Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg Map

County Court Records

County Court Orders 1803

Citation: Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 1, pages 276-314

21 Feb 1803, pages 276 - 283

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Court house in Greenville on Monday the 21st day of February 1803

Present Solomon Rhoads, Elisha Uzzell & John Vaught - Esquires

On the motion of Samuel Worthington who produced satisfactory proof to the Court they are of Opinion that he have leave to remove his Certificate No. 4277 granted him by the Court of Commissioners It having been heretofore laid on appropriated Land.

John Dennis Jr.'s Stockmark a Swallow fork in each on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

James McCaleb's Stockmark a Crop off and Slit in the left ear and a half crop off the upper side of Right on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

361. John Rice [or Price] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

362. William Hunter this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

363. Lucy Parker this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted her accordingly.

Anna Price relinquished her former claim in Muhlenberg Cty.

Alford Grayson came into Court and relinquished his former Claim of two hundred Certificate No. 33 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

364. Alford Grayson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the waters of Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

365. Ann Price this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to her former claim on Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted her accordingly.

James Craig Esquire came into Court and together with William Hynes and William McCommon his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in penalty of five hundred and Seventy dollars Conditioned for the Collection of the present County levy which bond reads as follows towit

Know all men by these presents that we James Craig, William Hynes and William McCommon are held and firmly bound unto John Vaught, Solomon Rhoads and Elisha Uzzell Gentlemen Justices of the peace for the County Court of Muhlenberg in the penal Sum of five hundred and Seventy dollars Current money the payment of which well and truly to be made to Said Justices and their Successors we bind our selves our Heirs &c. Jointly and Severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 21 day of February 1803
The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound James Craig hath this day been appointed collector of the County levy for the County aforesaid for the year 1802 now if the said Craig shall well and truly collect account for and pay the Same to the Several persons entitled thereto according to Law and the Order of Said Court then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue James Craig [Seal], William Hynes [Seal], William McCommon [Seal] Executed in the presents of the Court attest Chs. F. Wing

James Craig Esquire Sheriff of this County came into Court and together with Jacob Studebaker and Eppes Littlepage his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of ninety pounds Conditioned for the Collection of the Taxes for the present year which bond reads as follows towit
Know all men by these presents that we James Craig, Jacob Studebaker and Epps Littlepage are held and firmly bound unto James Garrard Esquire Governor of Kentucky in penal Sum of ninety pounds Current money the payment of which well and truly to be made to the Said Governor and his Successors we bind our Selves our Heirs &c. Jointly and Severally firmly by these presents Sealed with Our Seals and dated this 21st day of February 1803
The Condition of the above obligation is Such that if the above bound James Craig Sheriff of Muhlenberg County Shall be him Self or Deputy well and truly collect all Taxes and dues put into his or their hands directed by Law to be collected in the Said County of Muhlenberg also all Sums of money, fines, amercements(?) and penalties which he shall be authorized to collect and account for and pay the Same to the public Treasurer and other persons entitled thereto at Such time and in Such manner as is directed by Law then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force James Craig [Seal], Jacob Studebaker [Seal], Epps Littlepage [Seal] Executed in the presents of the Court attest Charles F. Wing

366. Samuel Worthington this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Green river agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between Thomas Randolph of the one part and William Wilkins of the other part was acknowledged by the Said Thomas a party thereto to be his act and Deed which together with a certificate thereon endorsed relinquishing right of dour is ordered to be recorded.

367. Thomas Littlepage this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of Robert Patton who produced satisfactory proof to the Court they are of opinion that the Said Patton have leave to remove his Certificate for four hundred acres of Land Number two hundred and fifty one it having heretofore been laid on appropriated land.

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between John Vaught, Rachael Stump and John Stom Executors of Francis Stump deceased of the one part and James Busbee of the other part was acknowledged by the Said John Rachael and John Executors as aforesaid to be their act and Deed and ordered to be recorded.

368. Samuel Adams this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of Land on the waters of Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

369. Robert Boggess this [day] claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

370. Joseph Hunsaker this day claimed a right to three hundred and twenty two acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

371. Thomas Black this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

372. Warren Boggus [Boggess] this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of Land on bateast agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

A map of the out lots of the Town of Greenville was returned by the Surveyor of this County which being examined is ordered to be recorded.

373. Daniel Thompson this day claimed [a right] to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Charles F. Wing Clerk of the Muhlenberg County and Circuit Courts Exhibited his account with the Commonwealth amounting to Sixteen dollars which is ordered to be certified accordingly.

Present Thomas Irvin Esquire

William Wooton's Stockmark an under bit in each ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Present Charles Lewis and Joseph Arnold Esquire

Absent Solomon Rhoads Esquire

374. Solomon Rhoads this day claimed a right to fifty acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Ordered that Abner Luce be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Rays Ferry to intersect the road leading from Smiths Ferry to Greenville and that he together with the hands in the following precinct towit Beginning at the mouth of Hopkins Hoppers Lick run thence to the Lick thence to Matthew Adams thence up Green River to the mouth of Mud River thence to the Beginning open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Edmund Jarvis be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Harris branch on a direction to Littlepages Ferry in the room and place of Michael Goodnight and that he together with the following hands towit Mrs. Campbell's Hands, Peter and Michael Goodnight, William Wilkins, James Wilkins, John Jarvis, John Smith, Charles Morgan's hands and William Tanner open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report towit “A Return of the view of the Road leading from Epps Littlepage's Ferry on Pond River to John Randolph's Ferry on Green River as followeth towit through the land of Epps Littlepage, Elijah Adams, John Morgan, James Breckinridges, Depsey [Dempsey] Westbrook, Jacob Wiley, Genl. Barron Ruben(?) and John Randolphs and no objection made John Randolph, Jacob Wiley, John Morgan”

