Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg map

News, F

Fentress, A.F.

Moving to Clay. A.F. Fentress and daughters, Misses Charlotte and Jean, will move to Clay, Ky., before November 1, where Mr. Fentress, ticket agent for the I.C. system, has been transferred.

Fentress, Mrs. Alfred

Fentress, Isaac Finley

Will of I.F. Fentress Probated Last Monday

The will of I.F. Fentress was probated in Muhlenberg county court Monday.

Mr. Fentress bequeathed to Allie Shaver, Blanche Bennett, and Sallie McCoy of Central City, and Junius Fentress of Kirkmansville $1 each. To his wife, Mrs. Celia Fentress, he bequeathed the household furniture, and her dower right in all of his property. The remainder of his estate is to be divided equally among Henry L. Lentress, Delia Mae Stearsman of Central City, and James Finley Fentress of Indianapolis, Ind. The will is dated Feb. 8, 1932.

Foley, Floyd K.

Dr. F.K. Foley is offered position as hospital head
Cincinnati Enquirer prints story of state offer to former Central City physician.

Dr. F.K. Foley, formerly of this city, and now assistant clinincal head of the United States Veterans Hospital at Lexington, has been offered the position of Superintendent of the Eastern State Hospital, according to an article in the Kentucky Edition of The Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday morning, September 17.

The article follows:

Lexington, Ky., Sept. 16 - Dr. F.K. Foley, a member of the staff of the United States Veterans Hospital here, is under consideration for the post of Superintendent of the Eastern State Hospital it was learned authoritatively today.

Dr. J.G. Wilson, Director of the Divison of Hospitals and Mental Hygiene in the State Department of Welfare, declined to comment on the possibility of Dr. Foley's appointment, except to say he had been talking to Dr. Foley about it.

“All appointments in this department are made by Frederick A. Wallis, Paris, State Welfare Commissioner,” said Wilson. “I could not have offered the post to Foley, since it is not in my province to make offers of that kind.”

Job Pays $4,000.

It was learned Foley definitely had been offered the position, but had not given his reply. The job pays $4,000 a year, plus maintenance for the Superintendent and his family and use of a residence on the hospital grounds.

Dr. Foley was said to be holding up his acceptance of the position until assured by Governor Chandler he would be given a free hand in administration and would not be expected to pay any attention to political considerations in making appointments of subordinates.

Dr. Foley now is Assistant Clinical director of the government hospital. He has been in the Federal service eight years and is said to be considered an outstanding psychiatrist.

Native of Kentucky.

He is a native of Kentucky, received his medical degree from the University of Louisville, and served overseas in the World War. He is 51 years old.

Dr. J.L. Vallandingham, Lexington, who has been Superintendent of the State institution since 1936, was discharged August 12. He has declinded to vacate the Superintendent's residence on the grounds, but has not attempted to interfere with the administration of the hospital affairs by Dr. C.C. Phillips, Clinical Director and Acting Superintendent. Dr. Wilson today said he did not know what steps would be taken to remove Vallandingham. “That's up to Commissioner Wallis,” he said.

The Superintendents post had been offered to Dr. George C. Stevens, Indianapolis, and tentatively had been accepted. However, Stevens received a promotion in Indiana and decided to remain there.

Franklin, Harvey

Fulkerson, Edward Lee

Man arrested in Peru, Ind., says he killed man in Muhlenberg.
Edward Lee Fulson [Fulkerson], whose body was found by train crew in May, 1937 may have been the victim.

Edward Gabbert, 18, of Owensboro, arrested by officers at Peru, Ind., is repoted to have signed a confession that he and another man killed an unidentified man on the I.C. railroad tracks near Central City one night last November.


Updated July 9, 2024.

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