Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg Map

County Court Records

County Court Orders 1801

Citation: Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 1, pages 129-235

27-28 Jan 1801, pages 129 - 139

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Tuesday the 27th day of January 1801.

Present Isaac Davis
Wm. Bradford
Charles Lewis &
John Vaught, Esquires

Matthias Hunsinger's stockmark, a swallowfork in the right ear and whole inch, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Solomon Rhoads's stockmark, a crop off of the right and a swallowfork in the left, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

William Smith's stockmark, a crop off the left ear and nick in the right ear, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Henry Unsel's stockmark, two crops and two slits in each ear, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

The persons appointed to settle with the executors of Joseph Rhoads decd. returned a settlement with the same which was examined and on their motion is ordered to be recorded.

Henry Rhoads Jr., orphan of Joseph Rhoads decd., came into Court and made choice of Henry Keath for his guardian who together with Matthew Adams his security entered into and acknowledged bond for securing the same orphan's estate.

The Court doth appoint Andrew Hunsaker guardian to Hannah Rhoads, orphan of Joseph Rhoads decd., who together with William Worthington executed bond in the penalty of £500 and conditioned as the Law directs.

The Court doth appoint George Hunsaker guardian to John Rhoads and Elizabeth Rhoads, orphans of Joseph Rhoads decd., who together with Samuel Fulton his security executed bond in the penalty of £1000 and conditioned as the Law directs.

An inventory and appraisement of the estate of John McLean decd. returned by Matthew McLane [McLean] the administrator and examined and ordered to be recorded.

John Bailey Smith's stockmark, a slit in each ear and underbit in the left, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

The Court doth appoint Gilbert Vaught guardian to Daniel Rhoads and Catharine Rhoads, orphans of Joseph Rhoads decd., who together with William Smith his security executed bond in the penalty [of] £1000 and conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that John Carter be appointed overseer of the road from Pond Creek to Armstrong's mill as it leads from Greenville to Russellville instead of William Boggess is exempt and that he with the hands in the following precinct towit
Beginning on Pond Creek and running up the same as high as David Robertson then to John Carter's thence to William Hynes including them from thence to Jesse McPherson's including him from thence down Rocky to Daniel Rhoads from thence to Pond Creek including him and William Smith's and up the same to the Beginning and that the said John Carter with all the hands in said bounds open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Samuel Caldwell, Esquire, having produced a license to practice as counsel and attorney at law in the superior and inferior courts of the Commonwealth, & taking the oaths prescribed by law, is admitted to practice in the Court.

Henry Davidge, Esquire, having produced a license to practice as counsel and attorney at law in the superior & inferior courts of this Commonwealth, and taken the oaths prescribed by law, is admitted to practice in this Court.

An instrument of writing from James McKein to Frederick Tresseler was acknowledged by the said James to be his act and deed, which is thereupon ordered to be recorded.

John Culbertson, Esquire, Coroner of the County of Muhlenberg, returned into Court an Inquest of Office held on the body of Frederick Tresseler, late deceased, which is ordered to be recorded.

Solomon Rhoads, Esquire, produced a commission from his Excellency James Garrard, Esquire, Governor of this Commonwealth, appointing him a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Muhlenberg, & he thereupon took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the oath of fidelty to this Commonwealth, & also the oath of office.

Present Solomon Rhoads, Esquire

Thomas Bell's stockmark, a crop off the right ear and nick in the same & two nicks in the left ear, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

The Commonwealth Plaintiff
against - for bastardy
Nicholas Lockerman Defendant
Ordered that further proceedings, herein, be staid & continued until tomorrow.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until tomorrow morning 10 o'clock. [Signed] James Craig

Wednesday, 28 Jan 1801

At a County Court continued and held for Muhlenberg County on Wednesday the 28th day of January 1801.

James Craig
Charles Lewis
Wm Bradford &
John Vaught, Esquires

The Court doth appoint Andrew Hunsaker guardian to Rachel Rhoads, orphan of Joseph Rhoads decd., who together with George Hunsaker his security executed bond in the penalty of [blank] conditioned as the Law directs.

A report of the jury summoned by the Sheriff of this County to view & examine the place on Mud River where Nicholas Lockerman is desirous of building a water gristmill was returned into Court in the words and figures following, to wit: “Agreeable to a writ of ad quod damnum granted by the County Court of Muhlenberg (on the 23rd day of December 1800) to Nicholas Lockerman to build a water grist mill on Muddy River & to me directed, I have summoned twelve fitting persons, who after having met on the land proposes for the erection of said mill and dam, & they being duly sworn and charged as the law directs, they proceeded to view the lands above and below and to enquire what damages might accrue to the inhabitants or the Commonwealth by the erection of said dam and after having duly weighed matters they are of opinion that by building a dam seven feet high there will no damage accrue to the inhabitants above or below nor to the Commonwealth. We have also located agreeable to law one acre of land for the abutment of his dam beginning at a poplar & running from thence N 19 E 20 poles to a stake then N 71 W 8 poles to a stake then S 19 W 20 poles to a stake then S 71 E 8 poles to the beginning this unanimously agreed upon this 27th day of December 1800 by us the undernamed jurors. Witness our hands &c. al.
Philip Kimmel (Seal), John Keith (Seal), Tobias Penrod (Seal), Geo. Brown (Seal), Jacob Hunsaker (Seal), Richard Morton (Seal), Joseph Warden (Seal), Thos Morton (Seal), Thomas Forster (Seal), William Keath (Seal), Samuel Fulton (Seal), William [blank] (Seal), Teste James Weir D.S. for John Bradley L.M. Whereupon on motion of the said Nicholas Lockerman, it is considered by the Court that the said mill seat be & it is hereby established accordingly.

Absent William Bradford Esq.

The Commonwealth by Elizabeth Beggs Plaintiff
against - In Bastardy
Nicholas Lockermann Defendant
The defendant appeared in Court in discharge of his recognizance, and on the motion of the attorney for the Commonwealth for leave to amend the warrant in this case by a copy of the original examination, the same is granted him; whereupon after having the witnesses & the parties by their attorneys, it is ordered that further proceedings herein be staid & continued until the next Court.

Present Isaac Davis, Thomas Irvin, William Bradford and Solomon Rhoads, Esquires, absent James Craig Esq.

Nicholas Lockerman appellant
against - upon an appeal
Alexander Beggs appellant
Ordered that the judgment herein entered up before the magistrate be affirmed, it appearing to the Court that the appeal aforesaid was not returned agreeable to law.