Ordered that John Randolph be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of that part of road leading from John Randolphs Ferry to Jacob Wiley on a direction to Littlepages Ferry and that he together with following hands towit Thomas Randolph, John Garvin, Samuel James, Thompson Randolph, ?? Kincheloe, Stephen Kincheloe, William Kincheloe, Lewis Reno, John Fisher, Lewis Kincheloe, Samuel Drake, Jesse Anderson, James Hogland, James Nichols, William Drake, [blank space] Musgrave, John McFarland, William McFarland, Job Matthews, Thomas Cody, John Anderson, Willis Wilkins, Thomas Combs, James Dupee(?), Jacob Taylor, Jacob Wiley and Arington Wickliff open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that William Tanner be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of that part of road leading from Randolphs Ferry to Littlepages Ferry From Jacob Wileys to the most furthermost branch of Cypress and that he together with the following hands towit Dempsey Westbrook, Thomas Barssitt(?) [Bassett?], William Wilkins, James Wilkins, Ed'd. Jarvis, John Jarvis, Charles Morgan, William Morgan, John Smith, William Carter and Willis Morgan open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that John Morgan be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of that part of the road leading from Randolphs Ferry to Littlepages ferry from the Said branch of Cypress to Littlepages and that he together with the following hands towit Eppes Littlepage, Townsand Duncan, Peter Acre, John Hopkins, George Lovelace, Joseph Garris, David Evans, George Baker, John Bryan and Tonnison(?) open and keep the Same in repair agreeably to Law.

Ordered that John Morgan be and he is hereby appointed Commissioner of the Tax for the present year who thereupon together with Thomas Randolph his Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and Condition as the Law directs.

Ordered that Matthias Hunsinger be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from (??) Forsyte where it Intersects the road leading from Culbertsons ford to Greenville and that he together with the following hands towit Thomas Patton, Jacob Cunsinger [Cutsinger or Hunsinger?], William Imler, William Roark and his two sons, John Spaves(?), Matthew Ham, David Harrison, Phillip Grave, Elijah Wooton, William Wooton, Peter Shull, John Shull, James Sharp and William McCommon open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Charles F. Wing be and he is hereby appointed to employ Some person or persons to make the necessary repairs to the Courthouse of this County.

The persons appointed for that purpose made the following report Towit “Agreeably to an order of Court we have reviewed and marked out a road from Greenville to Garris's Mill Running through John Russells Land, Croughoins, Longs, Handleys, Matthew McLeans, Thomas Grayson, McCalebs, John Grayson and Garrises Signed Benjamin Garris, Sharp Garris, William Gray(?), James McCaleb” and it is further Ordered that Summons Issue against all those that the road runs through their Land to Show cause why said road shall not be established accordingly.

Absent Elisha Uzzell Esquire

Present Solomon Rhoads Esquire

Ordered that John Davis be and he is hereby appointed Commonwealth attorney for this County for and during the space of one year who thereupon took the oath of office he having heretofore taken the oath to Support the Constitution of the United States and the oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth.

Ordered that Henry Rhoads Sr., Alney McLean and Jeremiah Langley or any two of them be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to Convey to Leonard Stom two hundred acres of Land agreeably to Comth given by William Campbell and Robert S. Russell It being a part of a Survey patented to William Russell Deceased to do and act therein accordingly to Law.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Charles Lewis J.P.

18 Apr 1803, pages 283 - 288

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 18th day of April 1803.

Present Charles Lewis, Solomon Rhoads & William Garrard - Esquires

An Indenture between Charles F. Wing as Clerk of the County Court of Muhlenberg of the one part and Matthew Adams of the other part was acknowledged by the parties aforesaid to be their act and Deed and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Jarvis Cornwell be and he is hereby exempted from paying County levies in future.

The Court appointed Christopher Tompkins Esquire attorney for The Commonwealth in this Court who thereupon took the oath of office he having heretofore taken the oath to Support the Constitution of the United States also the oath of Fidelity to the Commonwealth. John Davis Esquire who was heretofore appointed having resigned.

The Court appointed John Hopkins Constable for the County of Muhlenberg who thereupon took the oath to Support the United States, the oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth and also the oath of Constable together with Alney McLean & Epps Littlepage his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond and penalty as the Law directs.

375. John Morgan this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on the waters of Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

376. Jarvis Cornwell this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

377. Daniel Groves this day claimed a right to forty six and a half acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Present John Vaught Esquire

378. Moses Etherton this day claimed a right to Sixty acres of Land on the east branch of Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

379. Benjamin McNew this day claimed a right to three hundred and eleven acres of Land on the waters of Beech Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

380. Samuel Tharp [Sharp?] this day claimed a right to one hundred and seventy acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

381. Samuel Tharp [Sharp?] this day claimed a right to one hundred and thirty acres of Land on the dividing ridge between Long Creek & Cany agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

382. Joel Boggus [Boggess] this day claimed a right to one hundred and seventy four acres of land on Alstons Lick fork of Poncreek [Pond Creek] agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

383. William Hynes this day claimed a right to fifty acres of land on Hynes middle fork of bat east [Bateast] agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

384. William Anthony this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of land on the waters of Caney agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

385. Andrew Glenn this day claimed a right to one hundred and eighty three acres of land on the waters of little caney agreeably to entry which is granted him accordingly.

