Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg Map

County Court Records

County Court Orders 1800

Citation: Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 1, pages 72-129

28 Jan 1800, pages 72 - 83

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the house of Samuel Russell in the Town of Greenville on Tuesday the 28th day of January 1800.

Present James Craig Esq.
John Dennis Esq. &
Isaac Davis Esq.

The Last Will and Testament of Patrick Campbell deceased was exhibited into Court and proved by the Oaths of Alney McLean and Charles F. Wing witnesses thereto and Ordered to be recorded.

The Last Will and Testament of Richard Tyler deceased was fully proved by the Oath of George Tennell a subscribing witness thereto & Ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of the Reverend William Nixon, who produced credentials of his Ordination and of his being in regular communion with the German Baptist Church who thereupon took the Oath prescribed by Law and together [with] John Culbertson his security entered into and acknowledged their bond as the Law directs, license is thereupon granted him to solemnize the rites of marriage.

On the motion of William Bell who produced satisfactory proof to the Court, they are of opinion that he have leave to remove a certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners to Samuel Bell and assigned to him, the same having been obtained for appropriated land.

Present William Bell Esquire

On the motion of William Gest license [is] granted him to keep a tavern at his house in Lewisburg who thereupon together with Lewis Kincheloe his security executed their bond in the penalty and Conditioned as the Law directs.

Present Richard Morton Esq.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report (towit) Agreeable to an Order of Court to view a road from Ray's ferry to the Courthouse we have viewed the way & find it good and sufficient passing through lands of William Henson, George Brown, George Pashley, McClanahan and Matthew's military surveys striking Smith's road between Daniel Rhoads and Jesse Jackson's and with it to the Courthouse. Given under our hands this 25th day of January 1800. Joseph Ray, George Brown, William Smith. We the undersigned do certify that passing through our lands does not injure us rather [it is] an advantage & utility to the public.
George Brown
George Pashley
William Henson
Which report being examined, it is Ordered that the said road be established accordingly.

Present John Dennis Esquire

On the motion of William Hynes ass'ee of William Forrest who produced satisfactory proof to the Court, they are of Opinion that he have leave to remove a Certificate from the Court of Commissioners it having heretofore been laid on appropriated Land.

On the motion of John Cornwell ass'ee of James Worthington who produced satisfactory proof to the Court, leave is granted him to remove his Certificate from the Court of Commissioners No. 3600 agreeably to Law.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report Towit, “We do hereby Certify that We have viewed the road from Adams ferry to Muhlenberg Courthouse according to the Within Order and that it Will make a very good road to pass through Matthew Adams's Land, C. Anderson's, Widow Rhoads & John Rhoads & Matthews military Land, Henry Rhoads, Daniel Rhoads, And'w Hunsaker” Which being examined It is Ordered that the same be established accordingly.

Ordered that George Brown, Joseph Ray and Matthew Adams or any two of them being first sworn do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Rays ferry on Mud River to Adams ferry on Green River and make report thereof to the next Court.

Absent Isaac Davis &
James Craig, Esquires

On the motion of Isaac Davis and Sarah Tyler who are named as executors in the last Will and Testament of Richard Tyler deceased who made Oath as the Law directs Certificate is granted them for obtaining Probate thereon in due form Who thereupon together With Lewis Kincheloe and Thomas Ward their security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of Two thousand pounds Conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that Thomas Ward, George Tennill and William Gest or any Two of them being first sworn do appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves (if any) of Richard Tyler deceased and that the Executors return an Inventory thereof to the next Court.

An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Lewis Reno deceased was returned into Court by the administrator which being examined is Ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Andrew Hunsaker be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Adams ferry on Green River to Where the same Will intersect the road leading from Smiths ferry to Greenville and that he With the hands in the following precinct Open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs “Beginning at the mouth of Jacobs creek running up to the mouth of Mud River & up the same to the mouth of Rocky and up the same to Solomon Penrod's thence to Daniel Rhoads Sr. and from thence to the Beginning.”

