HALL, Florence M., born 26 Apr 1914 to mother Laura Dunaway.
HALL, George, born 1 Aug 1924 to mother Wamie McGee.
HALL, George E., born 4 Jul 1903 to mother Marie
Peyton. (Delayed Birth Certificate #153 46171.)
HALL, Helen F., born 11 Aug 1930 to mother Nellie Plummer.
HALL, James, born 4 Aug 1929 to mother Addie Courtney.
HALL, James L., born 8 Jul 1925 to mother Stella Smith.
HALL, Jeda F., born 13 Feb 1912 to mother Matilda Ashcraft.
HALL, Joseph Leslie, born 15 May 1877.
HALL, Larkin G., born 2 Oct 1927 to mother Addie Courtney.
HALL, Laura, born 13 Jul 1916 to mother Bessie Miller.
HALL, Margarette L., born 30 Mar 1917 to mother Beulah Clark.
HALL, Oliver H., born 29 Jul 1914 to mother Nillie Fossit.
HALL, Paul E., born 18 Oct 1916 to mother Nellie Fossit.
HALL, Robert L., born 9 Nov 1883.
HALL, Rubie L., born 21 Jan 1924 to mother Addie Courtney.
HALL, Ruby G., born 21 May 1921 to mother Ora Broaddus.
HALL, Walter E., born 20 Feb 1921 to mother Addie Courtney.
HALL, Willie B., born 10 Dec 1917 to mother Bessie Miller.
HAMILTON, Abraham, born 19 Jul 1874.
HAMILTON, Adrian, born 11 Apr 1928 to mother Nora Owens.
HAMILTON, Albet Franklin, born 17 Feb 1873.
HAMILTON, Carl C., born 18 Jun 1928 to mother Ethel Wright.
HAMILTON, Charles W., born 15 Apr 1925 to mother Florida England.
HAMILTON, Christine, born 28 Apr 1904 to mother
Missouri Spegal (or Spigal). (Delayed Birth Certificate #223
HAMILTON, Clarence Autto, born 3 Jun 1888.
HAMILTON, Clyde F., born 13 May 1902 to mother
Grackie Eckler. (Delayed Birth Certificate #195 47873.)
HAMILTON, Elnora A., born 30 Dec 1930 to mother Nora Owens.
HAMILTON, Everett, born 2 Dec 1919 to mother Nora Owens.
HAMILTON, Geneva, born 24 Nov 1930 to mother Florida England.
HAMILTON, Genevieve, born 24 Nov 1930 to mother Florida England.
HAMILTON, George D., born 11 May 1930 to mother Hazel Butts.
HAMILTON, Harry Ward, born 1 May 1929 to mother Imogene King.
HAMILTON, Hilry N., born 13 May 1915 to mother Dessie Hamilton.
HAMILTON, James E., born 16 May 1923 to mother Florence England.
HAMILTON, John H., born 12 Jul 1914 to mother Bessie Robinson.
HAMILTON, Katherine R., born 26 Apr 1918 to mother Flossie Simpson.
HAMILTON, Marion, born 7 May 1927 to mother Florida England.
HAMILTON, Mary, born 11 Feb 1916 to mother Mary Fields.
HAMILTON, Norma, born 9 Sep 1920 to mother Ethel Wright.
HAMILTON, Norma L., born 27 Nov 1923 to mother Anna Burlew.
HAMILTON, Ora E., born 10 Jul 1922 to mother Bessie Robinson.
HAMILTON, Oscar, born 16 Sep 1912 to mother Sally Reynolds.
HAMILTON, Paul W., born 22 Sep 1929 to mother Nora Owens.
HAMILTON, Ray R., born 23 Aug 1919 to mother Bessie Robinson.
HAMILTON, Ruby G., born 1 Apr 1928 to mother Lora Powell.
HAMILTON, Shelby L., born 21 Sep 1928 to mother Dora Haley.
HAMILTON, William G., born 20 Sep 1900 to mother
Blanche Greene. (Delayed Birth Certificate #177 47134.)
