Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg Map

County Court Records

County Court Orders 1799

Citation: Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 1, pages 1-72

28 May 1799, pages 1 - 5

At the house of John Dennis in the County of Muhlenberg on Tuesday the 28th day of May 1799. Agreeably to an Act of Assembly entitled “An Act for forming a new County out of the Counties of Logan and Christian.”

A Commission of the Peace from his Excellency James Garrard Esquire produced directed to James Craig, John Dennis, William Bell, Isaac Davis, John Russell, Robert Cessna, Richard Morton, John Adams & Jesse McPherson appointing them Justices of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid which being read thereupon John Dennis Esquire administered the Oath to Support the Constitution of the Unites States, the Oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth and also the Oath of a Justice of the Peace to James Craig, Isaac Davis, Wm. Bell.

Whereupon the said James Craig administered the said several Oaths to John Dennis Esquire.

And thereupon a Court was held for said County.

James Craig Esq.
John Dennis Esq.
Isaac Davis Esq.
William Bell Esq.

John Bradly Esquire produced a commission from his Excellency the Governor appointing him Sheriff in and for said County which being read he the said John thereupon took the Oath to Support the Constitution of the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office of Sheriff and together with Isaac Davis and William Worthington his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of three thousand dollars conditioned as the Law directs.

The Court appointed Charles Fox Wing their Clerk pro tempore who thereupon took Oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office and together with Henry Rhoads Sr. & William Campbell his securities entered into bond in the penalty and conditioned as the Law directs.

Alney McLean Esquire produced a commission from his Excellency the Governor appointing him Surveyor in and for the County of Muhlenberg whereupon he took the Oath to Support the Constitution of the United States the Oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office and together with Robert Ewing and Ephraim McLean Sr. his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of six hundred pounds conditioned as the Law directs.

On the recommendation of Alney McLean Esquire surveyor of this County William Bradford, George Tennells and James Weir Esquire were admitted as his deputies who thereupon took the Oath to Support the Constitution of the United States and the Oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office as deputy surveyors.

Peter Lyons's stockmark, two smooth crops and a nick under each ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Henry Davis's stockmark, a hole in each ear. On his motion is ordered to be recorded.

The Court appointed John Anderson Constable for the County of Muhlenberg who thereupon took the Oath to Support the Constitution of the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth and also the Oath of Constable and together with Richard Tyler his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty & conditioned as the Law directs.

On the motion of Richard Tyler leave is granted him to keep a tavern at his house in Lewisburg whereupon with Lewis Kincheloe his security executed bond in the penalty and conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that the next Court be held at John Dennis'.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until court in course.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed by James Craig.

25 June 1799, pages 6 - 23

At the house of John Dennis in the County of Muhlenberg on Tuesday the 25th day of June 1799.

John Dennis Esq.
Isaac Davis J Esq.
William Bell Esq.

Robert Cessna Esquire produced a certificate from John Dennis Esquire of his having taken the Oath to the United States and the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and also the Oath of a Justice of the Peace for said County.

Robert Cessna Esquire

Robert Cessna's stockmark, a swallow fork in the right ear and a hole in the left ear. On his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Samuel Long's stockmark, a slit in each ear and a crop off the left and on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

John Culbertson's stockmark, a crop and slit in each ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

William McCommon's stockmark, a crop of the left ear and a half crop off of the underside of the right ear and on his motion ordered to be recorded.

William Cessna's stockmark, a crop off and under bit in the right ear and slit in the left. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

William Campbell's stockmark, a slit in each ear and on his motion ordered to be recorded.

Absent John Dennis Esquire

On the motion of John Dennis license is granted him to keep a tavern at his house who together with Abraham Dennis his security executed bond in the penalty of fifty pounds conditioned as the Law directs.

James Tinsley's stockmark, a crop and Slit in the left ear and an upper bit in the right ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Thomas Irvin's stockmark, a crop and slit in the left ear and a crop & underbit in the right ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

An Indenture of bargain and sale between George Matthews of the one part and Daniel Rhoads Jr. Of the other part was acknowledged by the said Matthews a party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

An Indenture of bargain and sale between George Matthews of the one part and Daniel Rhoads Sr. of the other part was acknowledged by the said George a party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between George Matthews of the one part and Henry Rhoads Sr. of the other part was acknowledged by the said George a party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of John Bradly esquire Sheriff, William Bradford was admitted as his deputy who thereupon took the Oath of Office he having heretofore taken the Oath to the United States and also the Oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth.