Ordered that George Brown be and is hereby appointed Overseer of the road leading from Rays ferry on Muddy River to Greenville and that he With hands allotted to Andrew Hunsaker open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Jacob Studebaker, Daniel Rhoads Sr., Thomas Biggerstaff and William Patton or any three of them being first sworn view & mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Billing's ford on Mud River to Greenville and make report thereof to the next Court.

On the motion of James Worthington, it is Ordered that he have leave to remove a certificate from the Court of Commissioners for Two hundred acres of Land it having been laid on appropriated land.

Present Isaac Davis
& James Craig - Esquires

Absent John Dennis Esquire

On the motion of Willis Odom, it is Ordered that he have leave to remove a certificate for Two hundred acres of Land from Where it was formerly located it being appropriated Land.

On the motion of Benjamin Garris, who is desirous of building a Water Grist mill on Pond River he owning the Land on One side thereof Ordered that a Writ of ad quod damnum be awarded him directed to the sheriff of this County Commanding him to summon and impanel a Jury to meet on the premises on the third Friday in next month to view and examine according to Law & then & there circumscribe by certain metes and bounds one acre of ground for the abutment of his dam on the opposite side of the river and then & there value the same & make report thereof to the next Court according to Law &c.

Henry Davis came into Court and entered his resignation as Constable.

William Gess was by the Court appointed Constable in the room of Henry Davis who resigned, Whereupon the said William came into court and took the Oaths to support the Constitution of the United States, the oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth and also the Oath of Office and together with Henry Davis his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and Conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that William Cessna, John Robinet and John Bradley or any Two of them being first sworn view & mark the best and most Convenient way for a road to lead from Bradley's Horse mill to intersect the road that leads from Lewisburg to Greenville and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of this proceeding were signed [by] James Craig.

25 Feb 1800, pages 84 - 90

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse on Tuesday the 25th day of February 1800.

Present James Craig
John Dennis
Isaac Davis &
Richard Morton - Esquires

William Bradford esquire produced a Commission from his excellency the Governor bearing date the 21st day of December 1799 appointing him a Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid who thereupon took the several oaths prescribed [by] the Law and Constitution and the Oath of Office.

Present William Bradford Esq.

Absent John Dennis esquire

On the motion of John Dennis ass'ee of Samuel Forest It is considered by the Court that he have leave to remove & locate Two hundred acres of vacant Land on his Certificate from the Court of Commissioners it having been located heretofore on appropriated Land.

Present John Dennis
and William Bell - esquires

Absent Isaac Davis esquire

On the motion of Caleb Hall ass'ee of Jesse Setterfield ass'ee of John Duncan It is ordered that leave be given him to remove his Certificate from the Court of Commissioners No. 3276 it having been located on appropriated Land.

Present John Adams esquire

On the motion of Henry Rhoads Sr. for an alteration of his list of Taxable property he being charged With Twenty Horses more than he possessed on the Tenth day of March last by mistake of the Commissioner It is Ordered that the same be rectified & that it also be certified to the Sheriff and Auditor of Public accounts.

Absent John Dennis esquire

Ordered that Henry Keith, Alexander Keith and William Luce or any two of them being first sworn view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Adam's ferry on Green River to Greenville and make report thereof to the next Court according to Law.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report (Towit) “Agreeable your Worship Order the Within mentioned George Brown, Joseph Ray & Matthew Adams have viewed and marked a road passing through the Lands [of] Rich'd Morton & Matthew Adams as it leads from Rays ferry to Adams ferry & they having consented thereto” George Brown, Matthew Adams, Joseph Ray. It is considered by the court that the same be established accordingly And it is further Ordered that William Keith be appointed Overseer of the said road and that he together With the hands allotted to Andrew Hunsaker and George Brown open & keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Absent James Craig esquire