HAMLIN, Betty J., born 29 Jan 1927 to motehr Hester Parker.
HAMLIN, Charles E., born 4 Mar 1920 to mother Hester Parker.
HAMLIN, Thelma E., born 24 May 1917 to mother Bessie Cordray.
HAMMOCK, Dora A., born 20 Mar 1928 to mother Lillie Hammock.
HAMMOND, William V., born 21 Feb 1929 to Vivian Shotwell.
HAMMONS, male child of Albert, born 24 Aug 1916 to mother Fannie Menifee.
HAMMONS, Betty J., born 1 Dec 1923 to mother Vivian Shotwell.
HAMMONS, Louise, born 3 Dec 1924 to mother Augusta Adams.
HAMMON, Alice, born 3 Jul 1913 to mother Fannie Menefee.
HAMON, James Arthur, born 30 Sep 1894.
HAMPTON, Melvin Earl Sr., born 4 Sep 1906 to mother
Cora Florence Wagner. (Delayed Birth Certificate #196 92331.)
HANDLY, Clarence Redmond, born 16 Jan 1888.
HANFLER, Eugene, born 17 Jan 1919 to mother Pearl Brausaugh.
HARCUM, Dorothy J., born 12 Oct 1923 to mother Georgie Seaman.
HARCUM, Mary E., born 3 Mar 1921 to mother Georgana Seaman.
HARDEN, Kirby T., born 16 Aug 1924 to mother ROsie Gifford.
HARDIN, female child of Rickey, born 14 Jul 1921 to mother Lisa Gifford.
HARDIN, male child of Brady, born 11 Jun 1918 to mother Anna Schrarfenberyie.
HARDIN, Abraham Lincoln, born 5 Oct 1876.
HARDIN, Billie J., born 26 Mar 1930 to mother Viola Elliott.
HARDIN, Dorothy B., born 9 Nov 1923 to mother Anna Schroffenberge.
HARDIN, Earl M., born 23 Feb 1922 to mother Virgie Hanson.
HARDIN, Henry F., born 14 Jul 1921 to mother Lisa Gifford.
HARDIN, Hope, born 18 Oct 1916 to mother Grace Robinson.
HARDIN, Levanna B., born 18 Jan 1918 to mother Corella Webster.
HARDIN, Louis H., born 14 Sep 1927 to mother Virgie Hanson.
HARDIN, Melvin H., born 19 Nov 1920 to mother Virgie Hanson.
HARDIN, Ralph, born 7 Sep 1912 to mother Minnie Smith.
HARDIN, Russell R., born 11 May 1919 to mother Corella Webster.
HARDIN, Thomas H., born 18 Oct 1916 to mother Grace Robinson.
HARDIN, Velma M., born 26 Mar 1921 to mother Anna Schafenberger.
HARDIN, Virginia F., born 16 Apr 1924 to mother Corrella Webster.
HARDIN, William A., born 30 Dec 1925 to mother Camilla Webster.
HARDIN, Woodrow, born 9 May 1919 to mother Grace Robertson.
HARDING, Mannie R., born 5 Aug 1930 to mother Anna Scharfenberger.
HARDING, Marjorie F., born 23 Feb 1926 to mother Anna Schasfenberger.
HARMES, Clyde V., born 17 Feb 1918 to mother Charlotte Fryer.
HARN, Vivian L., born 30 Apr 1912 to mother Vivian Lee.
HARNEY, Nina E., born 17 Dec 1916 to mother Daisy Owsley.
HARPENING, Hellen, born 19 Sep 1915 to mother Pearl Rahm.
HARPENING, Marguret E., born 26 Mar 1917 to mother Magaret Rahur.
HARPER, female child of J., born 15 May 1914 to mother Ira Martin.
HARPER, Altha L., born 10 Jan 1919 to mother Stella Colier.
HARPER, Benjamin Richard, born 21 Apr 1880.
HARPER, Charles L., born 2 Aug 1915 to mother Iva Martin.