John Dennis Esq.

Ordered that John Culbertson, Lewis Kincheloe and Aaron Neal (being first sworn) view the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Lewisburg to Smith's mill and make report thereof to the next Court.

Joseph Culbertson's stockmark, a hole in each ear and a half penny out of the underside of the right ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Jacob Kanay, Jacob Ham and John Smith (being first sworn) view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from York Town to Green River at his the said Smith's ferry and make report thereof to the next Court.

On the motion of John Smith it is ordered that a ferry be established on his land on Green River upon his giving bond and security in the Clerk's office as the Law directs and that the rates of ferriage be as follows (towit)
For a man single 4p
For a horse single 4p

John Smith's stockmark, a crop in the right ear and half crop in the underside of the left. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

William Bell Esq.

An Indenture of bargain and sale between George Matthews of the one part and John Keith of the other part was acknowledged by the said George a party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

The Commonwealth - Plff.
ag't - upon vagrancy
James Garrison - Deft.
The defendant appeared and sundry Witnesses being examined upon consideration whereof it is the opinion of the Court that he be discharged.

Richard Morton Esquire who was commissioned by his excellency the Governor came into Court and took the Oath of a Justice of the Peace he having heretofore taken the Oath to the United States and also the Oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth.

Richard Morton Esq.

The Court proceeded to appoint Charles Fox Wing their Clerk during good behavior who produced a certificate from the Court of Appeals in the words & figures following (towit)

State of Kentucky, Sct.
We do hereby certify that Charles Wing hath been examined by our Clerk in our presence and under our direction and that we judge him to be well qualified to execute the office of Clerk of any County Court or Court.
Court of Quarter Sessions with this State. Given under our hands & seals at Frankfort this 13th day of May 1799.
George Muler
Ben Sabastion
Caleb Wallace
Thomas Todd CCA

Whereupon the said Charles took the Oath of Office he having heretofore taken the Oath to support the Constitution of the United States and also Fidelity to this Commonwealth and together with William Campbell & Henry Rhoads Sr. his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty & conditioned as the Law directs.

William Nixon's stockmark, a crop off of each ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Charles Lewis's stockmark, two crops and two slits in each ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

The Court proceeded to vote on a place for the permanent seat of Justice for the County of Muhlenberg. A majority of all the Justices concurring it is ordered that Col. William Campbell's headright on Cany adjoining the lands of the heirs of William Russell deceased be and is hereby fixed upon as the place for the permanent seat of Justice for said county and that the public buildings be erected at said place.

William Gesses' stockmark, a crop & slit in the left ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

The Court are of opinion that the surveyor of this county run the county line so as to include Job Downing two miles within the county.

Ordered that James Weir be appointed Commissioner for that part of Muhlenberg County that was taken from Christian County for the purpose of taking in a list of the taxable property for the present year.

On the motion of Lewis Kincheloe it is ordered that a ferry be established on Green River at Lewisburg on his entering into bond with security in the Clerk's office according to Law and that the rates of ferriage be as follows (towit)
For single man 4p
For a single horse 4p

Ordered that Lewis Kincheloe, Michael Goodnight and William Cessna view the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Lewisburg to the seat of Justice of this county and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Warren Davis, William Cessna and Henry Davis being first sworn view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from John Culbertson's ford on Green River to the seat of Justice of this county and make report thereof to the next Court.

Peter Boggess was by the Court appointed Constable who thereupon took the Oath to the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office and together with William Boggess his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that William Hynes, Nicholas Lockerman, James Bankston, Epps Littlepage, Josiah Bell and Benjamin Biggerstaff or any three of them being first sworn view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from the Logan County line to Pond River in a direction to Robertson's Lick to pass by the seat of Justice for this county and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Daniel Rhoads Sr. be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Rocky to the Forks of Rawhide and John Keith from Rocky to Stom's ferry on Green River and it is furthered ordered that Jacob Studebaker and Thomas Biggerstaff allot to them their hand to open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Richard Morton's stockmark, a crop and slit in the right ear and an underbit in the left. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

John Dennis Esq.

