Bon Jellico Families

Mart Pemberton
By Martin (Mart) Andrew Pemberton (1982)


    James (Jim) Pemberton and his wife Elizabeth (Lizzie) and their family (Willie J., Leslie (Red), Dessie, and Martin) moved to Bon Jellico from Cornbread Holler, which was across Jellico Creek Mountain, in November 1918. Velma was born in Bon Feb. 11, 1925 and Willie died July 3, 1925. (See School Memories from Mart Pemberton.)

By Velma Pemberton Papineau Decker (2006)

    My brother Mart and Roscoe West, who was killed in an accidental fall from the Bon trestle, were the best of friends and about the same age. They each had a guitar and would sit on our porch and play and sing. They would play for a while and Roscoe would lay his guitar down and say, “Let’s listen to your Mom and Dad sing.” And sing they would! They loved to sing those old ballads and hymns. I get goose bumps remembering some of the sad songs and, of course, the whippoorwills had to join in. They knew all the old ballads.”

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