386. David Casebier this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on Bateast Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present Joseph Arnold Esquire

On the motion of James Edmonson who produced Satisfactory proof to the Court It is therefore Considered by the Court that he have leave to remove his Commissioners Certificate No. 3774 it having heretofore been laid on appropriated Land.

387. Samuel Adams this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

388. Jacob Hunsaker this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

389. Silas Keath this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

390. Jeremiah Arnold this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of Land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

The Court appointed Job Throckmorton Constable in and for Muhlenberg County who took the oath to Support the Constitution of the United States the oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth also the oath of Constable and who thereupon together with Joseph Arnold and Josiah Arnold his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and Conditioned as the Law directs.

391. James Tinsley this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim on the waters of Long and Clifty Creeks agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

392. Elijah Wooton this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land in addition to his former claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present William Bradford and Thomas Irvin Esquire

Absent Joseph Arnold, Solomon Rhoads, Matthew Adams and John Vaught Esquires

Ordered that the Sheriff of this County advertise Immediately that he will at the next Court of this County proceed to let the building of the Courthouse Stray pen on the public square of this County of the following denomination viz, forty feet Square of good post and nails the part to be made of good Mulberry Sassafras Or white oak six Feet high eight by four inches think the bottom of which are to be ____(??) so far as they extend into the ground which is to be at least two feet and a half the rails not to be more than ten feet long three inches think and six wide the pen to be at least Six feet and Six railes hight having a good framed gate well put together with Iron Hinges and a good workmanship like manner.

Ordered that Charles F. Wing direct the person who may undertake the building of the Stray pen on what part of the public square to erect the Same.

It appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that William Casebier is not willing or refuses to comply with the order of this Court made in December last for binding to the Said William Casebier Susanna Lestter orphan of Voluntine Lestter Deceased It is therefore Ordered that the Said William deliver up to Joseph Hunsaker the said Susanna to be by him kept Subject to the further order of this Court.

Ordered that Epps Littlepage be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from his ferry to Harrises branch as it leads to Greenville instead of E. Uzzell who is Exempt and that he with the hands formerly allotted to said Uzzell open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that the Tavern rates in this County be regulated as follows towit
wine rum and French brandy per half pint [pounds/shillings] - 2/3
peach Brandy per half pint - 0/9
whiskey per ditto - 0/9
Cider per quart - 1/0
Breakfast - 1/0
Dinner - 1/6
Supper - 1/6
Lodging - 0/6
Corn or oats per gallon - 0/9
Hay or fodder for Horse 24 hours - 1/3
pasturage 24 hours - 1/0

Ordered that Thomas Irvin, Charles Lewis and Christopher Tompkins be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to settle with the Trustees of the Town of Greenville and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Summons Issue against every Guardian in this County to appear here at the next Court to render their respective accounts.

Ordered that Summons Issue against the Executors of John McKinny deceased to bring forward the amount of the appraisement of the estate of Said Decedent at the next Court.

Ordered that Edward Jarvis, Andrew Worthington and Benjamin Worthington (being first sworn) do view and mark out the best and most convenient way for a road from Edward Jarvis's to the Island ford of Pond River and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that John Cain be appointed Surveyor of the road from Greenville to Lewisberg in the room and place of John Garvin who is exempt and that he together with the hands heretofore allotted to Said Garvin open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

393. Daniel Rhoads this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Clifty in addition to his former Claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. William B. Bradford.

6 May 1803, pages 288 - 291

At a County court Called and held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Friday the Sixth day of May 1803 for the Examination of Godfrey Jones charged with Felony.

Present Isaac Davis, Thomas Irvin, Charles Lewis & Elisha Uzzell - Esquires

The prisoner being led to the bar in Custody of the Sheriff Jailor and It being demanded of him whether he was guilty of the felony aforesaid or not Says he is in no wise thereof guilty and no person appearing to prosecute no Testimony being produced on behalf of the Commonwealth The Court are of Opinion that he be altogether discharged.

The court dissolved. Isaac Davis

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 15th day of May 1803

Present Chs. Lewis, John Vaught, Solomon Rhoads & Thomas Irvin - Esquires

394. John Bower this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Clifty as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Isaac Davis Esquire produced a Commission from his Excellency the Governor bearing date the 24th day of December 1802 appointing him Sheriff in and for the County of Muhlenberg who thereupon took the oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth also the oath of office he having heretofore taken the oath to Support the Constitution of the United States and together with Henry Davis and Warren Davis his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and Condition as the Law directs.

An Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of John McKinny Deceased was returned into Court by the Administrators which being examined by the Court is ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Isaac Davis Esquire Sheriff of this county Samuel Weir was admitted his deputy who thereupon too the oath [of] office he having heretofore taken the oath to Support the Constitution of the United States also the oath of Fidelity to this Commonwealth.

Spencer Oneal came into Court and resigned as Constable.

The Court appointed Joseph Warden Constable in and for Muhlenberg County who thereupon took the oath to Support the Constitution of the United States the oath of fidelity to this Commonwealth also the oath of Constable and together with James Craig his Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of two hundred and fifty pounds Conditioned as the Law directs.

Benjamin Littlepage came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 208 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

395. Benjamin Littlepage this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

The last will and Testament of John Smith deceased was produced in Court and proved by the oaths of John Zimmerman, John Hopkins and Samuel Weir Subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Elias Smith and John Vaught the Executors therein named who made oath as the Law directs Certificate is granted them for obtaining letters of Administration thereon upon their giving bond and Security agreeably to Law who together with Thomas Irvin, Matthew Hunsinger and Joseph Warden their Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of three thousand pounds Conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that Gilbert Vaught, Matthias Ham and Samuel Weir be and they are hereby appointed (who being first sworn) do appraise in Current money the personal estate and Slaves (if any) of John Smith Deceased and that the executors return an Inventory thereof to the next Court.

