Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg Map

County Court Records

County Court Orders 1802

Citation: Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 1, pages 235-276

25 Jan 1802, pages 235 - 240

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 25th day of January 1802.

Present Isaac Davis, Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin, Matthew Adams & John Vaught - Esquires

Dempsey Westbrook's Stockmark a swallow fork in the left ear and a half moon on top of the right ear on his motion is Ordered to be recorded.

Willis Wilkins' Stockmark a Swallow fork in each ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

277. William Hynes this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report towit January 22nd 1802 Muhlenberg County Sct. the worshipful Court we met according to appointment being Qualified have viewed the road and Lands from Greenville towards the wolf lick and do report that the road will be useful to the Citizens in general beginning at Greenville running through Wings lands near the old trace through Millers lands through I. [or J.] Stom's land through Caldwell's land to the lick through Adams' land through Cornwell's land to Adams' mill through Joseph Groves' Land and So on up Long Creek the nearest and best way to the County line through Joseph Hunsaker's land and other lands unknown and It is ordered that George Miller be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the Same - George Humphreys, Joseph Hunsaker, John Adams Jr.

Joseph Arnold and Isaac Newman Esquires produced a Commission from his Excellency James Garrard Esquire Governor of this State appointing them Justices of the peace in and for the county aforesaid who produced a Certificate of their having the oath to Support the Constitution of the United States and the oath of fidelity also the oath of Office.

Present Joseph Arnold Esquire

Absent Issac Davis Esquire

On the motion of Hulda Butler who made oath as the Law directs Certificate is granted her for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of Gilbert Butler deceased upon her giving Bond and Security agreeably to Law who thereup[on] together with Spencer Oneal and John Keath her Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in penalty of Six hundred pounds conditioned as the Law directs.

Page 237 January 25, 1802

Ordered that Thomas Irvin, Isaac Davis, Jesse Reno and Charles Redmon or any three of them (being first sworn) do appraise in current money the personal estate of Gilbert Butler Dec'd and that the Administrators make and return an Inventory thereof to the next Court as the Law directs.

278. Rice Sams this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Satisfactory proof being made to the Court they are of opinion that Robert Wickliffe was Charged wrong for one County levy and that he be discharged from paying the Same which is ordered to be Certified to the Sheriff of this County.

Present Isaac Newman, Isaac Davis, & William Bradford Esquires

The Commonwealth - Plff
against - for bringing a poor person in the County
John Bard - Deft
The Said Defendant appeared in discharge of his recognizance and Sundry witness were Examined as well in behalf of the Commonwealth as Said Defendant and their Counsels being heard and fully understood by the Court It is therefore Considered that he be altogether discharged.

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between Arrington Wickliffe attorney for William Davis of the one part and William Martin was acknowledged by the said Arington attorney aforesaid a party thereto to be his act and Deed and ordered to be recorded.

Absent all the Justices except Isaac Davis, Charles Lewis, and Isaac Newman Esquires

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between Henry Rhoads and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and William Robertson of the other part was acknowledged by the Said Henry and Elizabeth his wife to be their act and Deed, She being first privately examined She freely and voluntarily relinquished her right of Dower as the Law directs, a copy ordered to be recorded and the original Certified.

279. John Biggerstaff this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

The Court (a majority of all its Justices being present) doth recommend to his excellency the Governor, Jesse Reno and Jonah Bell as proper persons one of whom to be Commissioned as a Coronor of this County.

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between Henry Rhoads and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and Racheal Stump widow and the Heirs of Francis Stump decd of the other part was acknowledged by the Said Henry and Elizabeth to be their act and deed She being first privately examined freely and voluntarily relinquished her right of dower as the Law directs and a copy ordered to be recorded and Certified.

280. Margaret Nott this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

281. John Smith this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

282. Mary Irvin this day claimed a right to forty acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted her accordingly.

The Court proceeded to appoint Samuel Weir Commissioner of the tax for the present year who thereupon together with William Hynes his Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and Conditioned as the Law directs.

The Court appointed James Craig Collector of the County levy for the year 1802 and who together with William Bell and Wm Bradford his Securities entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of two thousand dollars Current money Conditioned as the Law directs.

283. Jesse Dean this day claimed a right to two two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

284. Isaac Thomas this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Thompsons Creek which is granted him accordingly.

