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Col. Jim Sholar
ALEXANDER, James - C.S.A. - badly wounded July 1863 and never able to rejoin his command. Adopt Me! ALEXANDER,Zenas Pvt. - C.S.A. - badly wounded at Jackson, Miss 7/11/1863. Adopt Me! ANDERSON, W.H., Pvt - C.S.A. taken prisoner at Kennesaw Mt. in June 1864 Adopt Me! ASHBROOK,J. R. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! ATKINS,J. W. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! ATWOOD, W.A. 1st Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BACON, Ben F. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BADGER, B. Pvt. - C.S.A. -enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! BAKER, Bob - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BAKER, Charles - C.S.A. October 2, 1913 Other Pensions Granted Under Confederate Pension Law: Another list of Confederate pension claims have been approved by the Board at Frankfort, the following from Trigg county being in the list; Charles Baker, J. H. Caldwell, R. W. Dew, William Green and Mrs. Virginia F. Warren. The claim of Mrs. Lizzie Humphries, of Caldwell county, was also allowed. Mrs. Humphries is the mother of Deputy Sheriff Charley Humphries, of this county.Adopt Me! BAKER, Francis M, 2nd Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BAKER, John Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BAKER, Hazard P Kaye Brown Woomack BAKER, John F. Capt. succeeded Dr. Trice at Shiloh Kaye BAKER, S. W. Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BARNES,Gideon W. - Pvt - C.S.A. - wounded at Ft. Donelson 2/15/1862. he was the son of Harlenia Dunning and Cader Barnes. He was born ca 1845 and married Susan C. Faulkner 15 Sep 1869 in Trigg county, Ky. Joyce Dunning BARTON, W. H. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! BATTOE,J.B., 1st Corp. C.S.A. Adopt me! BATTOE, W.T. -1st Sgt. C.S.A Wounded at Ressaca, Ga. 5/14/1864 Adopt Me! BATTS,J. T., 2nd Corp. C.S.A. -. taken prisoner. Taken prisoner 9/01/1864 at Jonesboro, Ga. Adopt Me! BATTS, R.A. - Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BATTS, Thomas, Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BAYNHAM,J. Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BELL, John W. Pvt. - C.S.A. - taken prisoner at Kennesaw Mt. in June 1864 Adopt me! BINGHAM, Jabez Capt. C.S.A. Vicki Stewart BLAKEMORE, William - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BLANE,HENRY DR. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BLANKENSHIP, John Capt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! BOATRIGHT,John N. Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BOND,Winfrey Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BOUNDS,F. M. Pvt. - C.S.A. - died at Bowling Green 12/20/1861 Adopt Me! BOURLAND,Thomas Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of measles in the fall of 1861 Adopt Me! BOURLAND,W. T. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BOYD,James E. Pvt. - C.S.A.
taken prisoner, escaped and killed inb attle at Jackson, Miss 7/11/1863Adopt Me! BOYD, Linn, Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BOYD,William T. Pvt. - C.S.A. Clifton T. Boyd BRAYBOY,William H. Pvt - C.S.A. - wounded at Shiloh 4/06/1862 Adopt Me! BREWER,W. G. Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BREWER,W. H. Pvt. - c.s.a. Adopt Me! BRIDGES, Cullen T. Edison Thomas BRIDGES,D. W. Pvt. - C.S.A.
enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862.Adopt Me! BRIDGES, William Pvt. - C.S.A.- Died of disease at Castillion Springs, Miss. 9/10/1862
Edison Thomas BROWN,J. A. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BROWN,James W. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BROWN,W. J. Capt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BRYANT,Henry H. Pvt. - C.S.A.
discharged account of disability 1/21/1862Adopt Me! BURCHETT,D.A. Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BURNETT, Henry - C.S.A. Adopt Me! BURNETT,James - C.S.A. - wounded at Shiloh 4/06/1862 taken prisoner and died in prison Adopt Me! CAIN, Patrick Henry- C.S.A. Adopt Me! CAIN, R. C. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! CALDWELL,John H. Ord. Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! CALDWELL, Wister, - killed at Shiloh 4/06/1862 Adopt Me! CALHOUN, George M Pvt. - C.S.A. Etta Merritt CALHOUN, Joe Etta Merritt CALHOUN,Robert, Pvt. - C.S.A. - died at Atlanta, Ga. 2/10/1862 Etta Merritt CAMPBELL, Given Capt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! CAMPBELL, W. M. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! CANNON, Douglass, Pvt. - C.S.A. - killed at Baton Rouge, La. 8/15/1862 - Member of Co *, 4th Ky Inf and served under the ex Vice President of Ky who led the CSA assault to regain control of Baton Rouge from the Union. Don Cannon, Jr. CANNON, Fenelon - C.S.A. - born Nov 24, 1825, Trigg. He commanded Co. G, 1st La. Cav. He was in the invasion of Ky in 1862. Fenelon is mentioned in the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion (OR). Don Cannon, Jr. CARNEY,JAMES W. Pvt. - C.S.A. - mortally wounded at Ft. Donelson 2/15/1862 Adopt Me! CAVITT,A. R. Pvt - C.S.A.
enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862.Adopt Me! CHAPPELL,James W. Pvt. - C.S.A. - mortally wounded at Ft. Donelson 2/15/1862 Adopt Me! CHOATE,James C. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! CHOATE,Thomas Pvt. - C.S.A. - badly wounded at Ft. Donelson Adopt Me! CRISMAN,W. T. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! CHRISMAN,William Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! CLARK,L. M. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! CLAXTON,William Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! COCHRAN,J. William Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of disease in hospital at Clarksville Adopt Me! COLLEY,S. G. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! COOK,E. C. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! COOK, W. F. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! COPELAND, Ike - C.S.A. June 1904 Ike Copeland Dead Only Colored Confederate Left In Western Kentucky News has reached here of the death at Eddyville of the only Negro Confederate veteran left in West Kentucky. "Uncle Ike" Copeland passed away a few days ago at the home that had been provided for him by Gen. H. B. Lyon. Almost his expiring wish was that he might have lived long enough to go with "Marse Hiram," as he called Gen. Lyon, to the Nashville reunion. He rarely missed a gathering of his white comrades, and was always given a place of honor by Confederates.
Adopt Me! COPELAND,Thomas Pvt. - discharged account disability 2/2/1862 Adopt Me! CRAWLEY,A. B. Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! CROUCH,John - C.S.A. Adopt Me!
CUNNINGHAM, Alex E. - C.S.A. Wounded at Chickmauga 9/20/1863
Enlisted September 14, 1861 at Camp Burnett, TN and served with Co. G. 4th Kentucky Regt Inf. (CSA). Private Elias A. Cunningham enlisted under Col. Trabue and Capt. John B. Trice. His last colonel was Col. Albert P. Thompson. He was promoted from private to 4th corporal on January 10, 1863 and demoted from 4th corporal to private on June 7 1863. He was a member of the famous 'Orphan Brigade' and participated in the battles of Baton Rouge, Chickamauga, Dalton, GA and many others. He was wounded in the knew at the Battle of Chickamauga on Sept 20, 1863. Pvt. Cunningham surrendered on May 6, 1865 in Washington, GA, and was paroled there on May 7, 1865. He took the oath of allegiance on May 21, 1865. He applied for his Pension on Aug 9, 1920. Perrin's History of Trigg County and his Confederate Veterans Pension Application give his birth date as May 12 1843, and Trigg County History gives his birth date as May 30, 1843. Elias was the son of William & Virginia (Carr) Cunningham, and the husband of Margaret E (Hendricks) Cunningham, Elizabeth (Stallings) Cunningham, and Sudie F (Robenson) Cunningham.(from Trigg County, Kentucky, Veterans - Lest We Forget; Turner Publishing 2001)
Lynn Cunningham
CSA (Confederate States of America) WSI veteran - 1861-1864. David was the son of William and Virginia (Carr) Cunningham, and the husband of Mary Ellen (Atwood) Cunningham.
(from Trigg County, Kentucky, Veterans - Lest We Forget; Turner Publishing 2001)
Lynn Cunningham
CUNNINGHAM, Elias Alexander, 4th Corp. C.S.A. Adopt Me! CUNNINGHAM, Elias Stephanie CUNNINGHAM,G.G. Pvt. - C.S.A. -wounded at Dallas, Ga. 5/28/1864 Adopt Me!
