Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Muhlenberg Map

News, G

Genevieve Hotel

Gish, Tobe

Tobe Gish enters race for State Representative
Well Known Muhlenberg County lawyer, former County Attorney announces for Representative

In this week's issue of the Messenger appears the announcement of Tobe Gish for Representaive of Muhlenberg County, subject to the action of the Democratic party, primary electon to be Saturday, August 5.

Mr. Gish is well known throughout Muhlenberg County, having served four years as County Attorney with honor and distinction. He is at the present engage in the practice of law in Central City, and farming.

His general knowledge of public affairs qualifies him for the office he seeks. If Mr. Gish is nominated and elected to the office of State Representative, he will competently look after the interest of the County and State.

In making the announcement, Mr. Gish wishes to solicit the vote and influence of the voters of Muhlenberg County.

Gordon, Angus N.

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Rev. Angus N. Gordon has accepted the pastorate of the Presbyterian church here and will conduct services every Sunday.

Graham, W.H.

W.H. Graham, whose father W.R. Graham resides near Dalton, Ky., was accidentally shot last week at Matanzas, Cuba. Ira Parrish of Madisonville was handling a loaded gun which was discharged causing a very severe would about nine inches below the knee. Amputation is thought to be necessary by the surgeons in charge.

Green River U.S. 62 Bridge

Work started on new bridge over river at Rockport
Structure will be one of the finest in state and expected to be completed within year.

Work has been started on the bridge that spans Green River at Rockport, and when completed, will be one of the finest structures in the state. It will be altogether 1800 feet long. The toll house will be on the Ohio County side of the river.

Three different contracts were awarded. The one now in progress was let to Spencer & Ross of Detroit, Mich., who will have charge of the concrete work, and expect to complete their part of the work in about 250 days.

Contract for the approaches was let to McGlone Co., Lexington, Ky., and the contract for steel work to Bethlehem Steel Company of Pittsburg, Pa.

The entire bridge is expected to be completed within a year.

  • Source: Times-Argus [Central City, KY], 9 Dec 1938.

Greenville City Hall, 1910

City Hall is now located in the Grundy building, on Main street, where the police, fire and other departments are to be found, and where offenders will face the police judge. The new location is a very good one.

Greenville Baptist Church Missionary Circles

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - The missionary circles of the Baptist church met in join meeting at the church Wednesday afternoon.

Greenville Hotel, 1899

An alarm of fire caused the usual rush of the bucket brigade early Monday monring. The Greenville Hotel was on fire, but the flames were extinguished before [article torn] was done.

Greenville Presbyterian Circle No. 1

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian church met with Mrs. Ford Lansden Monday at her home in Cherry street.

Greer, Mrs. Charles

New Boarding House. Mrs. Chas. Greer has rented the Col. Weir residence, near the court house, and has opened a boarding house at popular prices. This will prove a help, as Greenville has for a long while been short on places to entertain the many people who are coming here. Mrs. Greer has had experience, and will conduct the place in a manner to please the public.

Gregory, George

Last Monday a week ago a lad about sixteen years old by the name of Geo. Gregory from Bevier shot one of Elias Hill's little boys who was about ten years old. The ball entered his neck, partially severed the large leader on the right and ranged upward coming out by the side of the nose. Gregory was arrested that night, had his examining trial before Esquire Kimmel and was held over to circuit court, under five hundred dollar bond which he failed to give and was remanded to jail. The wounded boy is getting along very well at present.

Gross, Herman

New pastor at local Presbyterian church. At a congregational meeting called to order last Sunday morning at the First Presbyterian Church, a call was extended to Rev. Herman Gross to fill the vacancy in that pulpit caused by the resignation of Rev. John Spraggins.

Rev. Gross is a second year student in the Presbyterian Seminary at Louisville and will come here each week until school closes, after which he will be on the field all the time.

Updated June 11, 2024.

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