The Court proceeded to fix the tavern rates as follows (towit)

For wine, rum or French brandy per half pint2/3
For Breakfast of good tea or coffee1/-
For [Breakfast] common0/9
For Dinner1/6
For Supper1/-
For lodging-/6 pence
[For] pasturage 24 hours0/4
For stableage 24 hours0/4
For corn per gallon0/6
For oats per gallon0/6
For hay or fodder per night0/6
For whiskey per half pint0/9
For peach brandy per half pint1/0

Ordered that the several tavern keepers within this county demand and receive agreeably to the above rates & no more.

Ordered that William Campbell, Richard N. Alcock and Charles Lewis being first sworn do view the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from the seat of Justice of this county to Christian County line in a direction to Christian courthouse and make report thereof to the next Court.

John Dennis Esq.

John Culbertson Esquire produced a commission from his Excellency the Governor appointing him Coroner in and for the county aforesaid which being read took the Oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office and together with William Worthington his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of and conditioned as the Law directs.

Thomas Morton was this day appointed Constable for the county of Muhlenberg who thereupon took the Oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office & together with William Hynes his security executed their bond in the penalty & conditioned as the Law directs for the performance of his Office.

John Bradley's stockmark, crop off of the left ear & underbit and upper bit in the right. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Josiah Bell's stockmark, a slit in the right ear and a smooth crop in the left ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Henry Rhoads, Charles Lewis and William Bell be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners for the purpose of letting to the lowest bidder the public buildings for Muhlenberg County.

Ordered that Solomon Rhoads, Daniel Rhoads Jr. and David Rhoads being first sworn view & mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from York Town to the county seat of this county and also to view and mark a way from Stom's ferry to intersect the above road and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that the next Court be held at the house of John Dennis.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in course.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed [by] John Dennis.

27 Aug 1799, pages 24 - 35

At the house of John Dennis in the County of Muhlenberg on Tuesday the 27th day of August 1799.

James Craig Esq.
John Dennis J Esq.
Isaac Davis

Samuel Murphey's stockmark, a crop and slit in the right ear and an under slope and slit in the left ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Matthew McLean's stockmark, a crop and two slits in the left ear and an underbit in the right ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Benjamin Garris's stockmark, a slit in each ear a half moon under it and his cattle dulapt [dewlap] cut upwards. On his motion is Ordered to be recorded.

Richard N. Alcock's stockmark, a crop and underbit in each ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

John Dennis's stockmark, a swallow fork in each ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Edward Jarvis's stockmark, a crop and slit in the left ear and a hole in the right ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Edmond Owen's stockmark, a crop off each ear and slit in the left ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Andrew Joab's stockmark, a crop off of the left ear and a half crop and slit in the right. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Lenox Rose's stockmark, a crop & hole in the left ear and hole in the right. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Daniel Holt's stockmark, a half crop off of the underside of each ear & an underbit in the left & on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Aaron Neal's stockmark, crop in the left ear and an underbit in the right. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

On the petition of John Adams for a writ in the nature of ad quod damnum for the purpose of building a grist mill on Long Creek and it appearing to the Court that public notice of this application hath been given to the proprietor of the land on the opposite side of the creek against which the said John wishes to abut his dam, it is ordered that the Sheriff summon and impanel a Jury of the vicinity aforesaid to meet on the first Saturday in September next at the place aforesaid and View and examine the same above and below, and then and there circumscribe by certain meets and bounds one acre of land for the abutment aforesaid and report thereof to the Court as the Law directs.

Benjamin Talbot's stockmark, a crop off of each ear and a slit in the right ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

John Adams Esquire who was commissioned by the Governor as a Justice of the Peace for Muhlenberg County came into Court and took the Oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and also the Oath of a Justice of the Peace.

John Adams Esq.

John Dennis Esq.

The persons appointed for that purpose exhibited into Court a plan for building the public building which being examined and approved of is ordered to be recorded.

