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CANTON PRECINCT lies a little southwest of the geographical center of the county, and is bounded on the north by Little River, on the east by Cadiz Precinct, the south by Linton Precinct, the west by Cumberland River. The face of the country is very uneven and broken, especially along the rivers, where are high hills and rocky, precipitous bluffs. Back from the river the country is not so abrupt, although the entire precinct possesses but a small area of level land. Among the hills and contiguous to the smaller water-courses are tracts of comparatively even land, possessing a deep alluvial soil, the fertility of which has been but slightly diminished by seventy years' almost constant tillage. The broken portions of the precinct are not so well adapted to agriculture, many of the hills being characterized by a thin gravelly soil, which a few years' cultivation renders sterile. Consequently much of the rolling land has never been cleared, and large areas are covered with a forest growth and present the same appearance they did when seen by the first settlers at the beginning of the present century. The timber embraces the varieties usually found growing in this part of the State, maple, oak, beech, hickory and ash predominating. Limestone abounds in all parts of the precinct, and an abundance of excellent sandstone is found in various localities. The water-courses are Donaldson Creek, Craig's Branch, Beech Fork and Muddy Creek, all of which are running streams throughout the greater part of the year. They traverse the country in almost all directions, and empty into Cumberland and Little Rivers.The chief products of the precinct are tobacco, corn, wheat, oats and the usual varieties of vegetables found in this range of climate. Wheat is not found so well adapted to the soil as to form a staple crop in recent years, and while it is still sown to a considerable extent, it is not the crop upon which the farmers place the most dependence. Corn and tobacco are the principal crops upon which they rely for revenue, and much of this is sold for exportation. But few attempts have been made as yet to enrich the soil with commercial fertilizers, although some of the farmers are growing clover successfully and turning it under with good effect upon the soil.
Settlement by White Men.-The settlement of Canton Precinct dates back prior to the dawning of the present century, though at what year the first pioneers made their appearance is a matter of mere conjecture. Traces of rude log-cabins were found in many places along the Cumberland River when the first permanent settlers came, and the belief is current that families of trappers and. adventurers made this a rendezvous many years before any effort was made to open up and improve the country. "As early as 1799, a party of emigrants called a halt on the river at a point where now is situated the town of Canton, who were destined to leave a record in the public archives of this Commonwealth that has been and will continue to be read from the beginning to the ending of the present century. We allude to the family of Abraham Boyd. He was a native of North Carolina, but had been a resident of Tennessee iii the neighborhood of Nashville, a number of years, and removed thence to the point above stated. The trip must have been made in flat-boats, for there were no roads, and an old settler remarked that he assisted them in cut ting a road through the cane from the river bank to the top of the hill for their wagons, and it took several days to complete it. He erected his first dwelling on the ground where the present church stands. His father-in-law, Adam Linn, accompanied him, and made a settlement three miles out from the river on the Luster place. He was a native of Scotland, and a blood relation of the poet Burns. Abraham Boyd was a man of remarkably fine intellect, and for that day a man of considerable culture. He represented the people a number of times in the Legislature when this was a portion of Christian County and afterward 'when Trigg was formed into a di8tinct division. He has been represented as the superior of his afterward distinguished son, Hon. Linn Boyd, upon the stump, was a man of very thorough business training, and the presiding Justice of the County Court in the organization and formation of the county."
About the same time of Boyd's arrival, or perhaps a little earlier, a small settlement was made on Donaldson Creek. Among the first to settle in this locality were John and Shadrach Futrell, Josiah Lindsay and his brothers James L., Caleb and Carleton. Basil Holland settled near the Perry Thomas farm as early as 1800, and died forty-five years ago. James Dixon and his sons Hiram and James, Jr., made improvements in the Holland neighborhood about the year 1802 or 1803.
