Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Muhlenberg Map

Wills: G

J.S.H. Graves, 1850


Image of Graves Will


Knowing the uncertainty of life and behing feeble in body but of sound mind, do ordain and declare this to be my last will and testament towit.

Item 1st, I give my spirit to God who gave it and my body to be decently buried.

Item 2nd, I wish all my just debts to be paid.

Item 3rd, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth S. Graves the one half of all the lands of which I am now possessed, for her use and benefit during her natural life, and in the event of her outliving my sons John Edward, then I desire that my wife should have all the land in fee simple, provided my son dies before he is twenty one years old.

Item 4th, I give and bequeath the remainder of my land (it being of the tract or parcel of land on which my father John S. Graves lately resided) to my beloved son John Edward Graves, his heirs, executors &c. forever, and in the event of my beloved wife dying before my son, then all the land above willed her to belong to my son, and further desire that in the event of both wife and son die before my son becomes of age, then my lands & property of every description to return to my brothers and sisters equally.

Item 5th, I give and bequeath all my personal property of all sorts after my just debts are paid to my wife Elizabeth P. Graves.

I desire that my friend and uncle B.D. Bailey be the executor of this my last will and testament and I wish no security to be required of him. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18” day of October 1850.

J.S.H. his x mark Graves

B.D. Bailey
Edwd. J. Wilson

Commonwealth of Kentucky
Muhlenberg County Sct.
November County Court 1850
The foregoing last will and testament of J.S.H. Graves deceased was exhibited into court and proved to be the act and deed of the decedent by the oaths of Bennet D. Bailey and Edward J. Wilson subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded. In witness that the same has been truly recorded I hereunto set my hand.
Att. Chs. F. Wing Clk.

Source: Muhlenberg County Kentucky Will Book 3, pp. 105-106.

Updated July 26, 2022