John Hutson's stockmark, a crop off the right ear & slit in the left, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Absent Isaac Davis, Thomas Irvin & William Bradford Esqrs. Present James Craig Esqr.

The persons appointed for that purpose returned into Court a report of a settlement made with John Bradley, Sheriff of this County, in the following words & figures, to wit.
[section blank]
which is thereupon ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that the Sheriff pay to Isaac and Henry Davis the sum of three dollars in part for building the Court House.

Absent William Bradford Esqr.

James Weir was appointed Commissioner of the Tax for the present year who thereupon produced a certificate of his having taken the oaths prescribed by law & together with Richard N. Alcock his security entered into & acknowledged bond in the penalty & conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that Samuel Russell, Treasurer of the Town of Greenville, pay to Charles F. Wing the sum of sixteen dollars on behalf of Isaac Davis and Henry Davis in part for building the Court House of this County.

Charles Lewis and Lewis Kincheloe, Esquires, the persons appointed for that purpose, made report how they had laid off the prison bounds for this County. Whereupon it is ordered that the same be established accordingly.

Ordered that the Sheriff of this County collect from the delinquents and insolvents heretofore returned by him their respective balances of revenue tax & county levy & account for the same at the next March Court.

Spencer O'Neal was by the Court appointed Constable, who thereupon took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, & also the oath of office, and together with Nicholas Lockerman his security entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty & conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that John Adams be & he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Greenville to Pond River, in the room of Richard N. Alcock & that he, together with the hands heretofore allotted to the said Richard N. Alcock, open & keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed. Jas. Craig

24 Feb 1801, pages 140 - 145

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Tuesday the 24th day of February 1801.

James Craig
Isaac Davis &
Charles Lewis, Esquires

William Luce's stockmark, a crop of the left ear and a slit in the right ear, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that John Culbertson be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Ward's field to Culbertson's ford on Green River and that the bounds of his hands be as follows
Beginning at Matthias Hunsinger's from thence to Green River leaving Hunsinger, Henry Davis, and Isaac Davis in Ward's bounds from thence so as to include all the hands that were formerly allotted to Thomas Ward below Isaac Davis &c. [to] open and keep the same in repair fifteen feet wide as the law directs.

Present Lewis Kincheloe Esqr.

Ordered that Thomas Randolph be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Lewisberg, instead of William Cessna, and that he with the hands formerly allotted to said Cessna open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

The last will and testament of William Campbell was exhibited into Court and proved by the oath of Robert S. Russell subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be certified.

Agreeably to a petition from a member of the citizens of this county, it is ordered that the order for viewing the road from Greenville to Baggs's ferry be quashed.

Ordered that John Adams Sr. be and he is hereby exempt from being Surveyor of the road from Greenville to Captain Lewis and that he be also exempt from working on all public roads in future.

Ordered that Solomon Rhoads be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Stom's ferry to Logan to begin at Leroy Jackson's road or where it crosses the same to Rocky and that the bounds of his hands be as follows: Beginning at George Brown Sr. from thence a straight line to Rocky to include Henson's and Ray's place from thence up Rocky to Isaac Newman's from thence leaving him in Carter's bounds to Leroy Jackson's and Solomon Rhoads's and that he with the hands included in said bounds open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that George Pashly be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Stom's ferry to Leroy Jackson's road and that the bounds of his hands be as follows towit
Beginning at Green River from thence down the same to George Hunsaker's from thence to Solomon Rhoads leaving him in Penrod's bounds from thence to Jackson's road thence to Richard Morton's including him from thence to Green River and then to the beginning and that he with the hands in the said bounds open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that Isaac Newman be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Bell's old place to Armstrong's mill and that the bounds of his hands be as follows towit
Beginning at Major Wm. Hynes from thence to Casebier's from thence to William Bell's including them and that all the hands above said Bell and that he with the hands in said boundary open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that John Carter be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Bell's old field to Pond Creek and that the hands formerly alloted to William Boggess on this side of William Bell's open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Present John Dennis & Charles Lewis

The persons appointed for that purpose returned a settlement made with Matthew McLean, administrator of John McLean decd., which was examined and ordered to be recorded.

The Commonwealth Plaintiff
against - In Bastardy
Nicholas Lockerman Defendant
The defendant appeared in discharge of his recognizance and the argument of the council being heard and be the Court fully understood, it is ordered that the proceedings herein be quashed.

On motion of Peter Goodnight, it appears to the satisfaction of the Court that he lent to John Robinet some time in the year 1799 two cows and calves of the value of twenty four dollars for which he has never received any satisfaction which is ordered to be certified accordingly.

John Bradley, Esquire, Sheriff of this County, came into Court and refused to give bond and security for the collection of the taxes for the present year which is ordered to be certified accordingly.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed. James Craig.

23-26 Mar 1801, pages 145 - 167

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville the 23 day of March 1801.

Present Isaac Davis
Lewis Kincheloe
Solomon Rhoads, Esquires

1. James Craig this day claimed a right to sixty acres of land on Bateast agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

2. Solomon Rhoads this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on Big Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

3. Lewis Kincheloe this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

4. Elizabeth Reno this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

5. Thomas Dennis this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

6. William Martin this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

7. Lenox Rose this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the west of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

8. Willis Cornwell this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

9. James Weir this day claimed a right to three hundred and twenty five acres of land on Jarreld Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

10. Thomas Porter this day claimed a right to two hundred and fifty acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

11. Stephen Kincheloe this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

12. Charles Cessna this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

13. Jesse Reno this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

14. Henry Barnes this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

15. Samuel Culbertson Long this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

16. John Bradley this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

17. John Culbertson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

18. Thomas Randolph this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

19. Joseph Culbertson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

20. Robert Cessna this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

21. Spencer O'Neal this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Absent James Craig Esquire

22. Jacob Sears this day claimed a right to one hundred and seventy acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

23. Daniel Rhoads Jr. this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

24. William Boggess this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Long Lick Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

25. Daniel Brown this day claimed a right to two hundred and fifteen acres of land on Nelsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

26. Lewis Reno this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

27. James Evans this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

28. Joseph Warden this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Hoopers Lick Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

29. Samuel Fulton this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Elk Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

30. Simon Vaught this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Rions[?] Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

31. Peter Shull this day claimed a right to one hundred and eight acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

32. John Shull this day claimed a right to three hundred and thirty acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

33. Charles Lewis this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land by Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

