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![]() Civil War Veterans of Trigg County Kentucky |
![]() Slip into the past and visit the brave soldier's who fought for their belief during the Civil war that tore our nation and families apart. Listen to the tales of hardship, family sacrifice, bloodshed, miracles, and the valiant men coming home to their loved ones. |
August 19, 1912Vote Was Tie On Appropriation for Confederate Monument The Trigg County Fiscal Court was in session Monday in called session to take action in the matter of making an appropriation to aid in the erection of the Confederate monument in front of the courthouse. All the magistrates of the county were present.
Esq. Nabb moved that the county appropriate $250 for the purpose, and the motion was seconded by Esq. Bridges: A number of ballots were taken all resulting in a tie, four and four. Those voting for the proposition were Justices Nabb, Bridges, and Creekmur and Judge Dabney. Against, Justices Ahart, Sholar, Rogers and Cooper. The matter was finally postponed until the regular meeting of the court the first Tuesday in October.
April 6, 1912Confederates Elect Delegates To Reunion At Macon
Names And Ages Of The Veterans Who Attended Meeting
Lloyd Tilghman Camp, U.C.V. held a meeting in Cadiz last Monday to select delegates to the Reunion, which will be held at Macon, Ga., on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of May. There were twenty-seven veterans at the meeting. Following are the names of the delegates and alternates selected to the Reunion: Joe Mitchell, Sam Sumner, R. W. Roach, delegates and J. H. Caldwell, H. C. Vinson, Sam Lancaster, alternates.The railroad fare for the round trip from Hopkinsville is $13.70.
Following are the names of the veterans who attended the meeting together with the age of each.
R.W. Roach - 71 | Ben Froman - 78 | Lee Piercy - 72 |
R.W. Dew - 71 | W. M. Phillips - 74 | Tom Cunningham -75 |
Zenas Alexander -69 | Sam Sumner - 67 | James Tutt - 75 |
John Adams - 74 | Burnett Perry - 69 | R. B. Thompson - 71 |
Joe Mitchell - 70 | E. D. Osburn - 68 | William Dew - 69 |
Elias Alexander Cunningham - 69 | J.P. Bennet - 69 | G.S.A. Wallace -73 |
John Faughn - 76 | Sam Lancaster - 69 | H. P. Baker - 77 |
Henry Cain - 64 | T. J. Ladd - 79 | P. B. Harrell - 73 |
John H Caldwell - 70 | W.W. Ryan - 73 | H.C. Vinson -65 |
J L B Darnall - 70 |
October 2, 1913 Other Pensions Granted Under Confederate Pension Law
Another list of Confederate pension claims have been approved by the Board at Frankfort, the following from Trigg county being in the list; Charles Baker, J. H. Caldwell, R. W. Dew, William Green and Mrs. Virginia F. Warren. The claim of Mrs. Lizzie Humphries, of Caldwell county, was also allowed. Mrs. Humphries is the mother of Deputy Sheriff Charley Humphries, of this county.
- - - - April 1914
Confederate Pensions Granted To A Number of Trigg CountiansOn last Saturday 492 additional pension claims were allowed by the Confederate Pension Department at Frankfort, the following Trigg countians being among the number. Zenas, Alexander, J. L. B. Darnall, Mrs. Mary D. Hughes, T. B. Jones, T. J. Ladd, J. E. Tutt, C. T. Bridges, Mrs. Eliza Blane, J. H. Mitchell, Mrs. Emma C. Major, Mrs. O. Q. Lindsay, W. W. Ryan. Mrs. Major and Mr. Bridges have been dead several months, and under the ruling of the Pension Board their estates may not be allowed to draw their claims. The warrants will be sent out today from the office at Frankfort, and the money will be paid on the 5th of May.
D.C. Black, V. B. Hawley, of Lyon; Susan E. Goodwin, W. A. Mc Cargo, of Caldwell, Mrs. Ben F. Woods, H. H. Sivels, T. Z. Tandy, C. L. Campbell, John E. Saunders, of Christian and J. B. Utterback, C. B. Jones, T. R. Grogan, G. R. Stubblefield, of Calloway are some of those from neighboring counties with pension claims.
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Early 1900's Pensions Granted To Five Trigg Countians Under New LawThe first batch of pension claims under the new State Confederate pension law was approved by the State Pension board last week, and this includes five from Trigg county as follows: John J. Adams, of Kyle; Mrs. Susan Bingham, of Wallonia; Mrs. Amelia E. Braboy, of Cadiz; Mrs. Laura J. Cunningham, Trigg Furnace, James P. Bennett, of Golden Pond. Only about three or four hundred names throughout the State have yet been passed upon.
December 12, 1912Death AT 115
Former Trigg County Negro Dies In Louisville Journey To City Causes Death of Rafe LeavellAlmost every man, woman and child of Trigg county knew Rafe Leavell. For many years past he had resided at Trigg Furnace on the Hillman plantation. On account of feeble health he was taken to Louisville some weeks ago to reside with his daughter, and last Friday he passed away in that city. In speaking of his death, together with a number of other references to his life, the following notice is clipped from a Louisville paper:
"The Yankee win, but I will be a rebel until I die." These words, uttered at the close of the civil war by "Uncle Rafe" Leavell have found absolute fulfillment. "Uncle Rafe" a former slave, died a "rebel" last Friday night at the age of 115, after celebrating a birthday on the Monday preceding. He was buried Sunday. The old Negroes of the city attended the funeral in a body.
Born in 1797 in Christian county, Kentucky. "Uncle Rafe" lived through four wars, that of 1812, the Mexican conflict, the civil war, and the late Spanish-American struggle. Had he wishes, he might have voted for 13 presidents, but he argued: "This is the white man's country. Let him make and unmake presidents. The negro's place is humble. Let him keep it." This was the abiding philosophy of the faithful old darkey throughout his long life's span. Even on the death bed it persisted.
When hostilities broke out between the north and the south "Uncle Rafe" was a slave on the plantation of Marshall Leavell of Christian county. He went to war with his master. Early in the conflict a Yankee bayonet pierced Leavell's breast. The old Negro promptly avenged his master's death by killing the Uniform soldier on the spot. He was taken prisoner. The fight occurred during a raid on Camp Coleman, Ky.
Against his will "Uncle Rafe" was forced to serve as a teamster for the Eighty-third Illinois infantry. At the close of the war he returned to Kentucky and located in Lyon county.
"Uncle Rafe, came to Louisville from Cadiz, Ky., some time ago to visit his daughter. He never recovered from the effect of the railroad journey. He leaves an aged wife.