NOVEMBER 3, 1897
Typed as printed and submitted                    (
on to page 2)
By Laura Frost Wright

ELD. JOHN SHOUSE, who is preaching a series of sermons at the Christian
Church, is one of Kentuck"s ablest ministers. About twelve years ago he
held a meeting in Columbia, and no divine was ever accorded a closer
bearing during his stay in our midst. His services were attended by all
denominations, and much good resulted from his preaching.

Miss. ANNIE EUBANK, of this city, desiring to be taught the art of
printing, has acceoted cases in the News office, and is learning
rapidly. Type setting is very light work, and in a few weeks she will be
a great help to us. We are glad to have her, and every thing will be
done to make her stay pleasant. She is quick and intelligent, a daughter
of Mr. R. C. and Mrs. ANN EUBANK. Whats to hinder her from making an
excellant Compostor?

Last Saturday night the death Angel visited the home of Dr. N.M.
HANCOCK, Cane Valley, and removed from the terrestial walks of life to
the celestial home above, his beloved daughter, BETTIE, aged 15 years.
She was the pride of the family and a general favorite in Cane valley.
The News extends its profoundest sympathy to the bereaved parents.
trusting that this dispensation of providence may be santified to their
good, and bind them closer to God.

Mr. W.A. PATTERSON, 73 years old, died at Ottumwa, Iowa, the other day.
He was born in Adair, County, Kentucky.
Mr. R.R. CONOVER fired upon thieves in his cornfield Monday night. From
the amount of blood discovered next morning , some person was evidently
ELD. Z.T. WILLIAMS lecture "His Travels to the Holy land," was the
occasion of a large crowd being at the Christian Church last Sunday
night. We read of interesting sites in Jerusalem and at ather places in
the Orient, but to be really entertained you must hear a person talk who
has been over the Country and beheld with his own eye many of the
historical places of which the Bible speaks.


We have one or two cases of scarlett fever in this community.
J.A.DIDDLE is having a nice lot of poplar logs launched at this place.
H.A. WALKER will start for the Southern market with a car load of mules
in a few days.
Dr. S.A. TAYLOR and wife, were visiting relatives at Nell, last Sunday.
Rev. HULSE, is holding a meeting at Breeding.
SMITH and NELL shipped a car load of sheep to Louisville last week.
A.B. WILMORE visited Edmonton last week.
The election excitement has quited and everyone has gone to business.
Hog slaughtering and corn gathering have been the occupation of our
farmers for the last few days.
Wanted, by the 15th, a few good bird dogs for the benifit of hunters.
Mr. P.H. KELTNER, one of our best citizens will leave in a few days for
Smith grove, to make his future home.
SIM LEWIS, passed through here last week en route to Glasgow, with a
load of produce.
L.S. SMITH has returned from Cumberland County, with a nice lot of
Miss KATIE WALKER was visiting in Columbia last wek.
First-class teachers will open our college Jan. 1st with a large number
of pupils. Parties desiring an education ought to attend.
The cold weather last week was the cause of merchants selling woolen
goods and several pairs of shoes.
R.L. CALDWELL and family spent last week at Milltown.
Mr. W.G. YATES has returned to Glasgow.
Miss MARY HOLLADAY who is teaching a good school at Nelson Schoolhouse
visited her mother last Saturday night.
Prop. JOHN DENNY who is teaching school at Price"s creek was with us.
last Saturday and informed us his school would close in two weeks. He
has gained quite a reputation as a teacher.
Mr. JOHN BELL and wife of Nell were visiting their daughter Mrs. S.A.
TAYLOR last week. Mr. M.W. ROACH, one of our best citizens, will start
for Moody , Texas in a few days, with a view of locating there in the
near future.
Messrs. H.C. FLOWERS and ALLEN MYERS of Greensburg, were visiting
relatives in our midst last week.
Mr. E. H. HUGHES one of our energectic merchants spent a few days of
last week in his store at Columbia.
Miss EMILY BURTON accompanied by LESLIE ALLEN, visited relatives here
last Saturday and Sunday.