CUNNINGHAM, James Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! Cunningham, James D
Daniel Thomas
CUNNINGHAM, John T. 1st Lt. Adopt Me! CUNNINGHAM,Mick C, 4th Sgt. - C.S.A. (full name Mickens Carr Cunningham)
wounded at Shiloh 4/06/1862 and Resaca, Ga. 5/14/1864
Private, born 26 May 1839 in Trigg County, KY., died 26 May 1910 in Trigg County, KY. He enlisted 14 Sep 1861, at Camp Burnett, TN and served with Co, G, 4th Kentucky Regt. Inf. (CSA). According to his Confederate Veteran's Pension Application, he enlisted on 22 Aug 1861. Wounded on his face (near his ear) at the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862 and discharged on 25 Jul 1862. He returned to his home where he recovered. He re-enlisted at Beech Grove, TB on 14 Apr 1863, into his old company, Co. G, 4th Kentucky Regt. Inf., and served until the end of the war. He surrendered at Washington, GA on 6/7 May 1865 and took the oath of allegiance on 21 May 1865. Mickens was the son of William and Virginia (Carr) Cunningham, and the husband of Laura Jane (Hendricks) Cunningham.
(from Trigg County, Kentucky, Veterans - Lest We Forget; Turner Publishing 2001)
Lynn Cunningham CUNNINGHAM, R. Bruce - C.S.A. (full name Robert Bruce Cunningham)
CSA (Confederate States of America) - volunteered on 8/7/1862 at Knoxville, TN, Company A, 2nd Calvary - promoted to 2nd Lt. on 9/10/1862- wounded 9/27/1862 in Clark's County, KY - wounded on 12/7/1862 at Hartsville, TN - captured and confined in Hopkinsville, KY. He and another Confederate prisoner broke out of prison, hiding during the day until they were out of danger of capture by the northern troops, being fed and hidden by Southern sympathizers. Robert was the son of Andrew and Nancy (P'Pool) Cunningham, and the husband of Mary Alice (Harris) Cunningham.
adopted by: Lynn Cunningham
Lynn Cunningham CUNNINGHAM, S. John Capt. - C.S.A.
Information provided by Lynn Cunningham
1st Lieutenant (Surgeon). Enlisting in the Confederate Army, Co. G, 4th Kentucky Inf., John Cunningham was elected a 1st lieutenant. His unit fought for two days in the battle of Shiloh, the regiment went into battle with 900 men and came out with 450. Later he was Gen. Wheeler's surgeon. He then, with Gen. Bragg's invasion of Kentucky, helped to organize a cavalry company of which he was elected 2nd lieutenant and later elected captain. He was captured at Paris, TN and imprisoned at Nashville, TN, and Camp Chase, OH, and Fortress Monroe, VA.
(from Trigg County, Kentucky, Veterans - Lest We Forget; Turner Publishing 2001)
CSA (Confederate States of America) - enlisted at Camp Burnett, Tennessee, with ninety other men from Trigg County, Kentucky. Company G, 4th KY Regiment., 1st KY Brigade - appointed 1st Lt. on 9/13/1861 - fought at Shiloh, resigned in June 1862 in order to transfer from the Infantry to the Medical Corps - at the Battle of Shiloh he was in command of a company of men serving under General Albert Sidney Johnson - he was stationed at Lookout Mountain as a surgeon, where he was captured by the enemy and kept a prisoner for a time at Camp Chase in Ohio.
(Cunningham Family, Leaves from the Family Tree, by Marqua Duncan, pg 89)
Lynn Cunningham
CUNNINGHAM, W. G. Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! CUNNINGHAM, William Thomas 'Tom' - C.S.A.
Enlisted September 1861 at Fort Donelson, TN and served with Co. A, 1st Tennessee (Forrest's) Regiment Cavalry under Captain May. Co. A of the 1st Tennessee Regt. of Cavalry would later become Co. C, 3rd (Forrest's Old) Tennessee Cav. Regt. William Thomas Cunningham was captured at Gallatin, TN, and sent to Camp Chase, OH. He was exchanged in August 1862 and went back into the Confederate Army. He was honorably discharged at Murfreesboro, TN in November 1862. Tom was the son of William and Virginia (Carr) Cunningham, and the husband of Martha Jane (Cameron) Cunningham.(from Trigg County, Kentucky, Veterans - Lest We Forget; Turner Publishing 2001)![]()
Lynn Cunningham
DAVIDSON, W Pvt. - C.S.A. enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! DAVIS,N. M. Pvt. - C.S.A. enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! DAVIS, Preston R. - Lt. C.S.A. wounded at Shiloah 4/06/1862 - taken prisoner and died in prison Adopt Me! DAVIS,W. N. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! DAVIS, W. P. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! DELAWSON William Pvt. - C.S.A. died while a prisoner of war after having been taken prisoner at Ft. Donelson Adopt Me! DEARING, Calvin Poindexter Burnett W. Porter, Jr. DEW, Robert, 1st Corp. C.S.A. - wounded at Ressaca, Ga. 5/14/1864 October 2, 1913 Other Pensions Granted Under Confederate Pension Law: Another list of Confederate pension claims have been approved by the Board at Frankfort, the following from Trigg county being in the list; Charles Baker, J. H. Caldwell, R. W. Dew, William Green and Mrs. Virginia F. Warren. The claim of Mrs. Lizzie Humphries, of Caldwell county, was also allowed. Mrs. Humphries is the mother of Deputy Sheriff Charley Humphries, of this county.Adopt Me! DEW,William F. Pvt - C.S.A.
