Muhlenberg County Kentucky

Old Muhlenberg Map

County Court Records

County Court Orders 1844

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 92 - January Term 1844

At a county court began & held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 29th day of January 1844.

Present John Campbell, Strother Jones, Moses Wickliffe

On the motion of John B. Staples, his stock mark is ordered to be entered of record towit, “Two crosses and a split in the right ear” January 20th 1844

A settlement made with David Oates, guardian to Elizabeth Boggess, orphan of Lemual Boggess deceased, was again returned to court which being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with David Oates, guardian to C.H. Boggess, was again exhibited in to court, which being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with D. Oates, guardian of Presley M. Boggess, was again exhibited in to court, which being examined and approved of is ordered to be reocrded. [Image]

A settlement with D. Oates, guardian to Richard O. Boggess, was again returned in to court, which being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with D. Oates, guardian for Lemuel Boggess, was again exhibitied in to court, which being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

Also a general settlement made with D. Oates, guardian for all the heirs of Lemuel Boggess deceased, was again exhibited in to court & being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with A.M. Newman, Admr. of Jacob Newman deceased, was again exhibited in to court & being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded.

A settlement with John J. Wells, Admr. of Uriah Shurley deceased, was again returned to court & being examined & approved is ordered to be recorded.

A settlement with John Bland, Admr. of Fildred Holloman deceased, was again exhibited in to court & being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 93 - January Term 1844

James Taggart Esqr. who was heretofore appointed a committee to sell & dispose of certain estate belonging to William Smith pauper, reported that he had sold property to the amount of [see image] & taken bonds from the purchasers payable to the county court of Muhlenberg within 12 months. He also reported that he had sold other property belonging to said Smith to the amount of six dollards & for which no bond has yet been taken but will be returned in a short time, which report & bonds were received by the court & placed in the hands of the clerk subject to further order. Ordered that James Taggart be allowed the sum of seven dollars & fifty cents to be paid out of the amount of the bonds returned when the same shall have been collected. [Image]

Ephraim M. Brank who has been commissioned surveyor of Muhlenberg County came into court and together with William C. McNary & B.E. Pittman, his security, executed bond in the penalty of five hundred pounds conditioned as the law directs.

An indenture of apprentice between Charles F. Wing, clerk of this court, & John Bland was exhibited in to court & acknowledged by the said Wing to be his act and deed & proved to be the act and deed of said Bland by the oaths of B.E. Pittman & W.H.C. Wing, subscribing witnesses thereto, & ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that summons issue against I.C. Jarvis, Reuben Stroud & George Mefford, returnable to the next court to show course why they failed to enter in to certain indentures as per order of court.

Ordered that the court be adjourned until tomorrow morrning at 11 o'clock.
John Campbell JP

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 94 - January & February Terms 1844

Tuesday the 30th day of January 1844

Present Charles Tyler, Moses Wickliffe, & R.S. Russell & John Campbell

Inventory & appraisement of the estate of Mathias Ham deceased was exhibited in to court & being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded.

{fee paid} Inventory & appraisement of the estate of Parker Lucas deceased was exhibited in to court & being examined and approved os is ordered to be recorded.

Bennet D. Bailey, sheriff of the county of Muhlenberg, came into court and together with John S. Eaves & Sanders Eaves, his security, entered into and acknowledged his bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars conditioned for the collection of the revenue tax as the law directs.

Bennet D. Bailey, sheriff, came into court & together with Sanders Eaves & John S. Eaves, his security, executed bond in the penalty of three thousand dollars for the collection of the county levy for the year 1844 levied in the year 1843, conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course.
Moses Wickliffe

At a county court began & held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 26th day of February 1844

Present Moses Wickliffe, Solomon Rhoads, J.W.I. Godman, D.T. Short

The last will & testament of William B. Sketoe deceased was produced in to court and proved to be the act & deed of the said Sketoe by the oaths of Kinchen G. Hay and Jacob N. Coffman, the subscribing witnesses thereto, & thereupon ordered to be recorded. James N. Nall, the exectuor named in the last will & testament of William B. Sketoe, having refused to qualify, thereupon William Nall the alternate named in said will took the oath prescribed&hellip

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 95 - February Term 1844

…by law & on his motion, certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereon in due form of law who thereupon together with James Nall & Cornelius Drake, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $500 conditioned as the law directs.

Present John Campbell, Strother Jones Esqrs.

Ordered that John Vikcers, William Huston, William Welch & Thomas Worthington or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of William B. Sketoe deceased & that the Administrator Executor return an inventory thereof as the law directs.

Ordered that Thomas J. Anthony be and he is hereby appointed surveyor of that part of the public road leading from Greenville to Lewisberg whereof Ephraim Durall was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly alloted said Durall open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Present William Martin, Charles Tyler

Indenture of an apprectice from Charles F. Wing, clerk to this court, to S.D. Chatham, was exhibited in to court & ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Thomas Combs, who is desirous of an alteration of that part of the road leading from Millport to James Nicholls as it passes the farm of said Combs, ordered that Jacob Shutt, Jacob Gish, Joel Overholts & Jacob Coffman or any three of them being first sworn, view and examine & mark out an alteration of said road & report the conveniences & inconveniences of both the old & new ways as the law directs.

A settlement made with William C. McNary one of the Administrators of B.C. Bennett deceased was returned in to court & being examined is ordered to lie over until the next court.

A settlement with the same as Admr. of the same same order.

Present R.S. Russell Esqr.

A settlement with the paymaster of the 40th Regiment of Kentucky Militia was exhibited in to court & ordered to be recorded.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 96 - February Term 1844

{fee paid} On the motion of Thomas G. Martin (a majority of all the Justices in commission being present and concurring therein), who made oath as the law directs, license is granted him to keep a tavern at his house in Rumsey, who thereupon together with Andrew Glenn & William C. McNary, his security, executed bond in the penalty & condition as the law directs.

A settlement made with James Warner Admr. of John S. Young deceased was exhibited in to court & being examined is ordered to lie over until the next court.

A settlement made with Lewis Watkins, guardian for James W. Bennett, orphan of B.C. Bennett deceased, was exhibited in to court & ordered to lie over. [Image]

A settlement with the same as guardian for John Bennett same order. [Image]

A settlement with the same guardian for Charles Willis Bennett, orphan of B.C. Bennett deceased, same order. [Image]

A settlement with Stephen Watkins, guardian for Samuel W. Bennett, orphan of B.C. Bennett deceased, ordered to lie over. [Image]

Settlement made with Stephen Watkins, guardian for Bryan Bennett, same order. [Image]

A settlement with the same, guardian for Edward R. Bennett, orphan of B.C. Bennett, was exhibited in to court & ordered to lie over. [Image]

{fee paid} On the motion of Milton W. Gibbs, the court appointed him constable in & for the town of Greenville in the place of Charles Bell whose term has expired, who took the oaths prescribed by law & together with Peter H. Baker, John C. Gibbs & B.E. Pittman, his security, executed bond in the penalty of two thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs.

The court (a majority being present & concurring therein) appointed John Baxter constable in the district in which he formerly acted, who thereupon…

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 97 - February Term 1844

…took the oaths prescribed by law and together with Benjamin S. Young, William C. McNary & William A. Eaves, his security, executed bond in the penalty of two thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs.

The court appointed William G. Jones commissioner of the tax in the lower district in & for Muhlenberg County who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law & together with V.L. Dillingham & William W. Hancock, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $500 conditioned as the law directs.

