The Butler
from June 1, 1889
from Page
School Teachers
Pendleton County Teachers' Association
convened at the Butler Baptist
church, 10 o'clock a.m., with
President T.M. Barton in the
opened by reading and prayer
by W.T. Voires, then a song by
the children.
welcome address was delivered
by W.T. Voires, after which a
card was read from Supt. E.F.
Bradford, stating, with regrets,
his inability to attend and Miss
Viola Moore was called upon to
respond to the welcome address.
by the choir.
History was discussed by W.D.
Tandy, Mr. Stewart, Miss Voila
Essay, "Thoughts
on Teaching," by Miss Etta
History: 1. How to teach it;
2. Its importance. T.M. Barton,
followed by L.L. Barton, Miss
Viola Moore.
by the choir.
Essay, "Education," by
Miss Rella Yelton.
by the choir.
to the teachers of Pendleton
county, by Hon. F.F. Wallace.
On motion, the Association extended
to Mr. Wallace a vote of thanks
for the amendments to the school
laws originated and advocated
by him at the last session of
convened at 1:15 by singing.
in Civil Government conducted
by W.T. Voires, for teh benefit
of the teachers.
by the choir.
Essay, "Uses
of the Kindergarten," by
Miss Etta Galbreath.
by E.E. Barton.
Debate: "Resolved,That
Corporal punishment should be
abolished in our schools." Affirmative,
W.T. Voires. Negative, L.L. Barton.
report of the committee was then
considered, and the following
Resolved, That
we as a body of teachers express
our grief and sympathies, felt
in the loss of our friend and
co-worker in education, Bernard
Barton, whose presence brightened
our last meeting at Falmouth.
We know that the teachers feel
this loss deeply and will join
in this resolution.
our association meet again during
the Institute week this summer.
Resolved, That
we extend our thanks to Prof.
T.M. Barton for the able manner
in which he has presided at our
meetings during this year of
the Association. Also, that we
extend thanks to our Secretary
for his energy and industry in
preparing the minutes.
That we extend thanks to Miss
Jennie Mason for favoring us
in presiding at the organ.
that the hearty thanks of this
meeting be given the committee
on entertainment, and to the
good people of Butler who have
so hospitably opened thier doors
to us to-day.
That we tender the members and
officers of the Baptist church,
our thanks for the use of it
to the Association by C.S. Ellis.
people turned out en masse and
were prepared to entertain many
more than came.
people of Butler never do anything
by halves and all who failed
to attend missed finding out
how the butlerites advocate education.
F.F. Wallace, one of our benefactors,
was present and gave a talk which
was warmly applauded.
Leslie Barton looked "just
as handsome as he could," in
his "silk plug."
debate - ah, there, too, is where
you missed it, who were not there.
Profs Voires and Barton buttered
both sides of the bread they
threw at each other. Don't know
why, but its a fact.
Viola Moore was the guest of
Mrs. Chas. Peoples Saturday,
and Mrs. R.F. Shaw Sunday.
adjourned until Institute time
this summer. --Guide
John Carey, a former Butler man,
is now purchasing tobacco in
Falmouth. He received in Newman's
warehouse there, and has already
purchased about 75,000 pounds.
Saturday we had our annual election
of School Trustee. Messrs. R.W.
Holland and D.W. Frazier were
candidates, and Holland was elected.
He has always been a friend of
the school, and has been a teacher,
and will we believe make a good
one. -Falmouth Cor. Cov.
subscribers of the Enterprise know
we hire our printing and typesetting
done and this week a part of
the force of the Guide office,
where we get our work done is
off to Owensboro, Ky., to attend
the Press Assocation. This causes
us to be late. We see nothing
however, in our faith for the
future that will cause us to
delay or miss an issue.
following letters remain in the
Post office at Butler unclaimed:
Anderson, J.T.; Barrett, Miss
Mary; Dunn, Mr. H.E.; Fryer,
Miss Anna F.; Helton, M.W.; Honton,
Mat. W.; Murphy, Jonhnie; Rennart,
Continued on Page
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NOTE: These records have been transcribed from several different sources, either by us or by other researchers and provided as a starting point to assist you in your research; we've verified as many as we could, but be aware that there may be errors (either mis-spellings on the original records, almost illegible writing on the records, and/or typing errors on my part), so make sure to double check them prior to assuming they're "the gospel truth". We will never deliberately include erroneous information in any part of this site.
These records have not been copied by either of this site's coordinators from
other sites, as has been implied by some. Sources have included records from
the E. E. Barton research files, military records, newspapers, microfilm and/or
compiled lists that were provided by family members and other researchers.
The majority of the additions to the marriage index pages on 17 and 30 Jun
2007 were transcribed from FHC microfilm #973027.
If you have records that you'd like to see added to this site,
please contact either Sherri or Suzanne and
we'll be glad to add them to this collection.
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