34. James Lewis this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

35. William Allison this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

36. Gilbert Vaught this day claimed a right to two hundred and ninety eight acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

37. George Miller this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Sand Lick Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

38. James McLaghlin [McLaughlin] this day claimed a right to one hundred and twenty seven acres of land on Jacobs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

39. Willis Wilkins this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

40. George Williams this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

41. Samuel James this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

42. Jacob Hawks this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Little Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

43. James Wilcox this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Sand Lick Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

44. John Mouveller this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

45. George Hunsaker this day claimed a right to forty three acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

46. Frederick Miller this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

47. William Grissom this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

48. John Stom Jr. this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

49. John McLean Jr. this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

50. Samuel Handley this day claimed a right to ninety three acres of land on Jacobs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

51. Peter Myers this day claimed a right to fifty acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

52. Samuel Murphy this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

53. William McCommon this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

54. Thomas Ash this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

55. George Wolf this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Alstons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

56. Charles Crouch this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

57. John Wigle this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

58. Jacob Wiley this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

59. Henry Cofer this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

60. James Landman this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

61. Jacob Severs this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

62. Elijah Adams this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

63. David Ham this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

64. Dempsey Westbrook this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

On motion of William Tanner for a grant of four hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress for reasons appearing to the Court, they are of opinion that the same be continued until tomorrow.

65. William Carter this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

66. Matthew Adams this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

67. Charles Wing this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

68. John Bailey Smith this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Present John Dennis Esquire

Absent Solomon Rhoads Esquire

A Writing purporting to be the noncupative Will of John McKinney deceased was produced in Court and proved by the oaths of Charles Lewis and John McKinney Jr. and ordered to be recorded.

69. Jesse Jackson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

70. Willis Morgan this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry which is granted accordingly.

71. Epps Littlepage this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry which is granted accordingly.

72. James Ward Sr. this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

73. George Tennill this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry which is granted accordingly.

On the motion of Willis Morgan for leave to remove a certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners to Abner Acre No. 1529 and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said certificate was obtained for and located on appropriated land, it is ordered that the same be removed accordingly.

74. Charles Grigsby this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

The Court (a majority of all the Justices being present and concurring therein) doth recommend to his Excellency, the Governor, John Culbertson and Charles Cessna as proper persons, one of whom to be commissioned as Coroner of this County which is ordered to be certified accordingly.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 of the clock.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed. John Dennis

Tuesday, 24 Mar 1801

Present William Bradford
Charles Lewis, Esquires

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until tomorrow morning at 12 of the clock.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed. William Bradford

Wednesday, 25 Mar 1801

Present James Craig
John Dennis
William Bradford &
Charles Lewis, Esquires

Samuel Russell's stockmark, a crop off of the left ear and a half crop in the right ear, and on his motion is ordered to be recorded

Jesse Deen's stockmark, a crop and slit in the right ear, and on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

75. Arnold Taylor this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

76. William Lee this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

77. Tobias Wise this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

On the motion of Mary McKinney, John McKinney and James McKinney who were named as executors in the noncupative will of John McKinney Deceased who made oath as the law directs, certificate is granted to them for obtaining a probate thereto in due form who thereupon together with Charles Lewis and Charles Fox Wing their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of two thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs.

78. Isaac Davis this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

79. Edward Jarvis this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

On the motion of Willis Morgan for leave to remove a certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners to Chapman Taylor No. 2674 and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said certificate was obtained for and located on appropriated land, it is ordered that the same be removed accordingly.

On the motion of Willis Morgan for leave to remove a certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners to William Maxey No. 2123 and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said certificate was obtained for and located on appropriated land, it is therefore ordered that the same be removed accordingly.

On the motion of Willis Morgan for leave to remove a certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners to Stark Garrison No. 3347 and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the same was obtained for and located on appropriated land, it is therefore ordered that the same be removed accordingly.

On the motion of John Fisher &c. for leave to remove a certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners to William Ennman [Inman] No. 3347 and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the same was obtained for and located on appropriated land, it is therefore ordered that the same be removed accordingly.

80. Henry Keath this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

81. Adam Bale this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

82. James Ash this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

83. Francis Stump this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

84. Jacob Hamm this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

85. Robert Harper this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Absent James Craig

Present Thomas Irvin

86. James Ash Sr. this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Present Isaac Davis

On the petition of James Evans who is desirous of building a water grist mill on Pond Creek where the road leading from Greenville to Smith's ferry crosses the said Creek (he owning the lands on both sides thereof), it is ordered that a writ of ad quad damnum be granted him directed to the Sheriff of this County commanding him to summon a jury agreeably to law to meet on the premises on the second Saturday in April next to view and examine the same and make report thereof according to law.

On the motion of William Bradford and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the following certificates granted by the Court of Commissioners towit
One in the name of James Brown Jr. No. 4557
One in the name of William Brown No. 459[?]
One in the name of Thomas Worthington No. 4251
One in the name of Broxton Pollard No. 4600
One in the name of Thomas Clark No. 4254
One in the name of George Brown No. 4598
One in the name of Honor Arrington No. 4205
One in the name of James Clark No. 4253
One in the name of Drury Herrington No. 4250
were obtained for and located on Military lands. It is ordered that the said Bradford have leave to remove the same agreeably to law which is ordered to be certified accordingly.

87. George Clark this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Nelsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

On the motion of Willis Morgan and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that a certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners in the name of John McDanol [McDonald] No. 2087 was obtained for and located on appropriated land, it is ordered that leave be given him to remove the same agreeably to law which is ordered to be certified accordingly.

Present James Craig Esquire

88. James Garrison this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

89. John Stom Sr. this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until tomorrow at 3 of the clock.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed. James Craig

Thursday, 26 Mar 1801

Present William Bradford &
Thomas Irvin, Esquires

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. William Bradford


25 May 1801, pages 167 - 184

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 25th day of May 1801.

Present Thomas Irvin
John Vaught
Solomon Rhoads &
William Bradford, Esquires

On the motion of Charles Fox Wing, Clerk, John Morgan was sworn as his Deputy who took the oath to the United States, the oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth and also the oath of office.

James Craig, Esquire, produced a commission from his Excellency James Garrard, Esquire, Governor of Kentucky, bearing date the 19th day of March 1801 appointing him Sheriff in and for the County aforesaid whereupon the said James took the oath of office he having heretofore taken the oath to the United States and the oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth and together with William Hynes, Richard N. Alcock and Isaac Davis his securities executed and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of three thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs.