The court appointed Jacob Bodine commissioner of the tax in the uppoer battalion in Muhlenberg County who took the oaths prescribed by law & together with Benjamin S. Young & Robert Wickliffe, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $500 conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that Jesse Bates be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Rumsey whereof Jesse Ross was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted said Ross open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

On the motion of James E. Coleman, ordered that Joseph L. McIntire, Lewis Watkins, Jesse Millard & James E. Coleman, or any three of them being first sworn, view & mark out the best & most convenient way for a road to lead from the Carrollton Road near Zecheriah Stroud's farm to intersect the Madisonville Raod near Theophilus Watkins's farm & that they report to court as the law directs.

A sale bill of the estate of Robert Robertson deceased was exhibited in to court by the Executor thereof & ordered to be recorded.

The Commonwealth against I.C. Jarvis, Reuben Stroud & George Mefford on a summons. Ordered that an alias summons be awarded against the said defendants returnable here at the next court.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 98 - February Term 1844

The last will and testament of Elizabeth Vaught deceased was exhibited in to court and proved to be the act and deed of said Elizabeth Vaught by the oaths of Simeon Vaught & Simon Vaught, subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded.

The Revd. Joseph L. Gregory produced in to court satisfactory evidence of his being in regular communion with the Methodist Episcopal Church, permission is thereupon granted him to solemnize the rites of matrimony, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law and together with Isaac Johnson, his security, executed bond in the penalty & condition as the law directs. [Image]

{fee paid} On the motion of Wilson G. Cates, it is ordered that his stock mark be entered of record as follows towit a crop off the right ear & a swallow fork in the left ear. [Image]

On the motion of Andrew Craig who made oath as the law directs, the court appointed him guardian for Mary Ann Robertson, Lourania Robertson & Sarah Jane Robertson, orphans of Thomas Robertson deceased, who thereupon together with James B. Hancock, Wiley S. Hay & Jackson J. Robertson, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $500 conditioned as the law directs. [Image]

On the motion of Francis S. Vaught, the court appointed him Executor of the law will & testament of Elizabeth Vaught deceased & certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereon, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law & together with Joseph Milligan and Jesse Moore, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $200 conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course.
Chas. Tyler JP

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 99 - April Term 1844

At a county court began and held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 29th day of April 1844

Present John Campbell, Wm. M. Moore, William Martin, S.M. Wilkins, E.S. Baker, Strother Jones, I.J. Baker, James W. Poag, Jno. W. I. Godman

A settlement made with William Bell Sr., guardian for Elizabeth Willis, was exhibited in to court and being examined, is ordered to lie over till the next term. [Image]

A settlement with William Bell, curator of the estate of C.W.H. Bailey deceased, was exhibited in to court & being examined, is ordered to lie over till the next term.

A settlement with William C. McNary, Admr. of B.C. Bennett decd., was again returned in to court and being examined, & the same having laid over one term, is now ordered to record. [Image]

A settlement made with Stephen Watkins, guardian for S.W. Bennet, orphan of B.C. Bennet decd., having laid over one term, was again returned to court & ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with Stephen Watkins, guardian for E.R. Bennet, orphan of B.C. Bennett, was again returned to court & having laid over one term, is now ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with Stephen Watkins, guardian for Bryan Bennett, orphan of B.C. Bennett, was again returned to court and having laid over one term, is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with Wm. C. McNary, one of the Admrs. of B.C. Bennet decd., was again returned in to court & having laid over one term, is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with Lewis Watkins, guardian for John Bennet, orphan of B.C. Bennett decd., was exhibited in to court & having laid over one term, is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with the same, guardian for C.W. Bennett, orphan of B.C. Bennett decd., was returned in to court & having laid over one term, is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with the same as guardian for James W. Bennet, orphan of B.C. Bennet decd., was returned in to court & having laid over one term, is ordered to be recorded. [Image]

A settlement with James Waraner [sic - Warner], Admr. of John S. Young deceased, was again returned to court & having laid over one term is ordered to be recorded.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 100 - April Term 1844

Ordered that John Campbell & R.S. Russell Esqrs. be appointed judges for the purpose of holding & conducting the election for trustees in & for the town of Greenville agreeably to the law now in force.

On the motion of Barnabas W. Rhoads, it is ordered that Benjamin Casebier, Jacob Bodine, Robert Cundiff, Greenbury Roll, or any three of them, be appointed viewers to view & mark out an alteration of that part of the road leading from Skilesville to Lewisberg that lies between Smalls Bridge on Pond Creek & said Rhoads & make report as the law directs.

On the motion of John Baxter, who made oath as the law directs, (the widow by her writing refusing to qualify), the court appointed him Administartor of the estate of John Kittinger deceased. Certificate is thereupon granted him for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of said decedant , who thereupon together with Joseph Kittinger & Joseph Milligan, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $500 conditioned as the law directs. [Image]

Ordered that John Stroud, George Young, James Tinsley & James W. Poag, or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of the said decedant & that the Administrator return an inventory thereof as the law directs. [Image]

On the motion of Thomas L. Martin, the court (a majority being present & concurring therein) appointed him constable in the district in which he formerly acted, 8th district, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law & together with William Martin, Joseph C. Reynolds, Mosely P. Wells & James B. Hancock, his security, entered in to and acknowledged their bond in the penalty & condition as the law directs.

{fee paid} On the motion of Alexander Campbell, the court (a majority concurring therein) appointed him constable in the district in which he formerly acted, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law and thereupon together with Paschal L. Towne, William A. Eaves, his security, executed bond as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 101 - April Term 1844

{$1 paid} The Commonwealth, Plaintiff, against Reuben Stroud, Defendant, on a summons
The defendant appeared in court and offered his excuse which was sustained by the court, it is therefore ordered by the court that the prosecution be dismissed at the costs of the defendant.

Jacob P. Bodine, commissioner in the lower battalion, returned in to court his book which was received by the court.

On the motion of Wesley M. Calvert, one of the heirs of Bennet G. Calvert decd., & who files the written petition of the other heirs, it is ordered that Ephraim M. Brank, Benajmin S. Young, Peter Shaver & Moses Wickliffe, or any three of them being first sworn, be appointed commissioners to divide the real estate, lands, negroes &c. of said decedant among the several heirs and make report thereof as the law directs. [Image]

Ordered that Lovet Whitney be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Bowling Green that lies between firsts [sic] mill to the crossroads & that he with John Smith, Wm. Smith, James Hughes, John Wood, Zilman Wood, Martin Blain, Joseph Bolin & I.J. Baker, open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Thomas N. Mann be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Owensbor [sic - Owensboro] that lies between Lewisberg Road & the branch at E. Batsells and that he with the hands formerly allotted Henry Drury, open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that John W. Yonts be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Lewisberg to Skilesville whereof George Y. Kerkendall [Kuykendall] was overseer & that he with the hands formerly allotted him open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 102 - April Term 1844

On the motion of S.D. Underwood, it is ordered that Thomas Morgan, Robert Branscomb, John Curtis, Thomas Vincent, or any three of them being first sworn, view & mark out an atleration of that part of the road leading from the Madisonville Road to Millport as the same passes the farm of said Underwood & make report thereof as the law directs.