Present John Dennis esquire

A report of the Jury summoned to view Benjamin Garris's Mill seat was returned into Court in the Words & figures following (towit) “Agreeable to Writ of Adquod Damnum granted to Benjamin Garris by the County Court of Muhlenberg in January 1800 to build a Water Grist mill on Pond river and to me directed I have summoned, convened and duly charged Twelve filling persons to hold an Inquest on said mill dam to see What damages may accrue to the inhabitants above and below and to inquire in what manner the fish and ordinary navigation will be Obstructed and after having met on the ground duly Weighed matters they are of Opinions that the several proprietors of the lands above and below Will not be damaged by the overflowing of the Water and that the fish and Ordinary navigation Will not be obstructed to damage there. They are also of the Opinions that the health of the neighbors will not be annoyed by the Stagnation of the Waters. We have also circumscribed by certain meets and bounds One acre of Land for the abutment of his dam Beginning at a Beech thence running S 17 East 20 poles thence S 73 W 8 poles then N 17 W 20 poles then N 73 East 8 poles to the Beginning which they have appraised to 31 Shillings this done and unanimously agreed upon by the under names Jurors 21st day of February 1800. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals.
James Weir D.S., Chas. Lewis (Seal), Eliash Uzzell (Seal), Jesse Harris (Seal), Thomas Garris (Seal), Edm'd Owens (Seal), Sharp Garris (Seal), Matthew McLean (Seal), Sam'l Loggins (Seal), Rich'd N. Alcock (Seal), Epps Littlepage (Seal), Sikes Garris (Seal), Richard Frail (Seal).

Whereupon On motion of the said Benjamin Garris, It is considered by the Court that the said mill seat be and is hereby established accordingly.

Absent John Adams esquire

Ordered that the surveyor of this County proceed to lay off fifty acres of Land Given by Colonel William Campbell to the County Court and that he also lay off Twenty five acres thereof into five acre out lots and make report thereof.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed [by] John Dennis

22 Apr 1800, pages 91 - 98

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County on Tuesday the 22d day of April 1800.

Present John Dennis
Isaac Davis &
William Bradford - Esquires

John Culbertson esquire Coroner of this County produced an account for summoning an Inquest upon the body of William Haverd deceased amounting to six dollars which is Ordered to be Certified.

Matthias Ham's Stockmark, a slit in the right ear and an underbit in the left ear On his motion is Ordered to be recorded.

John S. Graves' Stockmark, a crop in the right ear and slit and underbit in the left ear on his motion is Ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of John Mcfarlen [McFarland] ass'ee of William Worthington ass'ee of Cela Fuget [Fugate] leave is granted him to remove his certificate from the Court of Commissioners it having been heretofore located on appropriated Land.

On the motion of George Humphreys ass'ee of John Humphreys leave is given him to remove his Certificate from the court of Commissioners agreeably to Law in that case made & provided.

On the motion of James Weir ass'ee of John Humphreys ass'ee of John Doolin leave is granted him to remove a Commissioner's Certificate for Two hundred acres of Land agreeably to Law in that case made & provided.

Present James Craig

The persons appointed to view a road to lead from Greenville in a direction to Christian Courthouse made the following report towit We have viewed agreeably to the Within Order and find a good way can be had leading through the lands of Chs. Lewis, Richard N. Alcock, Edmond Owens and William Anthony. Charles Lewis, Richard N. Alcock and the persons through whose land the said road was marked having consented thereto It is Ordered that the said road be and is hereby established accordingly And it is further Ordered that Richard N. Allcock be and he is hereby appointed surveyor of the said road and that the precinct of the said road be as follows Beginning at Greenville and running a line so as to include Matthew McLean thence to Pond river and up the same to Howks's to Adams's Mill including him from thence to George Humphrey's and with his road to the Beginning and that he the said Alcock with the hands included in the above bounds Open and keep the said road in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Nancy Garris wife of Sharp Garris be summoned to appear here at the next court to show cause if any she can why her son Samuel Lemars and her daughter Miller Lemars may not be bound out agreeably to Law in Such cases made & provided.

On the motion of Davis Robertson assignee of Josiah Downey leave is granted him to remove his Certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such cases made & provided.

On the petition of the Commissioners who were appointed to let the building of the Courthouse of this County Ordered that leave be given the undertakers until the first day of August next to complete the same.