A memorandum of the dimensions of the Courthouse of Muhlenberg County to be built of hewn log, seven inches thick, nine inches on the face or more, 26 feet by 18, seventeen feet high, a joint shingle roof put on with pegs except the outside rows with nails, a joint plank floor and loft with a good staircase, the lower story twelve feet high with one door & three windows, a partition upstairs, a window and door, a Judge's bench barred around, an attorney's bench barred around, also a sheriff's box, a clerk's table and seat. The cracks of the house to have shaved boards pegged on in the inside and daubed in the outside and a sufficient number of Jury benches.

The persons appointed for the purpose of viewing and marking a road to lead from York Town to Green River made the following report towit, Whereas we have viewed the within mentioned road and that it will make an excellent good road to go through John Smith's land only.
Viewers: John Smith
Jacob Kaney
Jacob Ham
Whereupon this considered by the Court (John Smith being present & consenting thereto) that the said road be established as viewed & reported aforesaid.

James Craig Esq.
William Bell Esq.

John Adams Esq.

Ordered that James Smith, Thomas Salesberry [Saulsberry], Jacob Anthony, and Peter Boggess or any three of them (being first sworn) view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from the Forks of Rawhide where the Logan road crosses the same to the seat of Justice of this county & make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Joseph Vaughn, Edward Jarvis, James Bankston, and Alney McLean or any three of them being first sworn view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from the seat of Justice of this county to Pond River in a direction to Robertson Lick and make report thereof to be next Court.

Benjamin Biggerstaff's stockmark, a swallow fork in each ear & upper bit in the left ear. On his motion is ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Benjamin Biggerstaff satisfactory proof being made to the Court that he the said Benjamin lost a part of his left ear by a bite from Matthew Adams in a fight which is ordered to be recorded.

Andrew Hunsaker's stockmark, an underbit in the right ear and a hole in the left and on his motion ordered to be recorded.

Jacob Ham's stockmark, an underbit in each ear and a slit in each ear and on his motion ordered to be recorded.

Isaac Davis Esq.

John Adams Esq.

Ordered that Andrew Hunsaker, Leroy Jackson, Henry Rhoads Jr., and Jacob Sever or any three of them being first sworn view the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Adam's ferry to the county seat of this county and make report thereof to the next Court.

Isaac Davis Esq.

James Craig Esq.

On the motion of Matthew Adams, it is ordered that a ferry be established on his land on Green River and that the rates of passage be as follows towit
For a single man 4p
For a horse 4p
On his giving bond in the Clerk's office

John Adams Esq.

William Drake's stockmark, a half crop of the underside of the left ear and underbit and slit in the right & on his motion ordered to be recorded.

On the petition of Joseph Ray for a writ in the nature of ad quod danmum for the purpose of building a water grist mill on Clifty, he owning lands on both sides thereof it is ordered that the Sheriff summon a Jury of the vicinity aforesaid to meet on the second Saturday in September next at the place aforesaid and view and examine the same above and below and report thereof to the Court as the Law directs.

James Craig Esq.

Peter Boggess came into Court and delivered his resignation as Constable.

The Court appointed Isaac Davis Esquire to build a stray pen on the public square two and thirty feet square, five feet high to be furnished by the fourth Tuesday in September next.

Peter Boggess's stockmark, crop and slit in the right ear and split and half crop in the left. On his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that the next Court be held at John Dennis's.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed [by] James Craig.

24 Sept 1799, pages 35 - 48

At a County Court held at the house of John Dennis in the County of Muhlenberg On Tuesday the 24th day of September 1799.

James Craig Esq.
John Dennis Esq.
Isaac Davis Esq.

The Jury impaneled and sworn for that purpose on the Eighteenth day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Nine, they met at the place on Clifty where Joseph Ray is about to erect a water grist mill above the mouth of said creek about half a mile and that they are of opinion that a Dam fourteen feet high will not damage the several proprietors adjacent thereto. On the motion therefore of the said Joseph Ray leave is granted him to erect the said mill agreeably to the said report.