Ordered that Daniel Kittinger be appointed survyeor of that part of the road leading to Williams' ferry on Green River whereof Thompson B. Smith was surveyor and that he with the hands formerly allotted said Smith open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that James Miller be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leaeding from Lewisberg to Madisonville whereof Charles Watkins was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that William C. McNary be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Madisonville whereof Jason Mercer was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that William McCowen be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Russellville whereof William Bell Jr. was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly alloted said Bell open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Daniel Gates be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Elkton whereof Joshua Elkins was surveyor and that he with the hands formerly allotted said Elkins open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 103 - April Term 1844

Ordered that James Casebier be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Morgantown whereof Joseph Adcock was surveyor and that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that John S. Eaves be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Clarks ferry to Rumsey that lies between the ferry & the top of the Rocky hill & that he with his own hands & his sons open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that J.M.D. Martin be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Clarks ferry to Rumsey that lies between the top of the hill & the mouth of James Irvins lane & that he with Hugh Martin, Moses Stanley, James & Saml. Arnett & Barney Wilkins open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that John Morgan be appointed overseer of that part of the road leading from Clarks ferry to Millport that lies between the mouth of James Irvins lane & Millport & that he with Wm. Morgan, Daniel Morgan, James Morgan, Samuel & Oscar Earle open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wides as the law directs.

Ordered that Alney M. Tolbert, Benjamin Welborn, Isaac Newman, Willis Kirtley, William Mefford and Mathias Cane be added to the precinct of the road whereof Joseph Jones is surveyor & that he open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Franklin Gray be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Russellville whereof J.W. Grable was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 104 - April Term 1844

Ordered that Green R. Craig be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Elkton whereof Joshua Tetterton was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted said Tetterton open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Oliver Kimley be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Vaughts mill whereof Jefferson Dennis is surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted said Dennis open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that William Highley be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Madisonville whereof Simeon Roark was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that the boundary of the precinct of the road leading from Greenville to Hopkinsville whereof James Wells is surveyor be extended up Pond River so as to include Jacob Dukes & James Johnson.

Ordered that Jarrod Wallace be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Carrolton to Madisonville whereof Silas Taylor is surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted said Taylor open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Joseph Turner be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leaeding from Greenville to Hopkinsville whereof Charles Medsker [Metzker] was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that William Dukes be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Boggess's mill whereof Frederick Unsell was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that the appeal case of Armstrong against Jeremiah Cobb stand continued.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 105 - April Term 1844

Ordered that Zacharias Stroud be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Carrolton to the intersection of the Madisonville Road whereof John Noftsinger was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Andrew Glenn be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Vaughts mill whereof Benjamin Casebier was formerly surveyor and that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that John Danner be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Lewsiberg to Rumsey whereof Thomas Drake was surveyor lying between Daniel Landis's & Peter Watkins & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Henry Jernigan be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Morgantown whereof Hiram Luckett was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Wesley G. Langley be appointed surveyor of the road leading from Greenville to Lewisberg to whereof John Stroud was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Andrew Kittinger be appointed surveyor of that part of the public highway leading from Nicholls crossroads to Millport whereof Michael Whitmer was surveyor & that he witht the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Jacob Hill be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Rumsey whereof Jesse Welch was surveyor lying between the south fork of Cypress & Daniel Landis's old place & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 106 - April Term 1844

Ordered that Cornelius Drake be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Hustons ferry whereof Charles Robinson was surveyor lying between the middle of the Thoroughfare & the northeast each of John Fentress's lane & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that John Dame be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Madisonville to Rumsey that lies between J.J. Rusts & Rumsey & that he together with William Nall & the hands in the following bounds Beginning at the mouth of the Pond drane [drain?] running up the same to where the road leading from Vickers to D.S. Bakers crosses thence along said road to D.S. Bakers including him, thence to Samuel Bakers including him, thence on a straight line to include J.J. Rust, thence a straight line to include Benj. Pitts thence down the road to the old ford on Cypress, thence up the creek & to the Beginning, open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

The persons appointed for that purpose reported that they had viewed & marked out an alteration of that a way for a road to lead from Carrolton Road near Zachariah Strouds farm to the intersection of the Madisonville Road at Theophilus Watkins farm which was received & said road established.

Ordered that Lewis Watkins be appointed overseer & together with Joseph L. McIntire & hands, Theophilus Watkins, James E. Coleman, Robert Wright, John Reed, Isaac Reed, Joseph Gish & Jesse Millard & hands open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that a summons be awarded against Samuel J. Grable, Administrator of Christopher Grable deceased, to show cause she he failed to appear here at this term in obedience to the notice executed on him in favour of Isaac Newman & why he may not give counter or futher secuirty as Administrator aforesaid, returnable here at the next court.

Andrew J. Edwards, Appellant, against Duncan Moore, Appellee, on an appeal
The parties not being ready by consent, it is ordered that this suit be continued until the next court.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 107 - April & May Terms 1844

The persons appointed for that purpose reported that they had viewed & marked out an alteration of that part of the road leading from Skilesville to Lewisberg that lies between B.W. Rhoads farm & Pond Creek which was received & said alteration established.

The declaration of Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, the widow & relict of Richard D. Reynolds deceased, a Revolutionary pensioner who applies for the benefit of an act of Congress granting persions to widows &c. was exhibited in to court and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the said Nancy Reynolds is seventy eight years of age, & being from bodily infirmity unable to attend the court in person, the following order was entered: At a county court duly organized, began & holden at the town of Greenville in & for the county of Muhlenberg and state of Kentucky, on Monday the 29th day of April 1844, it is ordered by the court to be certified & recorded, that the proceedings in the matter of the application of Mrs. Nancy Reynolds for a pension, had before Robert S. Russell Esqr. on the 26th day of April 1844, be and the same are now submitted to the court, and are now approved and sactioned by the court, and that the said proceedings are entitled to as full faith and credit as though they had been made in open court. It is further ordered to be certified and recorded that it satisfactorially appears to the court that the said Mrs. Nancy Reynolds is by reason of bodily infirmity prevented from appearing in open court. [Image]

Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course
John Campbell JP

At a county court began and held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 27th day of May 1844. Present John Campbell, Wm. Martin, Solomon Rhoads, Strother Jones, Moses Wickliffe, John Bland, I.J. Baker, R.S. Russell

John B. Armstrong, Plaintiff, against Jeremiah Cobb, Defendant, on an appeal
Ordered that this suit be continued until the next court with an alias summons.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 108 - May Term 1844

Duncan Moore, Plaintiff, against A.J. Edwards, Defendant, on an appeal
Ordered that this suit be continued until the next court with an alias summons against the defendant.

The Commonwealth, Plaintiff, against S.J. Grable Admr. of C. Grable, Defendant, on a notice
Ordered that a summons be awarded herein against the defendant, returnable here at the next court.

{copd.} Ordered that Jacob Bodine commissioner of the tax for the year 1844 in the upper battalion for this county be allowed sixty two dollars for 775 lists of taxable property taken in by him at 8 cents per list, deducting therefrom $12.40 cents, the 20 percentum thereon, which is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.

Inventory and appraisement of the estate of William B. Sketoe deceased was exhibited in to court by the Admr. & ordered to be recorded.

Sale bill of the same, same order.

Notice hereof having been given as the law directs, it is ordered that the public road leading from Culbertsons ford on Green River to Greenville be and the same is discontinued from said ford to the west end of Benjamin S. Youngs lane.

The last will and testament of Charles Ellis deceased was exhibited in to court and proved to be the act and deed of said Ellis by David S. Baker, a subscribing witness thereto, which is ordered to be certified.

