, 38, located in the Stringtown community near here, according to Muhlenberg County Sheriff Phillip Stone.

Virgil Gregory, 43, of Cleaton, shot in the right thigh, was picked up at his home by Sheriff Stone shortly after the shooting. He was taken to the Muhlenberg Community Hospital where his condition was listed as fair.

Drake, taken into custody by Sheriff's Deputy Arthur Tooley, was charged with disorderly conduct. As he was being placed in jail, officials discovered he had been shot in the hand. He was treated at the hospital.

According to the sheriff, Drake, Gregory and Clifford Gregory were scuffling over a gun in Drake's home when the shooting occurred. Clifford Gregory also lives in Cleaton.

Sheriff Stone said a .45 caliber revolver was turned over to deputies by Virgil Gregory. Two rounds had been fired from the gun.

Drake's examining trial is set for 10 a.m. Monday before Muhlenberg County Judge Harry L. Crafton. The Gregorys were not charged.

Reason for the scuffle is “still a mystery,” the sheriff said.

Dukes, Connis

Cleaton Man Is Held Following Shooting
Cleaton, Ky., Aug. 5 - Connis Dukes, 23, Cleaton, is being held in the Muhlenberg County Jail at Greenville due to his failure to make bond of $300 on the charge of shooting and wounding with intent to kill. Bobby Moore, 22, Cleaton is confined to the Muhlenberg Community Hospital at Greenville with shotgun wounds in the neck and shoulder and severe lacerations of the head, allegedly inflicted by Dukes in a skirmish at the Dukes' home at 4:40 a.m. Friday.

Dukes was arrested at his home Friday morning by Sheriff Lindell Locke and Deputy Sheriff Phillip Stone. Stone stated that Dukes told him that he shot Moore with a shotgun and then beat him over the head with the gun, because he was starting into the Dukes home to create violence early Friday.

The hospital reports the condition of Moore as fair late Friday.

Dukes, when arraigned in quarterly court before County Judge Harry Crafton Friday, waived to the October term of the Muhlenberg County grand jury.

Dukes, Henry & Maggie

Sheriff Finds No Motive in Slaying of Old Couple. Greenville, Ky. - Leslie Dukes, 52, was held to the May 13 term of the Muhlenberg County grand jury today on charges growing out of the slaying of his father and step-mother. Dukes allegedly shot the couple at their home near Weir, a community seven miles south of Greenville. The motiveless murder occurred Saturday.


Dukes, J.S.

Birthday Dinner
Sacramento, Ky., Aug. 5 - A surprise birthday dinner was set Sunday, August 1, for Mr. J.S. Dukes at his home in Norvel, Ky., celebrating his fifty-third birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Dukes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mawell and children, Patty and Wednell Ray, Herman Dukes and little daughter, Joy Ann, Thurman Dukes and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maxwell and son, Ophes, all of Norvel; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith and little son, Ronnie, Mr. Melvin Dukes and children, Guy, Wanda Jean and Kennley, of Old Hickory, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mayes and children, Elva Mae and James, of Beech Creek, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Dukes and son, Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Hoagland and little daughter, Kaye Evelyn, of Sacramento; Mr. and Mrs. George Dukes and children, Ruby Nell, Evely, Pauline, Clyde, Pearl Ray and Vondell, Mrs. Sarah E. Dukes, Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Dukes and children, Maudie, Delbert, Nurine, Lorelle Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cornet, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenwood and children, Lorene and Adaline, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lyles and children, Lonnie and Connie, T.W. Barnes, of Greenville; Mr. and Mrs. Elise Dukes of Browder, Ky.; Mrs. Elish Dukes and granddaughter, Mary Frances Covington, of Dunmor, Ky.

Dukes, Jackie

Jailer injured in break. Greenville, Ky. - The next time Muhlenberg County Jailer Jackie Dukes hears a prisoner complain that he needs medical attention, he's probably going to be just the least bit skeptical.


Durham, Bill

Bill Durham of State University, Lexington, spent the holidays in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Durham.

Duncan, Nellie

Miss Nellie Duncan sprained her wrist hwile out skating last Moday.

Updated April 6, 2024.

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