HARPER, Charlotte F., born 23 Jun 1917 to mother Ollie Aulick.
HARPER, Dorothy L., born 13 Sep 1918 to mother Nina Whalen.
HARPER, Ella F., born 23 May 1914 to mother Bessie McKinney.
HARPER, Hildreth, born 7 May 1917 to mother Stella Collier.
HARPER, Kenneth R., born 10 Aug 1924 to mother Hazel Harper.
HARPER, Mildred F., born 2 Sep 1912 to mother Elizabeth King.
HARPER, Nancy A., born 19 Aug 1923 to mother Nina Whalen.
HARRIS, male child of Henry, born 18 Dec 1925 to mother Ome House.
HARRIS, Hazel, born 13 Mar 1915 to mother Martha Collins.
HARRIS, Mary, born 8 Jun 1911 to mother Martha Collins.
HARRIS, Neva J., born 30 Jul 1909 to mother Nora
Green. (Delayed Birth Certificate #244 49817.)
HARRIS, Ruth E., born 7 Sep 1911 to mother Nora Green.
HARRIS, Vivian L., born 13 Mar 1915 to mother Martha Collins.
HARRISON, Ben Franklin, born 7 Jul 1896.
HARRISON, Charles R., born 6 Oct 1928 to mother Bessie McElfush.
HARRISON, Claud W., born 1 Mar 1925 to mother Bessie McElfresh.
HARRISON, James, born 14 Oct 1926 to mother Bessie McElfresh.
HARRISON, Mary L., born 27 Feb 1921 to mother Margurette Ayers.
HARRISON, Ralph W., born 16 Apr 1930 to mother Bessie McElfresh.
HARRISON, Raymond, born 8 Jul 1924 to mother Marie Lonaker.
HART, Carl R., born 10 Feb 1917 to mother Lora Marshall.
HART, Charles M., born 9 Apr 1918 to mother Aggie Moore.
HART, David L., born 15 Aug 1930 to mother Mildred Wright.
HART, Donna M., born 5 Mar 1921 to mother Ella Marshall.
HART, Earl V., born 13 May 1930 to mother Goldie unknown.
HART, Jack W., born 17 Sep 1927 to mother Mildred Wright.
HART, Joseph E., born 29 Aug 1923 to mother Lora Marshall.
HART, Kenneth C., born 11 Aug 1909 to mother Ida
Mockabee. (Delayed Birth Certificate #221 48904.)
HART, Loren K., born 3 Feb 1913 to mother ella Marshall.
HART, Marcella M., born 10 Feb 1923 to mother Aggie Moore.
HART, Mary E., born 18 Feb 1919 to mother Ella Marshall.
HART, Paul E., born 12 Sep 1924 to mother Goldie McClanahan.
HART, Robert E., born 4 Oct 1912 to mother Tillie Sharp.
HART, William T., born 11 Mar 1915 to mother Ella Marshall.
HART, Zolla J., born 21 May 1927 to mother Anna Shields.
HARTLEY, James C., born 16 Sep 1917 to mother Ida Kirby.
HATFIELD, Edith, born 3 Mar 1914 to mother Grace Reid.
HAUCHEN, Frances M., born 23 Jul 1919 to mother Mary McKenney.
HAUFLER, Charles W., born 18 Dec 1915 to mother Pearl Brewsungh.
HAUFLER, Ernest L., born 7 Sep 1914 to mother Pearl Brewshaugh.
HAUFLES, Warner, born 15 Aug 1920 to mother Pearl Brewsaugh.
HAUFTER, Ruby K., born 2 Nov 1922 to mother Pearl Brewsaugh.
HAUSTON, Lytle Y., born 3 May 1919 to mother Belva Cline.
HAWKINS, Harvey V., born 25 Jan 1925 to mother Viola Hall.
HAYES, Arthur T., born 28 Sep 1907 to mother Marian
Robertson. (Delayed Birth Certificate #197 47924.)
HAYFLER, Edith, born 14 Mar 1924 to mother Pearl Brewsaugh.