The Wilson family, consisting of the father, John Wilson, and his sons John, Ben, James, natives of South Carolina, secured homes on Craig's Branch, an affluent of Donaldson Creek, as early as 1803, and John Craig, after whom the stream was named, came a little earlier and settled on the place now used as a poor-farm. In 1804 and 1805 came Joel Cohoun and settled where William Turner lives; Josiah Outland and Enos Outland, who improved a part of the Lindsay land; Charles Boren, Sr., and Charles Boren, Jr., who settled where Blunt Turner lives. About the same time came William Ross and settled on the Whitmill Holland farm. Drury Bridges came as early as 1804 and located near Beech Fork on the place now owned by his grandson, C. T. Bridges. One daughter of this stanch old pioneer, Mrs. Perry Thomas, is still living in the precinct. Mr. Bridges died in 1840. Lawrence Killabrew settled on land adjoining the Bridges farm about the year 1804. He was one of the earliest preachers in the county, and a man of character and influence in the community where he resided.
Prominent among the settlers on Donaldson Creek was James Thomas, who moved to the State from North Carolina in 1806, and located where his grandson Peyton Thomas now lives. The following sketch of this noted pioneer is from McKinney's historical articles: " He was born in North Carolina in 1761, when that country was a province of Great Britain, and long before the inhabitants had conceived the thought of throwing off the yoke of the British Empire. Living through the storm of the Revolution, he inherited that patriotic devotion to hi8 country so peculiar in those days, and gave as a reason for not moving West earlier than he did, that he recognized the same obligations to the State of North Carolina until he 'was forty-five years of age that he did to his parents until he was twenty-one. Taking leave of the country, then, soon after his second maturity. he turned his face to the great West, and after a long and tedious journey arrived on Donaldson Creek, in what was then Christian County. the latter part of November, 1806. Not possessed of the restless disposition of most men, when they have once torn away from the place of their birth, he felt perfectly satisfied in his new home, and resolved at once to spend the residue of his life there. He never broke the resolution, but died in 1832 where he first settled. Old Uncle James Thomas was a man of more than ordinary ability. He was a man of good morals, and a consistent member of the Baptist Church." In company with Mr. Thomas came his sons, Cullen, Perry and Starkie, all of whom were prominently identified with the early growth and development of the county. Cullen Thomas lived and died on the place settled by his father. Perry Thomas, the second son, is still living, having reached the rare old age of eighty-eight years, in full possession of all his mental and physical powers. He has been a very active business man, and has been called at various times to fill offices of public trust. He was the Assessor of the county for twenty-one consecutive years, and the date bf his induction into official life extends away back to the time when two-thirds of the present old men in the county were merely in their swaddling clothes. He is a man of more than ordinary culture, even for the present day, and takes an active part in all measures calculated to benefit the public. Starkie Thomas, the third son, became a very successful business man, and his descendants are among the well-to-do and respectable citizens of the county. James and Stanley Thomas were born after the family came to the State, and were equally prominent with the three described.
Other early settlers of the precinct were Alexander George, Edwin Noel, Richard Bell, Joshua Underwood, James Kinchen and Jordan Lasseter. Later came Allan Showier, Joshua ShowIer, William Barnes, James Barnes, Allen Barnes, Robert Hardin, Luke Thomas and Ezekiel Thomas, all of 'whom had homes in the precinct prior to 1812. Since that period the influx of population has been steady and constant, and many of the old landmarks have forever disappeared.
Early Industries.- The first mill in the precinct was erected about the year 1803 or 1804, and stood on Donaldson Creek, about two miles above its mouth. It was a small log building, contained one buhr operated by a "tub" wheel, and made a coarse article of meal. It was in operation about thirty years, and seems to have been well patronized during the greater part of that period. The last owner was Henry Hansbarger. Another early mill was built by Cullen Thomas, and operated by horse-power. It was what is termed a "tramp-mill," and did a fair business during the time it was in operation.
Abraham Boyd erected a horse-mill at the landing shortly after his arrival, and operated it about twenty years. He constructed a cotton gin about the same time also, with which he did a thriving business during the early days of the county. The second water-mill in the precinct was put in operation by Cullen Thomas about the year 1840. This was a combination mill, manufactured both lumber and meal, but did a limited business, owing to the scarcity of water in the creek.