wounded at Atlanta, GA. 8/22/1864Adopt Me! DEW, Wilson W., 5th Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! DUNN, John James Union Army - Jim Sholar DUNNING, John Pvt. C.S.A. Joyce Dunning DUNNING,John W. - Pvt. - C.S.A. Joyce Dunning DUNNING, Joseph, Pvt. Joyce Dunning DUNNING, Levi Shoulders, Pvt. Joyce Dunning DUNNING, William Leander, 2nd Lt. Joyce Dunning DURRETT,William L. 4th Corp. - C.S.A. - wounded at Shiloh 4/06/1862 died at Paducah Adopt Me! EDWARDS,Charles B. Pvt. - C.S.A. - died while a prisoner of war after having been taken prisoner at Ft. Donelson Adopt Me! EDWARDS, Robert Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of disease in Nov. 1861 Adopt Me! EIDSON,William B., 3rd Sgt. - C.S.A. - wounded at Atlanta, Ga. 8/21/1864. Died at Griffin, Ga. 9/12/1864 Adopt Me! ELANDER,James Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! ELANDER,William Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! ELLIOTT.Charles H. Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! ESTES,A. T. Pvt. - C.S.A. Enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! ETHRIDGE, W. Taylor Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! EZELL,G.M. - 2nd. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! FARLEY,John Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease while in service. Adopt Me! Betty Sellers
Great GranddaughterFAUGHN,S.P.D., Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! FAULKNER, Ben Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! FAULKNER,Charles B. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! FAULKNER,E Curtis Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! FORD,John Pvt. - C.S.A.
died of disease March 1862Adopt Me! FORGUSON,F.M. - Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! FORGUSON,J.M. - Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! FORGUSON,J.O. - Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! FOSTER,J. L. E. , Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! FRANKLIN,Gilbert Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! FREEMAN, David O.- Union Army Betty Sellers
Great GranddaughterFREEMAN, Lindsay Howard - Union Army Betty Sellers FRITH,John R. Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of disease while in service Adopt Me! FUTRELL,Cas - C.S.A. Adopt Me! FUTRELL,L Shadrach Roger Futrell FUTRELL, Wiley - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GARDNER,B. A. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! GERRANT,P. M. Sgt. - C.S.A. - Enlisted in Company 2 (A) of the 15th Cavalry at Wallonia, Ky. Adopt Me! GILBERT,James R. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GILFOY,J. R. 2nd Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GLASS,H. P. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GLOVER,James H. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GOODWIN, E.C. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GOODWIN, Jesse Samuel. Sgt. - C.S.A. - 8th Ky C.S.A. Infantry Dona Goodwin GOODWIN,G. D. Capt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GRACE, George E., Pvt. - C.S.A. - died at Jackson, Miss. 8/09/1863 Adopt Me! GRACE, Richard Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GRANT, J.V. Pvt., C.S.A. Adopt Me! GREEN, L. William - C.S.A. October 2, 1913 Other Pensions Granted Under Confederate Pension Law : Another list of Confederate pension claims have been approved by the Board at Frankfort, the following from Trigg county being in the list; Charles Baker, J. H. Caldwell, R. W. Dew, William Green and Mrs. Virginia F. Warren. The claim of Mrs. Lizzie Humphries, of Caldwell county, was also allowed. Mrs. Humphries is the mother of Deputy Sheriff Charley Humphries, of this county.Roger Futrell GREENWOOD,Robert H. Pvt. - C.S.A. - badly wounded at Jackson, Miss 7/11/1863 and never able to rejoin his command. Adopt Me! GREER,J. T. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! GRESHAM, Mose Pvt - C.S.A. Clifton Boyd GRIFFIN JOE E Col. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! GRIFFIN,W. H. Pvt. - C.S.A.
