Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg Map

News, S

Sandusky Hotel

Mr. W.H. Sandusky, of Caneyville, has purchased the hotel property at Owensboro Junction and gone to work in earnest to renovate it thoroughly, and will on the 1st of June open the hotel for the reception of visitors.


Shaver, Bourland

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Mr. Bourland Shaver is quite ill of pneumonia, having been sick since Sunday.

Shelton, Oliver

Screams of phone operator cause negro man to flee
Greenville telephone opeartor answer call at 1:10 a.m. and finds negro man in room.

A negro man, who had gained entrance to the telephone office at Greenville a little after midnight last Thursday, fled from the telephone building after the operator had scream three times. The operator, who had been asleep, was awakened to answer a call. After answering the call she turned around, discovering the negro man in a few feet of her.

Entrance was gained through a window in the rear of the building. The young lady, who was alone, was awakened to answer a call at 1:10 a.m. Friday morning. After answering the call, she heard a noise in the building and was going to investigate. She turned around, seeing the intruder in almost reaching distance of her. The operator, it is reported, had removed her headset, and when the negro was discovered, had her back to the switchboard. Realizing that if she turned to phone officers that she would be attacked, the young lady screamed at the top of her voice. The Negro fled through the window in which he had gained entrance. The Greenville telephone office is located in the residential section of the city and it is believed that the intruder fled when he feared that people residing near the office had been awakened by the screams.

The night operator was not robbed and was unharmed. Two Greenville negro men were sentenced to the penitentiary, one on a charge of criminally assaulting a 17-year-old white girl and another for detaining a woman against her will and housebreaking during the October term of court.

Oliver Shelton, a Greenville negro man, whom the operator accused of being in the building has not been apprehended by officers.

Sherrod, Jewel; John Mahan & Billy Willis

Simpson, Dink T.

Area Soldier Is Awarded Bronze Star. Sgt. Dink T. Simpson, 19, Central City, has been awarded the Bronze Star for action against the North Vietnamese army in Vietnam during the Tet offensive in the defense of Saigon. He is a machine gunner with the 601st Airborne Division.

Sgt. Simpson is a son of L.T. Simpson, of Chicago, Ill., and grandson of Dink Tatum and Mrs. Ora Shown, Central City. His brother, L.T. Simpson, resides at 667 Carter Road, Owensboro.

Sloan, W.W.

Mr. W.W. Sloan, the popular I.C. agent, has a nice house near the depot, which is rapidly nearing completion.

Smith, Charlie

Stobaugh, Tapp Held to Jury. John Stobaugh, 34, of Central City, and Lawrence Tapp, 18, of Beulah, participants in a gun battle at Central City last Friday night in which Tapp's father, Lee Tapp, and Chief of Police Charlie Smith of Central City were slain, waived examining trial in county court in Greenville Monday afternoon and were held without bond to await grand jury action.


Smith, Clay & Bessie Kimble

Muhlenberg man and woman arrested. Held in the Greenville jail on the charge of murdering M.G. Kimble.

Following the murder of M.G. Kimble, on Monday, May 17, at Ennis, Muhlenberg county, a bundle of letters discovered in a pond near the Kimble home lead to the arrest last Saturday of Clay Smith, aged twenty-five years, married, and Miss Bessie Kimble, aged fifteen years, a daughter of the murdered man and sister-in-law of Smith. It is alleged that Smith betrayed the girl which led to the killing of Kimble. Both are locked in cells at the Greenville jail awaiting the action of the grand jury.

Smith and his wife and child formerly lived on the farm of his father-in-law, but after a disagreement two years ago moved to a neighboring farm. It was claimed that Bessie Kimble was seen to throw letters in the pond and after a search officers found a bundle of letters in the pond and say they contain evidence of Smith's guilt.

Spears, D.M.

Rev. D.M. Spears to preach Sunday. Former pastor of Methodist Church to be at Methodist Church Sunday Morning.

Rev. D.M. Spears, who was pastor of the local Methodist Church for three years will preach at the Methodist Church Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. Rev. Spears is now Presiding Elder of the Henderson District.

The public is invited to be present on this occasion.

Spickard, Shell & G.H. Guinn

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Mr. Shell Spickard and Mr. G.H. Guinn, of Central City, were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cliff, Monday.

Stanley, Courtland

Central City Man Jailed. Greenville - A Central City man is being held in county jail here on a charge of grand larceny stemming from an alleged theft at a Central City service station.