HEISEL, Glan H., born 29 Sep 1916 to mother Fanny Carnes.
HEISEL, William C., born 4 Jun 1912 to mother Fannie Carnes.
HELD, Charles A., born 4 Aug 1918 to mother RubyA Allen.
HELD, Corinne, born 18 May 1920 to mother Nora Faber.
HENDERSON, James W., born 29 Sep 1921 to mother Florence Vastine.
HENDERSON, Paul, born 20 Mar 1914 to mother Carrie Southgate.
HENDRICKS, female child of William, born 8 Dec 1911 to mother Mary Orr.
HENDRICKS, Alma E., born 25 Nov 1915 to mother Mary Orr.
HENDRICKS, Harold W., born 18 Jan 1915 to mother Lilly Miller.
HENDRICKS, Leslie T., born 24 Aug 1930 to mother Effie Morgan.
HENDRICKS, Lory W., born 31 Mar 1913 to mother Fannie Orr.
HENRY, Herbert C., born 5 Apr 1930 to mtoher Francis Eaton.
HENRY, James, born 12 Aug 1917 to mother Anna Brooking.
HENRY, Richard, born 5 Jul 1929 to mother Sarah Eaton.
HENRY, Velvin C., born 19 Jun 1921 to mother Lizzie McFarland.
HENSON, Luther C., born 15 Oct 1914 to mother Lillie Stockton.
HERBERT, Wayne H., born 27 Jun 1920 to mother Ella Taylor.
HETTERMAN, Bernard, born 27 Jun 1893.
HETTERMAN, Eileene T., born 16 Sep 1928 to mother Lucy Coleman.
HETTERMAN, Frances L., born 16 Sep 1928 to mother Lucy Coleman.
HETTERMAN, John E., born 23 Nov 1924 to mother Mollie Gillispie.
HETTERMAN, Mary C., born 2 Apr 1924 to mother Lucy Coleman.
HETTERMAN, Ralph E., born 6 Aug 1920 to mother Lucy Coleman.
HETTERMAN, Robert L., born 23 Sep 1923 to mother Mary Gillispie.
HETTERMAN, William V., born 27 May 1918 to mother Lucy Coleman.
HETTERWARE, James D., born 25 Dec 1925 to mother Mollie Gillespie.
HEWITT, Pauline L., born 19 Jul 1911 to mother Ethel Lowe.
HEWLING, Oakley J., born 1 Jan 1928 to mother Edith Payne.

HICKS, Raymond A., born 16 Dec 1927 to mother Margaret Metcalf.
HIGHFILL, Violet M., born 10 Oct 1903 to mother
Lorena Traylor. (Delayed Birth Certificate #189 47625.)
HIGGINS, Dorthy B., born 19 Jan 1929 to mother Alice Grant.
HIGGINS, John W., born 20 Jan 1918 to mother Relda Dunn.
HIGGINS, Sophia, born 13 Nov 1915 to mother Rhilda Dunn.
HIGHLANDER, Christene E., born 1 Jul 1928 to mother Viola Smithson.
HIGHLANDER, Coburn R., born 15 May 1924 to mother Viola Celeftena.
HIGHLANDER, George A., born 26 Jan 1927 to mother Bertha Highlander.
HIGHLANDER, Kelley H., born 2 Oct 1922 to mother Viola Suitson.
HIGHLANDER, Melvin E., born 13 Aug 1929 to mother Ollie Highlander.
HIGHLANDER, Ralph E., born 24 Sep 1929 to other Bertha Highlander.
HIGHTOWER, Andrew, born 30 May 1891.
HIGHTOWER, Lester E., born 5 Sep 1914 to mother Louisa Collins.
HIGHTOWER, Willna C., born 30 Dec 1915 to mother Nellie Ashcraft.
HIGHTOWN, N.R., born 5 Jan 1917 to mother Nelly Ashcraft.
HILL, male child of Katharine, born 18 Dec 1919 to mother Katharine Hill.