In the year 1811 James Thomas and Shadrach Futrell erected a distillery on the land of Allen Showier, which they operated with fair success for a period of six or seven years. This was one of the first distilleries in the county, and early achieved the reputation of turning out the very finest quality of whisky. Cullen Thomas constructed a small distillery on his place in 1815, and ran it until 1835. Later, Hiram Dixon engaged in the distillery business on Craig's Branch, but owing to a want of patronage was obliged to close out in a short time. The distillery of Mize & Cliner was erected near Canton about the year 1864. They did a fair business until 1867, at which time the enterprise was abandoned. A tannery was started on the Sumner place near Donaldson Creek in 1851 by McReynolds, of Christian County, who ran it until 1854, when George C. Graham became possessor. He operated it until 1868 or 1870, when it passed into other hands, and finally went down.
A steam-mill was erected by William Williams near Canton about the year 1859. It was afterward purchased by Peyton Thomas, and moved to his place on Donaldson Creek, where it was in operation about three years. It was afterward purchased by a Mr. Gordon, and moved to the west side of the Cumberland. Mr. Thomas operated a small tannery also, and was well patronized until the yard was overflowed and destroyed by the creek. The first blacksmith in the precinct was Basil Holland. Shadrach Futrell was an early mechanic also.
Among the first summoned away by death in the precinct were Dicey Showier, sister of James Thomas in 1806, and Mrs. James Dixon, in the winter of the same year. Other early deaths were Temperance Thomas, Shadrach Futrell and wife, Sarah Futrell, and members of the different families previously referred to.
Early Marriages.-Among the early marriages in the precinct are remembered the following: Winborne Futrell and Charity Colston, 1809; Stephen Boren and - Colston, the same year; John Allen and Sallie, daughter of John Craig, as early as 1808; William Barnes arid Sarah Lawrence, in 1809; Denson Deese and Rachel Holland, 1808 or 1809; Ezekiel Thomas and Temperance Thomas, in 1812. Other early marriages were a Mr. Ford to Nellie Craig; David Cohoun and Rebecca Futrell; Cullen Thomas and Elizabeth Futrell. Among the earliest births were Stanley Thomas, son of James and Mary Thomas, in 1807, and Mary Thomas, in 1809.
The pioneers of Trigg County were a church.going people, and the gospel was introduced in a very early day. The first preachers in this precinct belonged to the Baptist Church, and for several years religious services were held from house to house. Among these pioneer mi8sion-aries are remembered Elders Dudley Williams, Lawrence Killabrew, Thomas Ross, James Dixon and Reuben Ross.
The Donaldson Creek Baptist Church was constituted in 1814 by Revs. Thomas Ross, Dudley Williams and Thomas McLean. At the time of its organization it was an arm of the Dry Creek Church in Canton Precinct, and numbered twenty-four members. The first house of worship was a little log building erected on one acre of land, donated by Basil Holland, and was used as a meeting-place for about twenty years. At the end of that period another log structure, more commodious than the first, was built. It stood until 1854, at which time the present frame edifice was erected.
The first regular pastor was Rev. Thomas McLean; John Mallory and Alfred Lindsay preached for the congregation in an early day. Later came Revs. A. P. Hodges, William Skinner, - Trimble, L. McLean and R. Allen. The present incumbent is Rev. Mr. Tidwell. At one time the organization was very strong, but owing to the division between the progressive and conservative wings in an early day the members were greatly diminished. The present membership is about seventy.
Early educational facilitie8 were meager, and the children of the pioneers had few advantages in that direction. A few months in the log-cabin schoolhouse, with its puncheon or dirt floor, and big fire place, was the extent of learning they received, and the advantages the precinct afforded. For forty years or more after the first settlement education was at a low ebb. Like stagnant water in the creek bottom swamps, it was difficult to tell whether the current flowed backward or forward. The schoolhouses, school books, teachers and the manner of instruction were of the most primitive character.
A man by name of James Gray was one of the first teachers, not only in this precinct but in the county. Wilson Wallis, Christopher Pritchard and David Barton were early teachers also. The first public school was taught in the Donaldson Creek Church building by a Mr. Gray, not the one mentioned above.
An early schoolhouse stood near Peyton Thomas' residence, and another not far from the town of Canton. The precinct is fairly supplied with schools at the present time, and the advantages of an education are within the easy reach of all.