On the motion of James Craig, Esquire, Sheriff of this County, James Weir was sworn his Deputy who had heretofore taken the oath to the United States and also the oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth.

A report of the jury summoned by the Sheriff of this County to meet on the lands of James Evans on Pond Creek where he is desirous of building a water grist mill was returned into Court in the words and figures following towit “Agreeably to a writ of ad quad damnum granted by the County Court of Muhlenberg to James Evans to build a water grist mill on Pond Creek and to me directed, I have summoned convened and duly charged twelve fitting persons to view the lands above and below agreeably to law and to see what damages may accrue to the inhabitants by the erection of his said dam and after they having met on the ground and duly weighed matters they are of opinion that the health of the neighbors will be annoyed by the stagnation of the water and that it will damage Thomas Dennis Jr.'s [to the value of] £3 by the overflowing of the water and the public road leading from Smith's ferry to Greenville will be injured to the value of six pounds and if it should damage the road that leads from Logan to Greenville ten pounds damage and we have also circumscribed one acre of land by certain metes and bounds beginning at a beech and running thence South 75 W 10 poles then at angles 20 poles &c. which we have appraised to 6p; we are also of opinion that fish and ordinary navigation will not be obstructed this we the under named jurors unanimously agreed to this 11th day of April one thousand Eight hundred and one. In witness we have set our hands and seals Henry Rhoads (Seal), Solomon Rhoads (Seal), Gilbert Vaught (Seal), George Miller (Seal), Robert Robertson (Seal), David Robertson (Seal), Thomas Dennis (Seal), Peter Myers (Seal), Noah Williams (Seal), Abraham Uncel (Seal), William Boggess (Seal), Thomas Salsberry (Seal)
Teste James Weir” Whereupon on motion of the said James Evans, it is ordered that the said mill seat be and is hereby established accordingly.

On the motion of Charles Fox Wing and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the certificates granted by the Court of Commissioners in the following persons names towit William James No. 3158, Laurence Robertson Sr. No. 3156, Matthias Fell No. 315[?], Jesse Kimbull No. 3155, Laurence Robertson Jr. No. 3157, Daniel James No. 3159, and Thomas Lewhan No. 3161 was obtained for and located on appropriated land, it is ordered that the said Wing have leave to remove the same accordingly which is ordered to be certified.

Present Isaac Davis Esquire

90. William Inman this day claimed a right to two hundred and fifty acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

91. John Randolph this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Absent William Bradford

92. Thompson Randolph this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

93. Andrew Worthington this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

94. Job Throgmorton this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

95. Josiah Arnold this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

96. William Lawrence this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the water of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

97. Thomas Combs this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

98. John Bradley this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

99. James Worthington Jr. this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

100. James Worthington Sr. this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

101. Warren Davis this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

102. Benjamin Worthington this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

103. Peter Boggess this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

104. Charles Travis this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

105. James Smith this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the east side of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

106. Moses Wickliffe this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

107. John Anderson this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

108. David Rhoads this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to Law which is granted accordingly.

109. Thomas Irvin this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Absent John Vaught

110. John Vaught this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Present John Vaught Esquire

111. David Casebier this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

112. Richard N. Alcock this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

113. Jeremiah Rust this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

114. Isaac Rust this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the east side of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

115. En[?] Rust this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

116. Enoch Rust this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

117. John Faith this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

118. Solomon Severs this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

119. Robert Glenn this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Little Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

120. Thomas Glenn this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Little Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

121. George Adams this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

122. Susanna Weir this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Log Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

123. Nicholas Lockerman this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Present William Bradford

Absent William Bradford &
Solomon Rhoads

The Court (a majority of all the Justices being present and concurring therein) doth recommend to his Excellency, the Governor, Matthew Adams and Joseph Warden as fit persons one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Muhlenberg, to fill the place of John Dennis who is promoted; Nicholas Lockerman and William Hynes one of whom to be commissioned as aforesaid in Humphrey's settlement; John Hopkins and Elisha Uzzell one of whom to be commissioned as aforesaid in Garris's settlement which is ordered to be certified accordingly.

124. Matthew Ward this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

125. John Hopkins this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

On the motion of Epps Littlepage, it is ordered that a ferry be established on his lands on Pond River near the mouth of Isaacs Creek upon his giving bond and security in the Clerk's office agreeably to law and that the rates be as follows towit
For a man 4p
For a horse 4p
For a wagon and team 4s 6p

126. Samuel Culbertson this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that William Smith be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Pond Creek to Armstrong's mill and that he with the hands formerly allotted to John Carter open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

127. Arington Wickliffe this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

128. John Anthony this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

129. Moses Smith this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

130. George Lovelace this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Absent Solomon Rhoads Esquire

Present William Bradford Esquire

Ordered that Isaac Davis be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from James Ward's field to the road leading from Epps Littlepage's ferry to Greenville and that he with the hands formerly allotted to Thomas Ward open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that Epps Littlepage, Edward Jarvis, Jesse Reno and John Morgan or any three of them (being first sworn) view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Epps Littlepage to John Smith's mill to intersect the road leading from Greenville to Culbertson's ford and make report thereof agreeably to law.

131. William Craig this day claimed a right to sixty acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that James Craig be and he is hereby appointed Collector of the county levy for the last year and together with Nicholas Lockerman and Peter Boggess his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of £300 conditioned as the law directs.

James Craig, Esquire, came into Court and together with John Dennis and John Culbertson his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of £3000 conditioned as the law directs for the collection of the revenue tax for the last year which bond reads in the words and figures following towit “Know all men by these presents that we James Craig, John Dennis and John Culbertson are held and firmly bound unto James Garrard, Esquire, Governor of Kentucky in the penal sum of three thousand pounds current money the payment of which well and truly to be made to the said Governor and his successors we bind ourselves, our Heirs &c. jointly and severally, firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 25 day of May 1801. The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound James Craig Sheriff of Muhlenberg County shall by himself or deputy well and truly collect all taxes and dues put into his or their hands directed by law to be collected in the said County during the time of his continuance in office also all sum of money, fines, amercements and penalties which he shall be authorised to collect and account for and pay the same to the public Treasurer and other persons entitled thereto at such time and such manner as is directed by law, then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force. James Craig (Seal), John Dennis (Seal), John Culbertson (Seal)”

132. Thomas Garris this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

133. Philip Garris this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

134. Jacob Taylor this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

135. Benjamin O. Garris this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

136. Benjamin Garris this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

137. Sikes Garris this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

138. James Arnold this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

139. Samuel Loggins this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

140. Joseph Garris this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. Isaac Davis

27 July 1801, page 185 - 205

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 27h day of July 1801.