William Worthington's Stockmark, a crop off of the left ear and a slit and underbit in the right ear On his motion is Ordered to be Recorded.

On the petition of Jacob Hunsaker who is desirous of building a Water Gristmill on Mud River he owning the land on both sides thereof Ordered that the Sheriff summon and Impanel a Jury agreeably to Law to meet on the place aforesaid near where Hunsaker lives and examine the same & make report thereof as the Law directs.

Ordered that William Bradford be and he is hereby appointed Commissioner of the Tax for the present year who thereupon together with Samuel Russell and John Dennis his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that James Craig and John Dennis esquires be appointed Judges to the ensuing election and that Charles Fox Wing be and is hereby appointed their clerk.

Ordered that William Bell, Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin, Lewis Kincheloe and John Culbertson be and they are hereby appointed commissioners of depositions in Contested Elections agreeably to Law.

Ordered that the sheriff pay Isaac Davis forty dollars Out of the County levy in part of the price of building the Courthouse of this County.

The Court proceeded to fix the tavern rates as follows towit

For wine, rum or French brandy per half pint2 shillings, 3 pence
Breakfast1 shilling
Dinner1 shilling, 6 pence
Supper1 shilling, 6 pence
Lodging6 pence
Pasturage for a horse 24 hours4 pence
Stableage 24 hours4 pence
Corn or Oats per gallon6 pence
Hay or fodder per 12 hours6 pence
Whiskey per half pint9 pence
Peach brandy per half pint1 shilling

Ordered that the several tavern keepers be and they are hereby directed to Observe and receive agreeably to the above rates and no more.

On the motion of John Bradley esquire Sheriff who together with Matthew McLean and William Hines his security entered in and acknowledged bond in the penalty of five hundred pounds conditioned for the collection of the County levy for the ensuing year.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course the minutes of these proceedings were signed [by] James Craig

24 June 1800, pages 98 - 105

At a County court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Tuesday the 24th day of June 1800.

James Craig
John Adams &
William Bradford - Esquires

John Garvin's stockmark a crop off of the left ear and a slit in the right ear On his motion is Ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Jacob Kanoy satisfactory proof being made to the Court they are of Opinion that he have leave to remove his Certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners agreeably to the act of Assembly in that case made and provided.

Present John Dennis Esquire

On the motion of John Cargle leave is given him to remove his certificate No. 4309 granted by the Court of Commissioners agreeably to the act of Assembly in that case made and provided.

Present Isaac Davis Esquire

On the motion of Thomas Randolph ass'ee of Jacky McLean leave is granted him to remove his Certificate No. 3677 agreeably to an act of Assembly in that case made & provided.

On the motion of John Adams Senr. ass'ee of Joseph Vaughn leave is granted him to remove his Certificate No. 642 agreeably to Law in that case made and provided.

On the motion of Alney McLean ass'ee of Jesse B. Irvin leave is given him to remove his certificate No. 2522 agreeably to an act of Assembly in that case made and provided.

Absent John Adams &
John Dennis - Esquires

On the motion of James Worthington leave is given him to remove his Certificate No. 3600 agreeably to an act of assembly in such cases made and provided.

On the motion of Eppes Littlepage and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that he is charged with one tithe more than he ought to have been charged with It is ordered that the same be Certified to the Sheriff of this County.

On the motion of Matthew McLean who made oath as the Law directs certificate is granted him for Obtaining letters of administration on the Estate of John McLean deceased on his entering into bond and security in the penalty of five hundred pounds Whereupon the said Matthew together with William Bradford his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of five hundred pounds Conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that Eppes Littlepage, William Bradford and Charles F. Wing be and they are hereby appointed to appraise in current money the personal Estate of John McLean deceased and that the Administration return an Inventory thereof to the Court.

Ordered that Henry Unsell, Daniel Rhoads, Thomas Biggerstaff, Jacob Studebaker and William Patton or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Billings ford on Mud River to Greenville and make report thereof agreeably to Law.

