Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Muhlenberg Map

News: I

Irvin, Fred

Mr. Fred Irvin drove his Olds automobile to Owensboro last Friday, where he exchanged it for a Marion car, but in coming through Calhoun he found a purchaser, and sold. He is contemplating the purchase of another car, as he has the fever very bad.

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irvin spent Sunday in Owensboro, visiting relatives and friends.

Irvin, L.W. & Son

Our First Automobile Agency.

Messrs. L.W. Irvin & Son have secured the local agency for the Studebaker line of automobiles, and are fortunate, as this is one of the best lines of motor vehicles on the market. Included in the line is the celebrated E.M.F. cars, one of the most talked of cars in the field. There are some live prospects hereabouts, and it is likely we shall soon have some 1911 models in use here.

Updated April 7, 2024.

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