285. David Thomas this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

286. Elizabeth Penrod this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land which was granted her accordingly.

287. Elias Smith this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of William Bradford assignee of John Night who produced Satisfactory proof to the Court leave is granted him to remove his Certificate No. 4351 from the Court of Commissioners It having heretofore been laid on appropriated Land.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Isaac Davis

22 Feb 1802, pages 240 - 244

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 22nd day of February

Present William Bradford, Thomas Irvin, Matthew Adams & Elisha Uzzell - Esquires

Ordered that Alney McLean, John Morgan and George Adams gentlemen be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to Settle with Henry Davis and Isaac Davis the undertakers of the Courthouse of this County and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that George Miller be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road heretofore reviewed from Greenville to Adams Mill passing by Caldwells Lick and that the bounds of his hands be as follows Towit Beginning at Greenville and running with the Logan road to Pond Creek up Pond Creek to Bateast and up the Same to W.N. Alcocks including him thence down Lewis Road to the Beginning and that he with the hand[s] included in the aforesaid bounds open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Daniel Groves, Joshua Elkins, William Garrard and Samuel Tharp or any three of them (being first sworn) do view the way formerly viewed and the way proposed from Adams mill to the Logan County line and report the Conveniences and inconveniences of both ways and make report thereof to the next Court.

287. William Besshop [Bishop?] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Pond Creek River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

288. James Uzzell this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that the precinct of the road leading from Greenville to Littlepages Ferry as far as Harris's branch be as follows towit Beginning at Cypress thence to Include William Grayson & Thomas Grayson thence to Matthew McLeans thence to Edmund Owens thence with the path to M. Campbells thence to include Peter Goodnights thence to Captains Smiths and thence to the Beginning and It is further ordered that Michael Goodnight be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the Same and that he together with the hands included in the above bounds open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

James Arnold relinquished his former claim to his certificate No. 139 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

289. Jacob Studebaker this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land including Arnolds old improvement agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

290. David H. Stephens this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of Henry Lamer who is desirous of building a water grist mill on Clifty near his house he owning the Lands on both Sides thereof it is therefore Ordered that the Sheriff Summon and Impanel a Jury agreeably to Law to meet on the place aforesaid near where the Said Lamer now lives and Examine the Same and make report thereof as the Law directs.

On the Motion of John Bowers assignee of Perkins It is ordered that he have liberty of removing 100 acres of his Said Certificate.

291. Jacob Rhoads this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond River in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

292. William Imler [Imbler?] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former Claim on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

293. Elisha Wooton this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

The Commissioners heretofore appointed by the Court to Settle with Henry Davis and Isaac Davis the undertakers of the building of the Courthouse returned the following report which reads in the words and figures as follows towit [rest of order blank]

Ordered that the former Order of this Court allowing Henry and Isaac Davis forty dollars as a balance for the [building] of [the] Courthouse of this County be rescinded.

Ordered that the Sheriff pay Henry and Isaac Davis Eight dollars and nine Cents being in full for building the Courthouse of this County.

Present Isaac Davis Esquire

Ordered that the balance of the Land Given by William Campbell to this County (except two acres to be laid off in what manner or where the Trustees may think proper) and that the Same be exposed to Sale by the Sheriff of this County to the highest bidder a five months credit on the fourth Monday in April next and that he make report thereof to the Court.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course the minutes of these proceedings were Signed Isaac Davis

22 Mar 1802, pages 244 - 249

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County on Monday the 22nd day of March 1802

Present Isaac Davis, Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin & William Garrard - Esquires

Charles Redmon's Stockmark a crop and slit in the right ear and a slit in the left On his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Thomas Randolph's Stockmark a crop off the left Ear and heal(?) in the right ear and a nick on each side of the Same on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

William Tanner's Stockmark a crop off the left ear and a half crop off the under side of the right ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

294. Elisha Cornwell this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that John Garvin be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from Greenville to Lewisberg instead of Thomas Randolph who is exempted and who together with the hands formerly allotted to said Randolph open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Charles Lewis, William Garrard, Joe Downing and Nicholas Lockerman or any three of them (being first sworn) do view the way formerly viewed and the way proposed from Adams mill to the Logan county line and report the conveniences and inconveniences of both ways and make report thereof to the next Court.

295. Thomas Porter this day claimed a right to one hundred and Sixty acres of Land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of Robert Caldwell assignee of Jacob Barnet leave is granted him to remove Commissioners Certificate obtained on Caney, it having been heretofore laid on appropriated Land.

Ordered that Jeremiah Langley be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Road from Greenville to Richard N. Alcock's Creek as It leads to Christian County line and that the precinct of the road be as follows towit Beginning at the Lick including William Anthony, James Wilcox, Matthew McLean, William Grayson and all on his plantation, Edmond Owens and Samuel Murphy and that he together with the hands included in the above precinct open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

The Court doth appoint John Biggerstaff Constable in and for the County of Muhlenberg who thereupon took the Oath to Support the Constitution of the United States the oath of fidelity to this Commonwealth also the oath of Constable who together with Henry Lamer his Security entered into and acknowledged their Bond in the penalty and Conditioned as the Law directs.