On the motion of John McFarland ass'ee of William Worthington ass'ee of Cela Fuget [Fugate] leave is given him to remove his certificate No. 3343 agreeably to Law.

The Report of the Jury summoned by the sheriff to view and examine the place on Mud River where Jacob Hunsaker is desirous of building a Water Gristmill was returned and it appearing to the Court that the sheriff had not in this case summoned and impaneled a proper Jury It is ordered that the said proceedings be quashed.

Ordered that Joseph Wardin, Thomas Morton, George Brown Jr. and William Keath or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from or near Jacobs Lick to strike the road leading from Greenville to Rays ferry in a direction to Lockermans Mill on Clifty and make report thereof agreeably to Law.

Ordered that the clerk of the Court bind to Thomas Salisberry farmer Samuel Lemar of seven years of age Orphan of Gallet Lemar deceased until he arrive to the age of Twenty One years to learn the art of farming.

On the motion of Jacob Hunsaker who is desirous of building a water gristmill on Muddy river near where the said Jacob now lives, owning land on both sides thereof It is Ordered that the sheriff summon and impanel a Jury of the vicarage to meet upon the premises aforesaid and examine the same agreeably to Law and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that the sheriff pay Jacob Severs Two hundred dollars for building the County Jail being a part of the price of said Jail.

Ordered that the sheriff pay Henry and Isaac Davis in Company fifty dollars out of the present County levy in part payment of the Courthouse of this County.

On the motion of Thomas Randolph ass'ee of William Inman leave is granted him to remove his Certificate No. 3347 agreeably to the act of Assembly in that case made and provided.

On the motion of Thomas Randolph ass'ee of Andrew Worthington leave is given him to remove his certificate No. 3350 granted by the Court of Commissioners agreeably to Law in that case made and provided.

Ordered that Lewis Kincheloe, Charles Lewis, Nicholas Lockerman, Joseph Wardin, George Humphreys and John Cornwell Gentlemen be recommended to his Excellency the Governor of Kentucky as proper person to be commissioned as Justices of the peace in and for the County of Muhlenberg.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. James Craig

26 Aug 1800, pages 105 - 114

At a county court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse on Tuesday the 26th day of August 1800.

John Dennis
Isaac Davis &
William Bradford - Esquires

An Indenture of an apprentice between Charles F. Wing Clerk of this Court of the one part and Thomas Salesberry of the other part was acknowledged by the said parties to be their act and deed which being approved by the Court is Ordered to be Recorded.

An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of John McLean deceased was returned into court by the Administrator which being examined by the Court is Ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Charles Lewis, William Hynes and Charles Fox Wing be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to settle and adjust the accounts of Matthew McLean administrator of John McLean deceased and make report thereof to Court.

Ordered that Jacob Taylor, James Ward, Andrew Park, John Armstrong Sr., Abner Luce Sr., John Kaukanour and George Miller be and they are hereby exempt from paying County Levies in future.

Ordered that Isaac Davis, Thomas Porter and Thomas Irvin being first sworn be and they are hereby appointed to view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Smiths mill on Pond Creek to intersect Culbertson's road and(?) lead to Greenville and make report thereof to the next Court according to Law.

Lewis Kincheloe esquire produced a Commission from his excellency James Garrard esquire Governor of Kentucky bearing date the 28th day of June One thousand eight hundred appointing him a Justice of the peace for said County and he also produced a certificate of his having taken the several oaths prescribed by the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth.

Present Lewis Kincheloe esquire

A report of the Jury summoned by the sheriff of this county to view and examine the place proposed by Jacob Hunsaker for building a Water gristmill on Mud River was returned which reads as follows towit [Rest of page 108 is blank]

Ordered that Charles Lewis and John McKinny be recommended to his excellency the Governor one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the peace in the place of John Adams esquire who has resigned And that Benjamin Worthington and John Cornwell be recommended as aforesaid as proper persons one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid for the neighborhood of William Worthington esquire And that Thomas Irvin and Thomas Ward be recommended as aforesaid to be commissioned as aforesaid to fill the vacancy of Robert Cessna Esquire And that Solomon Rhoads and Jacob Hunsaker be recommended as aforesaid one of whom to be commissioned as aforesaid to fill the vacancy of Richard Morton Esquire and that Matthew Adams and John Vaught be recommended as aforesaid to be commissioned as aforesaid to fill the neighborhood of Leonard Stom.