HILL, Adrian K. born 21 Oct 1923 to other Louise Adams.
HILL, Adrienne, born 2 Mar 1930 to mother Pearl Barnes.
HILL, Bertha O., born 24 Jun 1920 to mother Ollie Boyers.
HILL, Clarence B., born 10 Jan 1916 to mother Ollie Boyers.
HILL, Joseph, born 27 Apr 1929 to mother Catharine Hill.
HILL, Juanita L., born 4 May 1926 to mother Louise Adams.
HILL, James W., born 18 Dec 1921 to mother Minnie Roberts.
HIMES, Edith E., born 21 Jun 1924 to mother Rosa Johnson.
HITCH, Billy C., born 10 Dec 1910 to mother Nora
Redmon. (Delayed Birth Certificate #251 50090.)
HITCH, Lucy B., born 12 Dec 1912 to mother Nora Redmon.
HITCH, Mary L., born 12 Apr 1928 to mother Martha Crump.
HITEMAN, Glenna M., born 12 Dec 1921 to mother Fannie Dunaway.
HITH, Betres, born 24 Sep 1917 to mother May McPheron.

HOBBS, Virginia M., born 8 Mar 1919 to mother Flora Holsch.
HOBDAY, female child, born Oct 1910, parents
Mr. & Mrs. Earle Hobday.
HOBDAY, Wilma P., born 25 Feb 1917 to mother Cecil Fryer.
HOFFFMAN, Samuel, born 17 Apr 1916 to mother Margaret Pogue.
HOFFIMAN, Edith B., born 20 Oct 1911 to mother Maggie Payne.
HOFFMAN, Adrienne M., born 8 Apr 1927 to mother Maggie Gosney.
HOFFMAN, Alexander, born 30 Apr 1914 to mother Maggie Pogue.
HOGAN, Margaret C., born 10 Apr 1916 to mother Minnie Ritter.
HOGEBACK, Eugene E., born 13 Dec 1928 to mother Lucy Pendergest.
HOGEBACK, William R., born 10 Dec 1928 to mother Stella Pendergest.
HOLLAND, Emery E., born 9 Dec 1889.
HOLLAND, Velma R., born 18 Mar 1927 to mother Mary Peel.
HOLLAND, West, born 17 Jun 1880.
HOLMER, Lelia R., born 27 Sep 1913 to mother Berthie Collier.
HOLMES, Anna L., born 9 Mar 1927 to mother Mary Wright.
HOLMES, Atta F., born 30 Jun 1930 to mother Laurah Moore.
HOLMES, Ava W., born 7 May 1912 to mother Ava Pelly.
HOLMES, Carl W., born 12 May 1930 to mother Carrie Hill.
HOLMES, Charles F., born 17 Aug 1913 to mother Laurah Moore.
HOLMES, Cletus O., born 4 Jan 1926 to mother Fanny Haley.
HOLMES, Donald E., born 16 Jan 1918 to mother Berthie Collier.
HOLMES, Dorothy E., born 13 Nov 1922 to mother Anna Taylor.
HOLMES, Ernest R., born 29 Dec 1915 to mother Laura Moore.
HOLMES, Harold W., born 10 Jul 1927 to mother Hilda Wright.
HOLMES, Helen N., born 17 Jul 1927 to mother Lamoh Moore.
HOLMES, Hollie F., born 21 Jan 1920 to mother Fannie Haley.
HOLMES, James W., born 3 Oct 1922 to mother Ava Pelley.
HOLMES, John C., born 16 Jun 1916 to mother Ava Polley.
HOLMES, Lillian M., born 15 Jan 1924 to mother Carrie Hill.
HOLMES, Louis M., born 17 Apr 1914 to mother Llama Moore.
HOLMES, Margaret A., born 21 Jan 1920 to motehr Lucretia Mortin.
HOLMES, Margaret W., born 10 Feb 1920 to mother Ava Pelly.
HOLMES, Mary E.,b orn 10 Oct 1913 to mother Mary Wright.