Charles Redmon relinquished his former claim to his Certificate No. 182 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

296. Charles Redmon this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

297. Harriot Redmon this day claimed a right to one hundred and twenty three acres of Land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted her accordingly.

Present William Thompson Esquire

On the motion of John Anthony Ordered that leave be given him to remove his Certificate No. 129 it having been laid on Military Land.

298. Andrew Parker [Parks?] this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of Land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

299. Andrew Parker [Parks?] this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

300. Johnathan Oyler this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

301. Elizabeth Adams this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed.

302. William Gibson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

303. John Gibson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former Claim on the waters of Isaacs Creek which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of James Weir assignee of Simon Cornwell leave is granted him to remove his Certificate No. 3641 it having been Laid on Military Land.

Absent Charles Lewis and William Garrard Esquires

On the Motion of Robert Robertson leave is granted him to remove his Certificate No. 3342 It having been laid on Military Land.

304. Samuel Grayson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former Claim on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Aford [Alford?] vs. Whitly Continued

A Report of an Inquistion had upon the Land of Henry Lamer who is desirous of building a water grist mill on Clifty was returned into Court in the words and figures following towit “Agreeable to Writ of ad quad damnum granted by the County Court of Muhlenberg to Henry Lamer (for the purpose of condemning a Seat to build a water grist mill on Rocky Creek) and to me directed I have Summoned, Convened, Sworn and duly charged Twelve fitting persons to view the place proposed for the erecting of Said mill and dam as also the Land above and below and to consider the matter agreeably to Law and having met on the ground So proposed for the erection of Said mill and after duly weighing matters they are of the opinion that the houses, cartaleges(??), orchards or gardens of the Several proprietors will not be damaged by the overflowing of the water by the dam nine feet high only they are also of opinion that the health of the neighbors will not be annoyed by the stagnation of the waters they [are] also of the opinion that the Road leading from Stoms ferry to Logan will be obstructed by the occasion of Said dam we have also laid of vareumserdad(??) by Certain meets and bounds one a[c]re of Land Beginning at two red oaks on the Bank of Rocky running thence North 12 E 16 poles thence S 78 E 10 poles then S 12 W 18 poles then N 78 W 10 poles to the Beginning which we have appraised to 1/6 this we the under written Jurors have unanimously agreed to this 6th day of March 1802 Henry Rhoads (Seal), John Keath (Seal), Daniel Rhoads (Seal), Joseph Warden (Seal), John Culbertson (Seal), Thomas Morton (Seal), Robert Cessna (Seal), George Humphreys (Seal), Matthew Ham (Seal), William McCommon (Seal), Daniel Brown (Seal), Matthias Hunsinger (Seal)” Test James Weir D.S.
Whereupon on the motion of Henry Lamer It is ordered that the said mill seat be and is hereby established accordingly.

Jacob Taylor's Stockmark a Smooth crop off the left Ear and Swallow fork in the right on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Charles Wing be allowed the ?? one quarter of an acres adjoining his office.

Ordered that James Craig, William Smith and William Casbier (being first sworn) do view and measure the way proposed and the way formerly viewed of that part of the road leading from Abraham Dennis's to Thomas Bells & make report thereof to the next Court.

Absent Isaac Davis Esquire, Present Charles Lewis Esquire

Ordered that Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin, and Charles Wing be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to Settle with the Sheriff of this County for the last County levy and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Charles Lewis.

24 May 1802, pages 250 - 252

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 24th day of May 1802.

Present William Bradford, Charles Lewis & Elisha Uzzell - Esquires

James Wilcox's Stockmark a half crop in the right ear and a crop and a hole on the left on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

305. Samuel Hunsaker this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Bateast in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Daniel Rhoads Senior, Samuel Biggerstaff, Thomas Biggerstaff and Alexander Whitaker or any three of them (being first Sworn) do view and mark out the best and most convenient way for a road leading from Daniel Rhoads Seniors to the Logan County line in a direction to Logan Courthouse and make report thereof as the Law directs.

Ordered that Solomon Penrod, Isaac Newman, Michael Rippell [Russell?] & Leonard Morgan or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Greenville to Billings ford on Mud River and make report thereof to this Court.

306. John Cargle [Carlyle?] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Samuel Logan be and he is hereby Exempted from paying County levy in future.