Present Isaac Davis
Thomas Irvin
John Vaught &
Solomon Rhoads, Esquires

Robert Robertson's stockmark, a crop off of the right ear and a slit in the left and on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Thomas Dennis's stockmark, a swallow fork in the right ear and two under bits in the left and on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Philip Stom's stockmark, a crop off of the left ear and under slice in the right and on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

141. Armistead Morehead this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Present Lewis Kincheloe &
William Bradford, Esquires

142. Henry Davis this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of land on the west side of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

On the nomination of Alney McLean, Esquire, Surveyor, John Morgan was sworn his Deputy, he having heretofore taken the oath to the United States and also the oath of fidelity to this Commonwealth.

Ordered that Isaac Davis and Thomas Irvin be and they are hereby appointed Judges of the ensuing election for a Representative to the Congress of the United States and a Representative to the General Assembly of this Commonwealth and that John Morgan, Esquire, be and he is hereby appointed their Clerk.

143. Jesse Kincheloe this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

144. Charles Morgan this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

145. Jacob Fishback this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

146. Matthias Hunsinger this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

147. Thomas Bell this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Absent William Bradford & Solomon Rhoads, Esquires

Robert Coleman Appellant
against - Upon an appeal from the Judgment of Isaac Davis, Esquire
Edward Jarvis Appellee
This day came the parties aforesaid and by consent, it is ordered that all matters of difference between the parties be referred and submitted to the arbitration and final determination of Lewis Kincheloe, Thomas Irvin and John Vaught and that there [??] be made the Judgment of this Court.

An instrument of writing between Thomas Waters of the one part and Edward Williams the other part was exhibited into Court and proved by the oaths of Charles Grisby a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.

148. Elijah Wickliffe this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

149. Robert Wickliffe this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the west of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

150. Tobias Wise this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

151. James Nanny this day claimed a right to three hundred and fifty acres of land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

152. Michael Frits this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

153. Tobias Vincel [Unsel?] this day claimed a right to forty acres of land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

154. Moses Wood this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Hoopers Lick Creek agreably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

155. Thomas Foster this day claimed a right to fifty acres of land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

156. John Dennis Sr. this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

157. Frederick Cruse this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

158. Jonathan Harry this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

159. Michael Goodnight this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

160. William Garrard this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Robert Coleman Appellant
against - On an Appeal from a Judgment of Isaac Davis, Esquire
Edward Jarvis Apellee
This day came the parties aforesaid and the arbitrators heretofore appointed herein returned into Court the following award that Robert Coleman the appellant pay to the appellee fifteen shillings and one half of his costs about his suit in his behalf expended except an attorney's fee and by the ascent of the parties, it is ordered that the same be made the Judgment of the Court.

161. Samuel Cane this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

162. John Cane this day claimed a right to one hundred and seventy acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

163. John Bard this day claimed a right to two hundred and seventy three acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

164. Archabald Baggs this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

165. John Gash [Gish?] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

166. John Morgan this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

167. Thomas Goodnight this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

168. Lucy Harger [Harper?] this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

On the motion of James Craig, Esquire, Sheriff of this County, Samuel Weir was sworn his Deputy, he having heretofore taken the oath to the United States and also the oath of fidelity to this Commonwealth.

169. George Brown this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

170. Robert Robertson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

171. Thomas Dennis Jr. this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

172. Henry Uncel this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

173. Charles Cessna this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

174. Henry Lamer this day claimed a right to One hundred and seventy acres of land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

175. Robert McKim this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

176. James Jordan this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

177. William Nixon this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

178. Nicholas Thomas this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

179. William Shroats this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

180. William Worthington this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

181. John Zimmerman this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

182. Scarlot Nixon this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

183. Charles Redmond this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

184. James Tinsley this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

185. Joseph Arnold Jr. this day claimed a right to one hundred and sixty acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

186. Josiah Arnold Jr. this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

187. Adam Jourdan this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

188. Joseph Hunsaker this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

189. Moses Gibson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

190. Matthew Ham this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

191. Philip Graves this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

192. Thomas Payton this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

193. Hannah Taylor this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

194. Abraham Unsell this day claimed a right to two hundred and fifty acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

195. Henry Row this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

196. Frederick Unsell this day claimed a right to three hundred and fifty acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

197. Samuel Penrod this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

198. Leroy Jackson this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

199. Thomas Cooly this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Nelsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

200. Abraham Hunsaker this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

201. Abraham Wilcox this day claimed a right to one hundred & fifty acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

202. Samuel Tharp this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

203. Alexander McCommon this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

204. George Noll [Nall] Jr. this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

205. William Wooton this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

206. Rowland Harris this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

207. William Hill this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed with is granted accordingly.

208. William Casebier this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Bateast Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

209. Benjamin Littlepage this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

210. Phantly Herridon this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

211. William Faith this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Cypress Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

212. Matthew Armstrong this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

213. Philip Kimmel this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on Mud River agreeable to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

214. John Humphreys this day claimed a right to thirty acres of land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

215. Tobias Penrod this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

216. John Hutson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

The persons appointed for that purpose returned a settlement made with Lewis Kincheloe, Administrator of Lewis Reno deceased, which being examined and approved of is ordered to be recorded.

217. Thomas Biggerstaff this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that the Sheriff pay Jacob Severs one hundred and ninety dollars out of the present County Levy for work done on the jail of this County.

218. Isaac Newman this day claimed a right to ninety five acres of land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that the precinct of the road of which Thomas Randolph is Surveyor be so altered as to include Mr. Butler, Mr. Harris and Cain from thence to Jarvis's from thence to Mr. Morgan's & including Westbrook and all his settlement.

On the motion of William Bradford and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the certificates granted by the Court of Commissioners in the following persons named (towit) Francis Williams No. 4142, William Hughes No. 2926, John Huston No. 2444, James Huston No. 4249 was obtained for and located on Military land. It is ordered that the said Bradford have leave to remove the same accordingly which is ordered to be certified.

219. John Jarvis this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

The Court received of John Wigle (the undertaker) the Clerk's office for this County and thereupon the said John exhibited his account against the County for building the same amounting to one hundred twenty nine dollars and forty seven cents which being examined and allowed is ordered to be certified to the County Court of Claims.

