Jeff Kemp
State Coordinator
Tricia Aanderud
Assistant State Coordinator
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County Coordinator

Welcome to Our County

Dive into the rich history of your family in Spencer County, Florida. Our curated resources are designed to guide you through local-level research, offering insights and tools crucial for uncovering your past. Explore with us and uncover the stories that shape you.

Explore the Research Resources section for a treasure trove of tools, including detailed maps and creative research strategies, designed to enhance your discovery journey in Spencer County.

Our History

Spencer Co Map

The area now known as Spencer County has a deep-rooted history dating back to its days within Jefferson County, Virginia. As Kentucky prepared for statehood, its citizens adopted a constitution in May 1792, and the state officially joined the Union as the 15th state on June 1, 1792.

The exact timing of the first settlers in this region remains unclear. However, Lewis Collins, in his "History of Kentucky," records an incident on May 25, 1778, when a boat on the Salt River had an encounter with Native Americans. Given that the Salt River was navigable to what is now Taylorsville, it is likely that this early interaction occurred within modern-day Spencer County.

Would You Like to Help Other Researchers?

Birth, marriage, death records, obituaries, family histories, photos, deeds, wills or other information you may have, could be shared with other researchers. REMEMBER someone shared the information you currently find here. Won't you consider returning the favor?

If you have Spencer County information that you would like to submit to this site,
or if you are able and willing to do lookups, please email a coordinator.

KYGenWeb Project History

The KyGenWeb Project was started in March and April, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Kentucky Comprehensive Genealogy Database Project. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Kentucky, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index.
KY GenWeb Link
At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page. Required elements of a county page included offering queries and lookups. This project became known as KyGenWeb. US GenWeb Link
Within just a few months, most of the Kentucky counties had a volunteer coordinator, and it was decided to expand the project to include the other states and USGenWeb was born, and a short time later WorldGenWeb. World GenWeb Link

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Last Modified: May 2024

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