A Power of Attorney between William Nixon of the one part and John Morgan of the other part was acknowledged by the Said Nixon a party thereto to be his act and Deed is ordered to be recorded.

396. John Dobyns this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on Bateast agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

397. Samuel Biggerstaff this day claimed a right to ninety acres of Land on the South branch of Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

398. Ardin Billins this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

The proprietors of the Land through which the road leading from Greenville to Garris's mill was viewed having appraised according to the Summons herein issued at the last Court and they having now consented to the establishment aforesaid road It is ordered that the Same be and is hereby established accordingly.

Ordered that Benjamin Garris be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Garris's Mill and that he together with all the hands within Six miles on each side of Said road open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Tavern rates altered So far as Breakfast altered to one shilling and Six pence instead of one shilling.

Ordered that David Robertson be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Greenville to Adairs Lick and that he together with the following hands towit George Miller and son, John Stom and Sons, David Rhoads, Samuel Alison, William Dickerson and all the hands at the Lick open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Charles Lewis

17 June 1803, pages 291 - 292

At a County Court called and held for the County Muhlenberg at the Courthouse in Greenville on Thursday the 17th day of June 1803 for the Examination of John Jackson charged with felony.

Present William Bradford, Charles Lewis, John Vaught and Thomas Irvin - Esquires

The prisoner being led to the bar in Custody of the Jailor and it being demanded of him whether he was guilty of the felony aforesaid or not Says he is in nowise thereof of Guilty whereupon the witnesses being examined in behalf of the Commonwealth and the prisoner heard in his defense The Court is of Opinion that he is guilty and that he aught to be tried by the Circuit Court for the Muhlenberg Circuit to be held on the third Monday in the June Instant and that the case is not bailable whereupon he was remanded to Jail in Custody of the Jailor there to abide until discharged by due Course of Law.

The Court dissolved. William Bradford

18 July 1803, pages 292 - 296

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 18th day of July 1803.

Present Charles Lewis, Matthew Adams, Lewis Kincheloe, Thomas Irvin, William Garrard, Solomon Rhoads & Joseph Arnold - Esquire

John Stom Jr. this day came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 49 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

399. John Stom Junior this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

400. Samuel Jackson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Nelsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

401. George Lovelace this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

402. John Humphreys this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

403. William Lovelace this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

404. George Brown this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Jarrels Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

405. Joseph Hogan this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on a branch of Isaacs Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

406. Nathaniel Morrison this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

407. John Adams Junior this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Bateast and Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

An Indenture of bargain and Sale between the Trustees of the Town of Greenville of the one part and John Adams of the other part was acknowledged by the said Trustees a party thereto to be their act and Deed is ordered to be recorded.

408. Abraham Bellins this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

409. John Ash this day claimed a [right] to two hundred acres of Land on Clifty agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

410. Robert Boggess this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of Joseph Warden and it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court they are of opinion that four hundred acres of Land belonging to Said Warden was Improperly listed being entered as Second rate land and whereas it ought to have been entered as third rate which is ordered to be Certified accordingly.

Absent Thomas Irvin Esquire

On the motion of John Culbertson and It appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that Mary Culbertson wife of Said John Culbertson departed this life about the 9th of October 1801 which is ordered to be Certified accordingly.

On the petition of Nathaniel Ashby a writ in the nature of Adquod Damnum for the purpose of building a water Gristmill on Cypress he owning the Lands on both side of Said Creek thereof It is ordered that the Sheriff Summon a Jury of the vicinity afsd. to meet on the 25th day of August on Said Creek near the ford of said Creek on the road leading from Joseph Arnolds to Vincinnes view and Examine the Same above and below and report thereof to the Court as the Law directs.

411. Edward Williams this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the east Side of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

412. Edward Williams this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the east Side of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

413. Stephen Williams this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of Land on the west Side of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

On the motion of Charles F. Wing Satisfactory proof being made to the Court they are of Opinion that the following [blank] Certificates towit one in the name of Michael Goodnight for twelve Shillings, to ditto eleven Shillings, One in the name of David Goodnight for one pound ten Shillings, One in the name of John Goodnight for one pound five Shillings and Seven pence, One in the name of Peter Goodnight for nine Shillings and one in the name of William Payne for thirteen Shillings which being allowed is ordered to be Certified to the Auditor of public accounts.

On the motion of Samuel Cain and It appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that he is Charged with one tithe more than he ought to have been Charged with It is Ordered that the Same be Certified to the Sheriff of this County.

Ordered that the Tavern rates be altered as follows for peach brandy Stabliage for horse at hay for twelve hours one Shilling and three pence.

Ordered that Charles Lewis and Lewis Kincheloe Esquires be and they are hereby appointed Judges of the ensuing Election and that Jesse Reno be and he is hereby appointed their clerk.

David Washburn Junior came into Court and made Choice of William Bell for his guardian.

Ordered that Edward Jarvis, John Morgan, Peter Goodnight and John Smith or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark out the best and most Convenient way for a road leading from Greenville to Littlepages Ferry and make report thereof to the next Court agreeably to Law.

Ordered that the Sheriff of this County let the building of the Stray pen as heretofore Ordered to be built(?) ___ Court(?), immediately to have it Completed at the September Court.