Courtland Stanley, 35, was committed to the jail when he failed to post $500 bond set by County Judge Philip Stone. His trial is set in Muhlenberg County Quarterly Court for 10 a.m. Jan. 8.

Stanley was arrested in connection with an alleged theft at 11:35 p.m. Monday from Samuel H. Rager, an attendant at a service station located at the intersection of US 431 and US 62 at Central City.

He was arrested less than an hour after the robbery by Central City Policeman Henry Anderson and Orbil Wood on Stringtown Road. According to Anderson, $192 was found on Stanley's person.

Stewart, Eddie Lynn

Baby Killed In Crash. Bremen, Ky., Aug. 25 - A three-month-old child was killed tonight in a two-car crash near here.

Eddie Lynn Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Stewart, Bremen, died at Hopkins County hospital shortly after the wreck on Ky. 81.

State Police Cpl. Darrell Currey said Stewart pulled onto the highway from a side road into the part of a car driven by Carl E. Patterson, 22, South Carrollton. Stewart was charged with failing to yield the right-of-way.

Stewart, Homer

Stewart, Shelby Sr.

Greenville Man Shot to Death in His Store
Greenville, Ky., March 4 - A Powderly man walked into a Greenville grocery store here today, pumped three shots into the store's operator, then turned himself over to authorities.

Shelby Stewart Sr., 56, prominent Greenville and Central City merchant, died at Muhlenberg Community Hospital a few minutes after the shooting. William Albert Doss, 37, Powderly, was arrested and charged with murder.

Sheriff Lindell Locke quoted Doss as sayiing: “May the Lord help you,” just before firing the shots. Marital difficulties are blamed for the shooting.

Stewart was shot at point-blank range with a .32 caliber pistol around 9:30 a.m. Shortly afterward, Doss walked into the office of County Judge Harry Crafton and handed him the pistol. He is quoted as saying:

“Here it is, I am through with it and won't need it anymore. I have just killed Shelby Stewart.”

Doss will be arraigned before Crafton in quarterly court here Saturday morning.

Deputy Sheriff Phillip Stone reported an examination was made by the coroner, M.V. Foster, who found that bullets had entered Stewart's chest, side, and back.

Doss refused to sign a statement for County Attorney Arthur Iler in regard to the slaying until he had contacted an attorney.

Mrs. Jean Mitchell, cashier at the Greenville store, told officials she witnessed the shooting.

Stewart is survived by his wife, Mrs. Leona Stewart, and one son, Shelby Jean Stewart.

Stirsman, Tom & Fred Head

Lost Pocketbook Found in Auto
Two Years Ago Tom Stirsman Lost Valuable; Had Slipped Behind Cushion.

Greenville, Ky., April 19. - About two years ago Fred Head and Tom Stirsman, of Greenville, who were then partners in the drygoods establishment of Head, Stirsman & Company, started for Owensboro in Mr. Head's automobile, intending to spend the day in the city on business and pleasure.

All went well with the expedition until within a few miles of Owensboro, when they suddenly discovered they had a flat tire. Necessary repairs finally were completed, and they again got under way, arriving in Owensboro a bit late, but in good spirits, and prepared to enjoy the day to the fullest extent. And then - Mr. Stirsman discovered he had lost his pocketbook.

No considerable deduction was necessary to solve the mystery. He knew he had had the purse when he left Greenville; he didn't have it when he reached Owensboro, and therefore, he had lost it while making repairs to the punctured tire.

And so the matter rested until a few days ago when Mr. Head, deciding to give his car a thorough overhauling, removed the rear cushion, and there found Mr. Stirsman's pocketbook.

Stringer, Courtland & Jim Watkins

Sweeney, Helen; Pete Mohon & Frank Hendrick

Sweeney, Tom & Tom Middleton

Postmaster Mistook His Guest For a Burglar and Killed Him.

Central City, Ky., Nov. 6 - A deplorable tragedy occurred at a very early hour, when Postmaster Tom Sweeney, of Horeb, in Muhlenberg county, mistaking Tom Middleton for a burglar, fired the shot that killed Middleton instantly. Middleton and Sweeney have always been the best of friends, and he was a guest at the home of the postmaster. He got up early to go into the yard and was returning to his room when Sweeney, suddenly awakened from his sleep opened fire on his guest and killed him. Sweeney is inconsolable with grief. Middleton was a single man and about 40 years old.

Updated July 9, 2024.

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