Ordered that William Bell and Nicholas Lockerman be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to settle the accounts of Thomas Biggerstaff administrator of Benjamin Biggerstaff deceased and make report thereof as the Law directs.

Ordered that Robert Coleman and Samuel Work esquires be appointed Commissioners to examine the clerks office of this Court and make report thereof to the next County Court.

On the motion of John Adams to quash the order for establishing a road leading from Greenville to Pond River in a direction to Christian County the same was overruled with costs.

An Indenture of bargain and sale between the Trustees of Greenville of the one part and Jacob Anthony of the other part was acknowledged by the said Trustees to be their act and Deed which is Ordered to be recorded.

An Indenture of bargain and sale between the Trustees of the Town of Greenville of one part and Andrew Blythe of the other part was acknowledged by the said Trustees a party thereto to be their act and Deed which is Ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that the sheriff pay Isaac Davis and Henry Davis One hundred and Ten dollars in part pay for building the courthouse.

Moses Hogland's stockmark a crop of the left ear and upperbit and slit in the same On his motion is Ordered to be Recorded.

Precinct of a Road leading from Greenville to Logan as far as Pond Creek
Beginning at John Dennis's ford on Pond Creek & up said creek to the mouth of the Sand Lick up the same to John Stoms including him thence to George Millers including him thence to Greenville thence a straight line to the Beginning and that all the hands included in the said bounds Open and keep the said road in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Samuel Russell Treasurer of the Town of Greenville pay Jacob Sever eighteen dollars in part pay for the building of the Jail of this County.

The Court this day received the Jail as built by Jacob Sever which is received & considered as the Jail of the County.

On the nomination of John Bradley esquire sheriff Samuel Russell was appointed jailer of this County.

Ordered that Henry Keath, Matthew Adams and Charles Fox Wing be appointed as Commissioners to settle the accounts of the Executors of Joseph Rhoads deceased and make report thereof to the next Court.

The Court exonerated the Commissioners appointed to let the building of the Courthouse of this County and they proceeded to take a bond from Henry Davis and Isaac Davis for the completion of the said building.

Ordered that William Worthington, William Gibson, John Cornwell and Moses Hogland or any three of them being first sworn do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road from Greenville to Vienna so as to pass by Lewisburgh and make report as the Law directs.

Ordered that Samuel Russell, Charles Fox Wing and Alney McLean be appointed Commissioners for letting the building of a Stray pen, four panels square of post and rails each panel eleven feet and the said Commissioners are also directed to let the building of a pair of Stocks agreeably to the common mode.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course the minutes of these proceedings were signed. John Dennis

23 Sept 1800, pages 114 - 118

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Tuesday the 23d day of September 1800.

Present James Craig, John Dennis and Lewis Kincheloe esquires.

An Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Richard Tyler deceased was returned by the administrator and Ordered to be Recorded.

The Court received the Courthouse of the undertakers as being done agreeably to their bond and It is Ordered that the bond entered into by the said undertakers be destroyed.

The persons appointed for that purpose reported a settlement made with Matthew McLean administrator of John McLean deceased which being examined is Ordered to be recorded.

A plan of the Town of Greenville was Exhibited into Court and Ordered to be Recorded.

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Peter Goodnight is improperly charged with one levy more than he had any right to pay which is Ordered to be certified to the sheriff.

Ordered that James Craig and John Dennis Esquires be recommended to his excellency the Governor as proper persons one of whom to be commissioned as Sheriff of this County agreeably to the Constitution of this State.