307. Andrew McCartney this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

308. Lou Dobyns this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Thomas Salsberry be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road leading from Greenville to Pond Creek instead of John Dennis and that he together with the hands formerly alloted to Said Dennis open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Joseph Groves relinquished his former claim

309. Joseph Groves this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that the Sheriff of this County proceed at the next Jury Court to sell at public auction for the best price that can be had the balance of the lots already laid off in the town of Greenville on that side of the Street by William Campbell to this County and make report thereof to the next Court and it is therefore further Ordered that Alney McLean Surveyor of the County lay off the balance of the land given as aforesaid into lots except two lots which is for a meeting house and make report thereof and that the former Order of this Court be Rescinded.

310. Eli Smith this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of Land on the waters of Gilsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that William McCommon, Matthias Hunsinger, Thomas Porter, Robert Glen or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark out the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Morton ferry on Green River to Greenville Seat to intersect the Road leading from Greenville to Culbertsons and make report thereof agreeably to Law.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course.

The minutes of these proceedings were Signed William Bradford

28 June 1802, pages 252 - 257

At a County Court for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 28th day of June 1802.

Present Charles Lewis, William Garrard & Elisha Uzzell - Esquires

An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of William Campbell deceased returned into Court by the Administrator which being examined is ordered to be recorded.

Elisha Cornwell came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 293 which was heretofore granted him by the Court.

311. Bashaba Cornwell this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted her accordingly.

312. John McFarland this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

313. John Adams this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

314. John Armstrong Senior this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present Joseph Arnold Esquire

315. John Russell this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

316. Moses Wickliff this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present Isaac Newman Esquire

Ordered that the Sheriff pay the States attorney ninety four dollars out of the first money that may be collected out of the present County levy for his Services in the year 1800 and 1801.

Absent Joseph Arnold Esquire

Ordered that the public Land yet to be laid off be divided into five acre Lots except two acres which is to be for the use of a meeting house and that the Sheriff expose the Same together with the Lots formerly laid off to public Sale at Six months credit on the first day of July Court and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that the Sheriff advertise the Same immediately and take Bond and Sufficient Security at the day of Sale.

On the motion of Benjamin Garris it is ordered that a ferry be established on Pond River at his fording on his entering into bond in the clerks office as the Law directs and that the ferriage rates be as follows towit
for a man and horse 9p
a single man or horse 4½p
for a wagon and team 4s 6p
and two wheeled carriages 3s

A Report of a Road leading from Daniel Rhoads Sr. to the Logan County line was returned into Court and Examined by the Court and the Same is hereby established and It is therefore Ordered that Samuel Biggerstaff be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the Same and that he together with the hands living in the following precinct towit Beginning at Thomas Bigerstaffs thence down Clifty to the mouth of the Same thence up Mudriver to the County line thence with the Same to where the line Strikes Said Road thence to the Beginning open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Summons Issue for those through whose Land Said Road Runs to attend at the next County Court to Show Cause if any they have why the Said Road Should not run through their Land.

Ordered that the former Order for granting Joseph Groves two hundred and sixty acres of Land be and is hereby rescinded.

317. Joseph Groves this day claimed a right to two hundred and sixty acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

318. Thomas Jones this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of Land in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present Isaac Davis Esquire

Ordered that the former order granting Jesse Mcferson [McPherson] Sixty acres of Land be and is hereby Rescinded.

319. Jesse Mcferson [McPherson] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

320. Moses F. Smith this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

321. Jacob Anthony this day claimed a right to fifty acres of Land as part of his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

322. Frederick Casebier this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of [blank] agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Absent Elisha Uzzell Esquire

323. Nathan Scot this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present Joseph Arnold, William Bradford, Thomas Irvin, Elisha Uzzell, John Vaught, William Thompson, and Solomon Rhoads Esquires

Ordered that Alney McLean be and he is hereby appointed Clerk to the ensuing election at that Thomas Irvin and William Garrard be and they are hereby appointed Judges of the Same.

Absent all the Justices except Charles Lewis, William Garrard and John Vaught Esquires

On the motion of John Morgan assignee of James Hamilton who produced satisfactory proof to the Court they are of Opinion that he have leave to remove a Certificate No. 28?? from the Court of Commissioners it having been heretofore laid on appropriated Land.

On the motion of John Morgan assignee of Joseph Parker who produced satisfactory proof to the Court leave is granted him to remove his Certificate No. 2373 from the Court of Commissioners it having heretofore been laid on appropriated Land.

On the motion of John Morgan assignee of John Herndon who produced satisfactory proof to the Court they are of opinion that he have leave to remove his Certificate No. 2722 from the Court of Commissioners it having heretofore been laid on appropriated Land.

On the motion of James Weir assignee of William Thompson who produced satisfactory proof to the Court they are of opinion that he have leave to remove his Certificate No. 2737 from the Court of Commissioners it having heretofore been laid on appropriated [Land].

