JANUARY 19, 1898 Con"t    (on to page 2)
BY Laura Frost Wright

A terrible tornado struck Fort Smith, Arkansas, on the night of the
12th. Forty-two persons were killed, and many injured and a great deal
of property was destroyed. Fort Smith is the home of our friends, J.F.
and H.C. READ, and we are glad to note that their names were not among
the dead and wounded.

Col. TOM NEAT, who wants to be Deputy Surveyor of the Port of
louisville, is in Washington pushing his claims.


Miss VIOLA ROYSE is visiting the family of SCOTT TODD.
J.T. TODD bought of JOHN and SOL McFARLAND a nice bunch of hogs
recently. Price $2.60 per hundred.
Mr. BURDETT, of marion county has bought of JOHN MURRAY one span of
mules, 16 hands high, for $185.00 He also bought of R. F. PAULL one mule
for $90.
Mr. BRADSHAW, of Illinois, was in our midst last week looking after
BUD WILSON, who for the past two years has had charge of DeHoney"s mill,
has moved to town.
Col. H.A. TODD has been on the sick list for the past few days.
We understand that MASON McCAFFREE will soon move to Columbia.
Miss TILLIE TRABUE had a very fine colt to get its leg broken a few days
The cyclone of last week done much damage to farmers in this vicinity.
Your scribe had the pleasure of attending a hop at S.E. SQUIRE"S last
week, and I must say that it was one of the most pleasant that I ever


Big Creek is on a high

Born to the wife of JO YATES, on the 2nd. inst a boy--WILLIAM JENNINGS
Mrs. CHAS. YATES has been confined to her room for several days with
H.C. WALKER and wife are visiting their relatives in the community of
Petis Fork this week.
J. CAGER and J.B. YATES, who have been with us for the last few days,
left this morning for Tennessee to sell cheap hats.
the Wilmore house this week.
W.L. WALKER and wife, of Columbia, were visiting in our town several
days last week. The old folks are good company and we are always glad to
have them with us.
POKE MITCHELL and wife, of Edmonton, were visiting relatives in this
community last week.
GEO. ATKINS was here last Monday looking well and hearty. We understand
that he is thinking of going into the blacksmith business at Glenwood at
an early date.

GEO. H. NELL, of this place, who has no regular occupation, made the
announcement a few days since to the little boys under six years old
that he would pay 5 cents a piece for all the snakes that he could get.
The next day after the announcement was made a five-year-old son of
ALBERT HARPER came into Wilmore & Moss store and enquired for Mr. NELL,
stating that he had some snakes for him and that he wanted his money
according to contract.

J.M. KELTNER and wife, of Sulpher Spring, Tex; who have been visiting in
this community for the last two weeks, left for their home Monday. Miss
MYRTIE, their sister, accompanied them. She will enter school at Sulpher
Spring. We all, and especially JIMMIE, will regret to very much to give
her up.

Grady & Caldwell, our blacksmith"s, told your reporter that they nailed
on over four thousand new horse shoes during the year 1897. They had not
kept any account of the old shoes. Joppa you will have to come again.

The school at this place, under the supervision of Miss MYRTIE STAPLES
and Mrs. MARY D. CARTER, is progressing nicely, and the school is daily
increasing in pupils and interest.


With the exception of a case or two of fever and some whooping cough,
the health of this community is very good.
The farmers of this section have done but little toward the "98 crop on
account of the insessant rains.
T.B. JEFFRIES has on his farm more air line fencing than any other man
in this section.
The church at this place is getting along nicely just now. We have a
good Sunday-school and Brother WILLIAMS to preach for us this year.
About the Montgomery and Cumbest machinery deal spoken of last week, Mr.
BRYANT says he wants to put in a branch railroad from this section
connecting with Cincinnati in order that the boys could get cheap rates
on their goods.


The Sunday-school at White Oak church is an evergreen school.
WM. S. HURT has moved into his new house, and his wife is happy.
ROBERT CABBELL and wife were welcomed by Mrs. CABBELL"S parents after
their return from Tennessee last Sunday.

W.E. STAPP made a trip to Point Burnsides last week with lumber.
"Aunt " BETSY BLAIR, who is 94 years old, is very feeble.

Russell Creek was on a high last Saturday.


last Sunday.
Miss MAY HIESTON returned home last week from a visit to this place.
J.H. PELLEY bought of T.J. BAULDOOK a nice horse for $40.
Owing to the high water N.T. JONES did not make his regular call on Miss
CHARLIE PAYNE, of Linnie, is here on business.
J.M. SWIGGERT is talking of selling his property at this place and going
to Cumberland river.
ROBT.YOUNG, of Watson, was here last week.
Miss PEARL NEAT, of Neatsburg, came here last Monday to attend school.
J.P. COFFEY, N.T. JONES and MILTON WORKMAN made a call on some young
ladies, near this place a few nights ago and when they got inside the
gate were met by some vicious dogs. They mounted their horses and rode
away very well satisfied to only have their overcoats torn.


