
Historic Mason County Newspapers

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Mason County References in Out-of-Area News Articles

Murder Account, 1823, Contributed by researcher Martha Richards of Washington State

Village Register, West-Union, Adams County, Ohio Tues. 11 Nov 1823 pg 3:

"MURDER--In our paper of to-day, will be found an advertisement offering 100 dollars reward, for the apprehension of Richard FOWKE, who murdered Henry BALDWIN of Kentucky. A man answering the description of FOWKE, passed through this place last Wednesday evening, in company with a man supposed to be Charles MITCHELL, who was endeavoring to effect the escape of FOWKE, who is his brother-in-law.--They were both on horseback, with a brace of pistols each, and made so short a stay here, that time was not allowed to obtain evidence of his being the murderer. Several persons have since passed through this place in pursuit--MITCHELL, who accompanies him, is a notorious character, and it will be a difficult task to take them, should they be well armed."

"100 Dollars Reward [fragment, completed by transcriber from 25 Nov 1823 issue]---The undersigned will give One Hundred Dollars Reward, with all reasonable charges, for the apprehension and commitment of Richard FOWKE, who on Saturday evening last, wilfully [sic] and deliberately murdered his son, Henry BALDWIN jun. Said FOWKE has for several years resided at Charleston, in Mason county, Kentucky. He is about 5 feet 10 inches high, between 20 and 21 years of age, slender made, round shouldered, dark complexion, fair hair, down look, and possesses a very malignant countenance:--had on when he committed the murder, a gray janes coatee and pantaloons, black fur hat, etc. and has probably taken with him a blue cloth suite of clothes. It is supposed that he will either make for New Orleans, Virginia or Canada. All friends of society are entreated to be on the alert that this foul murderer may be brought to condign punishment. Henry BALDWIN, sen. Mason county Ky. Nov 3 1823."
Marriage Announcement, 1824, Contributed by researcher Martha Richards of Washington State

Village Register, West-Union, Adams County, Ohio Tues. 26 Oct. 1824 Vol. II #72 pg. 3:

At Maysville, Ky. on Thursday the 14th inst. by the Rev. R. CORWINE, Mr. Hugh J BRENT, merchant of Paris, to Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. John ARMSTRONG, merchant, of the former place.

Accidental Death of William Sutherland, 1826, Contributed by researcher Martha Richards of Washington State

Village Register Newspaper, West Union, Adams County, Ohio,Tues. 10 Jan. 1826 Vol. III #133 pg. 3 Extracted from Ohio Historical Society Microfilm #34944

William SUTHERLAND: We learn by the Maysville Eagle, of the 4th instant that this gentleman in company with part of his family, in a carriage, started on a visit to one of his neighbors on Monday the 2d inst. And in descending a hill the horses became frightened and ran off. Mr. S. in attempting to stop them, was thrown from the carriage, which ran over him, and injured him to such a degree that he died on the Wednesday following. The Eagle further adds, that Mrs. SUTHERLAND, after the horses had ran a considerable distance, "caught the reins of the horses, and by an almost incredible effort of strength for a female, she turned their direction, ran them into the corner of a fence, and extricated herself and little son."

Business Announcement, 1825, Contributed by researcher Martha Richards of Washington State

Village Register Newspaper, West Union, Adams County, Ohio. Tues. 18 Oct. 1825 Vol. III # 122 pg. 3 Extracted from Microfilm # 34944 , Ohio Historical Society: "Soap and candle factory: the undersigned tenders his acknowledgments to the public generally, for the support he is hereto for received in the above business, and earnestly solicit a continuance of their favors. He intends continuing the manufacture of Soap and Candles at his present stand, in the large frame house on the corner of second and limestone streets, and opposite the new brick building of Mr. Thomas DUNCAN…

William ASTON
Maysville, September 21, 1825."