HOLMES, Mary L., born 28 May 1918 to mother Ava Pelly.
HOLMES, Melvin E., born 14 Jan 1930 to mother Fanny Haley.
HOLMES, Mildred F., born 23 Sep 1918 to mother Anna Taylor.
HOLMES, Nellie K., born 20 Sep 1926 to mother Carrie Hill.
HOLMES, Paul G., born 22 Dec 1929 to mother Hilda Wright.
HOLMES, Robert W., born 13 Oct 1923 to mother Mary Wright.
HOLMES, Sallie L., born 15 Jul 1921 to mother Camah Moore.
HOLMES, Selma F., born 5 May 1919 to mother Lomah Moore.
HOLMES, Virginia M., born 25 Aug 1927 to mother Anna Taylor.
HOLMES, William W., born 3 Mar 1914 to mother Ava Pelly.
HOLMES, Williams R., born 9 Jun 1911 to mother Ava Billy.
HOLSCHER, August Ferd, born 19 May 1893.
HOOD, Calvin C., born 15 Dec 1924 to mother Louise Hand.
HOOD, Walter W., born 14 Sep 1916 to mother Margaret Hared.
HOOD, William, born 3 Oct 1922 to mother Louise Hood.
HOPKINS, Anna C., born 5 Nov 1911 to mother Flora Mullins.*
HOPKINS, Anna C., born 5 Nov 1911 to mother Flora Mullins.*
HOPKINS, Eupha E., born 4 Nov 1925 to mother Dora Caldwell.
HOPKINS, Nora E., born 21 Apr 1928 to mother Corrine Culbertson.
HOPKINS, William L., born 26 Jun 1918 to mother Flora Mullins.
HOPPER, Ben A., born 6 Oct 1916 to mother Lou Lonakre.
HOPPER, Dorothy L., born 8 Jun 1929 to mother Margaret Cheeseman.
HOPPER, Dorthy M., born 30 Dec 1916 to mother Shirley Vasline.
HOPPER, Fannie E., born 10 Oct 1926 to mother Margaret Cheesman.
HOPPER, Harold L., born 20 Feb 1918 to mother Sherley Vastine.
HORNBACK, Mildred R., born 12 Oct 1925 to mother Thelma Nogel.
HORNBECK, Robert, born 21 Dec 1920 to mother Ella Fossett.
HORNBECK, Ruth E., born 17 Oct 1913 to mother Ella Fossett.
HORNSLEY, Theophalus, born 11 Mar 1913 to mother Susie Short.
HORTON, Charles E., born 9 Feb 1921 to mother Annie Williams.
HOUCHEN, Bonita G., born 30 Jul 1921 to mother Marly McKenney.
HOUCHEN, Carol F., born 28 Jun 1927 to mother Selma Foley.
HOUCHEN, Helen L., born 27 Aug 1927 to mother Mary McKenney.
HOUCHEN, Mary J., born 29 Jun 1925 to mother Mary McKenney.
HOUCHEN, Mildred Clark, born Jun 1910, parents
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Houchen.
HOUSE, male child of Clifton, born 4 Jan 1911 to mother Annie Porter.
HOUSE, Alma R., born 3 Jul 1911 to mother Iva Landers.
HOUSE, Donald K., born 17 Aug 19222 to mother Emma Kinner.
HOUSE, Donald W., born 12 Jan 1923 to mother Irene House.
HOUSE, Edith D., born 27 Sep 1911 to mother Bessie Clemmons.
HOUSE, Jean B., born 2 Jul 1930 to mother Goldie Porter.
HOUSE, John W., born 12 Mar 1918 to mother Sallie Carrs.
HOUSE, Lois Faye, born 27 Nov 1927 to mother Golda Porter.
HOUSE, Mary, born 23 Nov 1922 to mother Virginia Bryant.
HOUSE, Ora P., born 5 Aug 1912 to mother Annie Porter.
HOUSE, Ray E., born 29 Sep 1919 to mother Anna Porter.