Precinct of the road leading from Littlepages to Harris's branch in a direction of Greenville Beginning at the mouth of said branch running thence a straight line to Pond River so as to include Benjamin Garris thence to include Thomas Paytons thence with the said line to include David Evans Sr. thence up Pond River to Benjamin Garris's and to the Beginning and It is Ordered that all the hands included in said bounds Open and keep the said road in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Michael Goodnight be appointed overseer of the road from Greenville to Harris's branch and that the precinct of the road be as followeth Beginning at Harris Branch thence a line to run from Greenville to George Nott Sr. including him thence to the Beginning including Edward Jarvis and that all the hands included in the said bounds Open and keep the same road in repair as the Law directs.

A List of delinquents returned by John Bradley sheriff and James Weir his deputy was sworn to and which being allowed is Ordered to be certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

Ordered that Isaac Davis, Henry Davis and Charles F. Wing be appointed as commissioners for settling the accounts of the Administrator of Lewis Reno deceased and make report thereof to Court.

Ordered that Samuel Russell Treasurer of the Town of Greenville pay Henry and Isaac Davis sixty two and a third dollars in part for building the Courthouse of this County.

Ordered that the sheriff pay Henry and Isaac Davis thirty and seven and two thirds dollars for building the courthouse of this county.

Absent James Craig Esquire

Present John Dennis Esquire

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. John Dennis

25-26 Nov 1800, pages 118 - 123

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Tuesday the 25th day of November 1800.

Present John Dennis, Esq.
Charles Lewis, Esq.
Thomas Irvin, Esq. &
John Vaught, Esq.

On the motion of Charles Fox Wing Clerk, Alney McLean esquire was sworn his deputy who took the several oaths prescribed by Law and Constitution of this Commonwealth.

Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin, and John Vaught esquires produced a commission from his Excellency the Governor bearing date the seventeenth of September one thousand eight hundred appointing them Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Muhlenberg And they also produced a certificate of their having taken the several Oaths prescribed by the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth.

The persons appointed for that purpose reported a settlement made with Thomas Biggerstaff administrator of Benjamin Biggerstaff deceased which being examined is Ordered to be recorded.

John Keath's stockmark a hole in the right ear and a slope off of the underside side of the left ear On his motion is Ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that John McKinny Sr. be exempt from paying county levies in future for Two Old negroes towit Cupid and Tellis.

Ordered John Bradly sheriff be allowed forty dollars for his ex officio services for this last year.

Ordered that Charles Fox Wing clerk of this Court be allowed Forty dollars for his ex officio services for the last year.

A list of delinquents was returned by John Bradly esquire sheriff which was sworn to and allowed and Ordered to be Certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

Ordered that Alney McLean esquire surveyor of this County be allowed sixty dollars and a half for running the County line and for laying off six public lots or surveys adjoining the Town of Greenville & for record Books for his Office.
For County Line $35.10
Six Lots $24 And Books as aforesaid $5

Ordered that the court be adjourned until tomorrow morning at Ten of the clock

The minutes of these proceedings were signed. John Dennis

Wednesday, 26 Nov 1800

Present the same Justices as yesterday

Ordered that Thomas Bell, Robert Bell and David Robertson be allowed five dollars each for carrying the chain and marking for the running of the County line.

Ordered that Jacob Hunsaker, George Brown, Solomon Penrod and Jonathan Penrod or any three of them being first sworn do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from the County line near Philip Kimmel's to Lockermans Mills and make report thereof.

Ordered that Andrew Park be exempt from paying County levies in future.

Ordered that Philip Kimmell, Jacob Studebaker and Alexander Whitaker being first sworn do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road from the county line near Philip Kimmel's to Lockermans mill and make report thereof as the Law directs.

Ordered that William Thompson and Nicholas Lockerman be recommended to his Excellency the Governor as proper persons, one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the peace to fill the vacancy of Jesse McPherson esquire.

The Court proceeded to lay off the following precinct for Thomas Dennis Constable towit
Beginning at Greenville thence a long the road that leads to Stom's ferry as far as Daniel Rhoads' Mill thence along the path to John Keiths thence with the Logan road as far as Clifty then up Clifty to the County line & to Pond River thence down the same to the Mouth of the Elk fork of Pond River thence a straight line to the Beginning.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. John Dennis

23 Dec 1800, pages 123 - 129

At a county court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Tuesday the 23d day of December 1800.