The Jury summoned and impaneled & sworn for that purpose on the Seventh day of September 1799 met at the place on Long Creek where John Adams is about to erect a water grist mill and that they are of opinion that a dam eleven feet high will not damage the several proprietors adjacent thereto on the motion therefore of the said Adams leave is granted him to erect the said mill together with the one acre of land condemned by the Jury aforesaid agreeable to said report.

The Last Will and Testament of Lewis Reno deceased was exhibited into Court and proved by the oaths of Isaac Davis and Moses Lucas subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Henry Davis, Warren Davis and Thomas Ward or any two of them being first sworn do view the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Culbertson's ford on Green River to the seat of Justice of this County and make report thereof to the next Court.

On the motion of Leonard Stom, it is ordered that a ferry be established on his land on Green River On his entering into bond in the Clerk's office as the Law directs and that the rates of ferriage be as follows (towit)
For a single man 4½p
For a single horse 4½p

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report (towit) “We do hereby certify (that after being) sworn we have viewed and marked the nearest and best road from York Town to the Logan road according to the best of our skill and judgment to go through the following men's lands whose names are annexed: Jacob Canoy, George Hunsaker, Francis Stump, Joseph Wardin, and we do hereby report the same to the worshipful Court of Muhlenberg”
Jacob Ham, John Stom Viewers, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the proprietors of the land through which the same is viewed has consented thereto, it is ordered that the same be established accordingly.

Ordered that James Weir Commissioner of the tax for that part of this County which was taken from Christian County be allowed forty five and a half dollars for the execution of his said office which is ordered to be certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

Samuel Drake's stockmark, a square crop off of the right ear, slit in the left and underbit in each & on his motion ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that William Campbell, John Bradley, William Cessna and Lewis Kincheloe or any three of them being first sworn view the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Lewisburg to the County seat of this County and make report thereof to the next Court.

On the motion of Thomas Biggerstaff, who made oath as the Law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the Estate of Benjamin Biggerstaff deceased who together with William Bell and Thomas Bell his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that Jacob Studebaker, Solomon Penrod, Leonard Morgan, and Benjamin Talbot or any three of them (being first sworn) do appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves (if any) of Benjamin Biggerstaff deceased and that the Administration return an Inventory thereof to Court agreeably to Law.

William Bell Esquire

John Dennis Esquire

The persons appointed to view & mark a road to lead from the Forks of Rawhide to the Courthouse of Muhlenberg County made the following report (towit) “We do certify that we have viewed and marked the nearest and best road to go as the within order directs to go through the following Gentlemen's lands: William Thompson, John Armstrong, John Sutton, James Craig, Andrew Parks, William Bell Esquires, Thomas Bell, Wm Reading, William Boggess and Thomas Salsberry”
Peter Boggess
Thomas Salsberry
Jacob Anthony
And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the proprietors of the land through which the same is marked consents thereto it is ordered that the same be established accordingly.

On the motion of Joseph Ray, it is ordered that a ferry be established on Mud River at his plantation on his entering into bond in the Clerk's office as the Law directs and that the rates of ferriage be as follows (towit)
For a man 3p
For a horse 3p

Ordered that Joseph Ray, George Brown, William Smith or any two of them being first sworn view the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Ray's ferry on Mud River to the Courthouse of this County & make report thereof to the next Court.

On the motion of Lewis Kincheloe, who made oath as the Law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the Estate of Lewis Reno deceased with the Will annexed who thereupon together with John Bradley and William Hynes his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds conditioned as the Law directs with leave for Elizabeth Reno, widow & relict of the said decedent, to join in the Administration aforesaid when ever she may think proper.

Ordered that John Dennis Jr. be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Pond Creek at the ford on said creek to Muhlenberg Courthouse and that the precinct of said road be as follows towit, Beginning at the mouth of Cany running up the same and to the for [fork?] of Alston's road as it leads to Cany Station and with the said road to the Sand Lick Fork so as to include Isaac Rust and down the same to Pond Creek and down the same to the beginning and that all the hands included in said bounds assist in opening and keeping the said road in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that William Boggess be appointed Overseer of the road from Pond Creek to Armstrongs Mill and that the precinct of the road be as follows towit, Beginning on Pond creek and running up the same as high as David Robertson's including him from thence to John Carter's including him from thence to William Hynes's including him from thence to Jesse McPherson including him from thence down Rocky to Daniel Rhoads from thence to Pond Creek including him and William Smith and up the same to the beginning and that he the said William together with all the hands within the bounds of said precinct open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Matthew Armstrong be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Armstrong's mill to the Logan County line and that the precinct of said road be as follows, Beginning at Clifty running up the same to McKinney's including him thence to William Billing's including him from then a cross to Clifty from thence to the beginning and that he the said Matthew with all the hands included in the above bounds open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that John Smith be appointed Surveyor of the road leading from York Town to the Logan road.

