SPENCER COUNTY KENTUCKY CEMETERIES Then & Now, Vol. 1 The cemeteries in Vol. 1 are mostly East of Highways 55 & 155, and include Bethlehem Baptist Church, Briar Ridge Christian Church, Little Mount Church, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Old Taylorsville, Cem., Van Buren Church of Christ and many small family cemeteries. There are a few obituaries from area newspapers and a surname index. Price: $20.00 ppd.
SPENCER COUNTY KENTUCKY CEMETERIES Then & Now, Vol. 2 Volume 2 includes cemeteries West of Highways 55 & 155 including Elk Creek Baptist Church, Campbranch - Mt. Zion Church, King's Baptist Church, Carrithers Family Cem. and many family graveyards. There are several obituaries from area newspapers and a surname index. Price: $20.00 ppd.
SPENCER COUNTY KENTUCKY CEMETERIES Then & Now, Vol. 3 Most, but not all, of the cemeteries in this final book of this series are located West of Highway 55 & 155. Church cemeteries included are: Green's Chapel Methodist Church, Little Union Baptist Church, Plum Creek Baptist Church, River View Baptist Church, A.M.E. Methodist Church, Mt. Eden Christian Church and the Reformed Church of Christ. There are many family cemeteries plus more material that is informative and interesting, a few obituaries and a surname index. Price: $20.00 ppd.
Send order for the above books to:
Edna F. Burgin
4019 Burrell Drive
Louisville, KY 40216-3616
When ordering the above books, Please specify Spencer County, KY and which volume/s you which to order. 
Valley Cemetery Located on Highway 44, one mile west of Taylorsville. Burials from 1898 to present.
(See Spencer County publications)
Partial Listing - Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery
Partial Listing- Briar Ridge Christain Church
Partial Listing - Elk Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
Partial Listing- Old Elk Creek Cemetery in Disrepair
Hedges Cemetery
Partial Listing- Little Union Cemetery
Partial Listing - Plum Creek Baptist Church
Prewitt & West graves, Milligan Farm
Old Tatesville Cemetery
Partial Listing - Valley Cemetery
Partial Listing- Finding the lost headstones of the Collings/McMichael family ...
Partial Listing- Old Taylorsville Cemetery
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This site maintained by Diane Bollschweiler for the KY GenWeb project.
© Diane Bollschweiler 1996 - 2025