John Dennis
Charles Lewis
Thomas Irvin
Isaac Davis &
James Craig - Esquires

Ordered that Thomas Irvin, Charles Lewis and Alney McLean Gentlemen be appointed Commissioners to settle with the Sheriff of this county for the last County levy.

The Court proceeded to lay the County levy as follows towit

To William Keath for one grown wolf scalp8s
To Thos. Salesberry ass'ee. of Thos. Dennis for same8s
To David Evans for same8s
To David Rhoads for Two ditto16s
To Jacob Wiley one grown wolfs head8s
To John Moueller one ditto8s
To Daniel Rhoads one ditto8s
To Joseph Culbertson one ditto8s
To John Beard one ditto8s
To Jacob Kanoy one ditto8s
To Philip Stom one ditto8s
To Daniel Rhoads Jr. one ditto8s
To Gilbert Vaught one ditto8s
To David Evans ass'ee. of J. Oyler one ditto8s
To Robert Robertson one ditto8s
To Alexander Keath one ditto8s
To John Dennis Esquire Judge to the Election 5 days£1 10s
To James Craig Esquire for same three days18s
To Thomas Irvin Esquire for same Two days12s
To John Bradley esquire for his ex officio services for the last year£12
To Charles Fox Wing Clerk for same£12
To Alney McLean esquire surveyor for running County line laying off lots and for Books£18 3s
To Robert Coleman attorney for the Commonwealth for last year£18
To Charles Fox Wing clerk for Books for the use of the quarter Session Court£4 10s
To Richard N. Allcock for a grown wolf8s
To John McKinney one ditto8s
To Edmond Owens one ditto8s
To Jacob Severs for balance for building the Jail£31 10s
To John Wigle for building clerks office£25
£133 3s
To a Depositum of£17 16s
To Sheriffs Commission£9 6s
£160 5s

Ordered that the sheriff Collect eleven Shillings from each tithe subject to pay County levy and pay the County Creditors & the balance retain in his hands Subject to the further Order of this Court.

Charles Fox Wing clerk to this Court exhibited his account with the Commonwealth amounting to seventeen dollars and Ten cents which being sworn to is Ordered to be Certified.

On the Petition of Nicholas Lockerman who is desirous of building a Water Grist mill on Mud river (he owning land on both sides thereof) It is ordered that a writ of Adqod damnum issue to the sheriff of this County for summoning a Jury of the visenage [vicinity or vicarage?] to meet on the premises on the Twenty seventh day of December next to view and examine the same and report thereof agreeably to Law.

Ordered that Samuel Russell Treasurer of the Town of Greenville pay Alney McLean nineteen shillings and three pence for and in behalf of Isaac and Henry Davis for building the Courthouse.

On the motion of Richard Morton It is Ordered that Summons issue against Elizabeth Rhoads Executrix of Joseph Rhoads deceased to cause her to appear here at the next Court to give Counter security for her Executorship.

Ordered that Charles F. Wing Clerk of this Court be allowed eight dollars for his services in examining and certifying the commissioners book for the last year which is Ordered to be Certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

A list of delinquents was returned by James Weir deputy sheriff for James Craig sheriff of this County which being sworn to and allowed is Ordered to be recorded and Certified to the auditor of public accounts.

Ordered that Thomas Irvin and Isaac Davis be appointed commissioners to settle with the sheriff of this County for the last county levy and make report thereof to the Court.

The Court proceeded to fix the Tavern rates as follows towit

For Wine Rum or French brandy per half pint2s 3p
Whiskey per half pint9p
peach brandy per half pint1s
Cider per quart9p
Beer per quart9p
breakfast Dinner or supper1s 6p
Corn or Oats per Gallon9p
Pasturage for a horse 12 hoursp
Stableage for a horse 12 hoursp
Hay or fodder for horse 12 hours6p

Ordered that the several tavern keepers in this County be regulated by the above rates in their charges.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. James Craig

Updated January 30, 2020