John Dennis Esquire

Ordered that Jacob Kanoy be appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Smith's ferry on Green River to the Courthouse of this county and also from Stom's ferry to intersect the same and that the precinct of said roads be as follows (towit), Beginning at the mouth of Jacobs Creek and up the same to the road that leads from John Keath's to Henry Rhoads' from thence to Frederick Unsell from thence to Severs's ford on Pond Creek from thence to Frederick Severs & Jesse Jackson's including them from thence down Pond Creek to Green River & to the beginning and that he the said Jacob with the hands included in the above bounds open & keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Isaac Davis Esquire

Ordered that the next Court be held at John Dennis's.

Ordered that court be adjourned until Court in course.
James Craig

26-27 Nov 1799, pages 48 - 61

At a Court held for Muhlenberg County at the house of John Dennis on Tuesday the 26th day of November 1799

John Dennis Esq.
Isaac Davis Esq. &
Richard Morton Esq.

Spencer O'Neal's stockmark, a crop and hole in the right ear and underbit in the left ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

Abraham Dennis's stockmark, a swallow fork in the left ear and a half penny in the upperside of the right ear & on his motion ordered to be recorded.

Cornelius Drake's stockmark, underberlit in each ear and slit in the end of each ear and on his motion ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of William Campbell and it appearing to the Court that it will be advantageous to the public and it also appearing that legal notice having been given agreeably to Law, it is ordered that a town be established on his land at the seat of Justice in this County on Cany including thirty acres of land to be called and known by the name of Greenville. Whereupon the said William Campbell together with John Bradley and Charles Fox Wing his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of five hundred pounds conditioned as the Law directs. It is further ordered that the said town be vested in Samuel Russell, Alney McLean, Henry Rhoads, Charles Fox Wing, William Bradford and John Dennis who are hereby nominated and appointed Trustees of the said town of Greenville agreeably to Law.

Ordered that William Cessna, John Reed and John Robinet or any two of them (being first sworn) do view and mark the best and most convenient [way] for a road to lead from the big falls on Green River to Greenville & make report thereof to the next Court.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report (towit) “Agreeable to an order of the worshipful Court of the County of Muhlenberg passed at the September Term, that we the undernamed subscribers appointed to view a road leading from Lewisberg to Greenville as follows passing through the land of Lewis Kincheloe, William Cessna, John Robinet and William Campbell and they all consenting to the same.” It is considered by the Court that the same be established accordingly.

Ordered that Thomas Irvin, Robert Cessna and John Bradley or any two of them being first sworn appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves (if any) of Lewis Reno deceased and that the Administrators return an Inventory thereof to the next Court.

The Last Will and Testament of Joseph Rhoads deceased was produced in Court and proved by the oaths of Henry Rhoads and Solomon Rhoads two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Elizabeth Rhoads, David Rhoads and Solomon Rhoads the Executors therein named, who made oath as the Law directs, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereon in due form and together with Henry Rhoads and Richard Morton their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that Henry Keath, Daniel Rhoads Sr. and Solomon Penrod or any two of them being first sworn do appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves if any of Joseph Rhoads deceased and that the Executors return an Inventory thereof to the Court.

William Bell Esq.

Henry Davis appointed Constable for this County who took the Oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office and together with Lewis Kincheloe his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and conditioned as the Law directs.

Elizabeth Rhoads' stockmark, a crop off the right ear. On her motion ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until tomorrow morning at Ten of the Clock.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed.
John Dennis

Wednesday, 27 Nov 1799

John Dennis Esq.
William Bell Esq. &
Richard Morton Esq.