Ordered that John Williams be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Smith's ferry on Pond Creek in the place of Jacob Kanoy who is exempt and that he with the hands formerly alloted to said Kanoy open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. Isaac Davis.

24-25 Aug 1801, pages 206 - 215

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the [24th of] August 1801.

Present Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin & Solomon Rhoads, Esquires

On the motion of James Weir and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that a certificate granted by the Court of Commissioners to Thomas Hulton No. 2525 was obtained found located on appropriated land, it is ordered that the said Weir have leave to remove the same accordingly which is ordered to be certified.

Thomas Dennis came into Court and resigned as Constable.

On the motion of Henry Rhoads Sr., it is ordered that John Dennis, Henry Keath, Matthew Adams, Wm. Bell, Benjamin Talbot and Solomon Rhoads or any two of them be and are hereby appointed Commissioners to divide the lands patented to Alexander McClanahan between said McClanahan and the said Henry Rhoads, the locater, agreeably to law in that case made & proved & it is further ordered that the said Commissioners meet on the premises on the thirteenth day of October next and proceed to carry this order into effect accordingly.

Ordered that Thomas Irvin, Thomas Randolph and Jesse Reno be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to settle with Isaac Davis and Sarah Tyler, executors of Richard Tyler deceased, and make report thereof agreeably to law.

Present Isaac Davis

220. Rachel Arnold this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that William Worthington, William Drake, William Gibson and Moses Hogland or any three of them (being first sworn) view and mark out the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Vienna to intersect the road leading from Milligan's ford on Green River to Greenville and make report thereof as the law directs.

221. James Tyler this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

222. Jacob Groves this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

223. Jesse Mcferson [McPherson] this day claimed a right to sixty six acres of land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

224. Jonathan Groves this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty four acres of land between Long Creek and Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

225. Solomon Groves this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of land on the waters of Cany agreeable to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

226. James McCaleb this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of Nicholas Lockerman ass'ee of Samuel Phelps, it is ordered that leave be given him to remove his certificate from the Court of Commissioners No. 2561, it having been located on appropriated land.

Present Thomas Irvin Esqr.

227. Samuel Russell this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Cany agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present Lewis Kincheloe Esqr.

228. George Naught Jr. this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

229. Joseph Groves this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on the waters of Long Creek agreeable to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Jesse Reno, Henry Davis & Arrington Wickliffe be and they are hereby appointed Inspectors of tobacco of the warehouse called and known by the name of the Lewisberg warehouse.

Ordered that John Fisher, Jesse Reno, and Lewis Kincheloe be and they are hereby appointed Inspectors of hemp and flower at the warehouse called and known by the name of the Lewisberg warehouse.

Ordered that the Sheriff pay Nicholas Lockerman ass'ee of John Wigle thirty dollars out of the present County Levy for building the Clerk's office of this county.

Absent Solomon Rhoads & Charles Lewis, Esquires

On the motion of Sarah Harris and Edward Jones[?] who made oath agreeably to law, certificate is granted them for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of Jesse Harris deceased on their giving bond and security according to law who together with John Dennis & Richard N. Alcock entered into and acknowledged thir bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs.

Present Charles Lewis Esquire

Absent Isaac Davis & Lewis Kincheloe, Esquires

Present Solomon Rhoads Esquire

Ordered that John Morgan, Willis Morgan & Jesse Reno be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to settle with Henry Davis & Isaac Davis for the building of the Courthouse of this County and make report thereof to this Court.

Present Isaac Davis Esquire

230. Jeremiah Langley this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Jarrelds Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

231. Elisha Uzzel this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to [entry] filed which is granted him accordingly.

232. Jesse Kirby this day claimed a right to 200 acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

The Last Will and Testament of William Campbell deceased was produced into Court and fully proven by the oath of Benjamin Porter one of the subscribing witnesses thereto which is ordered to be recorded.

233. David Rust this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Absent Isaac Davis Esquire

Present Lewis Kincheloe and William Bradford, Esqr.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until tomorrow morning at ten of the clock. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. Wm. Bradford.

Tuesday, 25 Aug 1801

Present William Bradford, Charles Lewis & Thomas Irvin, Esquires

On the motion of Tabitha Campbell who is named as executor in the last Will and Testament of William Campbell deceased who made oath as the law directs certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereon in due form who thereupon together with Samuel Russell and Alney McLean her securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of five thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs.

234. John Garvin this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

235. James McCartney this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

236. Tabitha Campbell this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted her accordingly.

237. Robert Wilson this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Charles Lewis, William Bell, Thomas Irvin, Charles Morgan and William Worthington or any three of them being first sworn do appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves (if any) of William Campbell deceased and that the executors return an inventory thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Jacob Tyler, Willis Wilkins, Dempsey Westbroke, John Morgan and William Turner or any three of them being first sworn do appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves (if any) of Jesse Harris Decd. and that the executors return an inventory thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Thomas Bell be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Pond Creek to Armstrong's mill in the room of William Smith and that he together with the hands heretofore allotted to the said William Smith open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that the Trustees of the Town of Greenville lay off two acres of land in the most convenient place that can be had in the fifty acres of land given to the County Court by William Campbell for the purpose of building a meeting house and grave yard.

Ordered that the Surveyor of this County lay off in five acres lots the remaining part of the land given to the County Court by William Campbell.

Ordered that the Sheriff of this county proceed at the next September Court to sell at public auction for the best price that can be had at one year's credit, the five out lots laid off adjoining the Town of Greenville and that the Sheriff take bond with sufficient securities from the purchasers thereof & it is ordered that the Sheriff advertise as soon as possible on the Courthouse door and some other noted place the time the place and condition of the said sale.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. William Bradford

26-27 Oct 1801, pages 215 - 225

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 26th day of October 1801

Present Charles Lewis, John Vaught & Solomon Rhoads, Esqrs.

John Adams' stockmark, a crop off each ear and under bit in the right, on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

238. Washington Allen this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that William Bell, Jesse Downing, John Carter and Joshua Elkins or any three of them being first sworn appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves (if any) of John McKinney deceased and that the executrix return an inventory thereof to the next County Court.

239. Robert Mosely this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

240. Abraham Dennis [Downes?] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Cany agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

241. John Cornwell this [day] claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Green River agreeably to location filed which is granted him accordingly.

242. Aaron Lott this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

243. Edward Owens this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

244. James McLaughlen this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Jacobs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

245. Jesse Deen [Dean? Dunn?] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

246. Jarvis Cornwell this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Jarrelds Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

247. Moses Hogland this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

248. Samuel Murphy this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that James Weir be allowed fifty two dollars for his services as Commissioner of the Taxes for the year 1801.