Genealogical Gleanings from the Maysville Eagle

Articles transcribed and contributed by Kathy Hines, from microfilm rolls of old Maysville Eagle newspapers loaned to her by Gail Childress.
Image Newspaper Source Date(s) Filespace
me1.txt Maysville Eagle 13 July 1827 4k
me2.txt Maysville Eagle 27 March 1844 1k
me3.txt Maysville Eagle 17 January 1866, list 1 1k
me4.txt Maysville Eagle 17 January 1866, list 2 2k
me5.txtMaysville Eagle 16 October 1844 3k

Genealogical Gleanings from the Maysville Bulletin

Articles transcribed and contributed by Kathy Hines, from microfilm rolls of old Maysville Bulletin newspapers loaned to her by Gail Childress.
Image Newspaper Source Date(s) Filespace
mb1.txt Maysville Bulletin 31 January 1878 4k
mb2.txt Maysville Bulletin 31 January 1878 3k
mb3.txt Maysville Bulletin 31 January 1878 4k

Names of Deceased Maysville Citizens Published in the Daily Republican, 1887

File transcribed and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Marvin Hall
I found this list published in several issues of the 1887 Maysville Daily Republican. The list was headlined, "OUR CITY'S DEAD, Some of the Prominent People Who Have Gone Before."
"For twenty-five years past a gentleman of this city has kept a register of those of Maysville's citizens who have died. Through his kindness we are permitted to print the list, with the dates of death. An installment of the list will appear in The Daily Republican from day to day until it is completed: I don't have any other information about this list, but offer it for those who may be interested."