Ordered that Richard Foster be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Elkton whereof William J.W. Rice was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly alloted, open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 109 - May Term 1844

Notice hereof being filed by Adlai Boyd & B.E. Pittman, securities of W.M. Calvert, Admr. of B.G. Calvert deceased, it is ordered that summons issue against said Administrator to show cause why he may not give further & additional security, returnable here at the next court.

Ordered that Thomas Morgan be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Clarks ferry to Millport that lies between the mouth of James Irvins lane & Millport & that he with William Morgan, Daniel Morgan, James Morgan, Samuel Earle & Oscar Earle, open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that Barnabas W. Rhoads be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Smalls Bridge to the mouth of Mud River that lies between said Bride & Jacobs Creek whereof James Howerton was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted him, open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

The commissioners appointed for that purpose reported a division of the real & personal estate of Bennet G. Calvert deceased which being examined and approved is confirmed. Ordered that the said commissioners make conveyance of the several lots of land in the division mentioned to the several heirs agreeable to said report & that they make report thereof to the next court.

Ordered that the present sheriff of this county pay to B.E. Pittman, twenty six dollars being the price of the chair furnished by him under an order of this court for the use of the judge of the Muhlenberg Circuit Court, which sum was advanced by said Pittman.

A settlement made with William Bell, curator of the state of W.H. Baley [Bailey] decd., was exhibited in to court & having laid over one term is ordered to be recorded.

Settlement with the same as guardian of Elizabeth Willis, orphan of Mary Willis decd., same order. [Image]

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 110 - May Term 1844

A settlement with Wesley M. Calvert, Administrator of Bennet G. Calvert deceased, was exhibited in to court & being examined is ordered to lie over until the next court.

On the motion of Thom J. Anthony, it is ordered that James T. Quissenberry [Quisenberry], Robert J. Cessna, Robert Jenkins and Thomas Barfield, or any three of them being first sworn, view & mark out an alteration of that part of the Morton Road lying between J.T. Quissenberrys & said Anthonys farm & make report thereof as the law directs.

William G. Jones, commissioner of the tax in the lower battalion for Muhlenberg County in the year 1844, exhibited his account against the Commonwealth amounting to sixty dollars & 16 cents for 752 lists returned by him with a deduction of $12.03 cents therefrom being the 20 percentum on the whole amount which is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.

Wiley S. Hay who is desirous of liberating his slave Willis came in to court and together with William Robinson & Wm. J.W. Rice, his security, executed bond in the penalty of one thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs.
Whereupon said slave Willis was brought in to court and after proper examination & measurement by the court, was found to be five feet six & a half inches big, stoutly built, weighing about one hundred & fifty pounds, dark complexion, black yees, the top of the head bald & about sixty two years of age which is ordered to be certified. [Image]

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 111 - May Term 1844

On the motion of Jonathan Short who is desirous of procuring a license to practice as a counselor & attorney at law, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that he is a gentleman of honesty, probity & good demeanor, the same is ordered to be certified to all whom it may concern. [Image]

Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course
John Campbell JP

[Note: end of page]

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 112 - June Term 1844

At a county court began and held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 24th day of June 1844. Present Wm. M. Moore, John Cambpell, E.S. Baker

A settlement made by the commissioners of account with Wesley M. Calvert, Administrator of B.G. Calvert deceased, was again returned in to court & having laid over one term is ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Abraham Dennis, Henry Jernigan, Hiram Luckett & Solomon Rhoads, or any three of them, be & they are hereby appointed commissioners to draft a plan fo a bridge to be built across Pond Creek at Ross's mill on the road leading from Greenville to Morgantown and that they let the same to the lowest bidder. It is further ordered that said commissioners are not to let the same for a greater sum than two hundred dollars.

Ordered that summons issue against William Kincheloe & Samuel Ferguson, Executors of William Kittinger decd., to show cause why they failed to settle with the commissioners of account as the law requires after being notified. [Image]

Inventory & appraisement of the state of Christopher Grable deceased was exhibited in to court by the Administrator & ordered to be recorded.

The persons appointed for that purpose reported that they had viewed & marked out an alteration of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Graves ferry as the same passes the farm of Thomas J. Anthony, which report was received. Ordered that said alteration be established and that Thomas J. Anthony & hands open the same 30 feet wide as the law directs.

{Unreadable notation in margin} The last will & testament of Charles Ellis deceased was exhibited in to court & proved to be the act & deed of said Ellis by the oaths of David Baker and Isaac Mize, subscribing witnesses thereto, & ordered to be recorded.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 113 - June Term 1844

On the motion of Josiah Ellis, the Executor named in the last will & testament of Charles Ellis deceased, who made oath as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereon, who thereupon together with David S. Baker & James F. Moore, his security, executed bond in the penalty of eight hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that David S. Baker, Samuel Baker, William Nall & Ralph Vickers, or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of said decedant & that the Executor return an inventory thereof.

Duncan Moore, Plaintiff, against Andrew J. Edwards, Defendant, on an appeal
This day came the parties by their attorneys and on motion of the plaintiff by his attorney, it is ordered that this suit be continued till the next court at the costs of said plaintiff.

J.B. Armstrong, Plaintiff, against Jeremiah Cobb, Defendant, on an appeal

The Commonwealth, Plaintiff, against S.J. Grable, Deft., on notice
Continued with alias

The Same, Plaintiff, against W.M. Calvert, Defendant, on a summons
This day came as will the attorney for the Commonwealth as the Defendant in his own proper person and by the direction of the court, it is ordered that Adlai Boyd & B.E. Pittman, his security, as in the Administartion bond be and they are hereby appointed released from their securityship, and it is further ordered that said defendant pay the costs herein.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 114 - June & July Terms 1844

Ordered that John Curtis, Alexander Stewart, James Stewart & George Vincent and Allen Morris be added to the precinct of the road leading from Greenville to Millport whereof James Vincent is surveyor.

Ordered that all the surveyors of roads in this county where ditches have been made, open & keep said ditches clear and keep them clear & clean on either side of the road from all & any obstruction to the free passage of the water thererin as the law requires.

Ordered that the court be adjourned.
Wm. M. Moore JP

At a county court began & held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 29th day of July 1844. Present Moses Wickliffe, Samuel M. Wilkins & Solomon Rhoads, E.S. Baker, I.J. Baker

A settlement with Samuel J. Grable, Admr. Christopher Grable deceased, was exhibited in to court & being examined is ordered to lie over till the next term.

Settlement with Gillis Mercer, guardian for Martin Uzzell, orphan of Thomas Uzzell deceased, was exhibited in to court & being examined, is ordered to lie over till next term. [Image]

A settlement with the same as guardian for Sarah Uzzell, orphan of Thomas Uzzell deceased, was returned in to court & being examined, is ordered to lie over till the next term. [Image]

The court proceeded to appoint judges & clerks to the elections to be held at the courthouse & precincts in this county for the ensuing year towit: At Greenville, Strother Jones and Samuel M. Wilkins, judges, & J.A. Stembridge, clerk.

At Rumsey, I.J. Baker & E.S. Baker, judges, & A.J. Rhoades, clerk.

At Skilesville, Solomon Rhoads & Moses Wickliffe, judges, & Samuel Rhoads, clerk.