HOUSE, Sylvia M., born 31 Jan 1913 to mother Sallie Carr.
HOUSE, William N., born 7 Nov 1913 to mother Emma Kinnner.
HOUSTON, female child of Frank, born 8 Jul 1912 to mother Hattie Fryer.
HOUSTON, Beatrice A., born 6 Aug 1913 to mother Bilva Cline.
HOUSTON, Benjamin Ewell, born 3 Sep 1879.
HOUSTON, Charles E., born 26 Apr 1918 to mother Bessie Yelton.
HOUSTON, Donald E., born 3 Feb 1923 to mother Belva Cline.
HOUSTON, Doris I., born 9 Mar 1925 to mother Belva Cline.
HOUSTON, Frances L., born 5 Aug 1916 to mother Jennie Jacob.
HOUSTON, Frances M., born 23 Jul 1915 to mother Bessie Yelton.
HOUSTON, George A., born 6 Feb 1918 to mother May Crugen.
HOUSTON, Jarold J., born 20 Apr 1907 to mother
Hattie Fryer. (Delayed Birth Certificate #189 47633.)
HOUSTON, Kenneth L., born 16 May 1917 to mother Ballard Crugar.
HOUSTON, Marguerite C., born 30 Apr 1927 to mother Florence Moore.
HOUSTON, Martha L., born 2 Jun 1921 to mother Jennie Jacob.
HOUSTON, Mary B., born 10 May 1912 to mother Bessie Yelton.
HOUSTON, Mary Christine, born 18 Feb 1910 to mother
Belva Lee Cline. (Delayed Birth Certificate #182 90240.)
HOUSTON, Ralph J., born 4 Aug 1925 to mother Jennie Jacob.
HOUSTON, Robert L., born 11 May 1926 to mother Ballard Crugar.
HOUSTON, Ruth A., born 27 Jul 1921 to mother Mary Crogen.
HOWE, George R., born 25 Aug 1912 to mother Lillie Mason.
HOWE, William E., born 2 Jun 1914 to mother Lilie Mason.
HOWELL, Estell, born 23 Dec 1915 to mother Bertha Beagle.
HOWELL, Ray, born 19 Sep 1913 to mother Bertha Beagle.

HRAT, Clifford A., born 24 Sep 1921 to mother Goldie McLanahan.

HUBBARD, Jean E., born 16 May 1918 to mother Essie Dunaway.
HUBBARD, Wanda J., born 30 Aug 1924 to mother Essie SDunaway.
HUDDLESTON, male child, born Oct 1910, parents
Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Huddleston.
HUDSON, Charles D., born 9 Jun 1924 to mother Lulu Starns.
HUDSON, James C., born 16 Feb 1923 to mother Lulu Starns.
HUDSON, Pleas B., born 27 Apr 1879.
HUDSON, Ruth E., born 19 Sep 1926 to mother Lula Starnes.
HUFF, Alma V., born 23 Feb 1917 to mother Mary Grizle.
HUFF, Benjamin Franklin, born 22 Mar 1874.
HUFF, Franklin L., born 5 Dec 1919 to motehr Ida Yelton.
HUFF, Lieuella R., born 11 Dec 1915 to mother Ida Yelton.
HUFF, Loretta W., born 21 Jun 1918 to mother Ida Yelton.
HUFF, Mary F., born 12 Jul 1912 to mother Mary Grizzel.
HUFF, Melvin R., born 29 Jan 1914 to mother Ida Yelton.
HUFF, Paul E., born 5 Dec 1926 to mother Dorothy Wipper.
HUFFIMAN, Ivan R., born 25 May 1911 to mother Jhanna Sullivan.
HUFFMAN, Alvin Marion, born 26 Apr 1877.
HUFFMAN, Marie E., born 22 Nov 1916 to mother Alena Blackburn.
HUFFMAN, Russell R., born 5 May 1918 to mother Margaret Pogue.
HUFFMAN, William A., born 21 Apr 1922 to mother Hilda Lightfoot.
