Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Muhlenberg Map

News, T

Tate, E.B.

A stock company is being organized at Bremen to erect and operate a flouring mill. The enterprise is almost assured, and Mr. E.B. Tate is likely to be put in charge. Bremen is situated in a good farming section, and a mill should command good patronage. Mr. Tate is a good man to run it, too.

Thomas, Smith & Thomas Haynes

Threlkeld, Mr. & Mrs. G.E.

Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Threlkeld have moved from their home on Ryan Hill to the Belcher home on Morehead street.

Tinsley, James

Post Office Robber Foiled. Just at midnight Saturday as deputy marshal James Tinsley was making his rounds he was fired upon by a man who had broken a door glass from the post office. Mr. Tinsley did not hear the crash, and the first thing he knew of the affair was the shot, which struck the building of Jarvis & Williams near where he was standing. He promptly returned the fire, and there was a pistol duel, but nobody was hurt, the burglar making his escape down Main street. There is no clue as to who the fellow was, but it is supposed he was a “road man.” Entrance was not gained to the building, as the night watchman came upon the burglar before he had gotten into the room. Several persons were aroused by the shots, and a few people heard the housebreaker as he ran away, but no one could describe him, and he got away without leaving the least clue.

Tinsley, T.J.

The City Council has granted Mr. T.J. Tinsley the right to erect on the site of his old mill a new planing mill.

Trachoma Free Clinic, 1916

Says Muhlenberg County has 2,000 trachoma cases.

Greenville, Ky., Jan. - The success of the free clinic for the treatment of trachoma which has been held here since Tuesday was greater than anticipated. There were fifty operations in the four days and 256 persons were examined. The percentage of infection was 33 1-3. Mrs. Hickey, the visiting nurse, says there are 2,000 cases of the disease in Muhlenberg county.

Dr. John McCullen said he had been conducting clinics over Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia, for eighteen months, and had found no place where the interest taken in the attempts to eradicate the disease was as great as in Greenville. He said private citizens as well as local physicians were deeply interested. The chief object of the tours was to demonstrate the necessity for the radication of the disease. He was gratified at the assistance given him and his assistants during the week.

Arrangements have been made for local physicians to continue the work, and several operations will be performed this afternoon. Patients are here from all portions of the county.

One of the most enthusiastic workers at the clinic was Miss Linda Neville, of Lexington, who was highly pleased at the results. She succeeded in making arrangements to take two of the patients, Amanda Warner and Ursula Richey, to the trachoma hospital at Jackson. In the opinion of Dr. McMullen it was thought advisable that the treatment of these two girls should be continued at a hospital, and the arrangements were made accordingly. Dr. McMullen left for Louisville this afternoon with Miss Hicks, the nurse. The rooms of the emergency hospital are all occupied by patients and will be utilized for some time.

Tudor, Henry

Greenville, Ky., Feb. 27. - Mr. Henry Tudor, of St. Petersburg, Fla., was here Tuesday, a guest of his aunt, Mrs. G.B. Williams.

Turley, Ellen

Shoots children and herself. Mrs. Ellen Turley shot and killed her 4-year-old child, attempted to kill two other children, and failing, shot and killed herself at Depoy, Ky.

Updated June 11, 2024.

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