Present William Martin Esqr.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 115 - July Term 1844

On the motion of Benjamin J. Shaver (Mrs. Polly Miller, widow of the decedant, having by her wriitn refused to take upon herself the burden) who made oath as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of Thompson Miller deceased, who thereupon together with Isaac Miller & Andrew Shaver, his security, executed bond in the penalty of four hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs. Ordered that Benjamin Coffman Jr., Peter Johnson, Esram [ink blot] Hendricks & Robert Stringer, or any three of them (being first sworn), appraise in current money the personal estate & slaves if any of said decedant & that the Administrator return an inventory thereof as the law directs. [Image]

Absent all but E.S. Baker, Jones, Martin & I.J. Baker

Duncan Moore, Plaintiff, against Andrew J. Edwards, Defendant, on an appeal
This day came the parties aforesaid by their attorneys and after hearing the testimony & the case being by the court fully understood, it is adjudged & ordered that the judgement of the justice below be confirmed & that the plaintiff recover of said defendant his costs hereby incurred & that he thereof have execution.

The last will & testament of Stephen Wilcox deceased was exhibited in to court & proved to be the act & deed of the said decedant by the oaths of Wiley S. Hay & Joshua Benton, subscribing witnesses thereto, & ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Wiley S. hay, the Executor named in the last will & testament of Stephen Wilcox deceased, who made oath as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereon, who thereupon together with James T. Quissenberry [Quisenberry], his security, executed bond in the penalty of five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that Thomas J. Anthony, Moses Wickliffe, James T. Quissenberry [Quisenberry] & Thomas G. Jernigan, or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of said decedant & that the Executor return an inventory thereof as the law directs.

On the motion of Thomas Combs, it is ordered that John Noftsinger, Benjamin Coffman Jr., Peter Johnson & James Wilkins, or any three of them being first sworn, view & mark out…

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 116 - July & August Terms 1844

…an alteration of that part of the public road leading from Madisonville to Hartford as the same passes the farm of David Combs & that they report the conveniences & inconvenicnes of both the old & new way as the law directs.

Ordered that Zacheriah Stroud be appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Carrolton to the intersection of the Madisonville Road whereof John Noftsinger was surveyor & that he with the hands in the following bounds, Beginning at the head of the lake in Cypress Swamp & extending to the Lewisberg & Madisonville Roads so as to include Samuel Lot, Benjamin Stewart, Elijah Wilkins, Josiah Wilkins, Elisha Wilkins, Isaac Gosset, Jacob Gosset, Joseph Noftsinger, Bradford Noftsinger, John Noftsinger & hands, John Reed, Isaac Reed & Robert Y. Wright, open & keep the same in repair 15 feet wide as the law directs.

John B. Armstrong, Plaintiff, against Jeremiah Cobb, Defendant, on an appeal

John[?] H. Rust, constable, whose time is about to expire came into court & moved for a reelection & a majority not being present said motion is continued.

Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course.
S.M. Wilkins JP

At a county court began & held for Muhlenberg County on Monday the 26th day of August 1844. Present Solomon Rhoads & Moses Wickliffe, Strother Jones

Settlement made with the Admr. of C.G. Grable deceased was returned in to court & being examined & approved of was accepted to, ordered to be referred back to the commissioners of account.

Settlement with Gillis Mercer, guardian for Martin Uzzell, was again returned in to court & being examined, is ordered to be recorded.

Same with the same as guardian for Sarah Uzzell, same order.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 117 - August Term 1844

On the motion of E.R. Dillingham, ordered that Matthew M. Oates be appointed surveyor of that part of the upper Madisonville Road whereof E.R. Dillingham was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly allotted said Dillingham except James Warner & Jesse Lee & son, open & keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Charles F. Wing, clerk to this court, exhibited his account against the Commonwealth for two well bound blank books for the use of his office, which being sworn to, examined and allowed is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.

Inventory & appraisement of the estate of Stephen Wilcox deceased was exhibited in to court by the Executor which is ordered to be recorded.

The persons appointed to let the building of the bridge across Pond Creek at Ross's mill as it leads to Morgantown made their report, and the bond taken from the undertaker was reported & being examined by the court & approved of is ordered to be filed.

Ordered that B.E. Oates, captain, William W. Oates, William A. Eaves & Richard B. Earle be appointed patrollers in the following bounds towit, Beginning at E.R. Dillinghams old farm on Pond River, thence with the road to Greenville, thence to Pond River so as to include Jesse Murphy, thence down the River to the Beginning, and that they be governoed by the laws now in force.

Absent Strother Jones
Prest Wm. Martin Esqr.

Indenture of apprentice between C.F. Wing, clerk to this court, & Jesse H. Reno was exhibited in to court, acknowledged & ordered to be recorded. Also an indenture of apprentice between C.F. Wing, clerk, & J.M. Bell, same order.

On the motion of John Campfield, who made oath as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of Ziba Campfield deceased, who thereupon together with Ira Campfield, Joseph Dupoister [Depoyster] & John L. Roark, his security, executed bond in the penalty of one thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that David Kimmel, Daniel Williams, Reuben Arndell & Israel J. Baker, or any three of them, be appointed…

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 118 - August & October Terms 1844

…appraisers to appraise in current money the personal estate of said decedant & that the said Admr. return an inventory thereof as the law directs.

John B. Armstrong, Plaintiff, against Jeremiah Cobb, Defendant, on an appeal
This day came the parties aforesaid by their attorneys and after hearing the testimony and the arguments of counsel, it is considered by the court that the judgement of the justice below be reversed & that the defendant go hence recover of the plaintiff his costs hereby incurred.

The Commonwealth, Plaintiff, against C.G. Grable, Defendant, on a summons

The Same, Plaintiff, against William Kincheloe &c., Defendant, on a summons

Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course
Moses Wickliffe

At a county court began and held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 28th day of October 1844.

Present William Martin, S.M. Wilkins, Strother Jones, Moses Wickliffe

Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Charles Ellis deceased was exhibited in to court by the Executor thereof & ordered to be recorded.

A sale bill of the estate of the said decedant was also returned to court & ordered to be recorded.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 119 - October Term 1844

A settlement made with the Administrator of Mark Overhults deceased was exhibited in to court by the Administrator & ordered to lie over till next term.

A settlement made with the Admr. of Jacob Bowers deceased was exhibited in to court by the commissioners of account & ordered to lie over till next term.

Charles D. Ward, constable in & for the county of Muhlenberg, living in Rumsey District tendered in writing his resignation as such which was received by the court.

On the motion of Catharine Sanders Eaves (the widow in writing having refused) the court appointed him administrator of the estate of Amos J. Pitt deceased, who having taken the oath prescribed by law, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration thereon, who thereupon together with B.E. Pittman, his security, in the executed bond in the penalty of $300 conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that Joseph Faith, Andrew Lynn, John Ellis & Joh William M. Moore, or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of said decedant and that the Administrator return an inventory thereof as the law directs.

Ordered that the third constable's district in this county be so altered as to include Solomon Rhoades Esquire in the said third district.

The commissioners appointed for that purpose reported and acknowledged the following deeds, towit
One to Collins Calvert, same to Asbury Clavert, same to Thos. Calvert, same to Wesley Calvert, same to Sarah Calvert, same to Richard K. Calvert, same to Mary Calvert, same to Porter Calvert, and one to R.J. Cessna and wife all of which were approved & ordered to be recorded. [Image]

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 120 - October Term 1844

Whereas a division of the personal estate and slaves of Henry Stom deceased having heretofore been made by commissioners appointed for that purpose, which was reported to court & ordered to record, and whereas a portion of the heirs of said decedant being dissatisfied therewith. Wherefore on motion of Thomas F. Cundiff who intermarried with one of said heirs, it is ordered that summons issue against Lucinda Stom, Lemar[?] Stom, Alney Stom, Udoxy Stom, Louisa Stom, Nancy Stom, Martha Jane Carter & Thomas Carter her husband, to show cause why said division may not be set aside. [Image]

Present R.S. Russell Esqr.