Miss MARY SMYTHE visited her home last Friday.
WM. HODKINS, of Casey"s Creek, is here at work on J.W. HENDRICKSON"S
store house.
JOHN HARDESTY, of Newmarket, was visiting relatives here last week.
Eld. WYATT MONTGOMERY, who is teaching school here preached a series of
sermons last week. WYATT is a young man of promise, and as this was his
first venture in the pulpit he was highley complimented.
MURRAH & BOWEN, of Elkhorn were here this week selecting a site for a
flour and saw mill that they expect to erect soon. We welcome them and
hope they will prosper in the enterprise.
Rumor has it that Knofley is to have a planing mill, under the
management of JAMES PENDLETON.
Born to the wife of JOHN CHRISTIE a boy. Another Bryanite added to the
innumerable list on the right side of the fence.
Mrs. BETTIE KNIFLEY, who has been sick for some time, is better at this
W.T. MEADER, of Campbellsville, was here last week in the interest of J.
ZINSMEISTER & Bro. BILL IKE always does a hustling business and is a
popular man here.
Knifley needs some one to give lessons on the guitar as there are
several here who wish to be instructed in that instrument.


J.C. STRANGE, who has been a comnositor in the Spectator office for the
past year, has returned home. CARL has not yet determined what business
he will engage in, but says he has several propositions, one of which he
will except. He was well pleased with Columbia--there being no
disagreement between him and the proprietor of the Spectator. It was by
mutual consent that his connections with the office was severed.

JOHN STRANGE, of this city, who has been on the force at Eddyville for
the past year, was a few days ago promoted. He is now Captain of the
Guards, and is making a dilligent officer.

Eld. LAWRENCE WILLIAMS, of Adair  county, is now pastor of the Christian
church, in this city. Bro. WILLIAMS was educated at lexington and has
been preaching several years. He is an excellent Christian gentleman,
and our people are well pleased with him.

There is a fine boat tide, and steamers from Nashville are making
regular trips to Burnsides.

There are a great many logs lying upon the river banks and in small
tributaries, and as soon as a freshet comes they will be carried to

Dr. J.A. DIXON, Cashier of the bank of Cumberland, has not yet made up
his mind to become a candidate for Congress of the Third District. He is
a staunch Democrat, and should enter the contest, he would have a strong

The roads are fearfully bad, consequently our mails are late every
The farmers are burning plant beds and will set a large acreage in
tobacco the coming season.


Plenty of rain.
Our farmers are anxious for fair weather in order that they may commence
their farm work.
The people of this vicinity generally are enjoying good health.
The next quarterly meeting of Breeding circuit will be held here in the
new memorial church recently dedicated, next saturday and sunday.

The spring session of breedings" Academy opened last Monday with 35
pupils expected next week. All persons interested in education, and
especially those preparing to teach in the common schools, will do well
to confer with the principal, C.POLK DILLION, before entering elsewhere.

They say that Dr. SIMPSON has bought property at Breeding. The people
dont want to give the Doctor up, and possibly the Doctor dont want to
give the people up.

TOM DILLION, representing the firm of Stratton & Terstegge, Louisville,
is just in from an extensive trip, and says that he has been making
stoves, tin buckets and hardware "rattle".

attend circuit court in Columbia Monday.


Russell"s creek was "on a high" last Saturday.
The horse jockies were here in great force Monday.
Boats make regular trips from Nashville to Burnsides.

Miss LULA ALLEN will teach at J.J. HUNTERS this winter.

Rev. E.W. BARNETT commenced a series of meetings at Gradyville Monday.

LINK LESTER, the colored barber, was married to MARIETTA HARDIN last
Monday night.

Born, to the wife of J.R. SAMPSON, of Middlesboro, Wdnesday, January 12,
1898, a son.

A son of Mr. PARKER NAYLOR, a former citizen of this county , died at
Moody, Texas, a few days ago.

Misses MARY and JULIA SMITH entertained a few of their friends at
Crokonole last Wednesday evening.

On account of high waters the mails from Jamestown and Creelsboro failed
to reach Columbia Saturday night.

The wife of SQUIRE HUNDLEY, who was born and reared near Elroy, this
county, died at Moody Texas on the 30th of last month.

To be cont"d. LLFW


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