Mesdames ELIZA CONOVER, of Columbia, and HELENA WILLIAMS, Montpelier,
visited Mrs. B.P. ROWE last week.
Miss CORA GRAHAM, of Beaver is visiting Miss LORA SNOW
Mesdames MOLLIE SNOW and BELLE PATTESON visited at Albany last week.
ROBERT LOYED (Possibly should be LLOYD) visited ALBERT WILLIAMS at
Montpelier last Saturday.
Mr. and mrs. A.H. ROWE visited Mrs. TEXAS ROWE at Jamestown the first of
the week.
Mr. PARK SNOW, of kansas visited Mr. A. G. SNOW this week.
Mr. OLIE TAYLOR visited his parents at Montpelier Saturday and sunday.
Mr. FRANK BALLENGER, a dry-goods drummer, was here Saturday.
Messrs. MARVIN and IRA SMITH of Lula attended the society here Thursday
The social at mr. A.C. SNOW"S last Thursday night was largely attended.
Miss LORA did all she could to entertain the crowd.
Mrs. BEN McFARLAND visited her son, W.T. McFARLAND, at Columbia last
Mr. TOM LOOPER and wife , of Oklahoma are visiting here.
The minister on this circuit is Rev. GOODMAN. He is liked by all who
have heard him.
Miss LULA VAUGHAN visited her cousin , Miss EULA COOK, of Lula last


We, the undersigned committee, appointed to draft resolutions relative
to the death of our dear friend , JOHN HOLLADAY, we, with deepest
sadness, report the following.
WHEREAS: It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, to
remove from this life our beloved brother and co-worker, JOHN HOLLADAY ,
we deem it a duty to bear testimony of his many excellent traits of
Christian character. He was an earnest and devoted follower of the meek
and lowly Jesus, and from his youthful days had been a firm pillow in
Zion Church. Therefore, Be it.
Resolved, That while we mourn our loss as irreparable, heaven has gained
a rare jewel, and that we humby bow to the will of Him who doeth all
things well.
2d. That while his body rests in the silent tomb, his influence for good
lives on.
3d. That this Sunday -school will ever love and cherish his memory and
follow the example he has set before us.
4th That the community has lost one of its best citizens, the church a
devoted member and the family a loving and affectionate husband and
5th. That we join in deepest sorrow with the bereaved family, and the
host of friends who are left to mourn their loss.
6th That these resolutions be entered on the Sunday-school and church
records, a copy presented to the family, and a copy furnished each of
the county papers.


Smokers attention. He has come at last. The Never down, Log Run and
keystone cigar. Its made of cabbage leaves and rotten stock, bad flavor.
If you don't believe it, try one and you will like it. Ask your merchant
for it. Manufactored by S.L. HOWICH, Somerset, Ky

A letter from Barboursville, the home of FINLEY ANDERSON, says he was
forced to sign the affidavit, retracting what he said, as a witness,
against CALEB POWERS at georgetown. the letter states that in a few
minutes after the news of GOEBEL"S death reached Barboursville. ANDERSON
wrote out and exhibited to several friends the full plot to murder
GOEBEL. ANDERSON was coerced into signing the affidavit for political

TOM BAKER, a Kentucky desperado, and a relative of the famous BAKER
family, of Powell county, Kentucky , was killed a few days ago at
Antigo, Wis, by JAS. CONNELLTON, whose brother CHARLES was stabbed to
death by BAKER. Parties of kentuckians had been waiting for BAKER all
week. He was decoyed to CONNELLTON"S house near where he was shot. When
ordered to throw up his hands he struck a match and fired. the fire was
returned with a double barrelled shot-gun and his body riddled. As he
fell he fired again and calling out, " Boys, you"ve got me this time, Oh
God , have mercy," he expired.

At Versailles, GEO. WOODRUFF, Marshal, shot and killed A.W. STANHOPE and
a young man named EDDINGTON. WOODRUFF and STANHOPE were shooting at each
other and EDDINGTON was an inocent bystander. The trouble originated
over a quarrel between the children of the parties.

A desparate fight occurred at Bush, near the laurel and Clay county
line, between THOMAS HALE and others on one side , and the SMITH boys on
the other. HALE was cut several times by the SMITH"S and died later.

JOE BOLDEN was killed by being cut in two by a curcular saw in Whitley

CHAS ANDERSON, who recently murdered his wife at Falmouth has been taken
to Cynthiana jail for safe keeping.


Editor W.V. BARRY of Lexington , Tenn in exploring Mammoth cave,
contracted a severe case of piles. His quick cure through using
Bucklen"s Arnica Salve convinced him it is another world"s wonder. Cures
piles, injuries, Inflammation, and all bodily eruptions. Only 25 cents
at Paull's Drug Store
Columbia , Ky


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