On the motion of Thomas Terry (the widow by her writing refusing to qualify), the court appointed him Administrator of the estate of William A. Terry deceased, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law, whereupon certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of the said decedant, who thereupon together with Kinnard Hay & Wiley S. Hay, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $200 conditioned as the law directs. Ordered that John A. Allison, J.B. Staples, Charles Metzker & John Campbell or any three of them being first sworn appraise in current money the personal estate of said decedant, and that the Administrator return an inventory thereof as the law directs.

On the motion of Joseph R.G. Pool Jr. (the widow by her writing refusing to qualify) who made oath as the law directs, certificateis granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of said decedant Aaron A. Smith, whereupon said Pool together with Jacob Rhoads, Benjamin Linton Jr. and James F. Ward, his security, executed bond in the penalty of seven hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs.

{copd.} Ordered that Joseph Dupoister [Depoyster], Joseph R.G. Pool Sr., Israel Baker & Gilbert Rhoads, or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of said decedant & that the Admr. return an inventory thereof as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 121 - October Term 1844

On the motion of Samuel M. Ross, it is ordered that Solomon Rhoads, Harvy Jackson, Jefferson Cundiff & Presley Rhoads, or any three of them being first sworn, view & mark out an alteration of that part of the road leading from Greenville to Morgantown that lies in the flats of the creek this side of said Ross's mill and that they report the conveniences and inconveniences of both the old & new way as the law directs.

Ordered that Solomon Rhoads, Hiram Lucket, Abraham Dennis or any two of them be appointed to examine & receive the bridge lately built across Pond Creek at Ross's mill on the road leading to Morgantown and that they or any two of them make report as the law directs.

The last will & testament of Abraham Newton deceased was exhibited in to court and proved in part by the oath of James Taggart & ordered to be certified and it is further ordered that summons issue against William H. Whitaker and Jesse Whitaker witness thereto for the purpose of fully proving said will, returnable here to the next court. [Image]

A majority of all the justices in commission being present & concurring, on the motion of Charles Bell, license is granted him for keeping a tavern at his house in Greenville, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law and together with Joseph C. Reynolds & Thomas J. Anthony, his security, executed bond in the penalty & condition as the law directs.

{fee paid} The court, a majority being present, reappointed Bennet D. Bailey Jr. constable in the district in which he formerly acted, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law and together with Russel McRery & Sanders Eaves, his security, executed bond in the penalty & condition as the law directs.

Indenture of apprentice between the clerk of this court & George Mefford was produced in to court, acknowledged & ordered to be recorded.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 122 - October Term 1844

The last will and testament of Thomas Stokes deceased was exhibited in to court and proved by the oaths of Thomas J. Anthony & James T. Quissenberry [Quisenberry], the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Vachel L. Dillingham, one of the securities of Zilpha Oates, Executrix of Jesse Oates Sr. deceased, he having given notice thereof as the law directs, the court release[s] him from the securityship aforesaid from this time.

On the motion of Thomas J. Anthony, who made oath as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate on the estate last will & testament of Thomas Stokes deceased, who thereupon together with Charles Bell and James T. Quissenberry [Quisenberry], his security, executed bond in the penalty of two hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs.

The Commonwealth against William Kittinger's; Executors on a summons - continued.

The Commonwealth against S.J. Grable - continued.

Presley W. Smith, Plaintiff, against Thomas Newman, Defendant, on an appeal
Ordered that an alias summons issue against the defendant, returnable here at the next court.

Samuel D. Chatham, Plaintiff, against William Robertson, Defendant, on a notice

On the motion of Thomas J. Anthony, ordered that Wiley S. Hay, Henry Rhoads, R.J. Cessna & Robert R. Jenkins, or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of Thomas Stokes deceased & that the Admr. return an inventory thereof as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 123 - October Term 1844

Agreeably to an act of the General Assembly approved the 1st March 1844 allowing Samuel M. Wilkins & others the privilege of erecting a fish dam & trap in Pond River upon his executing bond and security as said act requires, the said Wilkins came into court and together with Joseph C. Reynolds, Charles C. Martin & Andrew L. Martin, Thomas F. Rice, [unreadable] W. Rice & William W. Martin, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $500 conditioned as the law directs. [Image]

Ther persons appointed for that purpose reported that they had examined and received the bridge built across Pond Creek at Ross's mill which report was received by the court & ordered to record.

On the motion of William Bell one of the securities of Thompson B. Smith, Administrator of Henry Stom deceased, it is ordered that summons issue against said Smith to show why he may not give further or counter[?] security as Administrator aforesaid.

{fee pd.} On the motion of Lawson R. Reno, a majority being present & concurring, license is granted him for keeping a tavern at his house in Greenville, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law and together with W.M. Calvert, William Wickliffe & B.E. Oates, his security, executed bond in the penalty & condition as the law directs.

{copd.} On the motion of Joseph C. Reynolds, ordered that John A. Allison, Thomas L. Martin, A.L. Martin and S.M. Wilkins, or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of Nancy Reynolds deceased and make report as the law directs.

The persons appointed for that purpose reported that they had viewed & marked out a way for a road to leading from the Cypress Bridge to Rumsey which report was received by the court.

Ordered that summons issue against John Noftsinger, James Wilkins, Charles Evens, Andrew Kittinger…

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 124 - October & November Terms 1844

…Daniel Plain, Benjamin Coffman and Peter Johnson, Robert Stringer & John Huston, the proprietors of the land through which said road is viewed to show cause why the same may not pass through their lands.

Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course
Chas. Tyler JP
{Fees charged to Here}

At a county court began & held for the county of Muhlenberg at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 24th day of November 1844. Present Charles Tyler, Moses Wickliffe, Strother Jones, Wm. M. Moore, E.S. Baker, I.J. Baker, D.T. Short

Ordered that George Dame be appointed surveyor of that part of the road whereof Amos Ray was surveyor & that he with the hands alloted said Ray open & keep the same in repair    feet wides as the law directs.

Inventory of the estate of William A. Terry decd. was returned in to court by the Admr. & ordered to be recorded. Sale bill of the same returned & ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Barnabas W. Rhoads be appointed surveyor of that part of the road whereof      Howerton was surveyor & that he with the hands formerly alloted open & keep the same in repair as the law directs.

Present Jno. Campbell Esqr.

Commonwealth, Plaintiff, against William Kincheloe & Ferguson, Deft., on a sums
Contd. with als. to Ohio

The Same, Plff., vs. S.J. Grable, Deft., on sums.
Contd. als.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 125 - November Term 1844

P.W. Smith, Plff., against Thos. Newman, Deft., on appeal

S.D. Chatham, Plff., against Wm. Robinson, Admr. of D.W. Beard, Deft., on a notice

J.D. Welbourn [Welborn], Plaintiff, vs. Benjamin Linton Jr., Defendant, on appeal
Continued Als.

Grandison Catlett, Plaintiff, against S. Rhoads Jr., Defendant, on an appeal
Continued Als.

The Commonwealth, Plaintiff, against Thompson B. Smith, Admr. of H. Stom, Defendant, on a summons
On motion of William Bell, one of the securities of T.B. Smith, Admr. of Henry Stom decd., it is ordered that he be released from his securityship aforesaid and that the Administrator pay the costs herein.