A Power of attorney between Garris of the one part, and Vinnable of the other part was acknowledged by the Said Garris a party thereto to be his act and Deed and is ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of James Weir and it appearing to the Satisfaction of Court from the Testimony of Joseph Arnold that he the Said Weir put into his hands a note on William Laurence for three pounds five Shillings and Six pence which note was lost out of the possession of Said Arnold which is ordered to be Certified accordingly.

Absent all the Justices Except Lewis Kincheloe and Thomas Irvin Esquire

Ordered that John Cain be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Lewisberg and that he together with the following hands towit David Thomas, George Noll [or Nott?], George Noll Junior, Isaac Thomas, Nicholas Thomas, Rowland Harris, Jacob Taylor, James Taylor, Thompson Randolph, Samuel James, Arington Wickliff, [blank] Watkins, W.[?] Durial[?] and Son, John Garvin, Thomas Randolph, Charles Redmon, Armstead Morehead and all the hand[s] in Lewisburg open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that all the public roads in this County be established fifteen feet wide.

On the motion of William McCommon It is Ordered to be Established on his Land on Green River opposite to Mortons ferry on Said River upon his entering into bond and Security in the Clerks Office as the Law directs and that the [rate?] of Ferriage be as follows towit
For a man Single 4½ [not sure whether shillings or pence]
For a horse Single 4½

Ordered that all the hands that Come within the old bounds heretofore alloted to Matthew Hunsinger Overseer of the road from Mortons ferry to Greenville open and keep the Same in repair fifteen feet wide.

Ordered that the Court be adjourned until Court in course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Lewis Kincheloe.

15 Aug 1803, pages 296 - 299

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Court house in Greenville on Monday the 15th day of August 1803.

Present William Bradford, Charles Lewis, John Vaught & William Garrard - Esquires

414. John Harcalous this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Thompsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

415. John Hurry [or Henry?] this day claimed a right to two hundred and thirty five acres of Land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

416. Simon Vaught this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that George Humphreys be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Adams Lick to Christian County line passing near Adams Mill and that he together with the hands within Six miles of the road on each Side except the hands at the Lick open and keep the same in repair fifteen feet wide.

417. Job Downey this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

418. Henry Rhoads this day claimed a right to two hundred and Eighty acres of Land on Mud River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Gilbert Vaught Guardian to Daniel Rhoads and Catherine Rhoads orphan[s] of Joseph Rhoads deceased Exhibited his account with Said orphans which being examined allowed and ordered to be Recorded.

Ordered that Eppes Littlepage be appointed Surveyor of he road leading from Greenville to said Littlepages ferry and that he with a list of hands &c. he & the hands open and keep the same in repair thirty feet wide according to Law.

Ordered that the former order made by this Court establishing the roads in this County fifteen feet wide be rescinded so far as it effects those roads which the Law directs to be kept in repair thirty feet wide and that the Clerk issue a copy of this order to the deferent Surveyors &c.

419. William Bell this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land as his additional claim on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

420. Robert Bell this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Jarrels Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that Edmond Dillon be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the Road from Armstrongs mill to Logan County line in the room and place of Matthew Armstrong who is Exempt and that he together with the hands heretofore allotted to said Armstrong Open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

William Bell produced a Commission from his Excellency the governor appointing him paymaster of the fortieth Regiment of Militia who produced a Certificate of his having taken the oaths prescribed by Land [Law] and together with Matthew McLean and Charles F. Wing his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of five hundred dollars Conditioned as the Law directs.

William Bell who was heretofore appointed Guardian to David Washbeau came into Court and together with Charles F. Wing and Robert Bell his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and Conditioned as the Law directs.

Ordered that John Morgan, Alney McLean and Robert Bell be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to divide to William Bell Guardian to David Washbow a tract of Land agreeably to entry the last will and Testament of Francis Stump Deceased and make report thereof to Court.

Ordered that John Morgan Commissioner for the year one thousand eight hundred and three be allowed fifty two dollars and Seventy five cents which is ordered to be certified accordingly.

Epps Littlepage's Stockmark a half crop in the right Ear & a hole in the left Ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Gilbert Vaught's Stockmark a crop off the right ear and under bit in the Same and a half crop off the hind part of the left ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

John Hopkins' Stockmark two Swallow forks in the right Ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that David H. Stephens be and he is hereby added to David Robertsons list of hands as he is overseer of the road from Greenville to Adairs Lick which is ordered to be Certified accordingly.

Ordered that William Stephens be and he is hereby exempted from paying the County levy and revenue Taxes in this County it appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that he is an inhabitant of Christian County which is ordered to be Certified accordingly.

Elijah Willson - appellant
against - on an appeal
Samuel Handley - appellee
Ordered that this Suit be Continued at the Costs of the appellant.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. William Bradford

17 Oct 1803, pages 299 - 304

At a County Court for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the Seventeenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and three

Present Thomas Irvin, Lewis Kincheloe, Solomon Rhoads & William Garrard - Esquires

421. Polly Davis this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Cypress creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

422. Peggy Arnold this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Pond stream agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

423. Elias Kincheloe this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Cypress Creek as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

424. John Keath Junior this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

425. William Keath this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

William Weir this day came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 205 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

426. William Weir this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

John Keath this day came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 268 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

427. John Keath this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Cypress Creek as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that the following hands be alloted to Edmond Dillon Surveyor of the Road from Armstrongs mill to Logan County line Towit John Armstrong Jr., George Armstrong, Stephen Wright, John Wright, Andrew Parkes [Parks or Parker], William Thompson, Benjamin Johnston, Ardin Billins, Samuel Biggerstaff, Moses Etherton, Thomas Biggerstaff, Daniel Rhoads Senior, Michael Ripple, Jacob Studebaker, Samuel Grable, Tobias Penrod, William Patton and Samuel Penrod.