Town of Canton.-The first settlement on the present site of Canton was made, as before stated, by Abraham Boyd, about the close of the last century. For several years the place was known as Boyd's Landing, and early acquired considerable prominence as a shipping point. Up to the completion of the railroad to Hopkinsville more freight was received and more tobacco shipped here than at any other point on the Cumberland River, with the exception of Clarksville, from Burksville to the mouth. The first road that was opened from the place was before the village was laid out, and is still known as Old Boyd's Landing road, leading to Hopkinsville by Thompson's tan-yard, Kent's Bridge and Cherry Hill. The second road was between the rivers to the old Pentecost Ferry. They were both opened by order of the County Court of Christian County, and the order establishing the ferry across the Cumberland at the landing, and the old Pentecost Ferry across the Tennessee required the consent of the Indians who inhabited the western bank of the latter stream before the privilege was granted or the ferry established. The favorable location early attracted settlers to the vicinity, and as early as the year 1809 or 1810, a small store was started by one James Warren. How long he remained and with how much success he met in his business venture are facts not now known, as all traces of him and his store have long since been forgotten.
In the year 1823 the village was regularly laid out and the plat placed upon record. The order for the town reads as follows: "On motion of Abraham Boyd for the establishment of a town at Boyd's Landing, on Cumberland River, he having produced satisfactory proof to the county of his holding a good and undisputed title to the said land, as also of his having given such notice of this application as required by law. it is therefore ordered that said town be, and the same is hereby established, to be known and called by the name of Canton, which shall be contained within the following metes and bounds, to wit: Beginning at a sycamore on the bank of Cumberland River, and thence running south 75 degrees, east 120 poles to an elm; thence south 23 1/2 degrees west, 150 poles to a stake in the field; thence north 75 degrees west, 121 poles to a black walnut on the bank of said river at the mouth of Lick Creek; thence down aforesaid river north 35 degrees, east 82 poles to the landing; thence north 12 degrees, east 70 poles to the beginning, containing 105 acres. It is further ordered that Ferdinand Wadlington, James Daniel, Lips-comb Norvell, Jesse Wells, Charles Caldwell, Reuben Lynn and William Deason be appointed trustees of said town."
Several business men came to the town shortly after it was laid out, and its importance as a trading point continued to grow until the completion of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad to Hopkinsville. This road seriously interfered with the river trade, and since its construction the town has been gradually losing its original vitality, although it is still the distributing point for Cadiz and a number of other places. Among the early merchants were Jesse Wells, William Wells and James Cox. William Durette came later and acquired a competent fortune. James T. Gore & Co. engaged in merchandising in an early day, and conducted a very successful business until the breaking oat of the war. Another merchant deserving of special mention was William Soery, who went to the town a poor boy, and by diligent attention to business acquired a handsome fortune. The firm of Richardson & Ford were successful merchants, as were al8o E. C. Spiceland and John D. Tyler. Philip Anderson sold goods for several years, and afterward moved to Cerulean Springs. The Fuqua Brothers were prominent business men of the place, and W. J. Fuqua, the present merchant, .has perhaps amassed a greater fortune than any we have spoken of. A number of warehouses have been built at different times, the most important of which were those belonging to J. F. Dyer, Cobb & Boyd, Ford & Tyler, and a large one owned by a stock company and operated several years by W. D. Grace and later by Col. J. F. Gentry. A steam-mill was erected by W. D. Grace in an early day, and operated several years. His successors were Whitlock, McNichols & Co.; the last owners were Linson & Clinard.