On the motion of James Weir assignee of Matthew Maccorkle who produced satisfactory proof to the Court they are of Opinion that he have leave to remove his Certificate No. 3030 from the Court of Commissioners it having heretofore been laid on appropriated Land.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings have been signed. Chs. Lewis

23 Aug 1802, pages 257 - 262

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 23rd day of August 1802.

Present Isaac Davis, Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin, Lewis Kincheloe & William Garrard - Esquires

James Stewart lists two hundred acres of 3rd rate Land for Taxation on Pond River entered and Surveyed in his own name also 100 acres of 3rd rate Land entered Surveyed and patented to Said Stewart which is Ordered to be Certified to the Auditor of public accounts and Sheriff of this County.

324. Saml. Grigsby this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between John Keath of the one part and Matthew Ham of the other part was acknowledged by the Said John Keath a party thereto to be his act and Deed and Ordered to be recorded.

325. William W. Smith this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Beach Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

326. Alney(??) Wood this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of [blank] agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

327. James Wood this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Matthew Armstrong came into Court and relinquished his Certificate granting him 110 acres of Land as his additional claim which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

On the motion of John Keath It is Ordered that Summons Issue against Spencer Oneal and Hulda Oneal late Hulda Butler Administrators of Gilbert Butler Deceased to appear here at the next Court to give Counter Security.

328. Samuel Handly this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of Samuel Handly Ordered that leave be given him to remove his Certificate No. 50 it having been heretofore laid on Military Land.

329. James Fenny this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former Claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

330. James Hogland this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former Claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of James Fenny It is Ordered that Leave be given him to remove Seventy acres of his Commissioners Certificate it having been laid on appropriated Land.

331. William Miller this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Samuel Weir Commissioner of the tax of the County be allowed forty five dollars for the Execution of his said Office which is ordered to be Certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

332. Charles Courvey(?) this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Abner Luce be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road Instead of George Brown who is exempt and that he together with the hands formerly allotted to said Brown Open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Andrew Parks Plff
agt. - on a motion
David Casebier &c. Deft
It is Ordered that this Suit be Continued until the next Court.

333. Alfred Grayson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Jesse Reno Esquire produced a commission from his Excellency the Governor bearing date the 17th of June 1802 appointing him Coroner of this County who took the oaths prescribed by Law and Constitution of this State and together with Thomas Irvin and Lewis Kincheloe his Securities entered into and acknowledged his then Bond in the penalty of £1000 Conditioned as the Law directs.

334. Elizabeth Penrod this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted her accordingly.

Ordered that a Summons Issue against Magdalen Lestter widow and Relect to Valuntine Lestter Deceased to Show Cause why Matthew Hunsinger may not Administer on the estate of her late Husband Deceased.

Ordered the Job Downey, Joshuary Elkins, Jacob Anthony & Phillip Stom or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark the best and most convenient way for a road from Greenville to Caldwells Lick and the best and most convenient way from thence to the County line in a direction to Benjamin Hardings passing near Adams' mill and make report thereof to the next Court.

335. Benjamin McNew this day claimed a right to two hundred and seventy three acres of Land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Elijah Wilson this day came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 249 which was formerly granted him by this Court.

336. Elijah Wilson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Sand Lick agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

337. Vacheal Lovelace this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

George Fennell [or Tennell] as to the following Tracts of Second rate Land two hundred acres entered in the name of M. Oyler on Cypress, two hundred acres in the name of David Merideth on Green River, two hundred acres entered for Charles Grigsby on Cypress, four hundred acres entered for James Ward Sr. on Cypress, four hundred acres entered for Fennell [or Tennell] on Cypress, one tithe and one horse which is ordered to be certified to the Auditor of public accounts and the Sheriff of this County.

Ordered that Charles F. Wing be allowed twelve dollars for his Services under the Revenue Laws for Examining the and Certifying the Commissioners Books.

Jesse Davis lists the following tracts of Land for taxation two hundred acres entered for Solomon Rhoads two hundred acres of Land in the name of Benjamin Elliot, two hundred acres in the name of Elinor Muse which is ordered to be Certified to the Auditor of public accounts and the Sheriff of this County.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Isaac Davis.

27 Sept 1802, pages 262 - 267

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Court house in Greenville on Monday the 27th day of September 1802.

Present Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin & William Garrard - Esquires

Jesse Reno's Stockmark a crop off the left Ear and a half crop off the upper Side Side of the right ear on his motion is Ordered to be recorded.

William Garrard's Stockmark a crop and under keel in the right Ear and a Crop and over keel in the left ear on his motion is ordered to be record[ed].