Charles Fox Wing, Clerk to this Court, exhibited his account with the Commonwealth as Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions and County Court of Muhlenberg from the 28th of May until the first of November 1799 inclusive amounting to one pound eighteen shillings which being sworn to is ordered to be certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

Ordered that James Craig, George Humphries, John Zimmerman and Frederick Phillips or any three of them being first sworn do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from George Humphries' to Greenville and make report thereof to the next Court.

An Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of Benjamin Biggerstaff deceased was exhibited into Court and examined & ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Solomon Penrod and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the dwelling house of the said Solomon was burned and that there was a patent for 200 acres of land granted to John Organ with an Assignment thereon from Matthew Ogden heir at law to said John Ogden deceased to the said Penrod which was consumed by the fire at the time the said Solomon's house was burnt which is ordered to be certified.

Ordered that William Campbell and Samuel Russell review a way heretofore viewed from Lewisberg to Greenville & from Culbertson's ford to Greenville or so far back as where the said roads ought to intersect & make report thereof to the next Court.

Isaac Davis

John Dennis

James Craig & John Dennis Esquires

Ordered that Charles Fox Wing, Clerk to this Court, be allowed ten dollars under the Revenue Law for examining and certifying the Commissioners Books for the present year which is ordered to be certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

The Court proceeded to lay the County Levy as follows (towit)
The County made -

To Thomas Biggerstaff for a wolf's head8s
To Jacob Anthony for same8s
To Robert Robertson for two of same16s
To Thomas Salsberry for same16s
To Abraham Riggs for one8s
To Robert Robertson for same8s
To David Robertson for same8s
To Chs. F. Wing Clerk for official services£3 6s
To John Bradley Sheriff for same£
For the purpose of building Courthouse£90
For the same for Jail£106 4s
To Robert Coleman Attorney cometh£4 10s
To Alney McLean Surveyor for laying off Lots in Greenville£3 12s
To Jacob Sever for balance of Jail£4 10s
221 pounds, 14 shillings
Depositum25 pounds, 1 shilling
246 pounds, 15 shillings
Credit by Lots in Greenville60 pounds, 9 shillings
186 pounds, 8 shillings
Sheriff's commission on 186, 811 pounds, 4 shillings
197 pounds, 12 shillings

Credit by 400 tithes at
Nine shillings & nine pence per tithe } 197 pounds, 12 shillings
Ordered that the Sheriff collect from each person subject to pay County Levy nine shillings and nine pence & pay the County Creditors & the balance of any retain in his hands subject to the further order of this Court.

On the motion of Lewis Kincheloe and it appearing to the Court that it would be of public advantage and it also appearing that legal notice of this application has been given it is ordered that a town be established on his land on Green River to be called & known by the name Lewisberg. Including fifty acres, Beginning & running North 70 W and at right angles and that the same be vested in Thomas Irvin, James McCartney, John Bradley, Charles Fox Wing, George Tennill and John Culbertson who are hereby nominated and appointed Trustees of said town.

Thomas Dennis Jr. was by the Court appointed Constable who thereupon took the Oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth of Kentucky & also the Oath of Office and together with John Dennis his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that the next Court be held at the town of Greenville, the seat of Justice of this County.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed [by] James Craig.

24 Dec 1799, pages 61 - 72

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the house of Samuel Russell in the town of Greenville on Tuesday the 24th day of December 1799.

James Craig Esq.
John Dennis Esq. &
Rich'd Morton Esq.

George Tennell's stockmark, a swallow fork in the right ear and a half crop in the upperside of the left ear. On his motion ordered to be recorded.

The last Will and Testament of Richard Tyler deceased was proved by the oath of Warren Davis one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified.

On the motion of Samuel Russell license is granted him for keeping [a] tavern at his house in the town of Greenville who thereupon together with Isaac Davis his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and conditioned as the Law directs.

John Dennis Esquire

Isaac Davis Esquire

An Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of Joseph Rhoads deceased was returned into Court by the executors which being examined is ordered to be recorded.