Canton Methodist Episcopal Church South.-This society dates its origin from the year 1845, at which time meetings were held in an old schoolhouse which stood in the northeast part of the town. Among the early members were W. R. Lee, A. J. Lee, M. Adkins and wife, Sandy Wall and wife, and S. Light. Among the pastors prior to 1878 are remembered Revs. Davidson, King, Redford, Randolph, Hardison, Rhodes and Petrie. Since 1878 the following pastors have had charge of the church, to wit: James Frayser, Thomas Richardson, Joseph Love, James C. Brandon, and J. L. Reid, present incumbent. In 1874 the society united with the Baptists in the erection of their present house of worship. The officers of the church at this time (1884) are as follows: G. W. Cobb, W. M. Brandon, Stewards; J. H. Lackey, Class Leader.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday-school was organized in 1880, and 'with the exception of one season has been held every Lord's day since. .The first Superintendent was Mr. Chitwood. The present officers are W. M. Brandon, Superintendent; Dr. J. H. Lackey, Assistant Superintendent; S. E. Lacy, Secretary; and William Malone, Treasurer.
Baptist Church of Canton.-This church was constituted May, 1855, by Elders Meacham and Trimble, with the following members, viz.: S. Finley and wife, E. C. Spiceland and wife, C. H. Major and wife, Wesley Adair and wife, Catherine Durette, William Bell and Ellen Holland. The village schoolhouse was used as a meeting-place until 1874, at which time the Union Church was erected. This house is a handsome structure, representing a capital of about $2,500, and is used by the Baptists and Methodists. The pastors of the church since its organization have been the following: Revs. Trimble, J. H. Spurlin, - Moorhead, C. H. Gregston and A. W. Meacham; A. G. Cobb, T. H. Atwood and C. H. Major are Deacons; T. H. Atwood, Clerk' The membership is forty. A flourishing Sunday-school is sustained, the officers of which are the following: C. H. Major, Superintendent; W. J. Holland, Assistant Superintendent; and James Holland, Secretary and Treasurer.
Masonic.-Canton Lodge, No. 242, A. F. & A. M., was organized in the fall of 1852, through the instrumentality of J. E. Thompson, of Cadiz, and Mr. Weller, of Princeton. On the charter are the names of the following persons, to wit: Lemuel Sills, Kinchen Battoe, Robert Shaw, A. R. Wallace, N. It. Wallace and W. L. Fuqua. The first of- ficers were Lemuel Sills, W. M.; K. Battoe, S. W.; W. L. Fuqua, J. W.; and Robert Shaw, Sec. An upper room of the village schoolhouse was fitted up for a hail at a cost of $200, and served as a lodge-room un. til 1879, when it was destroyed by fire. The society then purchased a vacant building, and fitted up a very neat room which is still in use. The present membership is twenty-two, a number much smaller than in former years, owing to the organization of other lodges in the neighboring towns. The following are the officers at the present time: J. H. Lackey, W. M.; C. T. Bridges, S. W.; J. N. Haydon, J. W.; L. R. Wallace, Treas.; T. N. Ingram, Sec.; W. D. Lancaster, S. D.; N. R. Wallace, J. D.; Isaac B. Yates, Steward and Tyler. Among the many charitable acts of the lodge may be mentioned the liberal contribution of $300 to the widows' and orphans' fund of Louisville.
Cruson Council Chosen Friends, No. 5, was established in 1880 by James Cruson, with twenty charter members, among whom were G. W. Cobb, F. P. Cobb, J. W. Logan, J. D. Logan, Mrs. Myra Hopson, W. J. Hopson, J. W. Chitwood and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blake, and Dr. J. H. Lackey. The society has a membership of twenty-five at the present time, and holds its meetings at the residence of Dr. J. H. Lackey.
The following officers were the last ones elected; G. W. Cobb, C. C. Dr. J. H. Lackey, P. C. C. and Medical Examiner; W. M. Brandon, Secretary; and W. J. Hopson, Treasurer.