428. Elias Smith this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on Gibsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

429. Thomas Morton this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Gibsons Creek as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Present Charles Lewis Esquire

430. Charles Crouch this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Long Creek as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

431. Alexandrea Culbertson this day claimed a right to forty acres of Land on Nelsons Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

432. Andrew Parkes [Parks or Parker] this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Pond River as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

433. Henry Lamer this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

434. Silas Keath this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Rocky agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

435. John Vaught this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on the waters of Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that Solomon Rhoads, Joseph Warden, Thomas Morton and William Keath or any three of them (being first sworn) do view and mark out the best and most convenient way for a road from Hunsakers mill to Greenville to Intersect the road leading from Smiths Ferry to Greenville and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Lenox Rose be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Wards field to Kicheloes road in the room and place of Isaac Davis and that he together with the hands heretofore alloted to said Davis open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

On the motion of Elias Smith one of the Executors of John Smith Deceased be leave of the Court the Said Elias Smith delivers up John Spunkle and Jacob Kizer the ferry of the said Smith Deceased on Green River commonly know by the name of Smiths ferry.

Elijah Wilson - Appellant
against - on an appeal
Samuel Handley - Appellee
This [day] came the parties aforesaid by their attorneys and the Testimony being heard as well in behalf of the Appellant as the said Appellee It is therefore considered by the Court that the Judgment below entered up by John Vaught Esquire be reversed and that the Said appellant recover against the said appellee his Costs by him In and about this Suit expended and the Said appellee in mercy &c.

Ordered that Elijah Wilson pay John Rhoads and Jacob Rhoads for one days attendance as witness for him against Samuel Handley.

On the motion of Jacob Hunsaker It is ordered that a Ferry be Established on his Land on Mud River at his mill upon his giving bond and Security in the clerks office agreeably to Law and that the rates of Ferriage be as follows towit
For a man single 4½ D [Dollars?]
For a horse single 4½ D

436. William Takins this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

On the motion of Nicholas Lockermann assignee of Henry Keath who produced Satisfactory proof to the Court they are of opinion that he have leave to remove his Certificate No. 80 It having been heretofore laid on appropriated Land.

A Deed of Gift from Charles Morgan of the one part and Armsted Morehead of the other part was acknowledged by the Said Morgan a party thereto to be his act and Deed and ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Jacob Hunsaker leave is granted him to keep a Tavern at his ferry on Mud River whereupon with William McCommon as his Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty and Conditioned as the Law directs.

Present Elisha Uzzell Esquire

Ordered that William Bell, Robert Robertson, Jeremiah Langley and Jesse Kirby(?) or any three of them (being first sworn) do view the roads leading from Mortons ferry to Greenville and from Culbertsons ferry to Greenville and report the nearest & the Conveniences and inconveniences of both ways and also to Say how or where they ought to intersect.

John Garvin came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 334 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

Absent all except Thomas Irvin, Charles Lewis and Solomon Rhoads Esquire

437. John Garvin this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land adjoining Sharp Garris agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that it be Certified that John Bowen Esquire is a man of honesty, probity and good demeanor.

438. Stephen Wiley this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that Charles Lewis and Thomas Irvin Esquires be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to Settle with the Sheriff of this County for the Collection of the County levy for the last year and also with the Trustees of the Town of Greenville and make report thereof to the next Court.

Ordered that Charles Lewis Esquire be and he is hereby Exempt from being an Overseer of the road from Alcocks Creek to Christian County line.

A List of delinquents was returned by Samuel Weir Deputy Sheriff for James Craig late Sheriff of this county which being Examined Sworn to and allowed Is ordered to Certified accordingly to the Auditor of public accounts.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course the minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Charles Lewis JP

21 Nov 1803, pages 304 - 310

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 21st day of November 1803

Present Thomas Irvin, Charles Lewis & Joseph Arnold - Esquires.

Jacob Groves this day came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 222 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

439. Jacob Groves this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Long Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

440. Joshua Elkins this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Cany as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

441. Jeremiah Arnold this day claimed a right to one hundred and fifty acres of Land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

442. Joseph Arnold this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Henry Davis came into Court and relinquished his certificate No. 142 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

443. Henry Davis this day claimed a right to three hundred acres of Land on Caney a branch of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

444. Moses Wood this day claimed a right to one hundred acres of Land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

445. James Wilcox this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the Sand Lick fork of Pond Creek agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Jesse Kirby came into Court and relinquished his certificate No. 232 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

446. Jesse Kirby this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on the Elk Pond Creek as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

John Grayson this day came into Court and relinquished his certificate No. 275 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

447. John Grayson this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Joseph Arnold Senior came into Court and relinquished his former certificate No. 354 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

448. Joseph Arnold this day claimed a right to one hundred and Sixty acres of Land as his additional claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Joseph Arnold Junior came into Court and relinquished his certificate No. 186 which was heretofore granted him this Court.

449. Joseph Arnold Junior this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Cypress agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

Present William Bradford Esquire

Absent Joseph Arnold Esquire

The Court received of John Dennis the undertaker of the stray pen of this County and thereupon the Said John exhibited his account against this County for building of the Same amounting to twenty four dollars which being examined and allowed is ordered to be certified to the county Court of claims.