died of disease 12/04/1862Adopt Me! HALE,David H. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HALL, John Sgt. - C.S.A. - 15th Cavalry of CSA.. organized at Wallonia August 1862. Adopt Me! HAMBY,J. H. Corp. C.S.A. Adopt Me! HARRELL, Pinkney B. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HARRELL, Riley Pvt. C.S.A. - died at Amite City, La. 8/05/1862 Adopt Me! HARRELL,William H. Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt me! HARRIS,B. F. Major - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HARRIS,J. T. Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HART, Joseph Pvt - C.S.A. - discharged account disability 12/02/1862 Adopt Me! HARVEY,J. S. Sgt. - C.S.A. - died in October 1862 Adopt Me! HAYDEN, R. H. Pvt. - C.S.A. - wounded at Jackson, Miss. 7/11/1863 Adopt Me! HENDRICKS, Lee Sgt. - C.S.A. - died of disease Feb. 1862 Adopt Me! HENDRICKS, Thomas C. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HENRY,R. W. Lt -. C.S.A. - Ft. Donelson - prisoner - die din prison 3/01/1862 Adopt Me! HAYES, David Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HESTER, William Janice HICKS, Ottawa C Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HIGGINS, Frances Leslie Dubin HILL,J. J. Pvt. - C.S.A. -died of disease 11/26/1861 Adopt Me! HODGES, Sam W. Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! HOLLAND, G. WHITMELL PVT. Ed Mammen HOLLAND,James Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! HOLLINSWORTH,J. W. Pvt. - C.S.A wounded at Jackson, Miss. 7/11/1863. Adopt Me! HOLLOWELL,J. W. Pvt. - C.S.A. - died while in prison after having been captured at Ft. Donelson Adopt Me! HOWARD, W. H. Cpl. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! HOWARD,William L. Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HOWELL, J. M. Pvt - C.S.A. - killed at Ft. Donelson 2/14/1862 Adopt Me! HOWELL, N. B. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HOWELL, Miles Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of disease 11/27/1861 Adopt Me! HOWTON,D. H. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HUDDLESTON, Anthony David - C.S.A. Jean Clark HUDDLESTON, Leroy Samuel - C.S.A. Jean Clark
Grand DaughterHUGHES, Frank M. Pvt - C.S.A. - taken prisoner at Kennesaw Mt. 6/20/1864 Adopt Me! HUGHES,Ham - C.S.A. - wounded at Atlanta, Ga. 7/22/1864. Wounded at Entranchment Creek.
Adopt Me! HUGHES, Sam, 3rd Corp. C.S.A. Adopt Me! HUGHES, Zeb, Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! HUGHES, Zem, 1st Sgt., C.S.A. - taken prisoner at Kennesaw Mountain 6/1864 Adopt Me! HUMPHRIES,Calhoun Pvt. - C.S.A. - badly wounded at Ft. Donelson and never able to rejoin his command. Adopt Me! HUMPHRIES,J. LOCK Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! HURST,B. F. Pvt. C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! HUTCHINSON,B. F. - Pvt. - C.S.A. - wounded at Ft. Donelson, recovered, joined Woodards Cavalry Adopt Me! HUTTS, Rufus - C.S.A. - Killed at Bethel Adopt Me! INGRAM,F. P. - Pvt. C.S.A. enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! JACKSON,J. A. Sgt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! JACKSON,W. H. Sgt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! JACKSON,W. W. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! JACOBS,C. F. Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! JEFFERSON,S.A. Pvt. - C.S.A. - taken prisoner at Jonesboro, Ga. 9/01/1864 Adopt Me! JOHNSON,August A. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! JOHNSON, LeRoy Janice JONES, John J. Pvt. - C.S.A. - wounded at Ft. Donelson and died at his home soon afterwards on account of same. Adopt Me! JONES, R. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! JOYCE, Martin VanBuren, Pvt. - Union Joyce Kelley
Great GranddaughterKELLY, J. E. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! KELLY, W. M. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! KENNEDY,James Harvey Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! KENNEDY,N. R. Pvt - C.S.A. - wounded at Shiloh, captured and died in prison at Louisville 2/10/1862 Adopt Me! LACEY, W. B. - Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LADD, J. H. Pvt. - C.S.A. - captured and died in Federal prison at Camp Morton 3/01/1862/td> Adopt Me! LADD, S. C. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LADD,T. J. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LANCASTER, John Tyler Pvt. - C.S.A. Clifton Boyd LANCASTER, SAMUEL - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LASHLEY,James Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! LESTER, James Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LESTER,John Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LESTER,Richard R. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me LESTER,Samuel Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LINDSAY, Robert H. - C.S.A. - Color bearer. killed at Jonesboro 9/01/1864 Medal of Honor Recipient
Adopt Me! LINDSAY,W Sgt.- C.S.A.- enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! LINN, Reuben - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LYNN Reuben Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! LYNN,W. C. - C.S.A Adopt Me! LYON, H. B. - C. S. A.