Linton Precinct.-Linton is voting precinct No. 11, and with Canton forms a magisterial district. It lies south of Canton, east of the Cumberland River, west of Roaring Springs, and borders upon Tennessee on the south. The greater part of the precinct is very broken and contains but a small area of good land, which is confined principally to the Cumberland bottoms and Dry Creek. The latter stream is the most important water-course, and it was along its banks that one of the oldest and most important settlements in the county was made. "It is a singular fact that the first settlements of this county as in most other counties of Kentucky, were made on the most sterile and unproductive lands, leaving all the rich barrens as comparatively worthless and of no earthly value to the agriculturist" "The time~ has never been that the lands upon which the first settlements of Trigg County were made could have been sold for 50 per cent above the original cost of the survey, while other lands lying contiguous to them, that could have been obtained for even a less price, have since been sold as high as $75 per acre." "The settlement on Dry Creek is an illustration very much in point; except in narrow bottoms immediately on the stream the lands for miles around are of the very poorest quality." It is a well authenticated fact that there were a few white people in the county before this division was settled, but the majority of them were transient hunters and had no settled abodes. "Those from whom sprang the present population were a much better and more thrifty class of people." " Restless, daring and uneducated, they had few wants that were higher than an abundant stock of wild meat, a suit of dressed buckskin, or a moderate portion of 'John Barleycorn could supply."
A large family of the Westers came from North Carolina and settled on the creek as early as 1798. They were a hardy, energetic and upright people, and loved the excitements of pioneer life. As the population began to increase they disposed of their little farms, and moved into Jackson's purchase, for the purpose they said of securing more " elbow room." The names of the older heads of these families were Fuigrum Wester and Eli Wester. Abel Olive, a brother-in-law of the Westers, came about the same time and settled near the river. He was a man of considerable energy, and opened the first road in the southern part of the county, and established a landing at Linton, which was long known by river men as Olive's Landing.
A little later, probably in the year 1802 or 1803, a large family of the Joiners and Pittses settled in the same neighborhood. "Israel Joiner and Thomas Joiner settled farther up the creek toward the neighborhood of Flat Lick, while their mother, who was a widow lady, settled on the place now known as the Pitts farm."
The Skinner family, consisting of Samuel, William, Joseph, Theophilus and Wiley, all brothers, came about the year 1803 or 1804, and secured tracts of land lying along the creek. They were among the substantial citizens of the county, and have a number of descendants living at the present time. " Two of the very oldest families, whose descendants still remain in the county, were the Carrs and Sheltons. William Carr was a native of Pennsylvania, but moved to Virginia in a very early day. He came to Kentucky and 8ettled in Fayette County, arid from thence came to Trigg in 1804, and located on the farm known as the Old Greenwade place." "He is remembered as a very humorous old man, and like all the rest of the early settlers was especially fond of his glass of 'grog.'" "Whenever he took a drink, it seemed to arouse all the musical inspiration of his soul, and he could be heard singing for miles around. On one occasion he was coming home from a still-house on Saline Creek with a barrel of whisky, and meeting his old neighbor, Shelton, he remarked that there were a thousand good songs beaded up in that one cask. Unfortunately, however, before journeying far, it was accidentally thrown from the wagon, the cask burst, and the whole of the precious contents thrown upon the ground. The old man contemplated in sullen silence for a while this shipwreck of his Christmas joys, and turning to his old friend remarked that he was a little mistaken in his estimate of the number of songs the barrel contained, for indeed there seemed but one and a d-d doleful one at that." His son John came the same time and was a resident of the precinct until 1820, at which time he moved to Mississippi, where he remained until 1824, when he again came back to Trigg County. David Rogers, father of Richard Rogers, was one of the earliest settlers, and his descendants are among the prominent and well-to-do citizens of the precinct. William Scott settled near the site of Linton as early perhaps as 1805 or 1806. He was a native of Virginia and came to this county accompanied by his sons-in-law, John Tinsley, William Bibb and Benjamin Bibb, all of whom secured lands in the neighborhood of the village. A man by name of Ryan came about the same time. He was probably the first mechanic in the precinct, having opened a blacksmith shop soon after his arrival.