A. G. Cox,, March 16, 1864
George Cox, son of Edward, March 17,1864
John M. Calhoun, March 21, 1864
Hamilton Gray, April 5, 1864
Isabella Hodge, March 17, 1865
Addison Dimmitt, March 31, 1865
Simon Nelson, March 31, 1865
R. H. Newell, April 2, 1865
Sarah A. Power, March 31, 1865
Ben F. Thomas, April 6, 1865
Horatio N. Cox, August 4, 1865
Frances Wormald, August 4, 1865
Andrew Mitchell, November 20, 1865
John G. Rogers, December 26, 1865
Dr. Ambrose Seaton, April 10, 1866
Joseph S. Gilpin, April 15, 1866
James Artus, April 16, 1866
Carter Bell, May 8, 1866
Charles B. Coons, August 10, 1866
Hugh McCullough, August 25, 1866
Abner Best, September 15, 1866
Henry S. Jefferson, November 10, 1866
William Erb, May 21, 1867
John W. Franklin, May 21, 1867
Christian Shultz, July 26, 1867
Mrs. Butler, July 29, 1867
Joseph W. Burton, August 15, 1867
Jessie Turner, September 14, 1867
Ann Maria Cox, December 12, 1867
Thomas K. McIlvain, blown up on Magnolia, March 18, 1868
Sam W. Owens, April 11, 1868
Andrew Lyons, April 12, 1868
Mrs R. H. Newell, April 16, 1868
Dr. W. H. Robertson April 17, 1868
W. B. Parker, December 2, 1868
W. C. Jenkins, March 3, 1869
John R. Key, March 13, 1869
William Kennon, March 16, 1869
Moses Given, Mrch 28, 1869
Hiram T. Pearce, April 5, 1869
R. G. January, April 13, 1869
Mrs. Charles Humphreys, May 5, 1869
Mrs. L. C. Robinson, May 15, 1869
Francis T. Hord, May 15, 1869
David Wood, July 9, 1869
Thomas Worthington, July 15, 1869
Augustine C. Wells, August 9, 1869
Granville Wilson, September 3, 1869
A. J. Newell, October 9, 1869
Lewis Collins, January 29, 1870
Henry L. Davis, January 28, 1870
Thomas Shelton, February 16, 1870
R. C. Bierbower, May 10, 1870
Thomas M. Donovan, May 10, 1870
William W. McCaul, May 24, 1870
Elizabeth Bacon, June 27, 1870
Joseph Allen, August 8, 1870
William R. Pearce, August 10. 1870
James A. Lee, September 14, 1870
John Wormaid, September 12, 1870
William Forman, September 18, 1870
Catherine Pemberton, October 2, 1870
William S. Bridges, October 7, 1870
John D. Taylor, April 4, 1871
Achsa Wood, April 21, 1871
Garrett Applegate, May 18, 1871
Thomas Forman, June 6, 1871
Newton, Clift, July 12, 1871
James Reed, August 5, 1871
John T. Wood, August 14, 1871
John C. Reed, September 13, 1871
Henry Pelham, October 30, 1871
Stephen G Bliss, November 28, 1871
D. R. Bullock, December 16, 1871
Roberta S. Farrow, January 14, 1872
Gilbert Adams, January 21, 1872
B. O. Pickett, January 26, 1872
Nannie Mayhigh, February 19, 1872
Mrs. Eliza Shepherd, February 27, 1872
Nicholas Archdeacon, April 6, 1872
Mansfield Calvert, April 8, 1872
Elizabeth Hudnut, April 29, 1872
T. K. Berry, May 25, 1872
Belville Moss, June 4, 1872
John Roe, June 7, 1872
W. J. Ross, June 14, 1872
Robert Dimmitt, June 28, 1872
Jerry F. Young, July 17, 1872
Mrs H. Dewees, July 30, 1872
Abraham Bledsoe, August 8, 1872
Mrs. Louisa Thomas, August 22, 1872
John Willett, August 20, 1872
Harriet T. Keith, August 28, 1872
John McDaniel, September 27, 1872
Tyra L. Bacon, October 16, 1872
F. M. Weedon, October 26, 1872
D. R. Stewart, November 1, 1872
Daniel R. Kirk, November 25, 1872
James McDowell, December 6, 1872
Dr. John A. Coburn, December 13, 1872
Minerva Pearce, January 13, 1873
Rebecca Cutter, January 26, 1873
Henry W. Wood, February 10, 1873
Sam Cahill, May 24, 1873
John Brough, May 18, 1873
M. A. Hutchins, May 26, 1873
George W. Lloyd, June 2, 1873
Abner Hord, June 9, 1873
Robert Fristoe, June 18, 1873
J. W. Wroten, July 22, 1873
Peyton Key, September 18, 1873
Joseph Mefford, November 20, 1873
John Nelson, November 21, 1873
Ezekiel Dimmitt, January 24, 1874
Charles P. Rosser, February 11, 1874
Jacob W. Rand, March 10, 1874
Frank Preston, aged 98 years, April 29, 1874
Ann Calhous, May 7, 1874
Robert T. Langhorne, May 13, 1874
Alex Maddox, June 29, 1874
William Tolle, July 24, 1874
Mary Brodrick, July 27, 1874
Ben W. Wood, July 19, 1874
Henry Rudy, September 15, 1874
Thomas Calvert, September 25, 1874
John M. Morton, October 22, 1874
Milton Culbertson, October 26, 1874
David E. Bullock, November 5, 1874
John Drennan, November 5, 1874
David Thomas, November 12, 1874
Nathaniel Shafer, December 1, 1874
William R. Gill, January 27, 1875
Austin White, Febrary 8, 1875
John McCardle, April 18, 1875
Alex Shackleford, April 23, 1875
John S. Mitchell, July 15, 1875
Isaac Thomas, July 17, 1875
Jarvis Cady, July 17, 1875
Thomas J. Pickett, August 12, 1875
Judson J. Wood, August 18, 1875
M. R. Burgess, January 1, 1876
Mrs Charlott Shultz, January 16, 1876
John H. Richeson February 20, 1876
Mrs Elizabeht McIlvain, March 23, 1876
Alexander Rader, April 6, 1876
Daniel Runyon, May 6, 1876
Jane L. Marshall, July 6, 1876
George W. Reeder, July 7, 1876
G. W. Wellls, July 22, 1876
William Wurts, July 31, 1876
Harriet Johnson, August 22, 1876
Mrs James Artus, August 25, 1876
William L. Pearce, September 8, 1876