John Dennis Esquire

A report of a road leading from George Humphreys [Humphries] to Greenville was returned into Court and examined. It is ordered that the same be established the proprietors of the land through whose land the same is to run having consented and is therefore ordered that George Humphreys be appointed Surveyor of the same from his house to Carter's branch and he with the hands included in the following precinct (towit), Beginning at said Humphreys running from there to John Zimmerman & down Long Creek including the inhabitants thereof as low as Carlisle's including him from thence to the head of Alston's Creek and down the same to Pond Creek and down Pond Creek to where said road crosses said creek from thence to Frederick Phillips' & from thence to the beginning open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

An Indenture of bargain and sale between Thomas Biggerstaff Administrator of Benjamin Biggerstaff deceased of the one part and Benjamin Talbot of the other part was acknowledged by the said Thomas Administrator of aforesaid as a party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Charles Crouch be appointed Surveyor of the road from Carters Creek to Greenville and that he with the hands allotted to George Humphreys open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

John Dennis Esq.

The persons appointed for the purpose made a report where the roads leading from Lewisberg and from Culbertson's ford to Greenville ought to intersect which being examined is ordered to be established accordingly.

John Dennis Esq.

Ordered that Cornelius Drake be appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Milligan's falls on Green River to Greenville & that he with the hands Within the following precinct (towit) including Hogland's settlement of Cypress or with the the hands in said settlement open & keep the same in repair as the Law directs as far as William Cessna's.

Ordered that William Cessna be appointed Overseer of the road from Lewisberg to where the same intersects the road that leads from Culbertson's ford on Green River to Greenville and that he with the hands in Lewisberg and the settlement on Cypress as high up as Peter Lyons & to include all the hands below Lewisberg open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Thomas Ward be appointed Overseer of the road leading from Culbertson's ford on Green River to where the same intersects with the road that leads from Lewisburg to Greenville and that he with the hands below the two roads from the mouth of Pond Creek as high up as Thomas Water's including Charles Grigsby open & keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that John Smith be appointed Overseer of the road leading from his mill to the Logan road and that he with the hands allotted to Jacob Kanoy open & keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

On the motion of Elias Smith, it is ordered that a ferry be established on Pond Creek at Smith's mill on his giving bond and security as the Law directs.

Ordered that John Smith, Capt., be and he is hereby appointed Overseer of the road leading from Lewisberg to Smith's mill and that he with the hands living Within a half mile of said road open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

The Court proceeded to fix the tavern rates for this County as follows

For Wine, rum or French brandy per half pint2 shillings, 6 pence
Whisky per half pint9 pence
Peach brandy per half pint1 shilling
Dinner1 shilling, 6 pence
Breakfast or supper1 shilling, 3 pence
Corn or Oats per gallon9 pence
Pasturage for horse 24 hours1 shilling, 3 pence
Stableage with hay or fodder 12 hours1 shilling, 3 pence
Lodging6 pence

Ordered that the several tavern keepers in this County be regulated by the above rates.

John Bradley Esquire, Sheriff of this County, came into Court and together with John Smith and Solomon Rhoads his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds current money conditioned for the collection of the taxes for the present year which bond reads as follows, towit, Know all men by these presents that We John Bradley, Solomon Rhoads and John Smith are held & firmly bound unto [rest of page 69 blank]

[Top half of page 70 blank]

On the motion of John Bradley, Sheriff, James Weir was sworn his deputy [and] he took the Oath of Office, he having heretofore taken the Oath to support the Constitution [of] the Unites States and also the Oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report, towit “To the Honorable Justices of the County Court of Muhlenberg agreeably to an order of Court to us directed We have proceeded to view and mark off a road leading the most direct and convenient way from Greenville to the salt work as far as Pond River which road runs through William Campbell's land, a part of Croughon's & William Bradford's crossing Cypress about one and a half mile below said Bradford's land from thence crossing the Pond River at Epps Littlepage's” Alney McLean, James Bankston, Edw'd Jarvis
Ordered that the same be established accordingly and Epps Littlepage be appointed Surveyor of said road and that he with the hands living within twelve miles on [ink blot] said thereof open & keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course

The minutes of these proceedings were signed [by] James Craig.

Updated January 30, 2020