On motion of Charles F. Wing, clerk of this court, Edwin Cabiness was admitted his deputy, who thereupon took the several oaths prescribed by law & also the oath against dueling. [Image]

Present Solomon Rhoades Esqr.

Inventory & appraisement of the estate of Thompson Miller deceased was returned in to court & ordered to be recorded. Also a sale bill of the same returned & ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that that part of the road leading from Greenville to Madisonville whereof William D. Lindsey was surveyor lying between the lower end of Town [Greenville] & the north end of E.M. Branks lane be added to the precinct of the road whereof Thomas J. Anthony is surveyor & that he with E.M. Branks hands&hellip

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 126 - November Term 1844

…& the hands on E. Rumseys farm together with the hands formerly alloted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Present S.M. Wilkins Esqr.

The last will & testament of Abraham Newton decd. was again exhibited in to court, and the same having been proved in part at a former court, it is now the opinion of the court after hearing all the testimony, that the said Newton was not capable of making a will & that the writing here exhibited as his last will be rejected, set aside & held for naught. [Image]

And thereupon on motion of James Taggart (the widow by her writing refusing to take upon herself the burden) who made oath as the law directs, certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of said Abraham newton deceased, who thereupon together with Abraham Dennis, William M. Blackwell & Robert Welbourn , his security, executed bond in the penalty of two thousand four hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs. [Image]

Ordered that Alexander McPherson, Everet Mitchel, O.V. Talbert, Solomon Rhoads, or any three of them, be appointed appraisers to appraise in current money the personal estate of said decedant & that the Administrator return an inventory thereof as the law directs. [Image]

The court proceeded to appoint patrollers in & for the town & neighbourhood of Greenville towit Miles [Miley?] Turner Captian, A. Fourqurean Thomas Akers, Henry Murphy, Milton W. Gibbs & Southall Turner who are to act as such agreeably to the laws now in force.

{fee paid} The court appointed John P. Ward constable in the district in which he formerly acted, who thereupon took the oaths prescribed by law & together with Charles Morehead, Joseph Dupoister [Depoyster] & Azariah Doss, his security, executed bond in the penalty & condition as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 127 - November Term 1844

A settlement made with the Admr. of D.W. Beard deceased was returned to court & being examined is ordered to lie over till the next term as the law directs.

A settlement made with the Administrator of Jacob Bowers deceased was again returned to the court & being examined & approved of is ordered to be recorded the same having laid over one term.

A settlement made with the Administrator of Mark Overhults decd. was again returned to the court & the same having laid over one term as the law directs is now ordered to be recorded.

{cpd.} A majority of all the justices in commission being present & concurring therein, recommend to his Excellency the Governor, Henry Myers & James Taggart as proper persons, one of whom to be commissioned as a Justice of the Peace for this county agreeable to a late Act of Assembly.

{cpd.} The court also recommend Charles Tyler & John Campbell Esqrs. as proper persons, one of whom to be commissioned Sheriff in the place of Bennet D. Bailey whose time is about to expire.

Ordered that John Campbell & Strother Jones Esqrs. be appointed to settle with the present & former sheriff of this county & make report as the law directs.

Charles F. Wing, clerk to this court, exhibited his account against the Commonwealth for one well bound blank book for the use of his office amounting to $12, also for two paper & book presses at ten dollars each amounting to $20, which is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.

Charles F. Wing, clerk to this court, exhibited his account with the Commonwealth for taxes on deeds, seals, &c. amounting to $184.54 cents in the aggregate which being sworn to is ordered to be certified.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 128 - November Term 1844

The persons appointed for that purpose reported that they had viewed & marked out an alteration of the road leading from Millport to Drakes ferry on Green River which was received & said road established.

On the motion of Thomas Girvin, one of the securities of Stephen Watkins, guardian for the children of B.C. Bennett decd., ordered that a summons issue against said Stephen to appear here at the next court & show cause why he may not give further security. [Image]

On the motion of Thomas H. Hunter and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that he is improperly charged with 2000 acres of land listed at one dollar per acre, ordered that he be released therefrom which is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.

On the motion of John S. Eaves & Hugh W. McNary, who are about to build a fish trap in Pond River under an act of the General Assembly, the said Eaves & McNary executed bond with Sanders Eaves & William A. Eaves, their security, execu in he penalty of $500 conditioned as the law directs.

A majority of all the justices in commission being present proceed to lay the county levy for the year 1844 towit -

The county made debtor

To C.F. Wing, clerk, for exofficio services } $40.00

To B.D. Bailey, sheriff, for the same } 40.00

To William A. Eaves, deputy shff., for attending elections at Rumsey at August & November } 8.00

To I.J. Baker, judge to elections } 6.00

To Ephraim S. Baker same } 6.00

[Subtotal this page:] $100.00


Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 129 - November Term 1844

Amount brought up } $100.00

To A.J. Rhoades, clerk to elections at Rumsey } $6.00

To George W. Eaves, deputy sheriff, for attending elections at Greenville & comparing polls } 8.00

To John Stembridge, clerk, election Greenville } 6.00

To S.M. Wilkins, judge to election at Greenville } 6.00

To William W. Hancock, judge, August election } 3.00

To Strother Jones, judge at November election } 3.00

To Bennet D. Bailey, shff., attending elections at Skileseville & comparing polls } 8.00

To Moses Wickliffe, judge of the elections at Skilesville } 6.00

To Solomon Rhoads, judge of elections at Skilesville } 6.00

To Samuel Rhoads, clerk of elections at Skilesville } 6.00

To Vachel L. Dillingham, for work done on road } 3.75

To Mrs. Betsey Ganey, a poor person, to be placed in the hands of Simeon Bates at $3 per month } 36.00

To H.D. Rothrock, for sign board } 00.50

To Thomas J. Anthony, for work on road } 2.25

To Robert Branscomb, for same } 3.75

To Samuel Griffith, for the same } 00.75

To Hiram Luckett, commissioner per accout } 1.50

To Thomas Summers, for work on road } 2.50

To Thomas Salsbury, for work on bridge } 15.00

To C.F. Wing, for work on office &c. pr. act. } 3.75

To John R. Roark, for work on public road } 00.75

To Jarod Wallace, for sign boards & posts } 3.00

To Daniel Gates, for sign board } 00.50

To M.C. Oates, work on road } 1.87

To Richard Guynn, jailer, per account } 33.00

To Samuel Rhoads, commissioners on bridge } 2.00

To Abraham Dennis, for same } 1.50

To Robert Wolf for making pump for public well [???] } 24.00

To Edward Kenny, to be placed in the hands of Jacob Shutt Sr. for the support & maintenance } 20.00

To Mrs. Vandiver, a poor person, to be placed in the hands of Jacob Rickard at $3 pr. month } 36.00

To B.E. Pittman, county attorney } 100.00

To William Smith & wife, poor persons, to be placed in the hands of Robert Welbourn } 80.00

Debt } $506.37

Depositum } 154.21

Sheriff Commission } 47.??

[Total:] 707.62

By [sic]
By 1887 tithes at 37½ cents per tithe } 707.62

[Image (pdf)]

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 130 - November Term 1844

Ordered that the sheriff of Muhlenberg County do soon as he gives bond & security, collect from each tithable subject to pay county levy thirty seven & a half cents & pay the county creditors.