249. Robert Patton this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

250. Peter Rust this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Charles Morgan Squire is appointed by the Court to locate six thousand acres of land for the use of such school[s] as may be appointed by the County aforesaid agreeably to the act of Assembly in that case made and provided for which the Court agrees to give the said Morgan one eighth part of the land that may be obtained in case any part may be taken by prior claims the said Morgan to pay all expenses in obtaining patent therefore.

An indenture of bargain and sale between William Bell & John Dennis Sr. Commissioners appointed by the County Court of Muhlenberg of the one part and Henry Rhoads of the other part was acknowledged by the said Bell & Dennis a party thereto to be their act & deed which is ordered to be recorded.

An indenture of bargain and sale between Henry Rhoads Senior [of] the one part and David Rhoads of the other part was acknowledged to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

An indenture of bargain and sale between Henry Rhoads of the one part and the heirs of Francis Stump of the other part was acknowledged by the said Henry Rhoads a party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.

Edward Jarvis and Sarah Harris, administrator and administratrix of the estate of Jesse Harris decd., came into Court and delivered up their letters of administration heretofore granted them on the estate of the said decedent and thereupon on the motion of William Harris who made oath agreeably to law, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of said decedent on his giving bond and security according to law, who thereupon together with James Craig, Edward Jarvis, William Bradford his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of six hundred pounds conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that John Morgan, Eppes Littlepage, Matthew McLean and Edward Jarvis or any three of them being first sworn do appraise in current money the personal estate and slave (if any) of Jesse Harris deceased and that the administrator deliver an inventory thereof to the next Court.

On the motion of Willis Morgan ass'ee. of Thomas Vaught, it is ordered that leave be given him to remove his certificate from the Court of Commissioners No. 4465, it having been laid on appropriated land.

251. Elijah Wilson this day claimed a right to two hundred and sixty two acres of land on the waters of Sand Lick Fork of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

252. Matthew McLean this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

John Dennis came into Court and relinquished his certificate No. 156 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

253. William Casebier this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

A bond of indemnification from the heirs of Joseph Rhoads deceased to the executors of said decedent was exhibited into Court and their motion ordered to be recorded.

The last will and testament of Francis Stump deceased [was] exhibited into Court by the executors thereof named and proved by William Casebier a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be certified.

Ordered that the Sheriff pay William Bradford Commissioner of the Tax for this year one thousand eight hundred forty dollars for his services forty days.

Present William Bradford Esqr.

Ordered that the court be adjourned until tomorrow morning at ten of the Clock.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed. Charles Lewis JP

Tuesday, 27 Oct 1801

Present Isaac Davis, Charles Lewis & Solomon Rhoads, Esquires

The last will and testament of Francis Stump deceased was fully proven by John Bower, a subscribing witness thereto, and ordered to be recorded and thereupon on the motion of Rachel Stump, John Stum & John Vaught, executors therein named who made oath agreeably to law, certificate of [administration is] granted them for obtaining a probate thereon in due form on their giving bond and security according to law who thereupon together with Daniel Rhoads Sr. and John Bowers their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that Solomon Penrod, Isaac Newman, Daniel Rhoads Sr. & John Bowers or any three of them being first sworn do appraise the personal estate and slaves (if any) of Francis Stump deceased in current money and that the executors make and return an inventory thereof to the next Court.

On the motion of William Bradford ass'ee. of John Night [Knight], it is ordered that leave be given to remove his certificate from the Court of Commissioners No. 4351, it having been laid on appropriated land.

The Court (a majority of all its Justices being present) doth recommend [to his] Excellency the Governor, Matthew Adams and Joseph Warden as proper persons one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy of Hunsaker's neighborhood, Isaac Newman & Thomas Foster one of whom to be commissioned a Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy of John Dennis, John McKinney and William Garrard one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy of James Craig, Elisha Uzzell and John Hopkins one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy of Garris's settlement, Joseph Arnold and Andrew Worthington one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy of Worthington's settlement.

Ordered that Charles F. Wing, Clerk, be allowed eleven dollars seventy five cents for his services under the Revenue Law which is ordered to be certified.

The Court proceeded to lay the County Levy as follows (towit)
The County made

To Charles Wing Clerk for his ex officio service£10 10s
To Isaac Davis three days as Judge to the Election in August last18s
To Thomas Irvin to ditto18s
To John Morgan as clerk ditto18s
To John Dennis for Wolfs head grown8s
To Phillip Graves for one grown wolfs scalp8s
To Jeremiah Dexter for ditto8s
To Matthew McLean for seven ditto£2 16s
To Samuel Russell for keeping a debtor [doctor?] 20 days£1 5s
To Elisha Stewart for a grown wolfs scalp8s
To Thomas Garris for a grown wolf scalp8s
To Sharp Garris for four ditto£1 4s
To Isaiah Downing for one ditto8s
To James Weir assignee of William Grayson two ditto16s
To Eppes Littlepage for one ditto8s
To Benjamin Garris for one young ditto3s
To Sharp Garris for one old ditto8s
To William Inman for 2 ditto16s
To Andrew Worthington for one ditto8s
To Jeremiah Dexter for one ditto8s
To Benjamin Worthington for one ditto8s
To James Craig Sheriff for his ex officio services£10 10s
To Robert Coleman attorney for the Commonwealth£13 10s
To Charles F. Wing for Record Books£2 [?]s
To Isaac Davis & Harry Davis for carrying chain two days in laying of the town lots12s
To a depositum£18 56s
£69 176s
To Sheriff's commission on the sum at 17½ percentum 4125[?]
74911 [Can't tell what part is pounds and what part shillings]

By 354 tithes at 3/9. each 74911[?]

Ordered that the Sheriff or collection [??] as he may give bond collect three shillings and nine pence from each tithable subject to pay County Levy & pay the County Creditors and the balance retain in his hands, subject to the further order of this Court.

253. John Grayson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres [of] land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

254. John Dennis this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Charles Wing, Clerk, exhibited his accounts with the Commonwealth amounting to twenty dollars ninety cents & ordered to be certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

James Weir, Deputy Sheriff for James Craig, Sheriff, exhibited a list of delinquents for the last year which being allowed and sworn to is ordered to be certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in course the minutes of these proceedings were signed. James Craig.