Daniel Rhoads Jr.'s Stockmark a crop off the left ear and an under bit on the left On his motion is ordered to be record[ed].

George Humphreys's Stockmark a crop and Slit in the right Ear and under Keel in the left on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between William Nixon and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and Henry Davis of the other part was acknowledged by the said William Nixon a party thereto to be his act and Deed which together with a Certificate from Isaac Davis and Thomas Irvin Justices of the peace thereon endorsed of the relinquishment of the Said Elizabeth's right of dower thereon is Ordered to be recorded.

338. Henry Rhoads Junior this day claimed a right to one hundred and twenty acres of Land on Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Henry Davis lists two hundred acres of Second rate Land on Greenriver in addition to his former lists entered Surveyed and patented in the name of William Nixon for Taxation which is ordered to [be] Certified to the Auditor of public accounts and the Sheriff of this County.

Jesse Davis lists the following tracts of Land in addition to his former lists towit two hundred acres on Mudriver entered Surveyed and patented for Frederick Crist(?) which is Ordered to be Certified to the Auditor of public accounts and the Sheriff of this County.

339. Phillip Groves this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the waters of Greenriver in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

340. John Severs(?) this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of land on the waters of Green River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

341. Thomas Jones this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Samuel Logins lists four hundred acres of Second rate Land for Taxation on Pond River entered in his own name which is ordered to be certified to the Auditor of public accounts and the Sheriff of this County.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report towit “Agreeable to an Order of Court to us directed we have viewed a road leading from Greenville to Adairs(?) Lick and to the County line of Logan as follows passing the land of Charles Wing and Jacob Anthony and John Stom and to the lick Sworn to before me Isaac Davis and from the lick through land of Adams and through Adams's and Jarry(?) and Cornwell and by Adams mill and Joseph Groves and David Groves” it is Considered(?) by the Court that the Same be established accordingly.

342. William Nixon Senior this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former Claim on the waters of Cypress Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

An Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Gilbert Butler Deceased was exhibited into Court and Examined and Ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Daniel Groves be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Road from Adairs(?) Lick to Logan County line passing by Adams mill and that he together with all the hands living within Six miles of the said road in each side except the hands at the lick open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that George Miller be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Road leading from Greenville to Adair(?) Lick and that he with the hands living within Six miles of said Road on each side and the hands at the Lick open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

343. Melcher Oyler this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present John Vaught Esquire and Absent Thomas Irvin Esquire

Ordered that Solomon Penrod, David Rhoads, Isaac Newman and John Humphreys or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark out the best and most Convenient way for a road from Hunsakers Mill on Mudriver passing near Armstrongs mill and to Continue to Daniel Groves horse mill and make report thereof to the next Court.

Spencer Oneal Administrator of Gilbert Butler deceased who was summoned to appear here at this Court and give Counter Security appeared and offered Lewis Kincheloe as Such instead of John Keath who was Accepted accordingly.

Present Isaac Davis and Thomas Irvin Esquire

A Report of a Road leading from Greenville to Mortons Ferry was returned into Court and Examined It is Ordered [that] the same [be] established upon Mortons Cutting the Same himself The proprietors of the Land through whose the same is to run having consented thereto.

344. Dempsey Cornwell this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Log Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Deed of Gift from Armsted Morehead of the one part and Polly W. Morehead, Susannah D. Morehead, Julean L. Morehead and John B. Morehead of the other part Son and daughters of him the Said Armstead Morehead was acknowledged by the said Armstead a party thereto to be his act and Deed and Ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Sharp Garris, William Grayson, Elisha Uzzell and Benjamin Garris or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark out the best and most convenient way for a road leading from Greenville to Garris's mill and make report thereof to the next Court agreeably to Law.

Andrew Parks Plff
against - upon a Motion
David Casebier Deft
note approved and stamped(?) at the Plaintiff's Costs

On the motion of Magdalen Lestter and Joseph Hunsaker who made oath agreeably to Law Certificate is granted them for obtaining letters of Administration on the Estate of Voluntine Lestter Deceased on their giving bond and Security according to Law who thereupon together with John Vaught their Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of five hundred pounds Conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that Matthew Adams, Gilbert Vaught, Saml. Weir, George Hunsaker or any three of them (being first Sworn) do appraise in Current money the personal Estate and Slaves (if any) of Voluntine Lestter deceased and that the Executor return an Inventory thereof to the next Court.

On the Motion of Thomas Mosely who produced Satisfactory proof to the Court they are of Opinion that the Said Thomas have liberty to remove his Certificate No. 3791 It having heretofore been Laid on Military Land.

345. Thomas Mosley this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of in addition to his former Claimed agreeably to entry filed which is granted him according[ly].