HUGHES, Forrest, born 14 Feb 1919 to mother Stella Watkins.
HUME, Blanch, born 27 Jan 1918 to mother Edith Arnwald.
HUME, Joseph C., born 3 Sep 1915 to mother Hallie Struve.
HUME, Margaret E., born 28 Oct 1917 to mother Hallie Struve.
HUME, Mary E., born 9 Aug 1921 to mother Hallie Struve.
HUME, Thomas T., born 7 Jan 1922 to mother Edeth Arnold.
HUMPHREY, Lucile, born 22 Feb 1913 to mother Emma Knox.
HUMPHREY, Raymond, born 1 Nov 1911 to mother Emma Knox.
HUMPHREY, William, born 24 Mar 1917 to mother Emma Knox.
HUMPHRIES, Chester, born 13 Aug 1912 to mother Ollie Miller.
HUMPHRIES, David, born 18 Jan 1924 to mother Ollie Miller.
HUNDELY, Robert Dudley.
HUNERS, Myrtle M., born 19 Nov 1917 to mother Mary Graves.
HUSEL, William L., born 10 Feb 1925 to mother Teda Curry.
HUTARLL, Sarah E., born 8 Jan 1925 to mother Cora Wynn.
HUTCHENSON, George E., born 16 Dec 1916 to motehr Laura Smith.
HUTCHINSON, Alberta E., born 5 Oct 1921 to mother Tiva Belew.
HUTCHINSON, Bessaleue F., born 9 Nov 1922 to mother Hattie Spegal.
HUTCHINSON, Cecilia M., born 26 Sep 1913 to mother Jessie Smith.
HUTCHINSON, Charles M., born 1 Aug 1912 to mother Annie Wells.
HUTCHINSON, Eugene, born 29 Jun 1921 to other Vera Mitts.
HUTCHINSON, Harold F., born 29 Aug 1924 to motehr Vera Mitts.
HUTCHINSON, Howard, born 7 Sep 1930 to mother Jeanette Mitts.
HUTCHINSON, Jewell F., born 18 Oct 1929 to mother Hattie Spegal.
HUTCHINSON, John, born 27 Nov 1928 to motehr Katie McCarty.
HUTCHINSON, Luetta B., born 11 Sep 1916 to mother Tina Belew.
HUTCHINSON, Mabel B., born 19 Oct 1914 to mother Tina Belew.
HUTCHINSON, Raymonds C., born 3 Mar 1914 to mother Annie Wells.
HUTCHINSON, Robert F., born 19 Feb 1916 to mother Hattie Spegal.
HUTCHINSON, Wilbur E., born 20 Apr 1926 to mother Eda Elliott.
HUTCHISON, Earl N., born 8 Mar 1915 to mother Rebecca Wolfe.
HUTCHISON, Otis W., born 13 Oct 1873.
HUTCHISON, William Ray, born 11 Oct 1930 to Rebecca Wolfe.
HUTCHMAN, male child of John, born 4 Jan 1930 to mother Katie unknown.
HUTCHONSEN, Ina M., born 20 Sep 1921 to mother Jessie Smith.
HUTSELL, Juanita F., born 20 Dec 1922 to mother Cora Wynn.
HUTSELL, Murvil Winston, born 2 Mar 1927 to mother Cora Wynn.
HUTSELL, Murvill W., born 2 Mar 1927 to mother Cora Wynn.
HUTSON, male child of Ed, born 10 Feb 1915 to mother Sallie Hall.

HYATT, Edward, born 29 Jan 1930 to mother Mary Bishop.
HYATT, Glenn T., born 29 Jan 1930 to mother Maunnie Rolland.
HYATT, Lester T., born 9 Dec 1927 to mother Mary Bishop.
HYATT, Opal L., born 17 Jul 1928 to motehr Eva Owens.
HYATT, Ruby F., born 18 Mar 1930 to mother Eva Owens.
*There were two entries in the birth index and two birth certificates issued - one is a correction to the original, erroneous record.