T. S. Calvert, October 26, 1876
Anthony Killgore, October 4, 1876
Lewis Martin, November 14, 1876
Mrs. Mary Coffey, November 14, 1876
Harrison Taylor, November 28 1876
James B. Claybrook, January 10, 1877
Dennis Burns, January 19, 1877
Richard Watkins, February 8, 1877
Paul Hofflicht, February 20 1877
Mrs. Mary Savage, February 14, 1877
Sinclair Dimmitt, March 20, 1877
William Worthington, April 9, 1877
Azro Whitaker, June 1, 1877
A. M. January, June 11, 1877
O. M. Weedon, June 29, 1877
William Beckley, July 20, 1877
Mary Ann Turner, August 24, 1877
John S. Wells, August 13, 1877
John C. Dewees, November 26, 1877
John T. Sumrall, November 14, 1877
John O. Pearce, January 1, 1877
Charles Humphreys, January 17, 1877
W. P. Watkins, February 9, 1878
Benjamin Kirk, March 23, 1878
James A. Keith, March 25, 1878
Forman Brodrick, March 28 1878
Henry G. Dayton, April 19, 1878
Malinda Parker, April 20, 1878
James Wormaid, April 23, 1878
Richard Reed, May 11, 1878
Hugh Power, May 23, 1878
Caleb Atherton, May 25, 1878
J. R. Paddock, June 7, 1878
O. H. P. Thomas, July 10, 1878
Alfred Cooper, July 21, 1878
William E. Moss, July 2, 1878
Samuel C. Pearce, September 18, 1878
Solomon Shockley, December 17, 1878
John Lamb, December 26, 1878
Miss Lucy Lashbrook, February 22, 1879
John S. Forman, March 1, 1879
W. S. Beauchamp, April 15, 1879
Michael Ryan, May 16, 1879
Mrs. Martha Ryan, May 26, 1879
Patrick McCardle, June 17, 1879
Mrs. Eliza H. Calvert, July 15, 1879
Seth B. Shackleford, July 18, 1879
William T. Lindsey, August 25, 1879
William T. Sallee, November 1, 1879
Jane D. Nelson, November 30, 1879
Andrew Wood, March 15, 1880
James J. Ross, March 19, 1880
Jame G. Spalding, June 3, 1880
Mary P. Durrett, July 4, 1880
George H. Taylor, July 14, 1880
Harlow Yancey, September 1, 1880
Sarah A. Rogers, September 1, 1880
Milton Dougherty, September 11, 1880
Nimrod Robinson, September 24, 1880
Jacob A. Slack, November 16, 1880
Thomas Daulton, December 27, 1880
L. B. Goggin, January 4, 1881
John A. Keith, February 11, 1881
Mrs. Joseph Frank, February 27, 1881
Samuel W. Wood,  April 10, 1881
Mrs. Elizabeth Payne, May 12, 1881
Elijah Lloyd, July 10, 1881
Dr. Alex.  Marshall August 2, 1881
Joseph Frank, September 7, 1881
George Cox, September 21, 1881
Mrs. Lewis Collins, October 10, 1881
John M. Duke, Jr., November 18, 1881
Thomas Oridge, December 5, 1881
Conard Phister, December 6, 1881
Henry Johnson, December 30, 1881
D. E. Roberts, January 14, 1882
S. B. Nicholson, February 16, 1882
James P. Poyntz, February 20, 1882
E. P. Hudnut, April 4, 1882
Hamilton Gray Jr., July 15, 1882
W. H. Alexander, August 8, 1882
Peter Lashbrook, September 3, 1882
William E. Sedden, September 4, 1882
James McIlvainy, January 1, 1883
S. L. Grant, January 3, 1883
Moses Dimmitt, February 12, 1883
Martha A. Jacobs, February 21, 1883
John P. Ricketts, February 19, 1883
Dr. John M. Duke, February 26, 1883
Wm. Mitchell, February 26, 1883
Charles Osborn, April 3, 1883
R. Albert, April 22, 1883
Thomas T. Stone, April 23, 1883
J. R. Sousley, May 15, 1883
John J. Mullins, June 4, 1883
James A. Johnson, June 28, 1883
F. M. Martin, July 15, 1883
Dr. Basil Duke, August 30, 1883
S. L. Blaine, September 13, 1883
Robert Humphreys, October 7, 1883
Mrs. Maria Hixson, October 29, 1883
Thomas Gurney, November 4, 1883
Thomas W. Beale, November 11, 1883
Mrs. Julia A. Hudnut, December 28, 1883
James N. Morrison, January 11, 1884
Mrs. Catharine Cooper, February 20, 1884
Robert L. Nelson, March 2, 1884
Dr. M. F. Adamson, March 12, 1884
J. Sprigg Chambers, March 31, 1884
Henry Smoot, April 11, 1884
John W. Hancock, June 6, 1884
Elizabeth Cox, June 12, 1884
Thomas Jackson, June 30, 1884
W. W. Weedon, July 4, 1884
L. S. Luttrell, July 8, 1884
Thomas R. Calvert, July 24, 1884
John Brosee, August 4, 1884
Mrs. Ezekiel Dimmitt, October 6, 1884
August Bergeman, November 22, 1884
Dr. John Shackleford, January 6, 1885
Thomas A. Rose, January 21, 1885
William H. Cox, February 3, 1885
S. S. Miner, February 23, 1885
John Triplett, March 3, 1885
Mrs. F. D. Browning, May 28, 1885
Dr. William Wood, May 24, 1885
John Baldwin, June 23, 1885
William Smoot, July 26, 1885
Jacob Thomas, July 27, 1885
George Graham, August 6, 1885
Mrs. Charles Pearce, August 22, 1885
William S. Rand, September 24, 1885
R. D. Andrews, September 28, 1885
Paul Anderson, October 14, 1885
Ed Porter, November 2, 1885
James E. Kirk, November 21, 1885
Andrew T. Cox, January 1, 1886
D. S. Bontwell, February 1, 1886
James H. Hall, February 8, 1886
Mrs. Harrison Taylor, February 14, 1886
Mrs. Jane Lee, April 27, 1886
James G. White, June 8, 1886
William McClanahan, July 10, 1886
G. L. Forman, July 13, 1886
Mrs. Narcissa Stockton, August 2, 1886
John Gabby, October 27, 1886
Samuel Kerr, October 28, 1886
Benedict Kirk, January 25, 1887
Robert Ficklin, February 6, 1887
Charles B. Hill, February 7, 1887