A List of delinquents returned by James Weir deputy Sheriff for James Craig Sheriff of this County was Sworn to and Examined which being allowed is Ordered to be Certified to the Auditor of publick accounts.

346. Stephen Vanlandingham this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Isaac Davis

22-23 Nov 1802, pages 267 - 274

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Court house in Greenville on Monday the 22nd day of November 1802.

Present Thomas Irvin, Charles Lewis, William Garrard & William Thompson - Esquires

347. William Jinny this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that the Clerk of this Court bind to Matthew Adams Esqr, John Lestter of Eight years old Orphan of Voluntine Lestter Deceased until he arrives to the age of twenty one years to learn the art and trade of a wheelright.

348. Joseph Humphreys this day claimed a right to Seventy eight acres of Land on the waters of Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

349. William Morgan this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

350. John S. Graves [or Groves] this day claimed a right to one hundred and thirty four acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

351. George Armstrong this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

352. James Keath this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

353. Gilbert Vaught this day claimed a right to one hundred and two acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present William Bradford, Matthew Adams, Solomon Rhoads and John Vaught Esquires.

Ordered that Charles F. Wing Clerk ot this Court be allowed thirty dollars for his ex-officio Services for the Last year which is ordered to be certified.

Ordered that the Sheriff of this County be allowed thirty dollars for his ex-officio Services for the Last year which is ordered to be certified.

Absent William Bradford Esquire

Ordered that Alney McLean Surveyor of this County be allowed ten dollars and forty one cents for running the County line from the Six mile tree below Benjamin Hardens to Pond River which is ordered to be certified.

Ordered that William Bradford, Samuel Tharp and William Garrard be allowed fifteen Shillings for marking and carrying the chain for Running the County line between Muhlenberg and Christian which is ordered to be certified.

Ordered that Thomas Irvin and William Garrard Esquires be allowed eighteen Shillings each for Setting as Judges to the last election and that Alney McLean esquire be allowed the Same for acting as Clerk to the Same which is ordered to be certified.

Absent Matthew Adams, William Garrard & Charles Lewis Esquires

Ordered that Thomas Irvin & Charles Lewis be allowed Six Shillings each for acting as Commissioners for Settling with the Sheriff of this County which is ordered to be Certified.

Ordered that John Morgan, George Adams & Alney McLean be allowed Six Shillings each as Commissioners to Settle with Isaac Davis for building of the Courthouse which or ct(?).

Present William Garrard, Matthew Adams and Charles Lewis Esquires.

On the motion of James Craig Sheriff of this County Thomas Craig was admitted his deputy who thereupon took the oath to Support the Constitution of the United States the oath of fidelity to this Commonweath and also the oath of Deputy Sheriff.

The Court proceeded to lay the County levy as follows towit
The County made debtor

To Benjamin Worthington one grown Wolf head$1.33
To George Armstrong Do$1.33
To Gilbert Vaught Do$1.33
To Benjamin Garris Do$1.33
To James McKinny Do$1.33
To Gilbert Vaught five young Do$2.50
To Phillip Kimble to one grown Do$1.33
To Epps Littlepage Do$1.33
To William Boggus Do$1.33
To Alney McLean Surveyor$10.41
To Do three days as Clerk of the Election$3.00
To Do one day as Commissioner$1.00
To William Garrard three days as Judge to the Election$3.00
To Thomas Irvin Do$3.00
To Same one day as commissioner$1.00
To Charles Lewis Do$1.00
To William Garrard as chain carrier$2.50
To William Bradford as marker$2.50
To Samuel Tharp as chain carrier$2.50
To Robert Coleman as States attorney$45.00
To Clerk his ex officio Services$30.00
To Sheriff Do$30.00

Present William Bradford Esquire

The Court (a majority of all its Justices being present and concurring therein) doth recommend to his excellency the governor, Isaac Davis and William Bradford Esquires as proper persons one of whom to be commissioned as Sheriff of the County which is ordered to be Certified accordingly.

354. Joseph Arnold this day claimed a right to one hundred and Sixty acres of Land as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

355. Phillip Stom this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

356. David Robertson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Charles Crouch came into Court and relinquished his certificate No. 56 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

Absent all except Thomas Irvin, Chs. Lewis and John Vaught

Ordered that Court be adjourned until tomorrow at nine o'clock. The minutes of these proceedings were signed. Charles Lewis

Tuesday, 23 Nov 1802

Present Thomas Irvin, John Vaught, William Garrard, William Thompson & Charles Lewis } Esquires.

Ordered that David Casebier be allowed two dollars & fifty cents for Services done for the States as Constable which [is] ordered to be certified.

Ordered that Spencer Oneal be allowed three dollars and fifty five cents for Services done for the State as Constable which is ordered to be certified.