March 27, 1919
Old "Jop" Dead
Old "Jop" the aged horse whose owner Frank Smith, claimed it to be the very animal ridden by Gen. Lyon during the civil war when that officer burned the courthouse at this place, died Thursday night at the stable of Thacker and Thomas, on East Ninth street.The old horse for he was very old whether the claim made for him as true or note, had been down and unable to arise for about a week and his death is attributed to old age. Hopkinsville New Era
Adopt Me!
LYON, Michael, Pvt. - C.S.A. - taken prisoner at Atlanta, 8/06/1864 Adopt Me! MC ALLISTER, R. P. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MC CHESNEY, Walter Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MC CONNELL, L. C. Pvt. - C.S.A. said to have been first man killed in battle of Ft. Donelson. Adopt Me! MC INTIRE,Thomas J. Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of pneumonia at Hopkinsville in Fall of 1862. Adopt Me! MC KINNEY, N. J. Pvt. C. S. A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! MCNAIR,James Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MCSWAIN, J. A. - Cpl. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! MATHIS, Sam Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! MAYBERRY,James Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of Pneumonia in Hopkinsville in Fall of 1862. Adopt Me! MABRY, Richard Pvt. - C.S.A. - killed at Shiloh 4/06/1862 Adopt Me! MAJOR, Robert W., 1st Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MALONE,Alex Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MALONE,T. D. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MANNING, Allen A. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MANNINGS,James Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of pneumonia at Hopkinsville in Fall of 1862. Adopt Me! MANNING,William H. Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of pneumonia at Hopkinsville in Fall of 1862. Adopt Me! MARTIN,H. J. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MARTIN, Robert Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MARTIN, S. P. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MEREDITH, William, 4th Sgt.C.S.A. - wounded at Jonesboro, Ga. 9/7/1864 died 9/11/1864 Adopt Me! MERSHON,Lewis L. Corp - C.S.A. killed at Jackson, Miss. July 1863 Adopt Me! MILLER, John L. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MITCHELL,Elijah Pvt. - C.S.A. killed at Ft. Donelson february 1862. Adopt Me! MITCHELL, Joseph H. Sgt. - C.S.A. severely wounded at Jackson, Miss in July 1863 and honorably discharged on account of disability. Adopt Me! MITCHELL,J. M. Sgt. - C.S.A.- enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! MITCHELL, J. W. Sgt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! MITCHELL, Walker, Pvt. C.S.A. - wounded at Chickamauga 9/20/1863 Adopt Me! MIZE, Joshua - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MITCHELL,W. Young Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MOORE,T. T. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862 Adopt Me! MOUNTS,Thomas Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MURPHY,G. W. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! MURPHY,Joseph T. Pvt. - C.S.A. - died of disease 11/23/1861 Adopt Me! MURPHY,W. T. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! NICHOLS, John Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! NUNN, James F. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! OAKLEY, Owen Thomas "T". - Union Adopt Me! OSBORN,J. S. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! OSBURN, EPHRAIM D CSA
OUTLAND,Len, 2nd Corp. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! PARSLEY,A. J. Corp - C.S.A. Adopt Me! PARSLEY,J. F. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! PARSLEY, Minus - C.S.A. Adopt Me! PARSLEY,M. S. Sgt. - C.S.A.-enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! PIERCE,W. S. Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! PISTER,Andrew F. Pvt - C.S.A. - wounded at Shiloh 4/06/1862 and discharged Adopt Me! PHILLIPS, William H. Carol Ficklin POGUE, Richard Pvt. - C.S.A. - discharged for disability 7/20/1863 Adopt Me! POSTON, Alex H. Pvt. - C.S.A. - killed at Ft. Donelson. Adopt Me! P'POOL, David. Allen Pvt. - C.S.A.