Genealogical Gleanings from the Harrison County Courier

From a microfilm owned by Charles Feix, Cynthiana, KY 2002-3 Loaned to Col. Doug Harper, Biloxi, MS, for extraction of data of interest to him. Finished in Aug 2003. Forwarded for use in the KYGenWeb by Sherri Hall, KYGenWeb State Coordinator.

Guide to contents: Frequency: Weekly; Published: Saturday; Master Neg.# S/99-151

Although this newspaper was published in Harrison County, Kentucky, the articles include many references to events and persons living in the neighboring counties.
Image Newspaper Source Date(s) Filespace
hcc1.txt Harrison County Courier 21 July 1888 18k
hcc2.txt Harrison County Courier 18 August 1888 12k
hcc3.txt Harrison County Courier 8 September 1888 13k
hcc4.txt Harrison County Courier 22 September 1888 12k
hcc5.txt Harrison County Courier 6 October 1888 16k
hcc6.txt Harrison County Courier 27 October 1888 16k
hcc7.txt Harrison County Courier 22 December 1888 9k
hcc8.txt Harrison County Courier 5 January 1889 10k
hcc9.txt Harrison County Courier 19 January 1889 14k
hcc10.txt Harrison County Courier 2 February 1889 17k
hcc11.txt Harrison County Courier 2 March 1889 16k
hcc12.txt Harrison County Courier 16 March 1889 14k
hcc13.txt Harrison County Courier 20 April 1889 9k
hcc14.txt Harrison County Courier 4 May 1889 12k
hcc15.txt Harrison County Courier 18 May 1889 15k
hcc16.txt Harrison County Courier 20 July 1889 19k
hcc17.txt Harrison County Courier 10 August 1889 (1) 9k
hcc18.txt Harrison County Courier 10 August 1889 (2) 14k
hcc19.txt Harrison County Courier 17 August 1889 15k 

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Last Updated Wednesday, 26-Feb-2020 16:41:00 CST
Last Updated Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 20:27:19 CST