Ordered that the clerk of this court deliver to James Taggart Esqr. the notes filed by him as agent for the court in selling the estate of William Smith, a poor person, and that said Taggart pay the amount of said notes when collected in to the hands of Thomas Welbourn for the support & maintenance of said Smith & wife.

On the motion of Robert Williams, one of the securities of Zilpha Oates, guardian for a portion of the heirs of Jesse Oates decd., the said Zilpha having had due notice of this motion, it is ordered that the said Williams be released from his securityship aforesaid. [Image]

{copd. for R. Wolf} Ordered that the sheriff of this county pay Robert Wolf twenty dollars out of money in his hands due the county for making a pump for the public well.

The court, a majority being present & concurring therein, reappointed Everet Mitchel constable in the district in which he formerly acted, who thereupon took the several oaths prescribed by law & together with William G. Jones, Ephraim R. Dillingham, Azariah Doss, Amareah Moore, Beverly Coleman & Eli Ford, his security, executed bond in the penalty & condition required by law.

The persons appointed for that purpose reported that they had viewed & marked out an alteration of the road leading from Greenville to Russellville as the same passes through the flats which report was received. Ordered that the said alteration be established upon condition that said S.M. Ross open the same at his own expense.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 131 - November Term 1844

William A. Eaves & George W. Eaves, deputy sheriffs for B.D. Bailey, sheriff of Muhlenberg County, returned in to court their delinquent lists for the year 1844 amounting to $[blank] which being sworn, examined and allowed is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.

Ordered that the precinct of the road leading from Greenville to Russellville whereof Richard Foster was overseer be extended to the bridge on Pond Creek & that he with the hands formerly allotted open & keep the same in repair 30 feet wide as the law directs.

Ordered that the tavern rates for this county remain as heretofore fixed by this court.

Ordered that John Campbell, R.S. Russell & Moses Wickliffe be & they are hereby appointed to grant injunctions, writs of Ne exeat &c. as the law directs.

{copd. for G.W. Eaves} It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that William G. Jones, commissioner of the tax heretofore appointed by this court, is permitted to draw from the treasury the sum of $12.13, the 20 percent returned at the May term last, he having performed the duty required of him which is ordered to be certified.

{copd. for S. Rhoads copd.} It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Jacob Bodine, commissioner of the tax heretofore appointed by this court, is permitted to draw from the treasury the sum of $12.40 cents, the 20 percent returned at the May term last, he having performed his duty required of him, which is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.

{Fees chd. to here} Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course
John Campbell JP

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 132 - December Term 1844

At a county court began & held for Muhlenberg County at the courthouse in Greenville on Monday the 30th day of December 1844. Present Strother Jones, Moses Wickliffe, Wm. Martin, I.J. Baker

{fee paid by Jno. Vickers} Isaac Vickers stockmark as follows, swallow fork & under bit in the right ear which is ordered to be recorded.

On the motion of Isaac Bodine, it is ordered that Raughly Sullivan be summoned to appear here at the next term to show cause why Charles H. Bodine, orphan of Cornelius Bodine, may not be bound to his brother Isaac Bodine. [Image]

On the motion of Jacob H. Stom, it is ordered that summons issue against Thomas F. Cundiff, the guardian to show cause why he may not give further security as such, returnable here to the next court. [Image]

On motion of the attorney for the Commonwealth, it is ordered that William Wells be summoned to appear at the next term to show cause why his children may not be bound out as the law directs. [Image]

Present S.M. Wilkins Esqr.

A writing purporting to be the last will and testament of John Culbertson deceased was exhibited in to court by Charlotte, & Betsey[?], Hannah[?] & Solomon the other slaves therein emancipated and by their attorney moved the court to admit said will to record, and thereupon John Culbert, James T. Quissenberry [Quisenberry] & Mary his wife, Adlai Boyd & Joannah his wife, Robert J. Cessna [&] Nancy Cessna & Samuel Long & Joannah his wife, heirs of said decedant objected to the recording [of] said writing & moved the court for a continuance until the next court, it is therefore ordered that further proceeding herein be continued. [Image]

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 133 - December Term 1844

An instrument of writing purporting to be a copy of the last will and testament of Robert Y. Wright deceased was exhibited in to court (the original being lost) and proved by the oaths of Jacob Gossett, Samuel Gossett & Lewis Watkins, subscribing witnesses thereto, & ordered to be recorded. [Image]

Commonwealth, Plaintiff, against William Kittingers Exors., Defendants, on a summons
Continued with pluries

The Same, Plaintiff, against Samuel J. Grable, Defendant, on a summons
Ordered that a pleuris summons be awarded herein against the defendant, returnable here at the next court.

Southall Turner, a patroller appointed at a former term of this court, refusing to serve as such, it is ordered that John Lovell be appointed to act in the room & stead of said Turner agreeably to the laws governing patrollers.

Presley W. Smith, Plaintiff, against Thomas Newman, Defendant, on an appeal
Ordered that this suit be continued until the next court at the costs of the plaintiff.

The Commonwealth, Plaintiff, against William Robinson, Defendant, on a notice

Thomas Girvin, Plaintiff, against Stephen Watkins, Defendant, on a summons
Ordered that an alias summons be awarded herein against the defendant, returnable to the next court.

Present Solomon Rhoads Esqr., John Campbell

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 134 - December Term 1844

A settlement made with William Robinson, Admr. of Delison[?] W. Baird deceased was exhibited in to court and having laid over one term is ordered to be recorded.

{fee paid} The court appointed Reason Pool constable in the district in which James F. Ward formerly acted, who thereupon took the oaths prescribed by law and together with Vachel L. Dillingham, Joseph Dupoister [Depoyster] & Elias V. Kirtley, his security, executed bond in the penalty & condition as the law directs.

The court appointed Moses Wickliffe curator of the estate of John Culbertson deceased who thereupon together with Adlai Boyd, James T. Quissenberry [Quisenberry], Joseph C. Long & John Culbertson, his security, executed bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs. [Image]

Ordered that Jacob Landes be appointed patroller in the place of Henry Murphy, who refuses to serve as such, and it is further ordered that the said Landes & the patrollers heretofore appointed for the town of Greenville shall walk at least ten hours every week they may continue to act as patrollers.

{copied} The court appointed Benjamin Casebier Administrator of the estate of William Casebier deceased (the widow refusing by her writing to qualify) and certificate is hereby granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of said decedant, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law and together with James Casebier, his security, executed bond in the penalty of $100 [or possibly $1000] conditioned as the law directs.

Ordered that Robert Wickliffe, Jacob Bodine, Moses Wickliffe & Thomas Bell, or any three of them being first sworn, appraise in current money the personal estate of said decedant & that the Admr. return on inventory thereof as the law directs.

Muhlenberg County Court Order Book 5, Page 135 - December Term 1844

On motion of Jesse Jackson, it is ordered that he be exempt from paying county levy in future owing to his age and infirmity, which is ordered to be certified. [Image]

The court (a majority being present & concurring therein) appointed Jacob Bodine commissioner of the tax in & for this county for the year 1845, who thereupon took the oath prescribed by law and together with Robert Wickliffe, his security, executed bond in the penalty of five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs.

James D. Welbourn, Plaintiff, against Benjamin Linton Jr., Defendant, on an appeal
Ordered that this suit be continued until the next court at the costs of said Linton.

Grandison Catlett, Plaintiff, against Samuel Rhoads Jr., Defendant, on an appeal

Ordered that the court be adjourned until court in course
John Campbell JP

Updated January 30, 2020