Ordered that Jacob Sever be allowed ten dollars for the interest of his money due him from this County.

The Court continued to lay the County levy
The County made debtor

To amount brought forward$148.05
To David Casebier Constable$2.15
To Spencer Oneal Do$3.55
To John McKinny two grown wolf heads$2.66
To Jacob Sear$10.00
To John Wigle for building clerk office$52.00
To a depositum $50.00
To Sheriff's commission on the same$19.00
amounting in the whole to$287.41

Ordered that the Sheriff or Collector so sworn as he may give bond collect three Shillings from each tithable Subject to pay County levy and pay the County Creditors and the balance if any retain in his hands Subject to the further order of this Court.

Ordered that Henry Unsel be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road in place of Thomas Bell and that he together with the hands formerly allotted to Said Bell open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Daniel Rhoads be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Smiths ferry on Green River from Greenville to Daniel Rhoads mill and that he together with the following hands towit Learoy Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Frederick Unsel, Henry Rhoads, Solomon Rhoads, Abraham Unsil, Jacob Severs, Solomon Sever, Frederick Sever, Henry Row and James Evans open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Edward Williams be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Smiths Ferry from Daniel Rhoads mill to Said ferry in the room and place of John Williams and that he together with the hands formerly allotted to said John Williams open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Joshua Elkins be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of that part of the road leading from Christian County line to Alcocks on a direction to Greenville and that he together with the following hands towit Jacob Groves, Johnathan Groves, Peter Boggess, Job Downing, William Downing, Timothy Downing, Hugh Kirkwood, Charles Lewis, Richard N. Alcock and John McKinny open and keep the Same in Repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Thomas Biggerstaff be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road in the room and place of Matthew Armstrong and that he together with the hands formerly allotted to Said Armstrong open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Thomas Irvin, Charles Lewis and Matthew Adams be and they are hereby appointed to Solomnize the rites of matrimony in this county [to] all persons applying therefor.

William Thompson esquire Came into Court & resigned his commission as a Justice of the peace in and for this County.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Chs. Lewis

27 Dec 1802, pages 274 - 276

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in the Town of Greenville on Monday the 27th day of December 1802.

Present Isaac Davis, Thomas Irvin, William Garrard & Charles Lewis - Esquires

357. John Biggerstaff this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

358. Joel Boggess this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that the Clerk of this County bind to Warren Boggiss [Boggess] Kißy [Kissy or Kizzy] Mills of eleven years of age until she arrives to the age of Sixteen.

359. Warren Boggiss [Boggess] this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of Land on the waters of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Absent Charles Lewis esquire

Present Solomon Rhoads esquire

On the motion of John Randolph It is ordered that a ferry be established on the land of Said John on Greenriver on his entereing into bond with Security in the clerks office according to Law and the ferriage be as follows towit
for a Single Wagon & Team - $1
For a man and Horse 12 cents 5 pence(?)
For a Single man on horse 8 cents 3 pence(?)
For a horned cattle a head 8 cents 3 pence(?)
For Hogs or Sheep two pence per head

Absent Thomas Irvin Esquire

Ordered that John Randolph, Jacob Wiley, Edward Jarvis and John Morgan or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark out the best and most convenient way for a road to lead from Epps Littlepages Ferry on Pond River to John Randolphs on Greenriver and make report thereof to the next Court.

360. Samuel Drake this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is ordered to be granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Charles Lewis be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Alcocks to Pond River and that he together with the following hands towit Jacob Groves, Johnathan Groves, Peter Groves, Job Downing, Hugh Kirkwood, Charles Lewis, Richard N. Alcock and John McKinny open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Voluntine Lestter deceased was returned into Court by the Executors which being Examined is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that the Clerk of the Court bind to William Casebier Susanna Lestter of the age of ten years orphan of Volutine Lestter deceased until she arrives to the age of Sixteen years and that the Clerk take Bond from the Said Casebier for the true payment of a horse saddle and bridle to be approved to twenty five dollars a feather bed and furniture exclusive of what the Law allows.

Ordered that Henry Rhoads be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Pond Creek in the room and place of John Williams and that he together with the hands heretofore alloted to Said Williams Open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Thomas Irvin Charles Lewis and Alney McLean be and they are hereby appointed as Commissioners to Settle with the Sheriff of this County for the County Levy for the year 1802 and make report thereof to the next Court.

A settlement made with the Sheriff of this County for the County levy for the year 1801 was returned and by the Court Examined and Received.

Thomas Barefield's Stockmark an under Slope in the right ear and a crop and two Slits in the left Ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Isaac Davis Esqr.

Updated January 30, 2020