Ordered that Peter Boggess be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Greenville to Pond Creek in the room and place of Thomas Salsberry who is exempt and that he together with the hands heretofore allotted to said Salsberry open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Abner Luce be and he is hereby exempted from acting as overseer of the road from Rays ferry to intersect the road leading from Smiths ferry.

Ordered that David Robertson be and he is hereby exempted from acting as an overseer of the road leading from Greenville to Adairs Lick.

Present Joseph Arnold, Matthew Adams and Solomon Rhoads Esquires

Ordered that the Clerk of this Court bind to William McCommon John Stone of Eleven years of age the 29th day of last July the son of Elizabeth Stone until he arrives to the age of twenty one years to learn the art and trade of farming and the said McCommon to bind himself to give the said John a [tutorial?] education reading and writing and common arithmatic including the rule of three and two new Suits of Clothes and a horse to be valued to fifty dollars at the expiration of his Said apprenticeship.

Ordered that the Clerk bind to William McCommon Nancy Stone of Seven years old the 25th day of last September daughter of Elizabeth Stone until she arrives to the age of 18 years to learn the art & trade of Spinning according to Law.

John Tyler Junior orphan of Richard Tyler deceased comes into Court and made choice of John Grady for his guardian who together with William Wilkins his Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand dollars conditioned as the law Directs for the safe keeping of said orphan's estate.

On the motion of Jesse Satterfield who produced Satisfactory proof to the Court they are of Opinion that he have leave to remove his commissioners Certificate No. 3277 for two hundred acres of Land on Clifty it having heretofore been laid on appropriated Land.

The Court proceeded to lay the County levy as follows towit
The County made debtor to (Dollars. Cents)

To Samuel Weir Sheriff for ex-officio Services39.34
To John S. Graves for one grown wolf head1.33 1/3
To Phillip Graves for ditto1.33 1/3
Andrew Worthington for ditto1.33 1/3
To John Grayson for same1.33 1/3
To William Imler for ditto1.33 1/3
Simon Vaught for ditto1.33 1/3
To Epps Littlepage for one grown wolf head1.33 3 1/3
To Charles Lewis for one wolf head under six months.66 6 2/3
To Isaac Davis for Services as constable1.00 0
To Charles Lewis for three days as Judge of the Elections3.00 0
To Lewis Kincheloe for ditto3.00 0
To Jesse Reno as Clerk of the Same3.00 0
To Charles Lewis for two days Services in Settling with Sheriff2.00 0
To Thomas Irvin for ditto2.00 0
To Alney McLean for two days as Clerk to the Commissioners2.00 0
To the balance due from the County on last Settlement98.25 0
To James Weir for comparing polls at Livingston in 1801 & other Serv20.00 0
To John Dennis for making Stray pen24.00 0
To Charles F. Wing Clerk to this Court for exofficio Services40.00 0
To Robert Coleman for Balance due in 180126.23 0
To Christopher Tompkins attorney for the Commonwealth20.00 0
294.82 3
To Sheriffs Commission for collecting the Same20.00 0
$314.82 3

Ordered that the Sheriff of this County Collect four Shillings & six pence from each tithe Subject to pay County levy and pay the County creditors and the balance retain in his hands Subject to the further order of this Court.

The persons appointed for that purpose of viewing and marking out a road leading from Hunsakers mill to intersect the road that leads from Smiths ferry to Greenville made the following report towit “Being Sworn we the majority of the within named Solomon Rhoads, Thomas Morton and Joseph Warden hath reviewed the within directed road Beginning a[t] Jacob Hunsakers thence through said Mortons land thence through said Wardens land thence through George Mattis's land thence through Said Rhoads's Land thence through Henry Rhoads's Land thence through Wettys Land So as to intersect agreeably to the within order” Solomon Rhoads, Thomas Morton & Joseph Warden - Esquires

And It appearing to the Satisfaction of the Court that the proprietors of the Land through which the Same viewed has Consented thereto It is ordered that the Same be established accordingly.

Ordered that Thomas Morton be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Hunsakers mill to where it intersects the road leading from Smiths ferry to Greenville and that he together with the hands living in the following precinct towit Beginning at Stoms ferry on Greenriver and including all the hands between the Said Road Rocky and Greenriver open and keep the same in repair fifteen feet wide agreeably to Law.

Ordered that Jesse Jackson be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Solomon Rhoads's to Greenville and that he together with the hands living within three miles of the road on each side open and keep the Same in repair 15 feet wife as the Law directs.

Francis Posey came into Court and relinquished his certificate No. 271 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

450. Francis Posey this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted him accordingly.

451. Walter Adams this day claimed [a right] to two hundred acres of Land as his additional Claim agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Epps Littlepage came into Court and relinquished his Certificate No. 71 which was heretofore granted him by this Court.

452. Eppes Littlepage this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land on Pond River agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that Edward Jarvis be and her is hereby appointed Surveyor of that part of the road from Greenville to Harris branch as it leads to Littlepages ferry and that Michael Goodnight be and he is hereby appointed to allot the Said Jarvis the hands and that Said Jarvis together with the hands that will be allotted him open & keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Eppes Littlepage be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Said Littlepages Ferry from where Harrises branch crosses Said road to Said Ferry and that he together with the following hands towit Sharp Garris, Thomas Garris, Joseph Garris, Benjamin Garris, Sikes Garris, Elisha Uzzell, Eli Smith, George Lovelace, William Lovelace, John Hopkins, Vacheal Lovelace, David Evans, John Bryant, George Baker, James, Andrew, Benjamin and Samuel Worthingtons, Tarrington Harris, William Inman, Mercher Oyler, John Anderson, Willis Wilkins, Hugh McCombs, Matthew Ward, Joseph Arnold Sr., Josiah Arnold Senior, Joseph Arnold Junior, Josiah Arnold Junior, James Arnold, Daniel Rhoads, William Laurance and James Worthington Sr. open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. William Bradford

19 Dec 1803, pages 310 - 314

At a County Court held for Muhlenberg County at the Courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 19th day of December 1803.

