Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg map

News, E

Eaves, H.E.

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Mr. H.E. Eaves went to Evansville last Saturday to consult a specialist in regard to his eyes. He was acoompanied by Dr. Liggett Bailey, of Madisonville.

Eaves, Harry

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Mr. Harry Eaves, Jr., was in Louisville last weekend.

Eaves, S.C.

Mr. S.C. Eaves has purchased the Roark lot and residence, on the east side of Cherry street, and intends to improve the property and establish his home at the new and desirable location.

Eaves, Mrs. St. Clair

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Mrs. St. Clair Eaves visited her son, Mr. Williaim Eaves, at Mayfield, through the weekend.

Edwards, Shelby B.

Central City Man Wins $7,000 in Big Vandalia Trapshoot

Vandalia, Ohio - Trapshooting's No. 1 showpiece - the Grand American Handicap - pops up here today, and the nation's top marksmen appear to be getting a bit weary of seeing newcomers and novices take down the top prize. It may reach $10,000 this year.

In the handicaps, gunners are placed from 18 to 27 years back of the trap from which the flying clays emerge, and the better shooters, backed up practically to the bleachers, don't have much chance.

For years, unknowns from nowhere, generally making their first appearances in this world series of the clay-target sport, have romped off with rich prizes. Latest to shoot down the game's best in his first attempt is Shelby B. Edwards, 33-year-old store clerk from Central City, Ky., who picked up around $7,000 Thursday as he whipped a field of 1,077 in capturing the preliminary handicap.

With a gusty wind ranging from 21 to 30 m.p.h. sweeping down the trapline, the top shooters had little chance from extreme handicap distances.

The group shooting from 27 yards averaged 83.16, those on the 26-yard line 83.28, those on the 25-yard line 85.82 and the 24-yard group 85.95.

None of those averages was good enough to cut into the huge prize list. Several of the stars with the big handicaps failed to shoot in the preliminary. They included Ned Lilly of Stanton, Mich., captain of the all-American team who had missed only two targets at 16 years all week, and Herb Bush of Canton, Ill.

Arnold Rieggers of Seattle, Wash., and Rudy Etchen of Sun Valley, Idaho, failed to attend the “Roaring Grand” this year, and friends said it was because they objected to the 27-yard handicap.

Edwards, married and the father of a 4-year-old boy, began trapshooting only three years ago. He said “the bug bit me” to attend the Grand American just a few days ago and he arrived on the scene only Wednesday.

Dr. G.A. Vaughn, Louisville, Ky., defeated Jack Cox of Wichita Falls, Texas, 23 to 21, in a shoot-off for second place. Cox had broken 97 from 25 years and Dr. Vaughn the same number from 19 yards.

A.L. Atkins of Louisville tied with C.L. Holden of Mason, Ohio, in the professional race, each with 92 out of 100, and Atkins took the shoot-off by breaking 24 more clays.

Electric Lights

Manager Gilman reports that the demand for electric lights is still growing, and he fears that soon his crew will be out of employment, as every house in town will be supplied.

Embrey, Carl

Empress Threatre

Empress Theatre to re-open Saturday

The Empress Theatre booth and projection equipment which was damaged by fire on Thanksgiving Day has been rebuilt. New sound equipment, and projection machines have been installed and will re-open on Saturday and Sunday of this week - Dec. 3 and 4. The same schedules will be in force with Saturday shows, starting at 2:00, 4:00 and 8:15. The same popular prices will prevail.

The opening attraction will be an action packed western, “Roaring Six Guns,” starring Kermit Maynard. Both Episode 8, the one that would have been run last week, and Episode 9 of the serial, “Mysterious Pilot,” will be shown along with a Cartoon.

England, Courtney C.

Rev. England to preach at Colored Methodist Church.

Rev. C.C. England, pastor of the Christian Church, will preach at the colored Methodist Church at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, March 13. The public is cordially invted to attend.

Rev. C.J. Antle, pastor of the colored Methodist Church, requests that if anyone has a piano that they will let us use or sell cheap for church services to kindly let him know.

Rev. England to go to Henderson; Successor called
Rev. Courtney C. England, pastor of Christian church to be succeeded by Rev. John Messer.

Rev. Courtney C. England, who has for the past three years and eight month been the minister of the First Christian Church of this city will conclude his pastorate here on February 15.

The church has shown some marked increase under the leadership of Rev. England. The Bible School has had its largest average attendance over this period of time than it has ever before known. There have been over a hundred additions to the church since the beginning of his ministry. There has been a considerable increase in the missionary and benevolent giving. The Church is in excellent shape to go on and do a great work.

Brother England has been active in much of the community life. He is a Rotarian, and a Mason, and has always been dependable in the promotion of the civic and moral enterprise of our city.

It is well that we mention that a successor has been called to continue the work of the First Christian Church. Rev. John Messer of Lexington, will serve the Church and the community as the minister of the Christian Church. Rev. Messer will move to Central City in June, at which time he will complete his B.D. Degree from the College of the Bible at Lexington. Until June, Rev. Messer will come to the church over the week ends.

Rev. England will have his last services with the church on the next Lord's day. There will be the Bible School and Worship services in the morning and the evening services, which will conclude his active work with the church. Bro. England invites you to be present in all of these services. You are invited to come and big God Speed to one who has loved the community and has spent himself in service to it.

Evitts, Melvin

Melvin Evitts secures city baseball park.

The Park Commission has leased the Municipal Baseball Park to Melvin Evitts for a period of six months, the agreement being for the baseball privilege only. Members of the commission are: E.L. Adkins, George Taylor, Dr. A.P. Hannephin, Herbert Millard and Mrs. Adrian McRee.

The keys to the gates and doors will be turned over to Evitts at an early date, and training is expected to start as soon as weather permits.

No agreement has been reached on the letting of the Swimming Pool at the City Park in North Central City.

The Commission granted the Boy Scouts the privilege to erect a Scout House at the City Park. James Rice, Scout master, appeared before the commission in the interest of the Scout quarters.

Ewing, James C.

Murder Charge Filed In Death Of Eugene Putnam.

Central City, Ky. - James C. Ewing, 20, of near Dunmor has been arrested and charged with murder by Muhlenberg County Sheriff Bob Draper in connection with the shooting death of Eugene Putman [sic], 43, of the Hillside community early Saturday morning.

The shooting took place along a road in Hillside about midnight. Putman was found by some people living near the scene and taken to the Muhlenberg Community Hospital where he was declared dead on arrival.

Updated July 2, 2024.

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