Village of Linton.-The spot occupied by the village of Linton was formerly known as Olive's Landing, and was a stopping-place for steamboats as early as 1820. In 1830 the name was changed to Shipsport, and about that time the place acquired some prominence as a shipping and distributing point for a large area of territory lying on the east side of the river. The first store was started in 1830 by a man by name of Good, who kept a small stock of general merchandise in a small log building which stood near where the Stacker furnace was afterward erected. He did a small business and removed from the place in about the year 1832. In 1845 the Stacker iron furnace was built, and soon after quite a number of families settled in the neighborhood, forming the nucleus of a flourishing little village. The furnace was abandoned in 1856, after which nothing of importance transpired in the locality until 1858, when S. A. Lindsay purchased the iron company's survey, consisting of some 11,000 acres. Soon after Dr. Whitlock, of Christian County, and his brother Thomas Whitlock effected a partnership with Lindsay and together they laid out seven acres in town lots which were offered for sale. At the same time Joseph Dyer started a small store in a log building that had formerly been used as an office by the furnace company. Following this, in the same year, Lindsay & Whitlock commenced building a large warehouse, but before it was completed, Whitlock purchased Lindsay's interest and continued business until 1859. when Washington Jarrett was taken in as partner. In 1882 the house was purchased by Frank McRae, who still operates it. In 1859 Whitlock & McNichols put up a dry goods store. They did business as partners until 1882, when Frank McRae purchased Whitlock's interest. In 1863 R. L. Crow opened a store building which he used for a short time, when he sold out to Whit-lock & Co. They afterward disposed of it to C, C. Flore, 'who sold goods until 1865. J. M. Champion engaged in merchandising about the year 1870, and continued until some time in 1880.
In 1873 A. L. Carr started in business and sold goods until 1876. Other merchants of the town were Carr, Rogers & Co., who engaged in business shortly after the town was laid out. They continued until the fall of 1865, at which time E. C. Spiceland & Sons became proprietors. They are still in the village and have one of the best country stores in the county. Penner & Northington put up a store in 1864, and continued in business one year, when they were succeeded by Messrs. Carr & Lock, who in turn sold to J. M. Champer in 1871. Mr. Champer is doing business at the present time.
Linton Lodge, No. 575, A. F. & A. M., was organized November 15, 1874, by C. L. Bacon, of Roaring Springs Lodge. The following are the names of original members: Perry Thomas, A. L. Carr, E. A. Nunn, J. S. McNichols, William Rogers, F. S. Carr, A. S. Ford, J. M. Carr, William Futrell and Dr. Henry Blane. The organization worked two years under dispensation, the charter not being granted until 1876. The present membership is seventeen. The officers at the present time are Jonathan Herndon, W. M.; A. S. Ford, S. W,; E. A. Nunn, J. W.; J. S. McNichols, Treasurer; F. S. Carr, Secretary; A. J. Boyd, S. B.; A. Scott, J. B.; W. R. Futrell, Steward and Tyler.
Churches.-The oldest religious organization in Linton Precinct is the Dry Creek Baptist Church, organized as early as 1805. The first preachers were Elders Dudley Williams, Reuben Ross, Jesse Cox and others. The first house of worship was a log building which 8tood on land donated by Samuel Skinner. It stood a number of years, and was afterward replaced by another log structure, which was used until about the year 1850, at which time the present frame edifice was erected. The organization is not strong in membership, numbering only about thirty communicants at the present time; present pastor is Elder William Dyer.
Linton Methodist Episcopal Church South was organized in 1867, by Rev. Thomas Randolph. The first members were Mrs. J. F. Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. McNichols, Riley Vinson, E. Shepherd and wife and James Herndon. Meetings were held in a tobacco warehouse until 1869, when a house of worship was erected in the village. Since its organization the society has been ministered to by the following pastors in the order named, to wit: Thomas Randolph, G. T. Cundiff, Thomas Richardson, Carter Brandon, Richard Randolph, John Frayser, James Brandon and Joseph Love. The present pastor is Rev. J. L. Reid. The organization is not very strong, numbering only about twenty-five members at the present time.
There have been but two mills in the precinct. The first was built in 1858, by Whitlock & Lindsay, who operated it a couple of years, when they sold out to Thomas Sowell, who ran it until 1866. E. A. Nuan purchased it in 1881 and moved it to Tennessee, Booth, Delaney & Co. erected a mill on Cumberland River in 1877. They moved it to Canton Precinct in 1880, where it is still in operation.
*- County of Trigg Kentucky , HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL - EDITED BY WILLIAM HENRY PERRIN - ILLUSTRATED. - F.A. BATTEY PUBLISHING CO. 1884.Return to the main page of the History of Trigg County
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