The Butler
from June 1, 1889
from Page 1
new trustee here now is Henry
Colbert is now town collector
of Falmouth.
Molliee Yelton is better from
an attack of rheumatism.
Julia Williams has about recovered
from the mumps.
Jane Barton spent Sunday with
Mrs. Julia Williams.
Armstrong has left for Atlanta,
Georgia, to visit his parents.
Taylor is the newly elected trustee
of the Flower Creek School.
Jennie Galbreath, who is teaching
at Portland, Sundayed here.
Beckett, of Meridian, spent Sunday
very pleasantly at Pleasant Hill.
J.M. Weaver, one of the ablest
divines in the State, has closed
his meetings here.
Bart Ackley, of Cincinnati, is
expected up to Butler on a summer
vacation trip soon.
Mattie Miller, sister of Dr.
Wm. H. Yelton, returned to her
home in Bracken county.
Nora Tomlin, of Falmouth, was
a pleasant and attractive visitor
of the Butler association to-day.
Nannie Brownfield attended quarterly
court at Falmouth this week -
we tell her she was courting.
Monday Frank Lawrence will begin
working on the K.C. R.R. We can
but tell him to be very careful.
S. Viola Moore, who lately closed
her wchool at Morgan, attended
the Association to-day. She will
remain until Monday.
James Ellis, C.A. and W.M. Rardin,
of this place, and W.W. Wilson,
of Demossville, attended quarterly
court at Falmouth this week.
Voglesong, of Falmouth, came
down to-day and is visiting the
family of R.M. Anderson. While
there, she visited the Teachers'
Faris, who has been attending
college in Missouri, contemplates
returning soon. This is Charlie's
old home and his friends will
be glad to see him return.
the schools now in session will
close June 14. It would be appropriate
and expressive of a spirit of
harmony, if literary exercises
from both schools would close
the schools for the year at the
same time and place.
has been landed here from Falmouth
that the boys there want to play
with the base ball club here.
The Butler boys are bold and
enterprising and the very fact
of the receipt of the news is
equivalent to an acceptance and
an engagement.
of the most pleasant events of
late will be the strawberry festival
given by Misses Tillie, Carrie
and Emma Peal at their residence
west of Butler. The Misses Peal
know just how to entertain right
royally, and those who are fortunate
enough to be able to attend will
report a good time.
was thought that the election
of school trustee at Falmouth
would be a hotly contested one,
and, in fact, before the polls
were opened the friends of the
candidates in the field were
busy at work. However, R.W. Holland,
our County Attorney, was elected
by a majority of 86 in a total
vote of 190.
M.S. Faris has been written to
in reference to her going to
Missouri to take charge of the
Musical Department of Humphrey's
College. She will doubtless leave
soon. We can assure President
G.A. Smith that when he secures
her services, he obtains a music
teacher of great experience and
ability. While we bid her farewill
with great reluctance we wish
ere much success and joy in her
new home.
Continued on Page
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NOTE: These records have been transcribed from several different sources, either by us or by other researchers and provided as a starting point to assist you in your research; we've verified as many as we could, but be aware that there may be errors (either mis-spellings on the original records, almost illegible writing on the records, and/or typing errors on my part), so make sure to double check them prior to assuming they're "the gospel truth". We will never deliberately include erroneous information in any part of this site.
These records have not been copied by either of this site's coordinators from
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the E. E. Barton research files, military records, newspapers, microfilm and/or
compiled lists that were provided by family members and other researchers.
The majority of the additions to the marriage index pages on 17 and 30 Jun
2007 were transcribed from FHC microfilm #973027.
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please contact either Sherri or Suzanne and
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