Yvonne Cameron
Gr. Gr. Grandfather of husbandP'POOL, R.S. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! PELL,Hale Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862 Adopt Me PRICHARD, J. F. 1st Corp. - C.S.A. - wounded at Dallas, Ga. 5/25/1864 Adopt Me! PULLEN, B. N. Pvt. - C.S.A. - enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862 Adopt Me! RAMEY,A. A. Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! RAY, David - C.S.A. - Died at Bowling Green 12/25/1861 Adopt Me! REED, William Pvt. - C.S.A. -died of disease while training at Hopkinsville in Fall 1861. Adopt Me! REESE, A. E. Sgt. - C.S.A. - badly wounded at Ft. Donelson and never able to rejoin his command. Adopt Me! RICHMOND,Lilas Sgt. - C.S.A. - -enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! RILEY,Thomas Pvt. - C.S.A. - taken prisoner at Ft. Donelson and died in prison 5/04/1862 Adopt Me! ROACH, Robert W. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! ROBERTS, James O. Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease while training at Hopkinsville in Fall 1861. Adopt Me! ROBERTS,John Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease while training at Hopkinsville in Fall 1861. Adopt Me! ROBERTSON,Samuel Pvt. - C.S.A. killed at Jackson, Miss. 7/11/1863 Adopt Me! ROGERS, Drewry Frank - C.S.A.
Co. C. 3rd Mounted Inf. Reg.
American Civil War Soldiers
Name: D F Rogers ,
Enlistment Date: 23 July 1862
Side Served: Confederacy
State Served: Kentucky
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 23 July 1862
Enlisted in Company C, 3rd Infantry Regiment Kentucky on 23 July 1862.
Source Citation: Side served: Confederacy; State served: Kentucky; Enlistment date: 23 July 1862.
Adopt Me! ROGERS, Michael Pvt. C.S.A. wounded Resseca, Ga. 5/14 died Atlanta 6/01/1864 Adopt Me! ROUSLAND,W. T. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! RUTLAND,Thomas C. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! RUTLEDGE,Amos P., Pvt. - C.S.A. wounded at Dallas, Ga. 5/28/1864 Adopt Me! SANDERS, Harvey - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SANFORD, Robert P. , 5th Sgt.- C.S.A. killed at Dallas, Ga. 5/24/1864 Adopt Me! SAVELLS,James Pvt. - C.S.A. died 2/26/1862 after having been taken prisoner at Ft. Donelson Adopt Me! SEARS, Monroe Pvt - C.S.A. killed at Dallas, ga. 5/27/1864 Adopt Me! SHELTON,Wash Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease while training at Hopkinsville in Fall 1861. Adopt Me! SHOLAR, Albert Wayne- Union Army Jim Sholar SHOLAR, Henry Washington Pvt. - C.S.A. Katye Shelton SILLS,James Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SILLS, W. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SIZEMORE,D.W. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SIZEMORE, W. Dr. - C.S.A. died of disease February 1862 Adopt Me! SIZEMORE,W. J. Pvt. - C.S.A. died at Clarksville of disease 12/14/1861 Adopt Me! SLAUGHTER,E.A. - C.S.A. Adopt Me. SMITH, Alex C., Pvt. - C.S.A. wounded at Kennesaw Mt. 6/25/1864 awarded Medal of Honor Adopt Me! SMITH,F. A. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SMITH, F. R. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SMITH,J. E. Corp. C.S.A. Adopt Me! SMITH,Joseph H. Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SMITH, William D. Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SMITH,William H. Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SMITH,William M. Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease while training at Hopkinsville in Fall of 1861 Adopt Me! SOUTHARD,Eph Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SOUTHARD,F.S.- Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SOUTHARD,W. C. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! STALLONS,James Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease while training at Hopkinsville in Fall of 1861. Adopt Me! STALLONS,John W. Pvt. - C.S.A. died Beech grove, Tenn. 5/22/1863 Adopt Me! STALLONS,Joseph Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease while training at Hopkinsville in Fall of 1861 Adopt Me! STALLONS, Reubon Stephanie STICE,J. N. Cpl. - C.S.A. enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! STOKES,William H. H. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! STORMS,J. L. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! STORY,Joseph E. Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! SUMNER, Sam - C.S.A. Burnett W. Porter, Jr. SWATZELL,C. J. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! TAYLOR,G Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! TERRY, Ben Dyer Capt. - C.S.A. Stan White
Great grand nephewTERRY,Felix .Grundy C.S.A Stan White
Great grand nephewTERRY, Silas Wright - U.S.N. Stan White
Great grand nephewTHOMAS, Albert D. - C.S.A.. Adopt Me! Alfred Thomas - 4th Sgt. - C.S.A. Edison Thomas THOMAS,James Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! THOMAS, John W. Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease while training at Hopkinsville in Fall of 1861 Adopt Me! THOMPSON,H. H. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! THOMPSON, R. B. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! TODD, John Pvt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! TODD,Thomas, Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! THOMAS,Albert C., 4th Sgt. C.S.A. Adopt Me! THOMAS,Albert D. Edison Thomas THOMAS, Alfred C. Edison Thomas THOMAS, William, Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! TIMMONS,Elijah Pvt - C.S.A. discharged acct. disability 6/18/1862 Adopt Me! TOWNSEND,Alfred W. Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! TRICE, J. L. Dr. - C.S.A. Lost eye sight at Shiloh Adopt Me! TUCKER, John Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! TURNER,R. P. Pvt. - C.S.A.