23 Nov 1801, pages 226 - 231

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in the Town of Greenville on Monday the 23rd day of November 1801

Present Thomas Irvin, Charles Lewis & Solomon Rhoads, Esquires

255. David Ivans [Evans?] this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

256. Thomas Foster this day claimed a right to two hundred and twenty five acres of land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to [entry] filed which is granted him accordingly.

257. William Drake this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

258. Martin Cutsinger this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

259. Frederick Phillips this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of land on the waters of Bateast agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

260. Thomas Salsberry this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

An indenture of bargain and sale between Solomon Rhoads and Matthew Adams Commissioners appointed by the Court Court of Muhlenberg of the one part and Daniel Rhoads of the other part was acknowledged by the said Solomon and Matthew a party thereto to be their act and deed which together with an instrument of Writing from Richard Anderson to said Rhoads for making of said deed and they are ordered to be recorded.

A report of a road leading from Vienna to intersect the road leading from Milligan's falls on Green River to Greenville was returned into Court and examined. It is ordered that the same be established the proprietors of the land through whose land the same is to run having consented and it is therefore ordered that Joseph Arnold be appointed Surveyor of the same from Vienna to the lower edge of the thoroughfare and that he together with the hands included in the following precinct towit, Beginning at the river and up the same to the Island ford thence along the Saltwork road to include the settlement of the Pond Station thence a straight line to include William Worthington's thence to the river so as to include Cornwell thence to the beginning, open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that John Mcfarling [McFarland?] be and he is hereby appointed Overseer of the road leading from Vienna to intersect the road leading from Milligan's falls to Greenville from the lower edge of the thoroughfare and that he together with the following hand[s] in the following precinct towit, Beginning at the Pond Station thence with the Saltwork road to include Evans thence to include Lewis Kincheloe thence down the river opposite to Cornwell's thence to the Beginning, open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

An indenture of bargain and sale between Daniel Rhoads and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and John Keith of the other part was acknowledged by the said Daniel and Elizabeth his wife to be their act and deed and ordered to be record[ed] the said Elizabeth being first privately examined freely and voluntarily relinquished her right of dower as the law directs.

An indenture of bargain and sale between John Keath of the one part and Jacob Kanoy of the other part was acknowledged by the said John a party thereto to be his act and deed which is ordered to be recorded.

An indenture of bargain and sale between Racheal Stump, John Vaught and John Stom, executors of of Francis Stump deceased, of the one part and James Brewer[?] of the other part was fully proven by the oaths of James Weir and Solomon Rhoads two subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

An indenture of bargain and sale between Henry Rhoads and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and Rachael Stump of the other part was acknowledged by Henry Rhoads a party thereto to be his act and deed and fully proven by the oath of James Weir and Solomon Rhoads two subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be record[ed].

An indenture of bargain and sale between Henry Rhoads and Elizabeth his wife And Solomon Rhoads of the other part was fully proven by the oaths of James Weir and John Vaught two subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

Absent Charles Lewis Esquire

Present John Vaught Esquire

261. Matthew Ward this day claimed a right to two hundred one hundred & sixty acres of land on the waters of Cany Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

262. Edmond Dilling this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

263. Amos Ash this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

264. Samuel Weir this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

265. William Weir this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

266. George Gill this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present Charles Lewis Esquire

Ordered that Gilbert Vaught be and he is hereby appointed Overseer of the road from Stom's ferry to intersect the road from Smith's ferry to Greenville and that he together with the hands formerly allotted to John Williams open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Ordered that Elisha Uzzel be and he is hereby appointed Overseer of the road instead of Epps Littlepage and that he together with the hands allotted to the said Littlepage open and keep the same in repair as the law directs.

267. Anna Price this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to [entry] filed which is granted her accordingly.

268. John Keith this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Solomon Penrod, Matthew Armstrong, Phillip Kimmel and Thomas Biggerstaff or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road leading from Daniel Rhoads' to the County line and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. Charles Lewis

28 Dec 1801, pages 231 - 235

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in the Town of Greenville on Monday the 28th day of December 1801.

Present Isaac Davis, Thomas Irvin & [a third name was erased], Esquires

Matthew Adams, William Garrard and Elisha Uzzel Esquires produced a commission from his Excellency James Garrard, Esquire, Governor of Kentucky, bearing date the 28th day of November 1801 appointing them Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid whereupon the said Matthew, William and Elisha took the oath [to support the Constitution] of the United States and oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth and the oath of office.

Present Matthew Adams and William Garrard, Esquires

Ordered that John Adams Jr., George Humphreys, Joseph Hunsaker and Jeremiah Langley or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark out the best and most convenient way for a road leading from Greenville to Alston's Lick from thence to Adam's mill and from thence to Logan County line on a direction to the wolf lick and make report thereof to the next Court.

On the motion of Matthew Lodge Esquire who produced such license as required by the Constitution, leave is given to practice As a Counselor or Attorney at Law at this Bar who thereupon took the oath of office, the oath to support the Constitution of the United States and also the [oath] of fidelity to this Commonwealth.

Ordered that Thomas Dennis, James Craig and William Smith measure the roads that fork near Abraham Dennis's and intersects near Thomas Bell's on a direction from Muhlenberg Courthouse to Logan Courthouse and report the conveniences and inconveniences of both roads to the next Court.

269. Martin H. Wickliffe this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

270. Lott North this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

271. Francis Posey this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land accordingly to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that David Casebier be and he is hereby appointed Constable in and for the County of Muhlenberg who thereupon took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the oath of fidelity to this Commonwealth and also the oath of Constable and together with David Rovinson [Robinson] his security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs.

Absent Charles Lewis & William Garrard, Esquire

Present Isaac Davis, Thomas Irvin & Matthew Adams, Esqr.

William Thompson Esquire produced a Commission from his Excellency the Governor bearing date the 19th day of September 1801 appointing him a Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid who thereupon took the several oath[s] prescribed by the law and Constitution and also the oath of office.

272. John Clark this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

273. Thomas Littlepage this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Absent Matthew Adams Esqr.

274. Anna Grayson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry which is granted [her] accordingly.

Present Elisha Uzzel Esqr.

275. John Grayson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

276. George Ragland this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Jesse Reno, Thomas Randolph, Peter Goodnight and Thomas Peyton or any three of them (being first sworn) view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road from that part of the road viewed by John Morgan, Epps Littlepage and Edmund Jarvis in a direction to Smith's mill to meet and intersect a part of that Culbertson's road and make report thereof to the next Court agreeably to law.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in course. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. Isaac Davis

Updated January 30, 2020