Present Charles Lewis, Thomas Irvin, Solomon Rhoads & William Garrard - Esquires

On the recommendation of Charles F. Wing Clerk of this Court Armstead Morehead Esquire was Sworn his deputy.

Ordered that Isaac Davis late Sheriff be and he is hereby appointed Collector of the County levy for the present year and who together with James Weir and William Weir his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of two thousand dollars Conditioned as the Law directs.

Issac Davis Esquire Sheriff of this County came into Court and together with James Weir & William Weir his Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of Ten thousand dollars conditioned as the Law directs for the Collection of the revenue Tax for the present year which bond reads in the words and figures as follows towit Know all men by these presents that we Isaac Davis, James Weir and William Weir are held and firmly bound unto James Garrard esquire Governor of Kentucky in the penalty of ten thousand dollars Current money the payment of which well and truly to be made to the Said Governor and his Successors in office we bind our selves our Heirs &c. Jointly & Severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our seals and dated the 19th day of December 1803.
The Condition of the above obligation is Such that if the above bound Isaac Davis Sheriff of Muhlenberg County Shall well and truly and faithfully pay and account for all taxes and Interest which is or may become due according to Law which ought to be collected by him for the year 1804 & pay into the Treasury of the Commonwealth then the above obligation to be void Else to remain in full force Isaac Davis (Seal), James Weir (Seal), William Weir (Seal) Executed in the presence of the Court.

Moses Wood's Stockmark a Swallow fork and a Slit in each ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that the following hands be and they are hereby allotted to the overseers of the road from Greenville to Adairs Lick towit Phillip Stom, John Stom Jr., [blank space] Stephenson, Samuel Allison, Saml. Adams, John Adams Jr., Thomas Littlepage, John Dobyns and Charles Crouch and that he open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that the following hands be and they are hereby added to the list of hands heretofore allotted to the overseer of the road from Christian County line to Adairs Lick as follows towit John Grigsby, Frederick Phillips, Samuel Grigsby, Willis Cornwell, Dempsey Cornwell, Daniel Groves, Joseph Groves, Jonathan Groves, William Weir, Samuel Tharp, Thomas Garrard, Joseph Humphreys, Peter Groves and Thomas Tetterton and the Said Surveyor together with the above allotted hands and them heretofore allotted open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that John Dobyns be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Adairs Lick and that he together with the hands heretofore allotted to Said Road open and keep the Same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that George Humphreys be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Adairs Lick to Christian County line and that he together with the hands heretofore allotted to Said road open and keep the Same [in] repair fifteen feet wide as the Law directs.

Ordered that [the] following hands be allotted to Peter Boggus [Boggess] Overseer of the road from Greenville to Pond Creek on a direction to Russellville as follows towit John Dennis, Thomas Dennis, Frederick Miller, Jacob Casebier, George Miller, Robert Robertson, David Rovertson [Robertson], Thomas Salsberry and that the overseer aforesaid together with the hands heretofore allotted to him and above hands open and keep the same [in] repair fifteen feet wide as the Law directs.

Ordered that Warren Boggess be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Pond Creek Bells old field in the room and place of Henry Uncell who is exempt and that he together with the hands heretofore allotted to said Unsell open and keep the same in repair as the Law directs.

Ordered that William Standley be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Greenville to Earles mill in the room and place of Benjamin Garris who having removed from this County and that he together with the following hands towit Thomas Grayson, William Grayson and negro, John Grayson, Jesse Oates and three negroes & Son, John Earle & two negroes Open and keep the Same in repair fifteen feet wide as the Law directs.

453. Carneal Alcock this day claimed a right to four hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that the present Sheriff pay the late Sheriff of this county the Sum of nineteen Dollars and Sixty Seven Cents it being one half of the allowance made at the last Court for Exofficio Services done by the Said Sheriff.

Ordered that George Hunsaker be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from Stoms ferry on Greenriver to where Solomon Penrod Begins and that he together with the following hands Towit Samuel Weir, Gilbert Vaught, John Vaught, Simon Vaught, Elias Smith, Samuel Fulton, Matthias Zimmerman, John Zimmerman, Edward Williams, Ephriam Williams, James McLaughlen, Zebulon Matthews, Joseph Welty, John Rhoads open and keep the Same in repair fifteen feet wide as the Law directs.

Present Matthew Adams and Elisha Uzzell Esquire

Ordered that John Ash be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the road from William Bells old field to Armstrongs mill and that he together with the following hands towit Isaac Newman, William Bell, Johnathan Vancleave, [blank space] Levingston, William Hynes, Jesse McPherson, Abraham Billings, Nicholas Lockerman, John Bowers, Jacob Bowers, Alexander Whitaker, James Welborn & John Humphreys open and keep the same in repair thirty feet wide as the Law directs.

Walcot C.U. Greenwood's [or Walcot C. Underwoods] Stockmark a crop off each ear on his motion is ordered to be recorded.

454. William Standly this day claimed a right to two hundred acres of Land agreeably to entry filed which is granted accordingly.

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course. The minutes of these proceedings were Signed. Charles Lewis

Updated January 30, 2020