died of disease 11/27/1861Adopt Me! TURNER,J. J. Pvt. - C.S.A. taken prisoner and paroled 7/17/1863 Adopt Me! TURNER, Lee Lt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! TUTT,James E. C.S.A. badly wounded at Missionary Ridge and Baton Rouge, La. Adopt Me! TYLER,Henry Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! TYREE,Thomas R, 2nd Sgt. - C.S.A. taken prisoner at Dallas, Ga. 5/28/1864 Adopt Me! VINSON,H. R. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WADE,Hampton Corp. - C.S.A. discharged acct. disability Adopt Me! WADE,J. K. P. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WADLINGTON,W. C. C. - C.S.A. died at Nashville 2/14/1862 Adopt Me! WALBERT,J. A. Cpl. - C.S.A. enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! WALBERT,T. J. Cpl. - C.S.A. enlisted in 15th Cavalry Company 2 and later A at Wallonia, Ky which was organized in Aug 1862. Adopt Me! WALL, J.S. Lt, - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WALLACE,Alex L., 2nd Lt. - C.S.A. killed at Dallas, Ga. 5/24/1864 Adopt Me! WALLACE, Hugh D. , 2nd Sgt. wounded & captured at Jonesboro, Ga. 9/01/1865 Adopt Me! WALLACE, Taylor Pvt. - C.S.A. discharged for disability in Dec 1861. Adopt Me! WALLACE, William K. - Pvt. C.S.A. discharged for disability in dec 1861 Adopt Me! WARREN, John Pvt - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WASH, W.A. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WASHBURN,L Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WATKINS, F. M. Sgt. - C.S.A. died of fever 11/02/1862 Adopt Me! WATKINS,G. W. - Pvt. C.S.A. badly wounded at Guntown but survived. Adopt Me! WATKINS,W. L. Pvt. - C.S.A. died of disease 12/21/1861 Adopt Me! WATT,Richard - C.S.A. Richard Watt a highly respected citizen of the Gracey neighborhood died Monday night. Appendicitis was the cause of his death. The deceased was 70 years old and a native of Virginia. He was a Confederate soldier. He is survived by a large family.Feb 23 1905 - Cadiz Record Adopt Me! WATWOOD, David N. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WEAVER,John Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WHITE, George R. Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WHITE, Josiah Sgt. - C.S.A. died of disease Adopt Me! WILFORD, George H. Lt. - C.S.A. died 3/03/1863 while in service. Adopt Me! WILKINSON, Charles Thomas - CSA Adopt Me! WILKINSON, Edward Tillotson - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WILLIAMS, M. M. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WILLIAMS,Reuben R. Pvt. - C.S.A. died in prison after having been captured at Ft. Donelson. Adopt Me! WILLIAMS, William S. Pvt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WILLIAMSON, Horace Pct. - C.S.A. taken prisoner at Jonesboro, ga. 9/01/1864 Adopt Me! WILSON,G. M. Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WILSON,Robert Pvt. - C.S.A. killed at Ft. Donelson 2/15/1862 Adopt Me! WILSON, W. T. Sgt. - C.S.A. badly wounded and permanently disabled. Adopt Me! WIMBERLY,B. F. Sgt.- C.S.A. died of disease Adopt Me! WOLFE,C. B. Sgt. - C.S.A. Adopt Me! WYNN,John H. Pvt. - C.S.A. discharged for disability Adopt Me! YARBROUGH,S.A. Pvt - C.S.A. died of disease 7/01/1862 Adopt Me! Return to Trigg County History & Genealogy